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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
-SAFETY * s * FIRST N. A. X Largest and safest plane in Alaska—14 place tri motored Ford. Also 7 other planes in sizes to meet all require ments. We Carry Passenger Insurance Experienced, Dependable, Courteous Pilots N O M K_I AIR K A N K S A I, A SKA AIRPORT NEWS N 0 VIE Pilot Frank Whaley of the Nome Airways, made a flight to Solomon and Coun cil this morning, having as passengers for Solomon Os car Margraf and Chas. O. Petterson. Deputy United States Marshal, Joe Crab tree, was a passenger for Council to investigate a re ported shooting affair that took place there. Pilot Robbins with anoth er PA A mail plane arrived this morning at Xulato. but was unable to come m t hru to Nome with the nuh hue to the adverse »veither r-rrr ditions which _> st;.'.. b: •> ing Pilot Jeaes --ntr. br other PAA £ v’t Nuiato Tee tee . tut ire t ■ rrsu it return to Xu'.it; hue:.: .ve in gd t it ter only being in the air a -hurt period of time. This afternoon the weather was worse than early this morn ing, but Nomeites will just have to be patient until bet ter flying weather comes. Pilot Chester Brown of the Northern Air Trans port, who left Nome sever al days ago to aid in the search for the then missing Pilot Jack Hermann of the NAT. reported that he was at Xulata. held by weather c: :7a .tis. and would take :,f. .; r X naae. as s>i»r. as the w'Sitgiar bieared 1: Ethiopians ••earn t.; run taTifis utwi* v* cuii'tisarer ibe m : v tie* hereafter wiE probably Subscribe for the Nugget M I N K DEMAND IS INCREASING We Can Move Them — — NOW ! ! SHIP YOUR SKINS EARLY!! Alaska — Chicago Fur Exchange 368 Central Avc., Highland Park, 111. Assault Case At Council Draws \ isit Dep. Mar. Charles S'romm, well known old timer and miner of Nome and Council dis tricts. was placed under ar rest this afternoon at Coun cil on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon upon the person of John Ost. Deputy Marshal Joe Crab ree returned to Nome in the Nome Airways plane this afternoon with Chas. Stromm and Fred Derocha and John Ost.the latter two as witnesses. Upon arriv al here Mr. Stromm was taken oefore Commissioner Tanner on a preliminary hearing and the accused was released on SIOOO bail and his trial se: for 2 P. M. Monday Free. - ant information obtained, .t is learned that the troub... arose over the ownership of a cabin, the truth and details of which will probably be brought out. at the trial Monday. Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget: S2 a month by carrier. Children’s Help-self Pajamas Flannel and Broadcloth Sanforized-Shrunk AT _ MILDRED’S | SIIOPPE | COAL AND FUEL OIL IX)MEIN COMMERCIAL CO. LOCAL ITEMS At the drawing held last night at the Pioneer Drug Store, Number 2418 was drawn as the first number for the Moving Picture Pro jector and case. Another number 2667 was drawn in case the first number does not show up in six weeks. Miss Mildred Maynard is the holder of the second number drawn. Inquiries are being made for the hold er of No. 2418, the first number drawn. John Ebberly, Nome's leading harness maker, and who made dog harness for all the dog team racers ever since the beginning of the All-Alaska Sweepstakes, is awaiting favorable weather conditions before starting on his trip to the States and thence to Germany. He will fly from Nome to Fair banks or Anchorage,thence over the Alaska Railroad to Seward where he will take passage on a steamer for Seattle. It will be his first trip out over this route and expects to enjoy every min ute of it. After visiting in the States for a lime, he intends to cross the ocean to visit relatives in Ger many. — Pioneer Women of Alaska Auxiliary No. 1, of Nome, held installation of officers last night at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Boucher. A social hour was held after the meeting with cards and refreshments. Mrs. Jack Devine won first prize at cards; Mrs. Garnet Martin second, and Mrs. L. Grant the consolation prize. Following are the newly installed officers: President, Mrs Helma De vine; vice president, Mrs.: Jennie Martin; secretary, Mrs. Rosa B. Hagen; treas urer, Mrs. Marian Frawley, Historian, Mrs. Carrie Mc Lain; chaplain,, Mrs. Helen Bookman; marshall, Mrs. Mary Polet; inside guard, Mrs. Trina Lehmann; trus tee, Mrs. Charlotte Swan berg. REPUBLICAN CLUB The Republican Club will meet in the City Hall, 8 pm Wednesday, January 15th, 19.‘J6. Election of officers and other business of im portance. All Republicans invited. LEROY, M. SULLIVAN, 4t President. Save $2 by paying in ad , vance for your subscription Phyllis Turner Beauty Operator Seillert Flats Telephone For Appointments Cavey’s Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A M I " j GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME j Good Meals I - - Dream Theatre TONIGHT ONE SHOW P- M ZANE GREY'S * “THE LAST ROUNDUP” RANDOLPH SCOTT, BARBARA ADAMS AND “STUNG AGAIN "—With Louise Fazenda ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS ^ SUN!) A Y TWO SHOWS o U 11 \y r\ l 7:15 antj g p M 641 LOVE THAT MAN ” WITH ^ EDMUND LOWE, NANCY CARROLL LEW CODY AND SCREEN SNAP SHOTS ALSO “HORSEPOWER"’ — A Sport * ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL EAT— This is the first lime that Nome has had the opportunity to EAT SQUASH at this time of the year. There are a number of ways to prepare SQUASH. The easiest way is to cut it up in in dividual portions and bake it in a moderate oven, —then Eat by adding salt, pepper and butter. SQUASH can be baked whole, in halves or in pieces with dressing that suits your palate or make a dressing similar to what is used in suff ing peppers. You can substitute other meat pre parations or any kind of sausage or sausage meat together with cooked noodles, rice or bread crumbs. You spice to your own taste or add any preparation such as tomato or mushroom sauce. SQUASH FRITTERS Are very fine. We will be glad to furnish you with a recipte for same. Lastly the great AMERICAN DESSERT—SQUASH AND PUMPKIN PIE Squash Pie is much more tasty and de licious. Try a Squash Pie Today. FRESH SQUASH ANY QUANTITY 2 lbs. 25cts POLET’S