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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
GARNER STITHIES Tav nr-n rni\j Even Vice-President Center n-ust pa/ an income t^.x atm i ; t, ., puzzled as the average citizen in making out his report. W th Mr. ear ner is Samuel Cottrell (right) auditor of the internal revenue bure .u, who sets up a special desk at the cap.tol to aid senators and represen tatives. (Associated Press Photo) I ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the probate court for the Cape Nome Precinct, Second Div ision, Territory of Alaska. In the matter of the estate of John Glenn Rose, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed Administrator of the Es tate of John GLnn R . deceas ed. Notice Is fuilher given that all persons having claims against said estate, are required to pre sent them with pi- per vouchers, within six months from the date of th 's no'ice, to the undersigned at his office at Nome in said pre cinct, Territory of Alaska. Dated at Nome Alaska this 8th day cf April 1937. A. POLET, Administrator of the estate of John Glenn Rose, Deceased. Publish—April 8, 15, 22 29 1937. You can save $2.00 by vance for the Nome Daily Nugget. Do it now !_ NOTICE TO PUBLIC All persons having bills again st the Northwestern Alaska Fair Association arc requested to pre sent them to the Secretary as soon as possible. The checks in payment of aw ards are in process of prepara tion and will he ready for distri bution the latter part of the week. Any exhibitor who so desires may exchange their check for a ribbon award, or by notifying the Secretary or Manager, receive a ribbon instead of the check. Chas. f). Jones, Mgr. Tile undersigned would tike your assistance in helping to lo cate a gentleman, known to his friends as “Happy” Wright. Would like him to correspond with either Alberta Fahnholz, at 3812, 1th ave. N., Billings, Mont., or write me. Gertrude Stevenson 1581, Madison Street, Apt. 33, Oakland, Calif. Northern Li^ht & Power Po. AND A! aska Felephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane's Way LIGHT. POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE Make Your Reservations to Juneau And The States NOW Via PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC. Only Scheduled and Most Frequent Service By Radio-Equipped Lockheed EIcctras. Two-way Radio—Always Within 100 Miles of One of Our 11 Radio Stations G. E. BASSETT, Nome Agent The Nome Daily Nugget Read by People in Every Town, Village and Hamlet in tbe Second Division. IT GETS RESULTS TERRI. HEALTH DEPT. CONDUCT ING T. B. SURVEY AT NOME . _ __ (Continued From Page One) been inspected with a view of possibly making use of those buildings for a sanitarium in this section. As ur. Caswell’s time is limited on this trip, it behooves one and all, who may be interested, to take advantage of this free ter ritorial service of the health de partment. A survey of the Office of Indian Affairs school children's skin test wias completed this morning, and the survey of the Nome Public School children is expected to be completed this afternoon. Other information on the sub ject and the hours allotted for X-Ray tests for Saturday, Sun day and Monday, at the Maynard Columbus hospital is as follows: Dr. Thomas Morcom, Deputy District Health Officer, is particu larly anxious that all adults witth any symptoms or signs, referra ble to the lungs or where there is a history of Tuberculosis in the family, avail themselves of the Territorial Department of Health X-Ray Service at the local hos pital on t! e f lowing days and hours: Saturday. April 10, hours 9 to 5. Sunday, April 11, hours 9 to 5. In addition to this service all children who have returned con sent forms signed by parents,will receive th • Tuberculosis test and X-Ray of the lungs, if test is pcs tive. Children's X-R-iy Schedule Sunday, April 10, hours !) to 5. Monday, April 11, hours 0 to 2. All reports pertain ing to X-Ray exam raiiin. will be sent to Dr. iMorenm from the Department o,f Health at Juneau. No patient j will receive such information direct. It is well known that Tubercu losis of the lungs is often a dis ease of iinsidious onset and usual ly progressive; claiming most ; lives in the 15 to 30 age group. The Health Department is there fore attempting to carry out and sponsor a program of early diag nosis of the disease, which, if de tected early is so often amenable to treatment, states Dr. Carswell. Kennecott Mine End Work In 2 Years, is Stated _ fBy The Associated nress) SEATTLE, April 6—Perman ent discontinuance of the opera tions of the Kennecott Copper Mining Company's properties in the vicinity of Cordova, will take p ace within the next two years, and. as a consequence, the opera tions of the Copper River and Northwestern Railroad will also he discont nued within that time, t!io railroad states in its annual report for 1936, made public on April 1st, The report says: "Exploration work has been carried on by the Kennecott Cop per Mining Company without disclosing any new bodies or ore or any favorable indications of ore. It is the present expectation that the mining company’s oper ations of its Alaskan properties will cease in not to exceed two years. "Tiie Kennecott Mining Company experienced many handicaps in 19 .6, d a to the maritime strike, a a aaii the Alaska Steamship C :r p; y had a reasonably profit able year". Mistaken Identity lay’s paper ep .rted that Dr. A ibrey Cm. to.. newly elected c .1 r:: n i f Cue Du: -eratic Ccn t: al C m.mitle.\ was a passenger ip PAA n. ■! pi: ■ e ia Nome fi n Fa rbank . T1 an ar r.i in the pa ! nger list, ills name , v. - mi Intelpre’.ed. I T'i person referred to was Dr. ■ I. A. Carswell of the Territoral Health Bureau. Ga\ev\s l>a!ver\ • * * I t _ Goon CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A M MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME. ALASKA. ESTABI.ISHFf W 1904 GENERAL BANKING oUSINESS CONDUCTED Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Pron. Two Trains Week Increased Service of Alaska Railroad Freight Movement and Passenger Service Doubled Between Terminal Points New schedules now in effect on the Alaska Steamship line and on the Alaska Railroad show that the busy season is at hand, and passengers for the Interior will arrive in Fairbanks Wednesdays and Saturdays. Mail and passengers from the coast are scheduled to reach Fair banks at 4:15 P. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays, and southbound passenger trains are to leave Fairbanks at 8:30 A. M. Sundays and Wednesdays. Freight Service Twice Weekly Freight from the Alu'ka Steam sh.p Company boots ;>t Seward is Iti be shipped northward over the Alaska Railroad Wednesdays and Saturdays. Southbound freight will leave Fairbanks Sundays & Fridays, according to the new railroad schedule. $10.00 paid in advance will give you the Nome Daily Nugget for six months, A saving of $2.00. Do it now ! 1’ OLSON’S Wider Delivery Phone Black 44 Complete, efficient Aviation I Service to all Parts of Alaska W l EN ALASKA UR LINES i:\lltHA\KS NOME THOMAS () i 1\ \N'. Nome, A Kent. — I Equipped For Zotos and Frederic’s Permanent Waves FACIALS, FINGER WAVES, MANICURES, BEAUTY WORK Violet Rav Treatments PHYLLIS’ BEAUTY SHOPPE Licensed Operator NEVADA BEER j PARLOR—GRIII & ! I SIMiP IN CONNECTION TOM CLONIGER HAVE YOUR FLOORS R E F I N I S LI »; L) I ELECTIIIC SANDING MACHINE HIGHEST QUALITY WORK j Fred Havercamp Corner B Street and 2nd Avenue Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SI1AEVTNG, STEEL. BRON2K BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. , Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work j Telephone Black 110 NOME MACHINE SHOP i W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS .