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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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BON MARCHE STORES -U OllR FINE LINE OF PEPPERELL SHEETS 81 x 99 — $1.50 AND PILLOW CASES 35ets 3 For $1.00 ON SALE AT -o BON MARCHE STORES THE NEVADA BAR BEER WINES CARDS AND POOL BF. A SUBSCRIBER! $2.00 a month spent for a subscrip tion to The Nome Daily Nugget is lhe best investment you can make. Your Paper comes to you by carrier every evening, replete with the important telegraphic news of the day, interesting local news, and the advertising news of Nome’s enter prising merchants, offering you the advantages of their complete and varied stocks—Your Subscription testifies to the value of your home town newspaper. Take advantage of our year, or 6-months’ special on subscription. THE NOME DAILY NUGGET Pioneer Woman Leaves Alaska After 37 Years Continued From Pace One Sheep Camp. Buried in Snow Roped with her husband and others of the party, Mrs. Widner escaped' death, though partly bur ied by the appaling ava lanche of snow, a debacle that she believes started from the vibration of the many tramping feet. She was not long in Daw son until she was engaged at the Good Samaritan hos pital. Among other patients that came under her care was Seward’s Cole McDou gal, who renewed acquain tance with the pioneer lady who feels that she is making her final trip to the states. But Mrs. Widner was not long at the hospital, the call of the gold fields being too strong to resist, and a year later saw her and Mr. Widner heading for Nome, the 2,000-mile trip being made over the ice, mushing their way with lifts on their dog sled. ‘‘Little Tex” Mrs. Widner recalled with sunny smiles, her memory of “Little” Tex Rickard, not the famous Tex, himself, but a char acter who flourished at Nome with his bigger name sake “Little Tex”, said Mrs. Widner, got out of all sorts of jams by a blustering show of belligerency, his chief defense being the dis play of a gun with a recital of its deadly effect. Finally Plivllis Turner Beauty Operator Sciffert Flats Telephone For Appointments CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Suits And Hats Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices Baths For Men and Women Phone MAin 149 curious people made some inquiry and found that the gun had probably never been tired at all by the lit tle fraud, and that in real ity he was altogether harm less. Mrs. Widner carried on prospecting in the field with her husband, many oth er women engaging in the same work. At Candle creek she panned nine oun ces of gold in a few hours. For years Fairbanks was home to the Widners, and there they acquired land claims, holding valuable timber, which Mrs. Wid ner recently disposed of to the University of Alaska. May Stay Outside She is not sure about re turning to A'aska. She rath er thinks that she will not, but will mike her home in Seattle. There are relativ es in Wisconsin that she may visit later. M Widner is a strik ing personality, with bri ?ht young eyes, and a head crowned with a natural “permanent” of hair grown white with the passing of years. She was much sought after in Seward by the old timers who reviewed scen es of early Alaska gold rush days, and by many of the younger generation who wore thrilled by her recit al of golden adventures. SAVE $2.00 $10.00 paid in advance will give you the Nome Daily Nugget for six months, A saving of $2.00. Do it now ! N O M E HOT E L (Corner Main St. And Hunter Way) Single and Double Steam heated Rooms with Hath Reasonable Rates bv Day, W eeks or Month Phone MAin 108 Cavev*s Bakery ’ OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A.M GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME — Good Meals ANNOUNCEMEN T THE INTEREST OF C. M. ALLYN IN THE NOME MOTOR COMPANY, HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY H. F. HARPER (All Indebtedness Incurred By This Partnership Will Be Assumed By The Nome Motor Company) NOME MOTOR CO TRAVEL WITH NOME AIRWAYS Large, Comfortably Heated Cabin Plane H. J. NELSON F. H. WHALEY — TR A V E L — THE SECURE WAY TWIN-MOTORED, RADIO EQUIP PED, ELECTRAS GIVE THE UT MOST IN SAFETY, SPEED, AND COMFORT, WITH CONSTANT RADIO PROTECTION. PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC. THE COMMON SENSE THING TO DO Use a daily aid in building good genera! Resistance SQUIBBS ADEX TABLETS Offer this protection. Bottle 80 Tablets— $1.00 NOME DRUG STORE “Cappy McDougall. Proprietor Telephone Main 9b There is no need to use lumber covered with ice and snow as we have a large stock of COMMON lumber under cover, in our large sheds. Velio the "Self-Sizing" Wall Finish, Plywood, In sulitc, Insulite Hardhoard, Drain Board Stock And Molded Base 4-fi and 8 Inch. Closing out what PAINT we have left at discount also paint brushes. Fine selection of Doors—Sash and Large Glass. Roofing 35-45-and 55 Pound Weights. Building Paper NOMK 1,1 Mill,It COMPANY HAVE YOUK FLOORS K E F I N J S II E I)! ELECTRIC SANDING MACHINE HIGHEST QUALITY WORK Fred FI aver camp Corner 13 Street and 2nd Avenue —iwi ''W-'.rxuxm. tiBiWBWi wwmmam NOME LIQUOR STORE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE IN NOME BEST QUALITY, VARIETY, AND QUANTITY RANTER BEER 15 CENTS BOTTLE LARGE STOCK OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO (Next-Door To Fire Station) ---irm—win i—i r mmn—~~ ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY 19:34-19.‘]5 Schedule Sailing Dates From Seattle Northbound And Sail ing dates from Seward Southbound. Leave Leave Seattle Seward Northwestern Jan. 11 Jan. 20 Alaska Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Victoria Jan. 25 Feb. 2 Northwestern Feb. 1 Feb. 10 Alaska Feb. 8 Feb. 15 General Agents Pacific Steamship Lines. JAMES P. DALY, Agent, Nome.