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TIIK NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO S MAYNARD. Editor RUSSELL G MAYNARD, Manager Published every evening except Sunday by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska, Subscription Rates Payable In Advance. Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 per month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS <By The Associated Prew>) NEW YORK June 2«. - Mischa Ross, Broadway booking agent, was sentenced today to serve from 35 years to life in prison for slaying h.s violinist protege Tanya Lubova with a hammer during an argument in a rehears al. The severity of the sentence stunned Ro . as second degree murdr usually carries a penal ty of 20 years to life. TOKJO, June Z'l Japan pro duced 239 babies. hourly during 1936 or a general increase of 99 hourly in the empire’s population, according to g vernment statis tic*. The birth rale, 29.92 per thousand is aitually the lowest in twenty year* Japan's present population including Korea and Formosa is estimated at 98,558, 553. Manehoukuos population is estimated at thirty-three million. OLYMPIA, June 20, -Gover nor Martin announcer! today that the Puget Sound Ferry B at Op erators had accepted his June 9th proposal for a settlement of their strike. He state ! he believed that fer ry service would be started by tomorrow morning. The union had accepted his proposal the day alter its an nouncement The settlement details include wage increases ranging up to iwen ty dollars monthly. Opera! rs are allowed to raise fares not more than ten percent. BERLIN, June 26, It was learned from authoritative sourc es today that already Germany ha* in Spanish waters, eighteen warships as well as an unreveal rd number of "converted fishing vessels", carrying navy crews. The warships include the Ad miral Scheer, four minor cruis ers. the Nurnburg, Leipzig, Koeln, Karlrushe and nine torpedo boats belonging to the second, third & fourth flotillas, four, five-hundred ton submarines each armed with a four inch cannon, one anti-air cruft gun and five torpedo tubes. Whether any additional ships will follow the Drafstee to Spain could not be learned. Naturally there is a possibility that Hitler is sending the Draf stee as a demonstration of Ger many's attitude rather than as an actual reinforcement. It this is the case it is unlikely that he will dispatch more torpedo boats, sub marines and so forth within the near future. LIMA, Peru, June 27, An earth quake whcih witnesses said crack ed stone walls and turned crosses on church belfries, shook the coast of Peru yesterday. Reports from villages three hun (le d miles north of Lima describ ed the quake as very long. In Trujillo several old houses were said to have fallen. In Chim bote the population ran panic stricken into op n spaces. SAN FRANCISCO, June 27, — Operators of one hundred and sixty secondary hotels decided to day to remain open forestalling immediate spread of the hotel strike, but at the same time the operators ad ipted a resolution MINERS! Haul A our Freight and Supplies llv Airplane With our urw I\ purchased Bach plane we sire now aide to gi\e you fast, dependable freight service to all parts of the Peninsula Come in and let us talk over your transportation problems with you. Ml ROW AIR SERVICE MINERS ft MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1004. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED Chocking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased >VE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS placing full power to act for them .n the hands of a committee re presenting the strike bound major h'jte.s Union building services employ ees and elevator operators sent copies of working agreements to 260 building owners here today the warning that negotiations for shorter hours and more wrag es must be completed or a strike would be called. ROME, June 27, — Benito Mussolini Saturday sent a telegram to General Francisco Franco, nationalist commander in-chief, in response to .valuations from Franco to Mussolini and the King In connection with the cap ture of Bilbao, “News of the entry into Bilbao of the Nationalist forces has been received with exultation by the Italian government and people. The message in which your excel lency gave me the information was particularly appreciated and I wish to express my deepest fel icitations for the lofty task which has reunited to the Spanish fath erland. one of the noblest of its provinces, and represents a gi gantic step toward the complete triumph of the nationalists forc es", Mussolini wired. Subscribe for The Nugget. POLSON’S Water Delivery Phone Black 44 FOR RLNT OR SALE—Five room furnished house. Inquire at Calkins Shoppe. Tront Street. FOR SALE—One Room House for sale, completely furnished. Price reasonable. Inquire at the Nome Daily Nugget Office. