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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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The Washington News-Letter (Continued From Page Two) the “coasting trade and . . fisheries,” and shall be deemed to have sufficient license for engaging the coasting trade and the tak ing of fish of every descrip tion, including shellfish. The enactment of this bill will write into law what the Department thot the old law meant, and as it was construed for many years. Bills similar to the one en acted last year, granting a leave of absence of home stead lands during the year 1936, have been favorably reported by committees of both the House and the Sen ate. These bills will, if en acted, excuse the home stead settler or entryman, who finds it necessary be cause of economic condi tions to leave his home stead to seek employment, from compliance with the laws as to residence, culti vation, expenditures, or payment of purchase mon ey during the calendar year 1936. However, ac~ cording to the stipulation of the bills, the time of such absence shall not be deduced from the actual residence required by law, but a neriod eaual to such absence shall be added to the statutory life of the entry. The Territory of Alaska has been granted authority to operate point to point telegraph and phone radio stations at Attu and Atka. The frequencies authorized for both of these stations is 2616 and 5207.5 kilocycles. The appointment of M. C. Mathias as postmaster at Taku harbor was made bv the post office depart ment on March 27. OLD PAPERS! Buy them by the bundle. Use them for starting fires. For Sale At th.e Nome Nugget. NOTICE The Nome Daily Nugget is for Sale at the following places of business : Pioneer Drug Store, The Nome Drug Store, The Board of Trade, The Nevada MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1904 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane's Way LIGHT. POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Prop. THE NOME DAILY NUGGET Job Printing Department Is Equipped To Handle Your Job Printing Needs, Efficiently, , a _ Speedily Executed. ** AT REASONABLE PRICES Kotzebue < Special Correspondence) May 1, 1936. Pilot Jack Hermann of the Northern Air Transport arrived here last Wednes day with Wm. Oliver as a passenger from Kiana who was enroute to Nome. Pilot Hermann took Dr. R. E. Smith. Messrs Jim Cross of Koyuk and Lee who are all enroute for Can die where they will work for the summer. Dr. Smith had an emergency call from Igloo and he expects to be gone for a week. Mr. Donald Wagner bet ter known as “Noatak Wag ner is down here on a business trip from Kiva~ lina. Mr. Wagner is a gov eminent teacher in Kiva~ Jina. He expects to stay here for several days as he has quite a bit of business to attend to before he goes back. He reports that the natives up there arc gett ing a lot of seals and he thinks no one will go hung rv up there this spring. He also said the catch of fur was not so good this win ter. Mrs. Hugo Eckhardt, Iho well known fox farmer’s wife is down here for a vis it. She drove her own dog team. She expects to stay here a few days and visit with her many friends as it is her last chance until after the breakup. Mrs. R L Gillis and dau ghter Margaret are here from Candle for medical attention. Margaret was op erated on for appendicitis and is now up ready to leave for her home. They expect to go as soon as the plane comes. Several teams from Noor vik and Kiana were down here to get supplies for the spring and they said the natives up there got quite a few muskrats already. They think this will be a good year for muskrats as it is unusually warm up there. The natives here are gelt ing quite a number of seals in the last few days. Walter Lincoln the well known na five here got twenty-four seals in just a little while. The natives here all say there is a lot of seals if a person can only go out and get them. — - Mrs. Reuben Jacobsen, the nurse here in the gov ernment hospital, and Mrs. Ituk left for Kivalina this morning for a pleasure trip. They expect to be gone about five days. - - I May 2nd. Harry Baldwin