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Newspaper Page Text
THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO S MAYNARD. Editor RUSSELL G MAYNARD. Manager. Publi i'.ed every evening except Sunday by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dclive ed by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 pe month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS FOR PEACE AT ITS PRICE. The ‘‘Peace Ballot,” re cently reported from Great Britain demonstrated a hope for peace and an over whelming desire on the part of some 11.000.000 vot ers to keep out of war. However, the British peo ple did understand the is sue and showed their will ingness to pay the price that the world must pay for peace. For example. 9,657,606 voted for combined econo mic pressure to stop an at tack by a nation upon an other. More significant was the 6,606,777 votes in favor of military measures, if necessary, to prevent a nation from attacking an other. In both instances the presumption was that other nations would com bine to curb the attacker. Only 607,165 voted against economic pressure and on ly 1,262,261 were against military measures. If this vote represented accurately the opinion of the British people it is easy to see why British states men at Geneva were insist ent that the nations of Eur ope act together against an aggressive Italy.—Cordova Daily Times. FORI) DISCOUNTS POLITICAL CAMPAIGN Henry Ford is an interest ing American, whether one agrees with his business methods or the views he occasionally expresses. In a recent interview the maker of automobiles had the feeling that “business and wage trends will be up.” More than this, he does “not believe the poli tical campaign of next year will have any appreciable effect on business, one way or another.” Mr. Ford is talking sense although there will be peo ple in the States and Alas ka within the next eleven months who will fall for the old political hokum and swallow, hook, line and sinker the rabid appeals of partisan politicians urging them to vote one way or the other because business will be helped or hurt. Business incidentally is PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN PREVENT SCARLET FEVER DR. WILLIAM C. CHAIITERIS RECOMMENDS FOL LOWING PRECAUTIONS BE UNDERTAKEN IN EFFORT PREVENT SCARLET FEVER AT NOME, ALASKA. In an effort to prevent the occurrence of Scarlet Fever in Nome, the following precautions are to be ob served. 1. Children and adolescents should be watched closely for sore throats and not permitted to attend school or mingle with other people while the sore throat persists. 2. Mail from Fairbanks—the envelopes of which will be disinfected when delivered—should be opened, read, burned and the reader’s hands thoroughly wash ed with soap and water. 3. All persons arriving from Fairbanks shall re port at once to the acting Territorial Health Officer, for examination and instructions. 4. Any suspected case of Scarlet Fever shall be reported immediately to the Health Officer. WILLIAM C. CHARTERIS, M. D. Acting Territorial Health Officer Nome, Alaska, January 7, 1936. LOCKHEED VEGA STINSON RELIANT THE FASTEST, MOST FREQUENT, MOST CONVENIENT SERVICE IS VIA MIROW AIR SERVICE FAST, STURDY, LUXURIOUS PLANES making encouraging for ward steps. The advance seemed to disregard govern mental stimulants as well as legislative threats. Mak ing .profits is an activity that men jump into when ever they see the chance— they rarely wait for a more convenient season because somebody else will be shak ing the hand of opportunity while they stand idle.—Ex. NOTICE Pursuant to an Order of Court entered on this 7th day of Jan uary, 1936, Notice is hereby given that a General Term of the Dis trict Court, Second Division, Ter ritory of Alaska, wi 1 be held in the Court House at Nome, in said Division and Territory, commenc ing at the hour of eleven o'clock A. M. on Tuesday, February 11th, 1936, and to continue thereafter according to further orders of the Court. Given under my hand and with the Court’s seal affixed this 7th day of January, 1936. (Seal) ALMER RVDEEN, Clerk of the District Court for the Second Division, Territory of Alaska. Publish: Jan. 11, 18, S3, Feb. 1st.. B. N. B. CLUB AH men and young men, members of the Bering Na tive Brotherhood, are re quested to attend a meeting Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 7 P.M., in rear of church. Norman Lee, President. Federated Church . Norman McCay, Pastor. .. 11 A. M. Sunday School. 7:40 P. M. Church Wor ship. Sermon theme: “En larging Horizons.” An hour of praise and prayer and message. A most cordial invitation to you and yours. Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget: $2 a month by carrier. CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Suits And Hats Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices Baths For Men and Women ; Phone MAin 149 ANNOUNCEMENT THE INTEREST OF C. M. ALLYN IN THE I NOME MOTOR COMPANY, HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY H. F. HARPER (All Indebtedness Incurred By This Partnership Will Be Assumed By The Nome Motor Company) NOME MOTOR CO THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Prop. THE NOME DAILY NUGGET Job Printing Department Is Equipped To Handle Your Job Printing Needs, Efficiently, Speedily Executed. AT REASONABLE PRICES HAGEN’S Jeweler & Optician % “FOR GIFTS THAT LAST’’ Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Hand Painted China, Candle Sticks, Water Pitchers, Coektail Sets, Vegetable Dishes, Bon Bon Dishes. Second Avenue, NOME, ALASKA F 0 R COAL & FUEL OIL CALL NOME HARBOR LIGHTERAGE COMPANY SAVE YOUR TICKETS FOR OUR SPECIAL GIFT ATTRACTION EIGHT M.M. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTOR AND CASE TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE One Ticket for each $1.00 cash purchase or paid On Account—Drawing Jan. 10th. 7:30 P. M., 1936. PIONEER DRUG .STORE NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Our Aim-—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING. STEEL. BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. Have Moved To Their New Quarters At Barracks Square WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane’s Way LIGIIT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE