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Oldest Newspaper iii Alaska. VSemhrr o! ’ lie \ssoria?ed Press DEVOTED TO THE BUILDING OF A BETTED NOME AND THE SECOND DIVISION. NOME IS THE STRATEGIC WORLD FLIGHT AIK BASE—ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COMMERCIAL AM) Mil.1 ’ V ,\ T\T’ V VOL. 37. No. 108 NOME, ALASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1936 Per Copy Ten Cents Weyerhauser Kidnaper Is Arrested MAY OFFICIALLY ANNEX ETHIOPIA SAT. German Dirigible Off On Long Flight to America Washington State Students Strike Account of Rules STUDENTS OBJECTED BLUE LAWS. WANT CLEAN-MIND ED POLICIES ADMINISTRA TION IN THE FUTURE (By The Associated Press) PULLMAN, Washington, May 7 —Washington State College stud ents voted at a mass meeting to day to strike tomorrow and re main away from classes until the administration removes the Blue Laws, and the granting to the students more, instead of to the faculty, control of campus affairs. The vote was taken at the end of a conference between students and faculty groups. It appears that most of the three thousand students will walk out and lead ers say they will picket the class rooms. The demands include progress ive and cleanminded administra tion, noncompulsory class attend ance and with no penalties for failure to attend social gather ings, the abolition of the Dean of Women’s social regulations and the administration’s ultra-con servative and dictatorial admini strative policies. Attempt Be Made Free A1 Capone From Alcatraz Is. (By The Associated Press) Chicago, 111., May 7, — It was disclosed today that an attempt to free A1 Capone, erst-while Chicago gang leader, imprisoned at Alcatraz Island Penitentiary in California through a newly discov ered loophole in a federal stat ute, would be launched in Chic ago, soon. His attorneys may apply for a writ of habeas corpus in the fed eral court in San Francisco. Capone is serving eleven years in jail for income tax evasions. Approval Made Navy Money Bill By Committee (By The Associated Press') Washington, D. C., May 7, — The Senate Appropriations Com mittee approved the five hundred and thirty-one million dollar nav al supply bill, essentially the same as passed by the House, for the construction of thirty-three airplanes, twelve destroyers, six submarines, and the continuance of work on eighty-four ships of varying types. Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget: $2 a month1 Prohibition Party Selected L. Colvin To Run President DR. D. LEIGH COLVIN WAS ELECTED ON FIRST BALLOT TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT AS PROHIBITION MAN. (By The Associated Press) Niagara Falls, New York. May 7. — The National Prohibition Party today nominated Dr. D. Leigh Colvin of New York, for many years best known as the country's dry leader, for presi dent. Colvin received 16G votes to Harry Kidder of Barre, Vermont twelve, on the first ballot. Agreement France Was Made Public State Dept. <Hy The Associated Press) Washington, D. C., May 7, — The State Department announced today an agreement with France on a reciprocal trade pact. Following the announcement made early today, great import ance was attached in both coun tries, to commercial accord, which is intended to lower restrictions now applied by the French ag ainst American products. Fiance is America's fifth best customer, and the present agree ment is regarded second in im portance to the recent Canadian treaty. Women’s Contest Scotland Ended Tie Games Today (By The Associated Press) Gleneagles, Scotland. May 7, — The third renewal of the Curtis Gold Cup competition between American and British women, to day ended in a tie, each team scoring four and a half points. Each won one foursome, and three singles, and one foursome was a draw. NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia 2 St. Louis 3 New York 6 Pittsburgh 5 Boston 6 Chicago 8 Brooklyn 5 Cincinnati 2 — AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit 3 New York 14 Cleveland 7 Philalelphia 1 St. Louis 4 Boston 7 Chicago 5 Washington 1 COAST RESULTS Seattle 3 Portland 1 Oakland 4 Sacramento 14 San Diego 7 Missions 0 San Francisco 0 Los Angeles 16. ITALY MAY ANNOUNCE ANNEXATION SAT OF ETHIOPIA Announcement, if it Comes W ill Be In Face League of Nations Meeting Which Is Scheduled Monday (By The Associated Press) UNDATED. May 7, — A Satur day night decree of total annexa tion of conquered Ethiopia it was predicted, will come in the face of the League of Nation’s meet ing at Geneva Monday. An Italian news agency report ed that the Fascist army of occu pation took complete charge of the French-owned Addis Ababa to Djibouti Railroad extending from the capital of Ethiopia to the boundary of French Somali land. The railroad is the only egress from the city to the sea. It is not known whether the seizure is considered to be per manent. The French government announced that it would refuse to relinquish its rights to the line. Simultaneously it was announc ed that Italy’s armies had all but completed the subjugation of southern Ethiopia with the cap ture of the important town of Jijiga. The Italians pressed into service Selassie's own Imperial police to mop up the riot-torn Addis Ababa. WILLIAM MAHAN WEY ERHAUSER KIDNAP ER APPREHENDED Man Who