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-SAFETY § *. § FIRST N. A. T. Largest and safest plane in Alaska—14 place tri motor ed Ford. Also 7 other planes in sizes to meet all require ments. We Carry Passenger Insurance Experienced, Dependable, Courteous Pilots NOMEFAIRBANKSALASKA Entertainment Tonight Draw Crowd Nomeites Continued From Page 1 never has been noted, the money is being used for the relief of needychildren who require medical attention, to provide them with the opportunity of leading use ful lives as American citi aens. Let Nome step forward again, for this cause and help finance our own local problems if there be any, and assist with the national program! Attend the Big Entertainment Tonight! The total ticket sales this morning as reported by W. F. Bloom, was $142.00,with more to come in yet. A great majority of those at tending will undoubtedly pay at the box office, ac cording to reports. Joe Crosson In San Diego Visit Mother. Sister (By The Associated Press) San Diego, Jan. 30, — Joe Crosson arrived here today to visit his mother Mrs. E. E. Crosson and his sister Mrs. Scott Frizzell, while the Pacific Alaska Airways plane which he is piloting, is being repaired at Burbank. He will motor to Phoenix to visit friends before returning to Alas ka. Subscribe Kor The Nu<reet Airpl ane News Nome Airport Pilot Hans Mirow accom panied by Mechanic W. F. Barber of the Mirow Air Service, hopped off this morning in the Lockheed plane for Deering, Candle, Baldwin and Kotzebue.The plane is expected to return tomorrow’. The Pacific Alaska Air ways Thursday mail plane took off from Fairbanks to day for Nome, but adverse weather is holding the air plane at Nulato tonight. Pilot Frank Whaley flying the Stinson plane of the Mirow Air Service, made a flight to Shelton today with Andy Wierm as a passen ger and a load of freight. Fiights are scheduled for Taylor and Pilgrim Hot Springs tomorrow w’eather permitting. Anchorage Man Is Be Buried Sunday (By The Associated Press) Anchorage, Jan. 30, The funeral of Lvle W. Larsen, secretary of the Elks Lod ge here is to be held Sun day at 3 P. M., with the Elks, Masons and American Legion participating. One new case of scarlet fever was reported—Thom as Peterkin, 15—only of a m Id nature. The patient is confined at home. Subscribe for the Nugget Only Two Days Left File Party Primaries April With only two days left for filing for the party pri maries to be held April 28, 1936. a large group for the Republican ticket are ex pected to make candidate names public either tomor row or on the first of Feb ruary. The new territorial law provides that filings can be made on or before February 1st and after that time they shall be closed to party candidates. Clerk of the Court Aimer Rydeen stated today that his office will be open and ready to file candidates dur ing the time required by the law. A full list of all party candidates will be publish ed following the closing of the required time period. Two Natives Fined (By The Associated Press) Anchorage, Jan. 30, Jim Michaelson and Nick An tone, natives, were fined $50 and $25 respectively for offering moose meat for sale. They are serving out their fines in Jail. Pltvllis Turner Beauty Operator SeifTert Flats Telephone For Appointments COAL AND FUEL OIL _n_ -u LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. E. A. Rasmusson Alaska, Nation (By The Associated Press) Anchorage, Jan. 30, — E. A. Rasmusson, Republi can national committeeman said his party would have a full ticket in the 1936 pri maries. The party hopes to have a candidate to file for delegate congress from the Third or Fourth Divi sions, if not from the first division. Anthony J Dimond, dem ocratic incumbent, and Geo rge B Grigsby of Juneau former democratic district attorney, and now an inde pendent, are already in the race. Two years ago Dim ond was unopposed in the primaries and in the gener al election. Rasmussen said a terri torial convention of repub licans would be held after the April primaries. The time, place, basis of repre sentation at the convention will be decided at a meet ing of divisional committee men at Juneau February 15th. He said the major plank in the territorial platform will be fish trap legislation with the republicans insist ing that the question of re gulation be left with Alas kans. Rasmusson predicted the G O. P. would carry Alaska and the nation. You can save $2.00 by paying for your subscrip tion for six months in ad vance for the Nome Daily Nugget. Do it now ! — ,! Children’s Help-self Pajamas Flannel and Broadcloth Sanforized-Shrunk AT _ MILDREDS SHOPPE NOME H OTEL (Corner Main St. And Hunter Way) I Single and Double Steam heated Rooms with Bath Reasonable Rates by Day, Weeks or Month Phone MAin 108 -- i _ _: I Cavey’s Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A.M GOOD CEP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals CITY LAUNDRY I Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Suits And Hats Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices Baths For Men and Women Fhone MAin 149 Dream Theatre FRIDAY ONE SHOW 7:30 P. M. 46SUNDOWN RIDER” WITH BUCK JONES BARBARA W EEKS A Fine Western ALSO For The Benefit Of Our Patrons That Missed Seeing the First Chapter, We Will Run Chapters 1 & 2 “ VANISHING SHADOW ” AND BETTY BOOP’S BIRTHDAY PARTY” ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL VALENTINE CAE1DS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY A VERY PRETTY ASSORTMENT VALENTINES To Inclose with Gifts For the Folks who are 111 For the Loved Ones, For the Boy Friend For the Sweetheart For the Girl Friend For Husband or Wife For Mother, or Father For Son or Daughter For Grandmother For Aunt or Uncle For Brother or Sister For Friend or Pal ALSO A WIDE SELECTION OF CLEVER, HUMOROUS CARDS And For Those Who Wish to Make Their Own Cards. We Have MY OWN VALENTINE BOXES Each Box contains material to make a number of beautiful Valentines. Every design is brand new. ST. VALENTINE S DAY IS FEBRUARY 14TH. Come and Make your Selection at Once. There is just enough time to reach The Outside! POLET’S “The Store Where The Dollar Has More Cents”