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N. A. T. We Feature Air Ex press and Freighting of Mining Equipment To Many Sections of Alaska's Rich Mineral Areas Our policy is to render the greatest possible assistance to those engaged in Min ing in the Seward Penin sula and other sections, thru our Extensive and Personal Attention to Air Express & Freight—both incoming and outgoing through Nome. FOR ANY SERVICE, BE IT PASSENGER, EXPRESS. OR FREIGHT—WIRE IS ANI) IT WILE RECEIVE OCR PROMPT AND EF FICIENT ATTENTION ! NORTHERN AIR TRANSPORT INC. ! You can save $2.00 by paying for your subscrip tion for six months in ad vance for the Nome Daily Nugget. Do it now ! PHYLLIS BEAUTY PARLOR SeifTert Flats Telephone For Appointments Airplane News Nome Airport Pilot Frank Whaley of tthe Nome Airways return ed to Nome Sunday from Anchorage with Ted Wal lace, Floyd Fraser, Harold Lobbley, and Mr. Williams as passengers. He hopped off again this morning for Fairbanks and expects to return to Nome with a full load of passen gers and express Tuesday. Pilot Hans Mirow of the Mirow Air Service arrived Nome late Saturday with Graham Lammers Jr.,Chris O'Leary and Richard Lee. Hjalmar Wiggins, and Ar nold Undem were passen gers to Golovin. Pilot Walter Hall of tfre Mirow Air Service arrived Saturday late with Gus O’ Leary & Ralph Kravachuk as passengers from Fair banks. Sunday, Pilot Mirow in the Lockheed plane made a round trip flight to Fair banks returning with Harry Little. B. Vallat. Geo. Hell erich. Mr. Evan and a Mr. Williams. Pilot Hall of the Mirow Air Service made a flight Sunday to Teller with Har ry Little, Mr Evan and Mr. Williams, returning with Mrs. E. Thompson. Pilot Jack Hermann of the Northern Air Transport Saturday made two flights to Golovin returning with I Joe Dexter, Bob Doyle, Lar rv Sigfried, Ole Olson, Shel by David, Larry David and Hugh C. Kimball. A Northern Air Transport plant made a flight to the Kougarok, stopping at Tay lor with “Cub” Bair, and Peter Parger. The plane also landed at Pilgrim Hot Springs. The Pacific Alaska Air ways Electra in command of pilots Robbins and Stua rt arrived and departed Nome today after bringing in first class mail and J. I. Anderson and wife, connect ed with the Lomen Com mercial Co. at Golovin. Ax el Gacie was a passenger from Nome to Golovin, be sides outgoing mail enroute to the states. The Petit Jury for this term of the U. S. District Court for the Second Divi sion. Judge J H S Morison, answered roll call at 11 A. M. this morning, only 19 re porting from the panel drawn some time ago. They were examined for qualifications and then a special venire of 21 more names were drawn, return able 10 A.M. Thursday. The present panel of the petit jury was excusd until 10 A.M. Thursday, when the special venire will be returned. Those included in the special venire are as follows: Lloyd Hebberlee, T. C. Lehmann, Ole Hay, Henry G. Miller, J. I. Anderson. John McWilliams, B J. Mc Conaghy, Mrs D H Hughes. Ruth Reat, J C Kennedy. A1 Goodman, George Buhl. Eddie Malone. Julius Patt erson. James Baldwin, Jas. Sparrow, John Lepri, Mrs Gertrude Mazen, G L. Wil lett. H Brorson and George Matsen. When the court convened at 10 A.M. this morning Jimmy Katoongan was ar raigned on an indictment charging assault with a dan gerous weapon. Time for pleading was set for Kat onngan for tomorrow morn ing. and for Carlson. Wed nesday morning. Emil Yo unvgve was to have been arraigned this morning but the arraignment was con tinued over until tomorrow morning, on & indictment charging him contributing to the delinquency of a min or. ATTENTION MOOSE Regular meeting Monday April 13 at 8 P. M. at St. Joseph Hall. Initiation of candidates. W. II. KOCH, Secty. ... — .ii — FOR SALE—New Six-16 Kodiak anastigmatic lens f. 6.3, one of the best East man products, $17.50. For information inquire at the Nugget Office. NOTICE The Nome Daily Nugget is for Sale at the following places of business : Pioneer Drug Store, The Nome Drug Store, The Board of Trade, The Nevada_ ■ LOME^^OMMERCIALCaj Final Meeting The final regular meet ing of the 1935 council of the City of Nome will meet at the city hall tonight at 8 P. M. at which time it will canvass the recent city election and set a date for the inauguration of the newly elected members & officers of the city govern ment. Other business of import ance is also to come before the meeting it was stated. Funeral Tetuk The funeral of Fred Te tuk was held this afternoon at the Native Mission chur ch. the Rev. Norman Mc Cav officiating. Between one and two hun dred people attended the service, thus showing the high esteem in which he was held. Rev. Norman McCay in his remarks pointed out that Fred Tetuk was one of the most beloved of the na tives of this community. His words and deeds were always to be depend ed upon: his loyalty and in tegrity was most outstand ing: and his reverence to Christianity was beyond re proach. He was an example that other natives of this sec tion would do well to adopt. And they might thereby follow in their walks of life. He was for many years a valued employee of the Lomen Commercial Com pany, the officials of which thought very highly of him. Following the services at the church more than a hun dred followed his coffin to :ts last resting place at Bel nont Point cemetery. His aereaved wife who was op erated on recently, and who attended the services at the church was unable to walk and was drawn on a hand sled. This type of devotion is most remarkable. Subscribe For The Nugget Mildred’s Shoppe Just Received A Nice Selection Of Hats, Gloves, Costume Jewelry, Etc. For Your Easter Wardrobe. Mildred’s Shoppe TO PROSPECTORS AND MINERS! If you are planning on doing prospecting or min ing in the Nome section, call on us and obtain our reasonable prices for transportation of supplies and equipment via Cat erpillar. We Can Save You Monej Op Transportation Costs. NOME MOTOR CO. Dream Theatre TUESDAY ONE SHOW 8 P. M. I ADM. ADULTS 75cts (Including Tax) Children 25cts EIGHT GIRLS IN A BOAT • WITH KAY JOHNSON DOROTHY WILSON DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY AND EIGHT BEAUTY CONTEST WINNERS In A Picture of a Girls’ College and Its Eight Oared Racing Shell ALSO —METROTONE NEWS— AND “SOUTHERN RYTIIM” SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION A PROLOGUE IN THREE ACTS BY FOUR OF NEVA WHALEY’S ADVANCED CLASS ADM. ADULTS 75cts (Including Tax) Children 25cte ONE SHOW8 I». M. r* " .. i ———i LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STOKE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A POLET -_,j WHO HATH A GARDEN ? Who hath a garden, he has joy, j However small his plot may be. Wide his horizons; in his demense Master of beauty and life is he. God has Graciously smiled on him, Made him a helper in His great task— Building a glorious world in time; What finer task could anyone ask? What hath a garden, he has friends— Lilies and roses will not forsake; When they depart, ’tis but for a time; They will return when the spring winds wake. Let him rejoice on his kingly throne I Who hath a garden of pink and gold: Kings bear burdens and soon are gray— Who hath a garden shall not grow old. —THOMAS CURTIS CLARK Our Flower and Garden Seeds s Are Now On Display POLET’S “The Store Where the Dollar Has More Cents**