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— SAFETY § * § FIRST - N. A. T. Largest and safest plane in Alaska—14 place tri motored Ford. Also 7 other planes in sizes to meet all require ments. We Carry Passenger Insurance Experienced, Dependable, Courteous Pilots NOMEFAIRBANKSALASKA LOCAL ITEMS Bound over to the Grand Jury the other day was Harry Neibling, charged with attempted assault with a dangerous weapon, on the person of Sammy Mogg at a hearing held before U. S. Commissioner C. C. Tanner. S. W. Taggart, manager of the Nome Lumber Com pany, who was an outgoing passenger yesterday aboard the Pacific Alaska Airways Electro plane appointed Art Brown of Nome to take care of the business affairs* of the Nome Lumber Com pany during his in the States. Mr. Brown stated this morning that business is be ing carried on as usual, and that Mr. Taggart.expects to return in about six weeks. J. S. Stangroom, Cashier of the Miners and Mer chants Bank of Nome receiv ed a wire today from Pres. G. R. Jackson in Seattle saying that he was leaving immediately for Washing ton, ID. C., and while there would look into the mat ter of the proposed Nome Federal Building, in an at tempt to have it approved and work commence by the arrival of the first boats. M. J. Walsh, and perhaps others, heard over the rad io last night, in new broad casts from Station KFQD, Anchorage, that the $10, 000 delegated to Nome in the war department appro priation bill, was to be used for the Dry Creek basin, in the Nome harbor. The telegram received by the Nugget did not mention what it was to be used for and left the impression that it would be merely for the harbor. Perhaps, this is a special appropriation for the basin and a large one will be made for gen eral maintenance work of the harbor. Italian Seamen Desert \ esse Is In l. S. Ports Peak Reached in Desertions When Ethiopian Con flict Started (By The Associated Press) Washington, D. C., March —Evidence that many Ital ian seamen prefer the shor es of the United States to those of their native land— or perhaps are avoiding the heat of Ethiopia—was con tained in reports of the United States immigration and naturalization service. Despite Premier Benito Mussolini’s frequent asser tions that all Italians are be hind the African war, of ficial figures show that the number of deserters from foreign ships arriving here increased to 1212 in 1935, compared to 972 in 1934, J. F. Wixon, deputy com missioner of immigration, declared. ‘Italian desertions ex ceeded those of other na tions.” Italian desertions are ap parently declining, altho they continue to lead those of other nations. These de sertions, it was reported in other quarters, reached their peak when the Italian campaign in Ethiopia got in to full swing. Italian sea men leave their ships on ar rival here in the hope of finding homes in this coun try, but many are located and deported. lhcrc is nothing in the immigration laws to pre vent seamen from desert ing foreign ships here, but such meh are required to re-ship a ra.n \ it' in 60 days. I*' w seaman desert the . days, however, unless they hope to remain in 'his country, an official expkiin ed, because the depressed condition of shipping mak es the obtaining of new jobs difficult. Most of the Italian deser tions are.from small ships, it was said. The masters are required to report de sertions to immigration of ficials before sailing. Some of the seamen who were seized were said to have explained that they feared they would be draft ed for service in Ethiopia. _ SAVE $2.00 $10.00 paid in advance will give you the Nome Daily Nugget for six months, A saving of $2.00. Do it now ! PHYLLIS BEAUTY PARLOR SeifYert Flats Telephone For Appointments COAL AND FUEL OIL LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. Nomeites Say The Kenny Bill Is Ridiculous (Continued from Page One) j lions will resent any such attempt to indirectly in crease our population with ex-convicts, and are of the opinion that it would cer tainly be extremely detri mental to the Territory in general. — Federated Church . Norman McCay, Pastor.. 11 A. M. Sunday School. 7:40 P. M. Evening wor ship. This third Sunday in Lent, the sermon theme is “Building the Bodv of Christ—:he Church.” You are most earnestly invited to spend a quiet hour in worship. Republicans Attention Special meeting at City Hall, Monday, March 16th at 8 o'clock for ihe purpose of electing delegates from Nome Precinct to the Re publican Convention at Douglas. Important all Republicans be present. Guy C. Boyd Precinct Committeeman Card Party and Dance The Catholic Ladies will give a card party and dance including refreshments, March 17 th, at Pioneer Hall, 9 p.m. General ad mission 75 cents. 4-t NOME HOTEL | (Nome Motor Co. Building) Single and Double Steam-; heated Rooms with Bath Reasonable Rates by Day, Weeks or Month Phone MAin 108 1 Children’s Help-self Pajamas Flannel and Broadcloth Sanforized-Shrunk AT MILDRED’S SHOPPE > 1 Cavey’s Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A.M. GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals ; - CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prpp. Opposite The Bulk Suits And Hats Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices Baths For Men and Women Phone MAin 149 Dream Theatre TONIGHT ONE SHOW 7:30 P. M. ENTERTAINMENT SUPREME 30 STAR SENSATION “GIFT OF GAB” EDMUND LOWE & RUTH ETTING ALSO “PALSIE WALSIE” AND NEVA WHALEYS KIDDIES ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS SUNDAY TWO SHOWS ^ u i 7;15 and 9 p M "GOLDEN HARVEST” WITH !{iciiar<I Arlen Genevieve Tobin Chester Morris ALSO “CHAMPIONS” — A SPORT REEL AND “BLACKSHEEP” — A CARTOON ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, W’all Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL In Tune With The Lenten Season A RARE TREAT TASTY AND DELICIOUS. ONE OF THE FINEST AND MOST DELIGHTFUL DELIC ACIES EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN NOME. Smoked Whitefish . 35 cts lb. Smoked Halibut . 40 cts lb. Smoked Cod.40 cts lb. Smoked Sheefish.45 cts lb. THESE FISH WERE HOME SMOKED BY MR. HERMAN FERGENS SAMPLE AND YOU WILL BUY Come and get yours soon, as there is only a small amount on hand at present. Our Lenten Sale Continues With The Following Additions Prunes, med. sized Seedless Raisins Extra Fancy Black Figs j Ombre Yarn Pequot Pillow Cases Blazers Neckties Dungarees IceCream Freezers Meat Department Offers Shoulder Lamb steak.28 cts lb. Pot Roast, steer. 28 cts lb. Pure Pork Links .... 2 lbs for 85 cts A POLET