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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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Objected Wrong Inference Nosey Regarding Game Manager-Coach of the Ham mon team, Lyle Nevins, in taking exception to the last paragraph in “Nosey's" column yesterday, told a Nugget representative that he wished to have it clearly un_ derstood that the Hammon team did not refuse to play the Alas kan team as the article seemed to infer. In explaining the arrangements which took place that day he de clared that after much discussion between league officials, an Alas kan.Hammon game would throw the entire men's schedule com. pletely out, and that others con sulted, also held this view, re sulting therefore in two wo. men’s games being played last Wednesday night. MINERS AND DREDGE MEN How Mining Claims can be Staked in Alaska, length, Bread th, how many, and the Associa tion Claim, described in detail, in pamphlet form, for sale at The Nugget Office, for 10 cents. Cavey’s Bakery GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A.M. ■ —— — ■ ■ ■ I POLSON’S Water Delivery “Sanitary Service” For Years Your Old Stand By. Always at Your Service. Ed Bergstrom—Eric Nelson Phone Black 44 Save $2 by paying in ad vance for your subscription LOCAL ITEMS 4 Mrs. Madeleine Marshall, wife of John Marshall, manager of the Pioneer Fountain Lunch, was an outgoing passenger today by air. plane, bound for the States. Also aboard the PAA plane to day was Lee Matterson, chef for the Pioneer Fountain Lunch, en route to Fairbanks. M. J. Walsh, Second Division member of the Territorial Board of Education was an outgoing passenger today by plane to Fair, banks, enroute to Juneau, to at tend the regular meeting of the Board, at which, it was reported he would take up various affairs concerning educational problems of this Division, as well as take part in administering the prob lems of the Territory as a whole. While he is absent, Mrs. Walsh will occupy the position of ex officio City Clerk, taking care of the business of her husband who is City Clerk. The Nome Daily Nugget carries several forms of printing blanks for your convenience — Dredge Logs, thawing and drill reports, Mining Deeds, Placer and Lode Location Notices. Vouchers, and Special Power of Attorney forms. and our cartful photo finishint IT TAKES GOOD FILM TO TAKE A GOOD PICTURE And In Addition We Give You The Best of Service In Developing & Printing. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention at All Times The Potter Studio LOMEN COMMERCIAL COMPANY ORDER YOUR SPRING WEATHER NOW COAL: LADYSMITH UTAH ANTHRACITE OIL: HAMMON STANDARD BURNER STANDARD STOVE LOMEN COMMERCIAL COMPANY Airplane News Nome Airport PAA Pilot Robbins in a Pilgrim plane arrived at Nome and de parted again this morning, bring ing in mail, and taking out M. J. Walsh, Miss Betty Blake, Mrs. John Marshall, and Lee Matter son as passengers, and a large load of mail. Pilot Hans Mirow of the Mir ow Air Service arrived today after being Betained by weather at Koyukuk. He took Chief In spector for the Bureau of Indian Affairs George Dale from Fair, banks to Nulato and also John Schwegler. Freight and express were brought to Nome. He is to take off tomorrow for Fairbanks with a load of passengers, wp. Pilot Don Emmons flying for the Mirow Air Service jyxived today in a company Stinson Jr. plane with Jim May as a passen ger. Pilot Frank Whaley of the Mirow Air Service made a flight to the Kougarok with Walter That New Play! (Contributed) Was it intention or coincidence that brought the stenographer to her employer’s apartment just as he was leaving with stolen weal, th? In etiher case, if she had great faith in his honesty, would it change his plans? What thots and feelings would be his, torn between long-restrained tempta tion, yet inspired by the trust of his customers? Upon such problems is based Wilde’s play “The Finger of God”, which is the Drama Club’s January selection. The play will be presented in the Federated Chruch at 7:45 p.m. Sunday, the 31st. Excellent interpretation is achieved by the cast—Mrs. Leroy M. Sullivan as the intruding sec retary, Andrew Sather as the vil_ lain-hero, and Carl Wuorinen as the valet involved in his own dual career. The three achieve a dramatic situation, and event ually—'but a pre-viewer must not tell too much. Taylor, today and returned with Lyman Madden. He is schedul ed for another flight tomorrow. The second PAA mail plane, it was reported, was unable to ar rive at Nome late today from Fairbanks due to weather and darkness. House Passed Bill Postmasters Under The Civil Service (By The Associated Pres*) WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan, 29, —A housejbacked bill placed all postmasters under the classifica tion of the civil service. The bill now goes to the sen ate. Its sponsors said the bill was designed to make permanent with modifications, the order is sued by the President last July. That order stood only at the will of the chief executive, and any successor could change it. Nosey Got A Day Off Today “Nosey” was granted a day off today by the management of the Nugget, due principally because we did not have space for his column today. Owing to the wea ther the past few days the Nugget mail was not received from the postoffice, so several letters were received today for “Nosey” care of the Nugget, and between his column and the writers answer, ing his column, we may have to cut down on the space allowed to baseball. We are sorry that it may be necessary to do this, due to the interest in “Nosey’s” col. umn, but our readers expect us' to print something else in the paper besides baseball. Besides, “Nosey” says he is just like one ! of the players, who remarked, he was not getting paid any salary for playing baseball, and Nosey! said, well I ain’t getting paid for writing this column, so we are in the same boat, but as long as it is for the good of the cause I don’t complain, but think I am entitled to a day off occasionally. Maybe if they don’t see my stuff so often they will be glad of it. IT WILL BE WEDDING BELLS Mary Pickford, once “America’s sweetheart,’’ and Charles “Buddy” Rogers, who was known as “America's boy,friend,” shown together at a Hollywood affair, confirmed that they were planning formally to announce their engagement to wed. (Associated Press Photo) Calkins’ Shoppe PAJAMAS Lounging & Bed—All Styles and Sizes REDUCED FOR SALE MONDAY Calkins9 Shoppe YENNEY’S Water Delivery Phone Black 7 Good Service Complies With Sanitary Regulations of The City Of Nome. Subscribe for the Nugget TONIGHT ONE SHOW 7:30 P.M. ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS “WINGS IN THE DARK” WITH MYRNA LOY, CARY GRANT, ROSCOE KARNS New York to Paris Flying Blind in a Sealed-Up i Plane—Thrills Galore. ALSO CHAPTER No. 10 RUSTLERS OF RED CAP AND 1 “FIVE & DIME’ —A Cartoon ONE SHOW 7:30 PM ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS ) SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY • 1 UNALAKLEET POTATOES $4.50 PER 100 LBS. 05cts PER LB. Help Home Industry by Demanding Local Products % POLET’S STORE