and Lucy Gaffe were married yester day by Commissioner Jack Dowd. Harry and Lucy are both from Kiana. Their many friends here wish both of them success, hap piness and hope they live a long happy life together. Pilot Frank Whaley of the Nome Airways arrived here today with two pass engers—Jackson Davido vics and another passenger All Alaska Now Quickly Conveniently Accessible SUMMER SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE BETWEEN MAY 1st AND OCTOBER 31st, 1036. SAILINGS OF ALASKA S. S. CO. Seattle-Juneau Read Read Every Down Up Sat. 9:00 AM Lv. Seattle Thurs. AM Tues. AM Ar. Juneau Mon. 9:00 AM Table 1—JUNEAU-WHITEHORSE-FAIRBANKS Every Read Read Every Tues. Down Mi. Time Up Sun. 2:i)U PM 0 Lv. Juneau . Jun. Ar. 3:00 PM 3:00 200 Ar. WHorse Jun. Lv. 1:50 PM 3010 Lv. WHorse Jun. Ar. 1:20 PM 0 00 700 Ar F'banks Fbks. Lv. 9:00 AM Table 2—NOME-FLAT-FAIR BANKS Every Read Read Every \\i-d. Down Mi. Time Up Wed. 0:00 AM 0 Lv. F'banks Fbks. Ar. 8:00 PM 9:80 240 Ar. Ruby . Fbks. Lv. 0:30 PM 9:50 Lv. Rubv ... Fbks. 0:10 PM 11:00 400 Ar. Flat ... Fbks. 5:00 PM 11:0 Lv. Flat ..Fbks. 4:30 PM 1.' :0 PM 700 Ar. Nome Nome 1:30 PM 1 Nos. 1 & 2 Multimotored Equipment i ! INo. 3 Single M nod Fq lipment Table 3—FAIRBANKS-LIVENGOOD Every Read Read Every Tues. Dn. Mi. Time Up Tues. 11:00 AM 0 Lv. Fairbanks . Fbks. Ar. 12:30 PM 11:30 54 Ar. Livengood ..Fbks. Lv. 12:00 N PASSENGER TARIFFS jr s; ? ~ a E - h. < z V ~ r* 3* 2 ** £ 5- t * 1 * i Whitehorse .S 25 Fairbanks . .. 1U0 S 75 Livengood 110 85 $ 10 Ruby . 148 123 43 $ 58 Flat .156 131 56 66 $32 Nome .20'» 175 100 110 60 $60 USE AIR EXPRESS Express package cepted at all offices of the Company. Exp. >■ s is carried on ali schedules shown herein. A .' ite express tariff giving cr' -te ini rma’: 1 si.:pp >:\s is available at any Company office. I ru;ni<; Alaska ukways. j\c. I NO M I, , A I. A S K A . for Kotzebue. iblot Whaley expects to leave for Igloo and White Mountain as soon as possi ble with some passengers for both places. Walter R. Blankenship, a trader from Kiana was down here on a business trip He left for his home in Kiana yesterday eve ning. Angeline Daviuovics ALASKA FISHERY REGULATIONS Washington, D C.. March '26, 1936: ALL AREAS —TROUT FISHING— 1. Commercial fishing for trout of any species is pro hibited in all streams and lakes: Provided, That this prohibition shall not apply to Dolly Varden trout. 2. No person shall take during any one day more than a combined total of 40 trout of all species, except Dolly Varden trout, and no person shall have in his pos session at any time more than 80 trout of all species, except Dolly Varden trouj. General Regulation The use of dynamite or any other explosive in the I taking or killing of any fish is prohibited. DANIEL C. ROPER. Secretary of Commerce CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Suits And Hats Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices Baths For Men and Women Phone MAln 149 Cavey’s Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A.M. GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals NEVADA BEER PARLOR AND GRILL SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO ~ o"- w « w*'-wwwd'wi) iv :i> iwmi—i ■ swi —BKH——WWWI I or People \\ ho Feel 1 Il<l<‘l* I *15r SQUIBBS CHOCOLATE VITAVOSE RICH IN VITAMINS B. AND IRON 5 0 Cents DREG STORE (iome In \nd See ()ur Line Of Remington Typewriters .$37.50 and Up Remington Adding Machines . 75.00 and Up OInner Cash Registers . 75.00 and Up NOME LUMBER COMPANY HAVE YOUR FLOORS R E F l N I S II E D ! ELECTRIC SANDING MACHINE HIGHEST QUALITY WORK Fred Havercamp _Corner B Street and 2nd Avenue NOME LIQUOR STORE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE IN NOME BEST QUALITY, VARIETY, AND QUANTITY RANIER BEER 15 CENTS BOTTLE LARGE STOCK OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO (Next Door To Fire Station) ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY 1936 SCHEDULE Sailing Dates From Seattle Northbound And Sail ing dates from Seward Southbound. Leave Leave Seattle Seward Alaska April 25 May 1 Mt. McKinley April 29 May 5 General Agents Pacific Steamship Lines. JAMES P. DALY, Agent, Nome.