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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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LOCAL ITEMS Ti e Nome High School will hoi' its commencement exercises at the Dream Theater on Thurs day May 21, at 8 P. M. The main add) 'ss will be given by Mr. C. C. Tan ?r, United States Commis sion r. There are six members of 11 e graduating class, the great est number to graduate from the local high school for many years. The members of the class are: Gei lrude Johansen, Dorothy Nel son. Evelyn Wallace, Milton O' F ;tc11, Walter Slack and Pearse Walsh. FI NERAL NOTICE All Pioneers of Alaska, are re quested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Sydney Henry Burgh, services at the Federated Church. 2 PM., Thursday,May 21. Pioneers of Alaska Igloo No. 1, ALMER RYDEEN, President Subscribe for the Nugget you’ll find a barrel of quality in every bottle! Old Quaker sticks to every rule of fine distilling, in spite of its friendly price w I friendly to your I You’ve ordered over 3 million taste, throat , cases of Old Quaker straight whiskey! That surely shows you like it. And Old Quaker can tell you why you like it. It’s because each rich drop is made in strict accordance with the rules of fine dis tilling. Old Quaker is sold at such a friendly price, that mil lions are enjoying Old Quaker quality today! A* you prefer in BOURBON or RYE It bears the SCHENLEY MARK OF MERIT Copyright, 1936, The Old Quaker Co., Laurent churg. I ml. Div. of Sthcnlcy Products Co., Inc. —. . . ~ ~~ i I S. IIENRY BURGH PASSED AWAY LAST EVENING Following a lingering illness lasting several months, S. Henry Burgh.well-known sourdough and business man, passed away at his home Monday evening at 6.35 o'clock, the cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage. For practically six months Mr. Burgh had been bed-ridden.due to double rupture, but through the medical care of Dr. Charteris. his attending physician, he was able to be up and about for the pasit two months. During recent days he was down town and called at several business houses, among them the Nevada, which he re built after the big fire of Sept. 17, 1934. Mr. Burgh also took to driving liis automobile the last few days, and on Sunday gave his child ren a ride with him. Late Sun day night he became suddenly ill and the doctor was sent for and rendered all relief possible. Mr. Burgh finally fell asleep from which he never awoke and was pronounced dead at 6.35 P.M.. Monday. May 18th. Sydney Henry Burgh was born Jan. 1st, 1870, at Detroit, Michi gan. He spent his early life in Montana railroading, and in 1898 he joined the stampede to Daw son. V. hen the news of the gold strike at Nome hit Dawson, he joined the gold rush stampede to Nome, where he has resided ever since, following the mining game and conducting the business of the well known Nevada bar. Mr. Burgh was a member of the City Council for many years, and later was elected mayor.. He also served as a Second Division repre sentative in the Alaska Legisla-1 ture. He was a member of the Pioneers of Alaska, Igloo No. 1, of which he was vice-president, also he was a member of the Nome Brass Band from 1900 to the present time. • Mr. Burgh is survived by his wife and three children, and a brother in Nome; also by a bro ther living at Naches,Washington, all of whom have the sympathy of the community, in this their hour of grief. Funeral arrangements will be under the auspices of the Pion eers of Alaska, Igloo No. 1. Ser vices will be held at the Federat ed Church at 2 p.m., Thursday, May 21st. CLEANUP NOTICE Beginning May 19 and extend ing until June 1st, the City of Nome has declared a period dur ing which citizens and property owners are directed to cleanup their property and the beach in the rear of their buildings where this applies. During this period the city truck will pick up all debris piled in front of property alongside the street and cart it away. Health and Relief Committee Publish May 18, 19, 20, 21. Save $2 by paying in ad vance for your subscription LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. LIGHTERAGE AND TOWING LOCAL AND COASTWISE LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. N. A. T. We Feature Air Ex press and Freighting of Mining Equipment To Many Sections of Alaska’s Rich Mineral Areas Our policy is to render the greatest possible assistance to those engaged in Min ing in the Seward Penin sula and other sections, thru our Extensive and Personal Attention to Air Express & Freight—both incoming and ! outgoing through Nome. FOR ANY SERVICE, BE IT , PASSENGER, EXPRESS, OR FREIGHT—WIRE US AND IT WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT AND EF FICIENT ATTENTION ! NORTHERN AIR TRANSPORT INC. Airplane News Nome Airport Pilot Han« Mirnw nf the Mirnw Air Service flying his newly pur chased Stinson plane, took off from Seattle at 11:35 A. M. with two passengers and a dog, names unknown, for Nome via British Columbia, Yukon Territory, and Alaska points. Pilot Hall of the Mirow Air Service, said reports is due from Kotzebue tonight, wp. Pilot Hermann of the NAT, made an emergency flight last| night to Solomon returning to Nome with Peter Curran Jr., as a passenger. Today Pilot Hermann of the NAT, flew Mr. Haney to Candle, and another flight to Teller, Tay lor and White’s Camp with a load of freight. A wire received late today said that the NAT Ford plane took off from Prince George this morning enroute to Nome with nine pas sengers. The name of the ninth passenger was not obtained. Pilot Whaley of the Nome Air ways made a flight to Shelton today with Harry Longley and freight, then to Hot Springs. He returned from there with a native boy and a Sister. The native boy was to receive medical attention at the hospital here. Grant Nel son was also a passenger from Nugget Gulch to Nome. Tomorrow he is scheduled for Hot Springs, Nugget Gulch, Deer ing and Candle with passengers and freight. _ WANTED TO BUY—A Reining ton Portable typewriter in good condition. Inquire at Nugget. I Dream Theatre TONIGHT ONE SHOW _ 8 P.M. “I LIKE IT THAT WAY” WITH Roger Prior Gloria Stuart Laughter Music Girls ! ALSO METROTONE NEWS AND “BAD GENIUS’—A Cartoon ' SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION NEVA WHALEY PRESENTS HER DANCERS IN ENTIRELY NEW ACTS . ADM. ADULTS 75cts (Including Tax) Children 25cts ONE SHOW 8 P. M. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc, JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DO YOU KNOW THERE IS A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE ? EXTERIORS INTERIORS WALL FINISHES ENAMELS FLAT PAINTS COLORS IN OIL VARNISHES AND ALL FINISHES During This Clean-up Per iod We Will Adopt This Policy PAINT NOW— PAY LATER— See Us For Special Terms on Paints * POLET’S %