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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD. Editor RUSSELL G MAYNARD. Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, ior $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 pe month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS PRIMARY ELECTION APPROACHES T,\,:!h 1 he approach of the Primary Election for 1936, to be held April 28th, un doubtedly candidates will be seeking opportunities of approaching the public with their views and tent ative programs of legisla tion. Here is their opportunity through the advertising col umns of the Nome Nugget, or through printed circul ars, and by various other means. In case of advertis ing in the Nugget, the cand idates political advts. will be placed in the mails and speeded to the voters in the outlying sections as quickly as the mails will allow. However, the important point not to overlook, is to get their advertisements going at once and thereby bq assured, that their pol itical notices will be read by Nugget readers and vot ers in the many important Second Division Precincts. Do You Support Nome As Nome Supports You? Do you send outside for the little things and other necessities which you need in your daily life here in Nome instead of buying those articles at Home? Do you believe that trade at home is worth-while? Do you believe it is helping your community any when you send your money out side for things that could just as easily be purchas ed here, with but the leg itimate raise necessary to maintain business? Do you really benefit to any degree when you do so? If you will cheek up, you will see that every dollar that is sent to business con cerns of the States for mer chandise which could be pun hed here, is so much loss to the community, and even ually to yourself. No city can progress or hope to improve its industries and adjacent territory With out the full support and co oneration of its citizens. Money spent elsewhere for articles which can be obtained in Nome very sel dom returns. Why not re solve to help your city and yourself at the same time by trading at home, and in cidentally the newspaper is a home product. Why not spend your dollar here where it will travel in its regular cycle and do good to all For instance, in stead of sending your job printing to the States, have it done in Nome where you may obtain it whenever you require it. The Nug get is fully equipped to handle the job printing re quirements of Nome; util ize this service and see what returns you will re ceive. LITTLE TIME LEFT FOR BRUNO What is declared to be the deadline for the final repreive of Bruno Richard; Hauptmann, convicted kid napper and slayer of the Lind' ergh child, has arriv ed. The grim paradox to be j wammmmmmmmammammmmmmmmmmmm» LOCKHEED VEGA STINSON t RELIANT j K THE FASTEST, MOST FREQUENT, MOST CONVENIENT SERVICE IS VIA MIROW AIR SERVICE FAST, STURDY, LUXURIOUS PLANES THE NOME DAILY NUGGET Job Printing Department Is Equipped To Handle Your Job Printing Needs, Efficiently, ! Speedily Executed. AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 considered is the oft-repeat ed reminder:-“Belter a hum dtvd guilty prsons should go free, than the convic tion and execution of one innocent man.” Yet Hauptmann has liv ed in prison since his con viction long enough to pub lish his autobiography and place it on sale. Repeated htempts at appeal and re voking of the death senten ce have failed and technic ally, and in the eyes of the law, Hauptmann is guilty. He has been saved from the electric chair three tim es during the past year, and once again his doom appears imminent. We won der if he will finally be er ased for the crime for which he is convicted, and which caused such clamor and concerted attempts of the law to eradicate kid napping from the United States. “Andy" Passes Away Andrew Anderson, a pio neer Nome resident, died in San Francisco recently. He was one of the pioneers on Bonanza Creek in the Norton Sound district in 1899. In 1900 he built the Hoffman House, a two-story corrugated iron building on Front street with hotel rooms on the second floor and a saloon on the ground floor. He was interested in many enterprises with Jacob Berger, Jos. T. Sulli van, a brother of H. P. of Valdez, and Eugene Chil berg. They took out $190, 000 in 90 days on a lease on'' the Metson bench on Little Cret'k. About ten years 1 o PROSPECTORS AND MINERS ! If you are planning on doing prospecting or min ing in the Nome section, call on us and obtain our reasonable prices for transportation of supplies and equipment via Cat erpillar. We Can Save You Money On Transportation Costs. NOME MOTOR CO. j WINGS-CIGAKRETTES | | $1.00 I’ER CARTON PIONEER DRUG STORE NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED : SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARS) ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Prop. THE NEVADA BAR BEER WINES CARDS AND POOL TRAVEL WITH NOME AIRWAYS Large, Comfortably Heated Cabin Plane H. J. NELSON F. H. WHALEY I ago he sold his Nome hold ings to the Hammon inter ests. During the last six years, Andy had been opcr ating a dredge at Warren, Idaho. He was a member of Masons, Nome and Nile Temple, Order of Mystic Shrine of Seattle. SALESMEN WANTED MEN WANTED for Itavv leigh Routes of 800 famil ies in Nome and Council. Reliable hustler should shirt earning $25 weekly and increase rapidly. Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. SKB-17-S, Oakland, Calif. NOTICE The Nome Daily Nugget is for Sale at the following places of business : Pioneer Drug Store, The Nome Drug Store, The Board of Trade, The Nevada_ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT TO MISSION SITE Mineral Survey No. 2082 Nome Serial No. 0923 IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE AT NOME, ALASKA. December 20, 1935. NOTICE is hereby given that the CALIFORNIA YEAR L Y MEETING OF FRIENDS CHUR CH, a religious corporation whose postoflice address and principal place of business is Whittier, Cal ' ifornia, has made application in the United States Land Office at Nome, Alaska, for a patent for its mission site to be known as the “Friends Mission Reserve” at Kotzebue, Noatak-Kobuk Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska, and ■ within the Nome I,and Office Dis trict, and officially designated U. S. Survey No. 2082, the exterior boundaries thereof being as foll ows, magnetic declination 22 de grees, 30 min. E. Beginning at Cor. 1 whence U. 3. Location Monument No. 2082 oears N. 45 deg. 55 min. W., 8.94 chains; thence S. 44 deg. 05 min. W., 4.00 chains to Cor. 2; thence 3. 45 deg., 55 min. E., 29.46 ciiains lo Witness Corner, and .40 chains further in the same direction to Cor. 3; from Cor. 3 S. 67 deg. 48 min. W., 10.60 chains to Cor. 4; thence N. 45 deg. 55 min. W., .30 chains to Witness Corner, and 25.30 chains further in the same direction to Cor. 5; thence S. 44 deg. 65 min. W., 13.30 chains to Cor. 6; thence N. 45 deg. 55 min. W,, 8.94 chains to Cor. 7; thence N. 44 deg. 05 min. E., 12.92 chains to Cor. 8; thence N. 45 deg. 55 min. W., 6.00 chains to Cor. 9; thence N. 48 deg. 09 min. E., 14.12 chains to Cor. 10; thence N. 45 deg. 55 min. V/., 1.30 chains to Witness Corner and .49 chains fur ther in the same direction to Cor. 11: thence N. 55 deg. 35 min. E., 3.29 chains to Cor. 12; thence S. 27 deg. 38 min. E., .68 chains to* Witness Corner and 1.31 chains further in the same direction to Cor. 13; thence S. 44 deg. 05 min. W., 2.60 chains to Cor. 14; thence S. 45 deg. 55 min. E., 2.25 chains to Cor. 15; thence N. 44 deg. 05 min. E., 1.10 chains to Cor. 16; thence S. 45 deg. 55 min. E., .70 chains to Cor. 17; thence S. 44 deg. 05 min. W., 1.10 chains to Cor. 18: thence S. 45 deg. 55 min. E., 1.30 chains to said U. S. Loca tion Monument No. 2082, and S. 45 deg. 55 min. E., 8.94 chains further in the same direction to ; Cor. 1, the place of beginning; the total area being 59.50 acres; and excepting therefrom a tract of 0.28 acres known as the “Ver non tract” for a description of which commencing at Cor. 1 of 'said “Vernon tract” from whence said U. S. Location Monument No. 2082 bears N. 55 deg. 54 min. E. 11.87 chains; thence S. 44 deg. 05 min. W., 2.00 chains to Cor. 2 of said tract; thence N. 45 deg. 55 min. W., 1.40 chains to Cor. 3 of said tract; thence N. 44 deg. 05 min. E., 2.00 chains to Cor. 4 of said tract, thence S. 45 deg. 55 min. E., 1.40 chains to Cor. 1 or the place of beginning on said tract; leaving a net of 59.22 acres. This mission site is on unsur veyed ground and is within and adjoining the town of Kotzebue, Noatak-Kobuk Precinct, Terri t ry of Alaska. U. S. Location Monument No. 2082 to which this site or reserve is tied is situated in Latitude 66 deg. 53 miy. N., Longitude 162 deg. 38 min. 30 sec. W., in the said town of Kotzebue. ALMER RYDEEN. , Register First Publication Jan. 14, 1936. Last Publication March 16, 1936, COMOX COAL Economical By Comparison Relative Cost of Obtainable Heat At Present Prices BTU’S Cost Per Per.Lb. 1,000,000 BTU’S _ _ COMOX 13,500 $00.92 LADYSMITH 13,000 00.96 NANAIMO 12,500 01 00 UTAH KING 13,750 01.02 BUY COMOX COAL NOME HARBOR LIGHTERAGE COMPANY THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION ♦ (Opposite The Dream Theatre) FROM NOW ON BIG! BIG! BIG! j BARGAIN SALE IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPT. COME AND SEE OUR PRICES AND SATISFY YOURSELF EMPORIUM BAZAAR Open 8 A. M. — Close 9 P.M. Opposite Telephone Office