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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC. Winter Mail Schedule Fairbanks to Nome And Return Twiee Weekly MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Juneau Schedule Planes Leave Fairbanks Connecting With Southbound Boats From Juneau for the States G. E. BASSETT, Nome Agent Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Seemd Amt Hi LnO Way LIGHT, rowni AND UOIWOAL 8OTPUW LOCAL AND LONG DIRANOI 1USFHONI BEHYfOH Pioneer Fountain ...Lunch... OUR SPECIAL CRANBERRY SHERBET PROVED TO BE SUCH A SUCCESS FOR MANY THANKSGIVING DINNERS THAT WE ARE PLANNING ON FURNISHING THIS NEW AND DELIGHTFUL TOUCH TO OTHER HOLIDAY DINNERS IN NOME. If You Haven’t Tried Cranberry Sherbet As One of Your Entrees, Do So Now, and Plan to Include It in the Future. Pints 45cts Quarts 85cts PIONEER DRUG COMPANY Don’t look at your catalog. Don’t look at your price. But the Emporium Bazaar has the right price, For your Holiday Gifts ' Don’t forget, not the best, but as good as the rest. emporium” bazaar FLY THE SAFE WAY IN Tri-Motored Equipment -THE ARCTIC AIRWAYS INC.— SHIP YOUR MINKS EARLY We Solicit Your Patronage THE ALASKA-CHICAGO FUR EXCHANGE 368 Central Ave., Highland Park, Illinois. Alaska And Its Franchise Of Civil Government Described in Articles (Continued From Page One) al school boards. The legislature of 1927 made the office of com missioner of education elective. This was again changed by the Legislature of 1933 and the offi_ ce has again become appointive. The Legislature of 1933 abolished local school boards that had here tofore looked after the hiring of local teachers. This is now done for all Territorial schools thru the Commissioner of Education at Juneau. The Legislature of 1933 also created the Territorial School Board to take the place, in a measure, of the local school boards. This school board on which each of the four divisions of Alaska are represented meets once a year at Juneau. I have given you some idea of the progression of steps in Al aska’s fonm of government and what is entailed in our present legislative body, together with its authority and power. Statehood for Alaska I would like to touch briefly on the ultimate and final form of gov ernment for Alaska—Statehood. For a great many years the people of Alaska have advocated statehood. This has been the dream of countless men and wo. men who pioneered our great Territory, and should be the hope and aspiration of every forward looking citizen. Alaska today more than shares the same prospects of the west ern territories of the United Stat es before their incorporation into the family of states of the Union. Washington, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico were under a ter_ ritorial form of government for 36, 46, 43, and 56 years respect ively. It is not surprising then that Alaska under a Territorial form of government only since 1912 has so far failed to enter the fed eration of states. Produced 2 Billion Dollars Alaska has produced up to 1935, two billion dollars worth of wealth. Unfortunately the wealth ! produced has not remained with_ lin the Territory. | Since 1898 the extensive dev elopment of the mining industry and our fisheries has stimulated commercial enterprise to the ex_ j elusion of agriculture. Agriculture Necessary The development of agriculture is the one sure road to statehood —for this means permanent pop ulation, not the transient one en gendered by mining and fishing Lumber in Alaska Alaska has today over 80 bil_ lion feet of standing commercial Weather Today (U. S. Weather Bureau) Fair skies obtained generally thruout central and western Al aska. Some fog conditions were observed in the Fairbanks and Anchorage districts. Rainfall continues over southeastern Al_ aska. Temperatures were lower last night over interior and western Alaska and were below zero over most of the Yukon Valley; the lowest reported being —32 at Nulato at 7 a.m. Barometric pressure is rela_ tively high over Alaska and low central near Aitka on the Aleut ians. This general pressure dis_ tribution will likely cause con_ tinuation of fair weather for Nome and vicinity for the next --— timber .In the past this vast ac reage of potential wealth has! been jealously guarded by the federal government, but the pres_ ent administration seems dispos ed to open this new bonanaza to private commercial exploitation which will give employment to thousands and cause the creation of hundreds of permanent homes and families. The production of gold and the canning of fish has not brought the Territory statehood, neith. er have they brought the Ter ritory population or wealth com. mensurate with the total pro duct of these industries. We must therefore look to ag_ riculture principally and to min ing and commerce secondarilly to accomplish this result. Matanuska Project The Matanuska Colonization project has brought one thous and permanent settlers to Al_ aska. Since the advent of this colony seventy-five births have been recorded within the group. There are many other fertile val leys within the Territory await, ing settlement and development. Agriculture—fields of waving grain, herds in the valleys, gar dens, homes in the country, child ren on their way to school— without these no territory ever has or ever will become a State. (The End) To Butcher Soon Born in Nome, recently, at the dairy of M. J. Walsh, was a young calf. It will be butchered soon by Herman Hoop, the sour, dough butcher, and put on sale at Polets Meat Market. Polets’ will feature this special Veal as a suggestion for Sunday dinners, December 7. As there is only one Veal let us suggest that you get your order in early, not later than Thursday evening, Decem ber 3, so it can be delivered as soon as their genial butcher be_ gins cutting it up. Only once a year do we Nomeites get a treat like this, so don’t miss this op_ portunity. Hospital To Give Reception Wed. Members of the Advisory Board and of the Finance Committee with their wives will assist the Staff of the Maynard Columbus Hospital in receiving at the open house which will be held Wed_ nesday evening from 8 to 10. Mrs. A. M. Hartford will assist guests in finding their way about the building. In charge of the dining-room will be Mrs. H. G. Hughes, Mrs. Ed. Seidenverg, and Mrs. Russell Maynard. Pre_ siding at the coffee urns will be Mrs. J. D. Harlan, Mrs. A. Polet, Mrs.Lyle Nevins, Mrs M J Walsh. Mrs. Aimer Rydeen and Mrs. L. E. Rynning. Miss Betty Bradshaw will be on hand to explain exhibits in the laboratory, and Miss Lennie Mae Nelson will be in charge of the display in the surgery. Miss Morgan and Dr. Morcom will show and explain the X.ray and other new equipment. You are cordially invited to call during the evening. 36 hours with not much change in temperature. The lowest Nome temperature last night was 4 above and the highest yesterday twenty two. Complete, Efficient Aviation Service to all Parts of Alaska WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES FAIRBANKS NOME THOMAS O. OIVAN, Nome, Agent SPECIALIZING IN PERMANENT WAVES.. Equipped For Zotos and Frederic’s Permanent Waves FACIALS, FINGER WAVES, MANICURES, BEAUTY WORK Violet Ray Treatments PHYLLIS’ BEAUTY SHOPPE Licensed Operator NEVADA BEER PARLOR—GRILL & BARBER SHOP IN CONNECTION TOM CLONIGER MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1904 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS HAVE YOUR FLOORS REFINISHED! ELECTRIC SANDING MACHINE HIGHEST QUALITY WORK Fred Havercamp Corner B Street and 2nd Avenue_ Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED : SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre)