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Nome Hi School News For Past Week In Print (Continued From Page Two) project of the week. The honor duties were held this week by Sara Chapman,doorkeeper; Jack, ie Rynning, calendar .keeper; Aileen Hughes,light.keeper; Jean Graham, house keeper; Ellen Waldheim, book.keeper; Charles Wheeler, duster; John Buckley, blackboard_keeper. Save $2 by paying in ad vance for your subscription Seventeen Anti-Coumunists Are On Trial Accused Plotting Overthrow (By The Associated Press) MOSCOW, Jan. 23, — Seven, teen anti.comimunist plotters con fessed to conspiring to furnish Japan with oil from Sakhalin Island in -the event of a war be. tween Japan and the United States. The indictment read at the op. ening session of their trial today, said all defendants including Karl Radek, former editor of the government newspaper Izvestia, acknowledged full guilt. The indictment charged that the group intended to overthrow the communist regime, in a plot supported by Germany, Japan and Leon Trotzky, and charged him with having promoted the scheme. The Soviet government charged that Germany had been promis. ed the rich wheat.growing region of Ukraine, and other concessions. United States Ambassador Jos. |eph E. Davies attended the op. ening of the trial. Notice of Sale of Property on City’s Delinquent Tax Roll In the matter of the Delinquent Tax Roll of the City of Nome, Territory of Alaska, for the tax year 1935. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale, is sued by the District Court for the Territory of Alaska, Second Division, on the 31st day of Dec ember, 1936, in the matter of the Application of the City of Nome, Alaska, for Adjustment of the Delinquent Tax Roll of Real Property for the Year 1935, and for an Order of Sale thereon, to said Court duly presented and filed, and by and under the direc tion of the Common Council of the City of Nome, pursuant to the statutes of the Territory of Alaska and the ordinances of the said city, all in such cases made and provided, I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Nome, Alaska, will sell at puDlic auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, on the 26th day of January 1937. commencing at 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, at the Clerk’s office in the City Hall in said City, and if not concluded on said day, to be continued from day to day thereafter, each of the lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter described and set forth, for the amount of the 'delinquent tax, penalty, inter ests and cost due to the said City upon said lots, tracts or parcels, a particular description of each including penalty and in terest up to the date of the sale, and costs incurred and allowed by the said Court in the total sum of $84.70, the latter sum to be divided proportionately among the said lots, tracts, or parcels and amounting to $28.23 for each thereof, all being listed below, and together also with ac cruing costs of sale to be divid ed proportionately in like man ner. _ . .. . . _ 1935 Costs Description Assessed To „ „ _ . . Tax Pen. Int. T’date Total Lot 46, Block 6 Leo Kent 10.00 .50 .60 28.23 39.33 S. 92’ Lot 8, Block 15 Leo Kent 9.40 .47 .56 28.23 38.66 W. 27’ Lot 24 Bl’k 66 Mrs.C.Ahiyah 3.00 .15 .18 28.23 31.56 And NOTICE is further given that each of the above described lots, tracts or parcels will be sold separately, and if sufficient is not bid at such sale to discharge the amount due thereon for taxes, penalty, interest and costs, the same Shall be bid in by the Clerk of the City of Nome for and on behalf of the said City, for the amount of such taxes, penalty, interest and costs. FLY THE SAFE WAY IN Tri-Motored Equipment -THE ARCTIC AIRWAYS INC. COLGATES SOAP Ten Floral Odors 3 FOR 25 CENTS NOME DRUG STORE CAPPY McDOUGALL. The Nome Daily Nugget Read by People in Every Town, Village and Hamlet in the Second Division. T GETS RESULTS As used herein the figure 1935 refers to the taxes for that year that became delinquent on the 3rd Saturday of January, 1936. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Nome, Alas ka, this 2nd day of January, 1937. (SEAL) M. J. WALSH, City Clerk | Publish—Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, 1937. MEETING SUNDAY There will be a meeting of the Kennel Club Directors, Sunday. 1 p.m. Jan. 24, at Polet’s Store. Election of officers and to outline program. 2-t. “Cappy” McDougall, Secty. Begin the New Year Right Subscribe for The Nugget. LOCAL ITEMS Taper Delayed Last Night. Owing to an accident to the newspaper press last evening’s edition was delayed from 5 p.m. until 10 p.m., when the faithful paper carriers started out in a blizzard and deep drifted snow to deliver papers. They were sue. cessful in delivering to only those subscribers close to the heart of the city when the raging blizzard caused the balance of the papers to be delivered this morning. Calkins’ Shoppe PAJAMAS Lounging & Bed—All Styles and Sizes REDUCED FOR SALE MONDAY Calkins’ Shoppe i-—— I SALES Every Month in the Year Auclion Sales Dates | 19 3 7 January 13 February 10 March 10 April 14 May 12 June 9 July 14 August 11 September 8 October 13 November 10 December 15 SPECIAL SALES HELD ON REQUEST OF SHIPPERS Advances will be made as usual when requested. Transferred by telegraph If Desired The Seattle Fur Exchange 1008 Western Avenue Seattle, Wash. MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1904 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Proo. Complete, Efficient Aviation i Service to all Parts of Alaska WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES FAIRBANKS NOME THOMAS O. GIVAN, Nome, Agent. SPECIALIZING IN PERMANENT WAVES.. Equipped For Zotos and Frederic’s Permanent Waves FACIALS, FINGER WAVES, MANICURES, BEAUTY WORK Violet Ray Treatments PHYLLIS’ BEAUTY SHOPPE Licensed Operator MINING SUPPLIES, HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. EQUIPMENT FOR THE CAMP AND HOUSEHOLD. SEE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NEVADA BEER PARLOR—GRIII & BARBER SHOP IN CONNECTION TOM CLONIGER HAVE YOUR FLOORS REFINISHED! ELECTRIC SANDING MACHINE HIGHEST QUALITY WORK Free! II a v e r c a m p Corner B Street and 2nd Avenue Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS WATCH THIS SPACE FOR BIG SALE i EMPORIUM BAZAAR