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Announcing Our— NEW FOUNTAIN SERVICE GRAND OPENING DATE THIS WEEK ! i SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ! DON’T MISS IT A Surprise Feature Guaranteed To Win Popularity Pioneer Drug Co., Inc. SALES ^CTtevro/pff | Buick ^ ^Pon tiac C . I Olds mobile SERVICE Agents For—The International Ocean Express System EMPORIUM BAZAAR Will Receive on First Boat Large Shipment of Shoes for Children, Ladies & Gentlemen A Large quantity of Dry Goods—Our Prices Are Very Reasonable OPEN 8 A.M. CLOSE 9 P. M. HAVE YOUR FLOORS I REFINISHED! ELECTRIC SANDING MACHINE HIGHEST QUALITY WORK Fred Havercamp Corner 3 Street and 2nd Avenue THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL. BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 NEVADA BEER PARLOR-GRILL & BARBER SHOP IN CONNECTION TRY US SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO Notice of Hearing and Settlement Of Final Account and Petition For Distribution In the Probate Court for the Cape Nome Precinct, Territory of Alaska, Second Division. In the matter of the estate of ALEXANDER HUGH KELL, De ceased. I Notice is hereby given to Mary Emma Kell, wife of said deceas ed and to Claude Owens Kell, son of said deceased, and to all others interested in said estate, that the undersigned executor of the estate of said deceased, has filed in the said court his final account and report and petition for the distribution of said estate, and that the 29th day of August j 1936, at the hour of eleven o’clock i a.m. of said date, at the court | room of said court, has been fix- j ed by the order of said court as the time and place for the hear ing of the same and objections thereto and the settlement there of, and that at the said time and place the court will adjudicate and determine who are the heirs, legatees, devisees and distribut ees of said deceased. Dated this the 25th day of June 1936. EUGENE LAWRENCE KELL Executor of the estate of Al exander Hugh Kell deceased. Publish June 26, July 3, 10, 17. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT M. S. No. 1883 M. A. No. 0925 IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE AT NOME, TERRITORY OF ALASKA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Patrick II. Sweeney, whose post office address is Nome, Al aska, has by Hugh O’Farrell, his authorized agent, whose post offi ce address and place of business is Nome, Alaska, made applica tion before the U. S. Land Office a* Nome, Alaska, for a United States Patent for the “Memory Association Placer Mining Claim’’ which is situated on the norther ly bank of Sunset Creek, a trib utary of Snake River, about 7.5 miles northwesterly from Nome and the mouth of Snake River, in the Cape Nome Recording Precinct, Territory of Alaska, and designated by the Cadastral Engineer in charge of the United States Surveyor General’s Office of said Territory as M. S. No. 1, 883, the exterior boundary lines of which survey, according to the Plat and Fields Notes on file in said Land Office with a magnet ic variation of 17 deg. 40 min. to 18 deg. 20 min. East, a;e us fol lows; Beginning at Cor. No. 1 the N. E. Cor. identical with the 1 ci tion a schist stone U. S. L. M. No. 17 bears S. 19 deg. 39 min. E 5,927.4 ft.; thence S. 29 deg. 04 min. W. 365 ft. to J- r. No. 2 id entical with the 1 »-ution and with Cor. 5 of Oakdale Association Placer Sur. No. 427 a flr post marked 2-M-1G3G, 5-0-427: then ce S. 27 deg. 50 min. W. along line 5-4 Oakdale Association 2 - |760 ft. to Cor. No. 3 identical wiyi location, with Cor. 4 Oakdale As sociation and Cor. 4 Sunrise Ben ch Placer, both of Sur. 427 a limestone 12 ins. above ground, thence S. 17 deg. 46 min. W. al ong Line 4-3 Sunrise Placer Sui No. 427 591 ft. to Cor. 4 identical with location; with Cor. No. 3 Sunrise Bench Placer; Cor. No. 3 Gold Bench Fraction; Cor. No. 5 No. 2 Below on Sunset Placer, all of Sur. No. 427 and Cor. No. 4 No. One Below on Sunset Creek Placer Sur. No. 1832; a schi-t stone 12 ins. above ground; then ce N. 63 deg. 44 min. W. along Line 4-3 No. One Below on Sun set Creek Placer Sur. No. 1832 1407 ft. to Cor. No. 5 identical with location; with Cor. No. 3 No. One Below on Sunset Creek Placer Sur. No. 1832 and Cor. No. 1 Discovery and Cold Air Bench Group Placer Claims, Sur. No. 482, a fir post 2.5 ft. above ground; thence N. 32 deg. 30 min. E. 1926 ft. to Cor. No. 6 identi cal with location a fir post 4 ins. sq. 4 ft. long; thence 60 deg. 4 min. E. 2160 ft. to Cor. No. 1 and place of beginning; containing a total area of 77.971 acres, for: which a United States Patent is asked. The location notice of said claim is recorded in the office of the1 Cape Nome Recording Precinct, Territory of Alaska, in Vol. 133, Page 480. The adjoining claims are; Nor-! th, unknown; on East, Oakdale and Sunset Placers, Sur. No. 427, and other claims unknown; on South, No. 1 Below Discovery Placer on Sunset Creek, Sur. No.' 1832; on West, claims unknown and unsurveyed. U. S. L. M. No. 17 to which this claim is tied is a limestone situated on high ground about 1600 ft. southerly from Russel Gulch, a small tributary of Snake River on its right bank. In Lat. 64 deg. 30 min. North. Long. (165 deg. 31 min. W.) (Approxi mate.) ALMER RYDEEN, Register First Publication July 3, 1936. ’ Last Publication Sept. 11, 1936. Clean Boats Mean Good Quality Fish Says Salmon Ind. The great necessity for taking every precaution possible to pro tect the purity and quality of Al aska's salmon pack, was pointed out today by Dr. Ray W. Clough, Ph. D., of the National Canners Association, Northwest Branch. Marketing experts tell us that the only way the 1936 pack of Al aska salmon can be successfully sold is on a basis of quality, be cause of the intense price com petition from cheap varieties of other fish. The time to make sure that the quality is there is right now, Dr. Clough declared. The flesh of the salmon is or dinarily free from bacteria when the fish is caught he said, but the skin of the salmon and par ticularly the gills, carries bacter ia. If the flesh of the fish is bruised or broken by rough hand NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To, Irwin Kell, your heirs, excur tors, administrators and assigns You are hereby notified, that the undersigned co-owner with you in placer mining claims, known as the ST, MICHEALS ASSOCIATION and the IRENE ASSOCIATION, situate upon St. Michaels Creek, a tributary of Osborn Creek, in the Cape Nome Mining District and Precinct, Territory of Alaska, and notices of location of which said claims are recorded in Volume 184. at Page 97. of the records of loca tions of said mining district, did during the assessment year end ing July 1st, 1935, expend upon each of said mining claims in la bor and improvements, the sum of One Hundred Dollars. Such expenditures were made for the annual assessment work upon each of said mining claims, and in order to hold the same under the provisions of Section 28,, Title 30. Code of Laws of the United States (U.S.C.A.) as amen ded August 24, 1921, and other laws of the United States and the Territory of Alaska. And you are further notified that if within ninety days from the personal service cf this notice upon you, or within ninety days after the publication thereof, you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of such expenditures as co-owner, which amounts to one eighth of the amounts before stated, your interest in the said mining claims will become the property of the undersigned co owner, who has made the requir ed expenditures above stated, under the provisions of said Sec tion 28, Title 30, U.S.C.A. MARY EMMA KELL, Publish June 26. July 3, 10, 17,24, 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 1936. ling or pughing, these micro-or ganisms may be introduced into the flesh, causing decomposition. These bacterai sometimes doub le in number in as short a time as half an hour. Because they multiply very rapidly, especially in the bottom of a boat, it is very essential that fishing boats and tenders be thoroughly cleaned af ter every delivery of fish. .Other wise various forms of decomposi tion result, some of which have very bad odors. If the boat is not carefully cleaned out, the next load of fish will become con taminated from the boat, and de composition will proceed consid erably faster than if the boat is clean, explained the Doctor. Fish boats should at all times be free of offensive odors, otherwise they are not clean and are unfit for the reception of fresh fish. To properly cleanse a boat it should be thoroughly scrubbed out, using a liberal amount of water under pressure. This wat-: er should then be pumped out and a second scrubbing with clean water made. In removing the water used in scrubbing, care should be taken that the suction inlet of the pump be low enough so that not only the fish hold but the bilges will be thoroughly dry. Water alone will not remove all the bacteria from the hold of the boat. The best practice and the one followed by many of the progressive fishermen is to use some form of antiseptic solution such as one of the odor les hypochlorites, several of which are on the market. This can best be applied with a spray gun, since in this way, all parts of the hold or bins can be reached. The spray should contain 3,000 parts per million or .3 of lrI of chlorine and be very liberally applied. A num Baseball Scores (By The Associated Press) COAST LEAGUE Missions 4 Sacramento 0 Seattle 11 Los Angeles 2 (Both night games) San Diego 0 Oakland 1 Portland 2 San Francisco 3 AMERICAN LEAGUE St. Louis 5 Philadelphia 7 Chicago 2 Boston 7 Detroit 10 Washington 7 Cleveland 11 New York 4 National Brooklyn 3-4 Chicago 4-5 Philadelphia 5 Pittsburgh 16 New York 3 St. Louis 6 The Nome Daily Nugget carries several forms of printing blanks for your convenience — Dredge Logs, thawing and drill reports, Mining Deeds, Placer and Lode Location Notices. Vouchers, and Special Power of Attorney forms. ber of canneries are furnishing this antiseptic solution at the ele vator float as soon as the boat is unloaded and washed. Since the strength of the solu tion is very rapidly broken down, by organic matter, it is very nec essary to have the boats well scrubbed before spraying, or all the bacteria will not be killed. Clean boats will contribute greatly to keeping up the qual ity of the pack. Dr. Clough said. It is obviously impossible for the canner to produce a satisfactory and desirable pack of Canned Salmon unless the fish as receiv ed by him are in first class con dition. The Salmon Industry plays a very great part in the ec onomic life of Alaska and can continue to do so provided the quality of its product is kept at a high level. The responsibility for this rests equally upon the fisherman and upon the canner. THE NOME DAILY NUGGET Job Printing Department Is Equipped To Handle Your Job Printing Needs, Efficiently, -o Speedily Executed. AT REASONABLE PRICES I-—" ‘ _~T ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY BERING SEA ROUTE SAILING SCHEDULE Leave Seattle S. S. DELLWOOD . July 3 S. S. DERBLAY . Aug. 12 S. S. DELLWOOD . Sept. 9 S. S. VICTORIA . Oct. 7 (NOTE: All sailings subject to change without notice.) Sailing Schedule for Southeastern & Southwestern Alaska Ports Northbound Southbound Leave Arrive Arrive Leave Leave Leave Seattle Juneau Seward Seward Juneau Cordova S S Alaska July 4 July 7 July 10 July 10 July 13 S S Mount McKinley July 8 July 11 July 14 July 14 July 18 S S Yukon July 11 July 14 July 17 July 17 July 18 S S Baranof* July 15 July 18 July 21 July 21 July 23 S S Alaska July 18 July 21 July 24 July 24 July 27 S S Mt. McKinley* July 22 July 25 July 28 July 28 July 30 •(Via Cordova, Direct to Seattle) General Agents for the Pacific Steamship Lines Joe Harnish, Agent • -