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WINTER SKATING SCHEDULE Skating On Sundays 2 to 4—4 to 6 P. M.—-Children and Young Folks 7 to 9—9 to 11—11 to 1—For Adults Only MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS 4 to 6 P. M.—Children and Young Folks 7 to 9—9 to 11—11 to 1—For Adults Only Skating on Wednesdays 2 to 4 P. M.—White Ladies Only (With Instructor for Beginners) 4 to 6 P. M.—All Children Skating on Saturdays 2 to 4—4 to 6 P. M.—Children and Young Folks All Children Must Be Off Floor by 9 P. M. (HALL CLOSED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS) | NORTH POLE Bakery & Restaurant ** E. G. DAVIS We Excell In Bakery Goods Of All Kinds. Popularly Known For Service And Good Food. NEW MODEL SYSTEM OIL HEATERS AND MAGIC CHIEF FLAMO RANGE The Oil Heater That Warms the Floor and Directs the Heat Where You Want It. LARRY GALVIN — PORTRAITS — FOR CHRISTMAS AT THE POTTER STUDIO The Nome Daily Nugget Read by People in Everv Town, Village and Hamlet in the Second Division. IT GETS RESULTS ■ - — LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. \~ PURCHASE YOUR WINTER’S SUPPLY OF COAL NOW FOR CASH SAVE MONEY WINTER PRICES BECOME EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 20th LADYSMITH LUMP.-.$27.00 LADYSMITH NUT .-. 27.00 UTAH LUMP . 28.00 UTAH NUT . 28.00 PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE .35.00 COLORADO ANTHRACITE . 35.00 CHINESE ANTHRACITE.35.00 PER TON IN THE YARD SIDEWALK DELIVERY $1.00 PER TON WE WILL STORE YOUR COAL FREE OF CHARGE UNTIL JUNE 1st LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. _—* ' * * - - Hospital Notes Jas. P. Daly convalescing in the Maynard Columbus Hospital | is still about the same, and is im | proving slowly, from a lengthy illness. Wm. H. Koch, receiving medi_ ca attention at the hospital under the care of Dr. Morcom and the ■ staff, i^ reported to be improv. ing. E. F. Bauer, entered the hos pital, and is receiving medical attention for a case of the shlng. les. John Gregg, Mr. “Sapolio'’ and Bill Guisler, three real old.timers of this section convalescing in the hospital under the expert care of the nurses, are about the same as usual. Earl Towner, Hammon employ, ee who received a sprained knee is improving under care at the Maynard Columbus hospital. — Fred Teetuk Kite, a little native boy, is in the hospital with an ' attack of pneumonia. Scores Of Football Games Saturday Georgia 7 Fordham 7 tie. Harvard 13 Yale 14 ' Marquette 0 Duquesne 13 Iowa 25 Temple 0 Arizona 0 Michigan State 7 Colgate 13 Syracuse 0 Dartmouth 13 Princeton 13 tie i Hobart 7 Army 51 Michigan 0 Ohio State 21 City College N. Y. 7 N Y U 25 Lehigh 18 Lafayette 0 Bucknell 0 Penn State 14 Northwestern 6 Notre Dame 26 Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget: $2 a month POLSON’S Water Delivery “Sanitary Service” — For Years Your Old Stand By. Always at Your Service. Ed Bergstrom—Eric Nelson Phone Black 44 _I Airplane News Nome Airport j Pilot Mirow of the MAS made a flight to Teller returning with the Blatchford boy for the hospi_ tal here. Quintuplets Born In Nome—Now 6 Instead Of 1 NEWS FLASHES! FROM THE NOME “SPIER” I Callander, Ontario, has nothing on Nome. Maybe the Dionne quin j tuplets were born there, but Nome) also should be recognized as the birthplace of Quintuplets. Perhaps they aren’t as import ant as the famous Dionnes, nor have they been as much photo. graphed> but nevertheless they were born in 5’s. It all boils down to “Mrs. Os. car Whiskers”, who at four o’, clock the other morning gave birth to five little “Oscars”, all perfect little kittens. The owners of “Oscar I” are Mr. and Mrs. Pat Shtay of Nome. They are anxiously looking for father Oscar to advise him of his great fortune, and meanwhile Owner Pat is obliged to hand j out the cigars for the absent pad- I re. ■' — Federated Church t Rev. Vincent C. Widney, Pastor. - ! Services for Sunday, Nov. 22 Church School, 11 o’clock. Evening Worship, 7:45 P. M. Sermon topic: “How Surprising 1 of God” Special music and a good song service. Everyone welcome. ,Young people’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. Dr Morcom will be the spec ial speaker at the meeting. Miss Marguerite Lee will lead the meeting. Native Service at 5 p.m. Sermon topic: “Forgive us our Trespasses.” I • . FOR SALE—1 almost new linol eum 6’ x 9’. 1 waterproof suit. 2: new silverplates 12 x 24. 1 camp , stove with 5 sections pipe, 2 ells. 1 2 shovels. 1 folding campchair. .. Cavey’s Bakery GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals OPEN FROM 6 AJM. TO 1 AJH. Calkins’ Shoppe BRADLEY KNITS New Fall Styles And Colors (Exclusive Agents) Calkins’ Shoppe YENNEY’S Water Delivery Phene Black 7 Good Service Complies With Sanitary Regulations of The City Of Nome. Dream Theatre TONIGHT ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS FUGITIVE LOVERS ROBERT MONTGOMERY MADGE EVANS A Thriller All Through AND “ALL ON DECK”—A Musical SUNDAY TWO SHOWS 7:15 and 9. P M. 44 DOUBLE DOORS ” WITH " EVELYN VENABLES CHARLES MORRIS KENT TAYLOR A DANDY MYSTERY PICTURE ALSO —METROTONE NEWS— “PICTORIAL” TWO SHOWS 7:15 and 9. P M. ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS FUEL OIL BURNING DUO—THERM COOKING RANGES AND CIRCULATING HEATERS LANG DE LUXE OIL FLAME RANGES COAL AND WOOD CONVERTABLE JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Thanksgiving SPECIALS Marble Head Squash.12^cts lb. Danish Squash. 15cts lb. Celery.25cts bun. Stuff Peppers.25cts can Pickled Peppers. 25cts & 35cts Mint Jelly.25cts jar Stuff Olives .All sizes Ripe Olive , . All sizes Stuffed Anchovies.25cts to 60cts can Cranberries, outside . 2qts. 55cts Cranberries, local.2 qts. 45cts Cranberry, sauce,.25 cts can Grapes, white . 40cts lb. Grapes, red . 40cts lb. Pears, fancy, .per doz. 60cts to 75cts Fresh Frozen Strawberries . 25cts bskt. Sugared Frozen Strawberries.35cts carton Sugared Frozen Raspberries. 35cts carton Fresh Frozen Oysters, Olympias & Westerns Chestnuts for dressings .25cts lb. Mixed Nuts in shell.2 lbs. for 65cts Mixed Salted Nuts .85cts lb. Mint Cherries with stem.50cts Maraschino Cherries.15cts to 75cts Rubyettes .25cts ji (Rum Flavored) Bulk Mince Meat 20cts lb. < (Brandy Flavored) Jar Mince Meat 65cts jar SELECT YOUR TURKEY EARLY 5% Discount will be deducted on all orders tak en home to dress and on all orders placed with us before Tuesday evening. We are glad to render this service free of charge provided we are given time to do our job nicely. POLET’S STORE