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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
— SAFETY § § FIRST N. A. T. Largest and safest plane in Alaska—14 place tri | motored Ford. I Also 7 other planes in sizes to meet all require ments. We Carry Passenger Insurance | Experienced, Dependable, Courteous Pilots FAIRBANKS ALASKA Weather Today j (U. S. Weather Bureau) Fair skies and lower tem peratures were reported this morning thruout most of Alaska, except snow was falling at St. Paul Island and Ketchikan. Rain was recorded at Dutch Harbor and along the Oregon-Wash ington coast. Centers of high atmospheric pressure are observed near the coast of California and Pt. Bar row. Airway conditions at 7 A.M. were as follows: Nome clear, temp. 10 Solomon clear, —2 Golovin clear, 5 Nulato clear, —28 Kaltag clear, —20 Unalakleet clear, —8 Ruby clear, —23 Flat clear, —20 Fairbanks clear, —28 Nenana clear, —24 Candle clear, —20 Kotzebue clear, —26 Juneau clear, 4 Ketchikan snowing, 16 Cordova clear, 10 Tickets on the 1936 Ne nana Ice Pool were receiv ed several days ago by the Board of Trade, H. R. Phil lips, from the management of the Pool at Nenana, and are now on sale at this es tablishment. The nature of the pool is that the full amount, with the exception of current expenses, going to the lucky guesser of the month, day, hour and min utes, a.m. and p m., when the ice moves out at Nena na. In past years the pool has exceeded $60,000. Placer And Lode Location Blanks For Sale at Nugget Office -FEB. CLEARANCE SALE — | DRESSES Reg. S16.75 S18.50 Now 810.50 R'-g. S13.50 S15.00 Now S3.50 Reg. S10.00 Now , 85.00 COATS AND SWAGGER SUITS Reg. S50.00 COAT—Size 20 New 27.50 Reg. S35.00 COATS Now S19.50 Reg. S37.00 SWAGGER SUITS Now S19.50 Reg. S7.50 RAINCOAT Now S5.00 HATS Reg. Sfi.OO NOW 82.00 Reg. S4.70 NOW 81.50 Reg. S1.00 BERETS Now 8.75 PAJAMAS Reg. 82.25 BALBR'GGAN Now S1.50 Reg. 81.75 CHILDREN’S PAJAMAS Now SI.2.7 BLOUSES Reg. S2.50 Now 81.50 Reg. S3.50—S4.00 Now 82.50 Ktg. 85.00 Now S3.50 CHILDREN’S SWEATERS Reg. S1.95 Now 81.25 Reg. S3.00 Now 82.25 LADIES’ HOUSE DRESSES & SMOCKS Reg. S2.25 Now $1.50 MILDRED’S SHOPPE The Pacific Alaska Air ways Ford mail plane is scheduled to fly through from Fairbanks to Nome with the second regular bi weekly mail,tomorrow wea ther permitting. An adjustable tripod base to hold cameras at un usual angles or on slippery floors has been invented, each foot of a tripod being held in a rubber cup, the cups being joined by flex ible cords. An Austrian railway is endeavoring to reduce fuel consumption of its locomo tives by preheating the air needed for burning the coal by mixing it with coal fu n es exhausted from the smoke stacks. Subscribe for the Nugget NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that, by order of the Pro bate Court in and for the Cape Nome Precinct, Alas ka, the undersigned has been appointed Adminis trator of the Estate of JAMES CORRIGAN, de ceased. All persons having claims against said Estate should present them with proper vouchers attached, within six (6) months from the date of the first public ation hereof, to the under signed administrator at Nome, Alaska. Dated at Nome, Alaska, February 18, 1936. M. J. WALSH, Administrator Leroy M.Sullivan, attorney for Administrator. Publish Feb. 19, 26, and March 4, 11, 1936. COAL AND FUEL OIL _n_ -u LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. N. A. T. Is To Make Extended | Flight Marshal I . Pilot Chet Brown, who j has been busy the past two jdays flying passengers to (Rampart, in the Yukon riv er valley, flew several pas i sengers today to Tanana land thence came on thru i to Nome with a large load j of express. He is scheduled to take off on an extensive trip to morrow morning with U S Marshal Thomas Gaffney, as a passenger.^touching at llnalakleet, St. Michael, Pvussian Mission, Fortuna Ledge, and Holy Cross, serving subpoenas & tend ing to official business en route. Martha Neuman will be a passenger to Holy Cross. The plane is expected to be gone several days. Arrives at Nome Passengers And “Stuff” Pilot Hans Mirow of the Mirow Air Service was due in today, according to re ports from the Nome office, from Fairbanks with Joe Meherin,representing Hills Bros. Coffee, Society Brand candies and other lines; Miss Mildred Keaton,Office of Indian Affairs nurse, re turning after a trip to the states on vacation, and one other for Nome. Enroute Mirow was scheduled to sffip at Nulato, Koyukuk Station, and Golovin, with express and freight. A quantity of fresh vege tables is also being brought into Nome via the Mirow I Air Service. . The Portuguese govern ment is planning to inten sify the colonization of An gola, which has high plat eaus salubrious in climate with rich soil, capable of absorbing thousands of white settlers. Subscribe for the Nugget Phvllis Turner Beauty Operator -- Seiffert Flats Telephone For Appointments t l Cavey’s Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A.M. I GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals j f Dream Theatre ONE SHOW FRIDAY 7:30P.M. ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS 4 CALIFORNIA TRAIL ’ WITH Buck Jones Helen Mack EVERY MAN S HAND AGAINST HIM— YET IIE RODE TO WIN ALSO Chapter 6 44 VANISHING SHADOW AND “KRAZY SPOOKS ’—A Krazy Kat ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SF.WARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LENT IS LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED DURING LENT Follow our advertisements. We w^ll save you money as well. We are offering merchan dise that is timely and much desired. FROZEN FISH HALIBUT, Whole 21 cts lb., sliced, 25cts lb. COD BLACK,.whole 20cts lb., sliced 25cts lb. SHEE FISH,.whole, 30cts lb., sliced 35cts lb. FINNAH HADDIE. per pound 35cts TROUT. per pound 20cts WHITE FISH. per pound 20cts SALTED FISH Norwegian Mackrell, 25cts each, per pound 30cts Salmon Bellies.per lb. 20cts Tongues and Sounds, .per lb. 30cts Herring,. per dozen 75cts... per lb. 15cts Cod Fish in Brine,.per pound lOcts Cod Fish in 1 pound pkgs. Boneless,.... each 25cts Cod Fish in 2 pound pkgs. Boneless,.... each 45cts FRESH OYSTERS LARGE WESTERN per pint 50cts LARGE WESTERN per quart, 90cts SMALL OLYMPIA, per pint, $1.50 Our Spiced Herring are excellent. We prepare them often to insure freshness and flavor. LOOK FOR OUR CANNED GOODS OFFER NEXT WEEK. JUST RECEIVED A beautiful Assortment of Spring FLOWERS by Plane Direct from the Manufacturers. Come and make your Selection. No additional charge for Air Costs. A POLET