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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY BERING SEA ROUTE—1937 Sailing From Seattle: 5.5. VICTORIA JUNE 2 5.5. TANANA, (Nome and Norton Sound Ports) June 3 S S.DERBLAY, (Nome and Kotzebue Sound) June 12 5.5. VICTORIA. (Arctic Cruise) July 2 5.5. VICTORIA, (Arctic Cruise) .Aug. 7 5.5. DERBLAY, (Nome and Kotzebue Sound) Aug. 12 5.5. VICTORIA Sept. 8 S. S. VICTORIA Oct. 9 NOTE:—Nomcites wishing to make the Arctic Cruise trip to East Cape. Siberia, must make reservations 30 days in advance of the above sailing from Seattle. SOUTHWESTERN ROUTE Leave Due Leave Due Seattle Seward Seward Seattle Aleutian May 22 May 28 May 28.June 3 Yukon May 29 June 4 June 4.June 10 Baranof June 2 June 8.June 8 June 14 (NOTE: All sailings subject to change without notice.) Joe Ilarnish, Agent ) » ■■■■■■■■■■■ '■ ■ ■ ■'■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■■■■■ ■ 4 TRUE COLOR MOVIES DON’T MISS THIS CHANCE TO MAKE YOUR SPRING PICTURES IN COLOR Cine-Kodak B Hi H I 134-50 i Gm the mm | lor tout dollar In home mor> Us. Brings back aa many as 50 scenes of fun on a $2.2} roll of him. AT The Potter Studio General Steese Keen Sketch (Continued From Page Two) nearest village, about fifteen miles away, and came back with the sheriff and sixty armed cow boys. “We captured three of the gang, who each received sentences of twenty years’ penal servitude,but the others, including Kid Curry’, escaped. A man named Ixanga baugh was one of those who es caped. He was recognized in a bank at Memphis, Tennessee, and was shot dead in a fight with the police.” Tiie general's next adventures came when he turned engineer and built the Steese Highway, linking up the Yukon country with the sea. Wolves attacked his food stores, and his men were lawed by ravenous bears. Among the Eskimo 'Five men were drowned dur ing the construction of one bridge alone, that which now spans the Nizini River. "Then we had frostbite to con LOME* COMMERCIAL COMPANY SPRING BUILDING REPAIRS LUMBER FOR ALL NEEDS LOMEN COMMERCIAL COMPANY tend with.” It was in northern Alaska that he learned the habits of the Eski mos. “Brides are chosen not for their good looks, but for their teeth." said the general. “An Eskimo wife's principal work is to chew frozen hides, so she must have good teeth. “Her husband's boots freeze solid during the night and in the morning his wife has to chew his boots until he can get them on his feet. When old age creeps on she is given enough firewood and food for three days and left to freeze to death. The Eskimos do not mind this at all, as death this way is really pleasant.” General Stcese has built rail ways. bridges, dams and jetties all over the world. He has work ed in the tropics and had to watch native labourers die like flies from blaok-water fever and ma laria. lie has lived for months on end without seeing a bed, and has slep under canvas in a sleeping bag “When I go back to the wild life I shall remember my three weeks of luxury in London," he said, “and then maybe I'll get some sleep, no matter how hard it’s freezing or how hot it Ls.” FOK SALE—Spark oil heater and miscellaneous household ef fects. Inquire Gene Elms. Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget: $2 a month Airplane News Nome Airport The PAA Electra arrived Nome at 2 a.m. today and had as pas sengers for Nome, Alfred J. Lo men and son Alfred Jr. No mail was brought and the plane im mediately toek off on its return trip to Fairbanks. Enroute here the plane had eight passengers and express for Flat. Pilot Hans Mircw flying the Lockheed plane of the Mirow Air Service, was to leave Fairbanks today for Nome with passengers and mail is also expected. Pilot Walter Hall of the Wien Alaska Airlines, it was reported late today, enroute to Nome with the new Stinson plane to be bas ed at N:me. News Nuggets Around Town The Coast Guard Cutter North i land is reported as ready to sail | today for Nome from Dutch Har bor. Weather and ice conditions were sent the captain of the ves sel this morning. A committee of the city council has completed arrangements for the giving of a “Cheechacco Ball” upon the arrival of the steamer Victoria. June 12th. for the bene fit of the new Fire Department Equipment Fund. The ball will take place at the Public School Auditorium at 9:30 P.M. Admis sion tickets priced at $1.00 will be placed on sale shortly. Alfred Lomen and son Alfred arrived about 2 a.m. today on the PAA Electra from Fairbanks via Flat, where the plane carried 8 additional passengers for that thriving mining camp, said Mr. Lomen. while at Flat he met Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Donnelly, former Cavev's Bakery * * GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO I A.M. n* Nevada DINE—WINE-DANCE SERVICE OUR MOTTO TOM CLONINGER MINING SUPPLIES, HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. EQUIPMENT FOR THE CAMP AND HOUSEHOLD. SEE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • Nomeites. who wished to be re membered to their Nome friends. The puiblic is invited to attend ihe Nome High School Commen cement Exercises at the Public School Auditorium, tonight at 8 o'clock. The program will be found on page two of this issue. The city cleanup committee re quests that people use a little bit in re care about throwing wood into the garbage piles, as much of the wood already packed away can be successfully burned ^ It is reliably reported that the N.ulato radio station is again op- ^ eratihg and that the flood waterr; have receded. It was also learn ed that only pontoon planes are able to land at present. i How Mining Claims can be Staked in Alaska, length. Bread th, how many, and the Associa tion Claim, described in detail, in pamphlet form, for sale at The Nugget Office, for 10 cents. an, - ~ 1 < 100% TALKING PICTURES .__ MAAJAOEMCNT C.H.CODE C—y-T L-^-yjaAtA&st MoVkuHSteAsM IhsucUfit Cvt U.S t TONIGHT ONE SHOW 7:30 P.M. ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS r “HARD ROCK HARRIGAN* WITH George O’Brien Irene Hervey A STORY OF THOSE MEN WHO WORK UNDERGROUND. ALSO ] CHAPTER 11 I “TAILSPIN TOMMY” AND “KINGS UP” — An Oswald Cartoon ONE SHOW 7:30 V M ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS A FEW TIMELY SUGGESTIONS PRICED TO SELL 1 — JEWEL SALAD OIL (Packed In Glass) A pure vegetable oil for salads and fine cooking. Per full gallon jug $1.80, per half gallon jug .90cts Per quarter gallon jug .45cts. FAIRMONT SOLID PACKED TOMATOES Per case (24-2s).$3.60 Per dozen .$1.85 Three Cans.55 - ' « HAPPY VALE NO. 5 PEAS (Large But Sweet) Case of 24-2s.$3.75 Dozen .$1.90 Three Cans.50 1 PIONEER LIMA BEANS Large tall cans, per dozen $2.15—3 cans for .55cts ----- * RELIANCE VEGETABLES FOR SALAD » Per Dozen $3.25.2 cans .55cts MEAT SPECIALS | BEEF, (Pot Roast) per pound.28cts ; Mome Made Link PORK SAUSAGE, per pound.40cts FRESH TROUT (You will want more) per lb.25cts ; - .. T- ^ POLET’S STORE