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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO S MAYNARD. Editor RUSSELL G MAYNARD, Manager Published every evening except Sunday by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. ** — . ' " 11 — SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by oarrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek* for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 pe month. Bntersd in the Post Offioe in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED NtESS News Reel Movies Nome Queens Planned A wire was recently received hy Frank Whaley from the Uni versal News Reel of New York City stating they would like tc have a short moving picture shot of the Nome Queen Beauty Con testants on the ice of Bering Sea The movie requested is to be us ed for news reel purposes and shown throughout the United Stal es and territories. The girls are to be photograph ed in fur clothing and bathing suits. The contestants inter viewed so far have all agreed tc co-operate in the filming of these pictures and are looking forward With much delight to the pros pects of seeing themselves in the News Reel. In preparation for the oocasior several queen enthusiasts have constructed a fair sized igloo jus' west of Snake River jetty. Thi: will be used as headquarter: while filming the pictures. This igloo has been built under the supervision of George Taggart i and is made in true Eskimo style of snow blocks only. There will be a stove in the igloo where the girls can warm up. Since the weather and photo graphic conditions will have to be favorable before the pictures can be taken and as this cannot be determined in advance, ar rangements have been made with Chief Laws as follows: On the first favorable day after this no tice when the photographic con ditions are right, the fire station whistle will add three blasts right after the regular noon whistle. This will serve as a sig nal to all who are to take part in the filming of the pictures that (they are to be on location at the ! igloo in one hour—or at 1 p m. of that day. This will be a wonderful op portunity for home movie and 'camera enthusiasts to get some unique pictures. Everyone who 'can get Sway is cordially invited 'to take in the show and for the i purpose of atmosphere are re quested to wear their fur par kas and mukluks. Bring your dog team if you have one as this will all add to the pictures. It is believed that this will be a wonderful oppor tunity for a little national pub licity for Nome as still pictures are to be taken and sent to Seat tle and New York papers where it is believed they will be used for roto-gravure purposes. All queen candidates are re quested to be at Whaley’s home at 9:15 p.m. tonight to get full particulars regarding the pictur es also a moving picture roll will be shown at that time of the last year’s Fairbanks ice carnival where they can get a good look at last year's Miss Alaska. Don’t forget that when the noon whistle is immediately fol lowed by three blasts, that means that the pictures are to be taken in one hour at the igloo just west of the Snake River jetty. The public and especially child ren is requested not to experi ment with the strength of the snow igloo, or to cause it any damage, as considerable Work Vvould be necessary to again place it in readiness for the picture shots. DETROIT, Feb. 26, — Poststrike negotiations between General Motors and the United Automo bile Workers of America were deadlocked over the union de mand for a thirty six hour Week. The corporation insists on keep ing a forty hour week. # The union is also preparing for negotiations next Week with the Chrysler corporation. BUY NOW Only 6 More Days | left to get FREE VOTES!! i March 3rd will be the last day you will be given free votes by the merchants of Nome. WHY? The business men of Nome are financially sup porting the Queen Contest Merhandising Plan so 44 JAR LOOSE” Get caught up on your buying, pay every bill possible, get free votes for your Queen and MAKE EVERYBODY HAPPY Over $10,000,000 j spent here I annually 1 QUESTION: How much money does the Canned Salmon Indus try bring to Alaska and spend with Alaskans here in a year f ANSWER: Last year the eanners spent here more than $10,000,000. Since 1867 it is estimated they have paid out in Alaska a total of $730,000,000 for labor, lumber, wire, taxes, etc. f (iJeek. SALMON SOUFFLE WITH PIMENTO CHEI5E SAUCE % Wp quick-cooking tapioca 1 tip. salt % tip. pepper i cup tnilk X cupi (l lb.) tinned Salmon 2 tsps. chopped parsley 2 tipi, lemon juice 4 efS* 3 oz. pkg. pimei to cheese 2 cups medium white sauce Combine tapioca, salt, pepper, milk in top of double boiler. Hold at scalding point about 5 minutes, stirring often. Add flaked Canned Salmon, reserving some large pieces to top souffle before it is baked; chopped parsley and lemon juice. Remove from fire and add well beaten egg yolks. Cool, then fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and turn into buttered baking dish. Bake in slow oven (32 5* F.) about 1 hour. Serve with pimento cheese sauce made by adding pimento cheese to medium white sauce. Serves 6. This recipe is typical of those appearing in the national magazine advertising of the Canned Salmon Industry NOME PASSENGERS HAVE THRILL OF LIVES WHEN PLANE NOSES OVER AT FAIRBANKS A definite argument for better airfield maintenance was seen to day when the PAA Electra nosed over into a snow bank with five passengers.,No one was injured, says the Fairbanks News-Miner of Feb. 16th, just received. The big ship was on wheels, taxiing down the runway cleared by the PAA, when one wheel hat into snow that had drifted onto the runway. This turned the airplane into deeper snow, and eased it completely over. The accident occurred on the west end of the field where the plane nosed over, and capsized on the south side of the runway. No One Hurt Neither Pilot Robbins nor Co pilot Hall were hurt, according to Joe Crosson, manager of the PAA in Fairbanks. The plane was taking off for Whitehorse and Juneau, where there is no snow for landing, so it was using wheels instead of skiis. “Fairbanks should have better field maintenance to prevent this sort of difficulty,.' Mr. Crosson said. The plane operators have been maintaining a narrow run way for ships on wheels. Plenty of Room There is plenty of room avail able for the maintenance of dou ble runways, for either wheels or skiis. Under normal conditions the PAA runway is adequate. The wings of the Electra were not damaged in this morning’s turnover. Passengers were: Miss A. Leo, John Tomrik, Mr. and Mrs. Ross J. Kinney and Mrs. B. J. MicCon aghy. Interest in Nenana Ice Pool Awakened j 1917 April 30 . 11:30 AM ! 1918 May 11 .9:33 AM 1919 May 3 . 2:33 PM 1920 May 11 . 10:46 AM! 1921 May 11 .6:42 AM 1922 May 12 . 1:20 PM 1923 May 9 . 2:00 PM 1924 May 11 . 3:10 PM ' 1925 May 7 . 6:32 PM! 1926 April 26 .4:03 PM 1 1927 May 13 .5:42 AM 1928 May 6 .4:25 PM 1929 May 5 . 3:41 PM 1930 May 8 .7:03 PM 1931 May 10 .9:23 AM 1932 M^y 1 . 10:15 AM 1933 May 8 . 7:20 PM 1934 April 30 . 2:07 PM 1935 May 15 . 1:32 PM 1936 April 30 .. 12:58 PM It is understood that the time for closing, after which no more guesses will be received, is April 10th at Nenana and April 3rd at Nome. LET’S 1 GO... - SPECIAL FAIRBANKS ICE CARNIVAL EXCURSION RATE ROUND TRIP $80 Let us know early so we can make hotel reservations in Fairbanks for You .... 20 votes free with each dollar cash purchase or paid on account. MIROW AIR SERVICE ■ t r >• <* n