Has Eluded Law For Almost A Year Caught in San Francisco With Ransom Money (By The Associated Press) Washington, D. C., May 7, J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the U. S. Bureau of Investigation, to day announced the capture of W;1 liam Mahan in San Francisco, at noon today. Mahan was wanted in the two hundred thousand dollar Weyer hauser kidnaping case. Chief Hoover said he had sev en thousand, three hundred doll ars in ransom money on his per son when apprehended on Min osy Street between sixth and sev enth avenues. Most of the bills showed that the serial numbers had been al tered. Hoover said that Mahan ad mitted his identity but refused to confess to the kidnaping. Hoover declared: “He didn’t have to confess. We have enough evidence on him to convict him easily.” Mahan was unarmed, it was made known. Red Flag On Top Supreme Court Agasts Capitol (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, D. C., May 7, —An amazed capital city awoke this morning to find a Red Flag flying over the huge marble tem ple of the United States Supreme Court, apparently raised during the night by some prankster. The fluttering emblem struck consternation into the ranks of the Supreme Court Guard assign ed to protect the dignity of the nation’s highest tribunal. Frantically the guard and a de tachment of the metropolitan po lice struggled for four and a half hours to get it down but without success. Finally firemen, mounted on a lofty extension ladder touched the flag with a gasoline torch tied Continued on Page Four I The Washington News-Letter OFFICE OF A. J. DIMOND Delegate from Alaska (By J. J. ECKLES) April 4, 1936. A further measure of self government will be extend ed to the Territory of Alas ka if the bill introduced by Delegate Dimond during the first session to author ize municipal corporations in Alaska to incur bonded indebtedness is enacted. This bill, H R 8766, was favorably reported on April 1st by the house committee on territories and is now on the calendar awaiting ac tion by the House. The Sec retary of the Interior, to whom the bill was referred by the committee for a de partment report, has recom mended that the bill be en acted. It is not generally be lieved that there will be ob jeetion from any source to the passage of the measure. At the present time, un der the Act establishing civ il government in Alaska, no city or town can incur bond ed indebtedness unless spec ifically authorized by an Act of Congress. Even though the Delegate has made a remarkable record in securing the passage of the necessary individual Acts in nearly all instances where Alaska municipalit ies desired to issue bonds for local public works, much valuable time is ncc essarily lost in this process. It was to correct this situa tion and also provide a for ward step in the progress of the Territory toward self government, that Delegate Dimond introduced and is urging the passage of this proposed legislation. The bill stipulates that ap proval by at least G5 per cent of the qualified elect ors of the municipality whose names appear on the assessment rolls is requir ed before bonded indebted ness may be incurred. It also places a limitation of 10 percent of the value of the taxable property in a municipality as the limit to the total of outstanding ob_ j ligations that may be incur red. It provides that at least | 20 days’ notice be given of the election to be held inJ ! Hindenburg Is Over Atlantic Bound For l .S. i 107 PASSENGERS. 3,300 LBS. EXPRESS AND 20 SACKS OF .MAIL CARRIED ABOARD ZEPPELIN ENROUTE TO U. S. r B.v The Associated Press) London, May 7, —The German dirigible “Hindenburg", averag ing seventy-five miles an hour, struck out across the North At lantic ocean on its first flight to the United States, with sunshine and favorable weather prevailing on its start. It left Freidrichshaven. Ger many at 9:30 P. M. last n.ght car rying one hundred and seven pass* ngers. 3.300 pounds of ex press and twenty sacks of mail. Many of the passenger.-' aboard remained awake all night t > see the ship pass over the mnu’h >f the Rhine and latei glimpse the Isle of Wight, f m above the English Channel. a municioalitv f >r the our pose of determining the is suance of bond.-, and it also limits the interest pava'^ip on such bonds to nut ceed 6 percent, and tl oa turitv date of the bo,. ’ ' o be not greater than >,) years. The governing 1 ies of the will have authority to de cide upon the type' f b nds to be issued as well as the letails relating to their sale and retirement. March 28, T r .miner for the Federal Co. numica tions Commission M e'.nree ot the hearing on he ipli cation of John A. S unrip, for construe'ion of > -id:o broadcasting station at Fair banks, today reconim ■nded that the construction per mit be granted. Final ac tion of the Commission on the application cannot be made until May 4, in order to allow the required time xceptions to be fi 1. Mr. Stump proposes to construct the station to op crate on 1210 kilocycles with a power of 250 watts during the daytime and 100 after sunset. March 31. The House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries today made a favorable report on H R 11036, a biil to amend the section of the Revised Statutes (U . S. C. title 46, (Continued on Page Two)