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that, by order of the Probate Court in and for the Cape Nome Precinct, Al aska, the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of J. A. PANGMAN, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate should present them with proper vouchers at tached, within six months from the date of the first publication hereof, to the undersigned admin istrator at Nome, Alaska Dated at Nome, Alaska, June 19.77. HAROLD F. HARPER. Administrator. NOTICE TO PAY SCHOOL TAX To All Whom This May Concern: In accord with Chapter 29. Ses sion Laws of Aaska, 1919, and amendments thereto.all male per sons beween the ages of 21 and AO years, who are not “sailors in the I'nited States Navy ot Reven ue Cutter Service, volunteer fire m.i, pauper or insane persons," are required to pay an annual School Tax of FIVE DOLLARS. This tax is due and payable af ter the first Monday in the month of April and shall be paid before the first day of May, providing you are in the Territory of Alas ka on said first date; if not, the tax is due within 30 days after your arrival in Alaska or within ten days after written or oral de mand is made upon you by the School Tax Collector. Taxes not paid in accordance with the fore going requirements shall become delinquent, and each person de linquent shall be subject to a fine of Two Dollars < $2.00>. All persons, firms and corpora tions employing labor in Alaska shall furnish to collectors a list of all employees subject to tax,1 and employers of labor as above set out are authorized by provi sions of said Act to deduct the amount of the tax from the wages of each employee who is subject thereto. If any such employers shall fail to report and deduct as herein specified within the period designated for payment of said tax, the said employers of labor shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of from $50 to $500.00. All persons subject to, and re fusing or neglecting to pay, said tax. are subject to a fine of $25.00 or imprisonment in jail for a per iod of one month; and all such employers of labor as herein set out, who neglect or refuse to col lect such tax from employees may be proceeded against and j shall pay the amount of each in dividual tax, and a further pen-, altv of S'l.t for each snch tax..I Tiie receipts will be furnished by the tax collectors. Dated at Nome, Alaska, this 19th day of May, 1937. EDWARD B. O’CONNOR. SR. Tax Collector for Nome School District. Office at Residence. YOUR FRIENDS And The Paper... Are Interested In Knowing Whether YOU Have Died . Gone Crazy Moved Bought a Car doped Been Visiting Sold Out Had Company Been Shot Been Courting Been Born Been in a Fight Had a Baby Stole Anything Caught Cold Gone to Church Been Robbed Cut a New Tooth Been Gypped Sold Your House Been Married Had an Operation Been Arrested Been Snake Bitten —OR DONE ANYTHING AT ALL CALL Phone Main 114 Nome Daily Nugget WE WANT THE NEWS t PALACE Liquor Store Open For Business Choicest of Liquors JIMMY HEWITT “At The Bat” NOTICE Ok APPLICATION FOR UNITED STATES PATENT Min. Sur. No. 1888 Min. Appl. No. 0826 IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Nome, Territory of At aska. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE>' that R. W. SILVER, whose post office address is Nome, Alaska has made application for a pat ent for 1454.5 linear feet on the Shamrock No. One lode and for 1500 linear feet on the Goode lode, each bearing gold and sil ver. the same being as to the Shamrock No. One lede N. 44 deg 48 man. W. 63.5 ft. and S. 44 deg. 48 min. E. 1391 ft. from the dis covery cut thereon, and a furth er discovery of said Shamnodr No. One lode being a cut the east end of which bears S. 13 deg. 40 min. E., 255 ft. from the west end otf the lode line from which Cor. No. 1 of the Shamrock <0. One lode claim bears S. 36 deg. 48 min. E., 300 ft.; and the Goode lode being N. 36 deg. 47 min. W 25^ft., and S. 36 deg. 47 min. E.. 1475 ft. from '.he discovery ew thereon. A particular description otf the Shamrock No. One lode claim being as follows: Beginning at Cor. No. 1. a fir post 43 in. long, 4 ins. sq., 2 ft in ground, in mound otf earth and stone 1 ft. high, 30 in. base, and marked SH-1-1-1888, from which U. S. L. M. No. 324 bears S. 41 deg. 25 min. W., 774.7 ft., and from which Cor. No. 1 Sur. Ns 324 Southern Cross lode bears N. 2 deg. 35 min. E., 204.5 ft. magnetic declination 19 deg. 15 min. r,.; inence in. JU'tieg. min E., 600 fL to Cor. No. 2, magne» ic declination 19 deg. 15 mir E.: Thence S. 44 deg. 48 mio E.. 1454.5 ft. to Cor. No. 3, mag netic decimation 19 deg. 15 mic. E.; Thence S. 36 deg. 48 min. W 600 ft. to Cor. No. 4. magnetic declination 19 deg. 15 min. E Thence N. 44 degi 48 min. W. 1454.5 ft. to Cor. No. 1, and place of beginning, containing 19.819 acres. Area in conflict wtith Goode lode erf this survey 3.493 acres, and in conflict with Sur. No. 324 Southern Crass lode 3.36 acres Net area of Shamrock No. One lode 12.966 acres. And a particular description of the Goode lode being as follows: Beginning at Cor. No. 1, which is identical with Cor. No. 1 Sur No. 324 Hot Air lode, a fir poet 4 in. sq., 48 in. above groundCir an eafrth mound 1 ft. high, 4 ft base. and previousy marked 324-No. 1, and now marked aftso GO-1-1888, from which U. S. L. M. No. 324 bears S. 46 deg. 01 min. W., 389.4 ft., magnetic de clination 19 deg. 45 min. E.; Then ce N. 36 deg. 48 min. E„ 599.2 ft. to Cor. No. 2, magnetic declin ation 19 deg. 00 min. E.; Thence S. 36 deg. 47 min. E., 1500 ft to Cor. No. 3, magnetic declina tion 19 deg. 30 min. E.t Thence S. 36 deg. 48 min. W., 599.2 ft to Car. No. 4, magnetic declina tion 19 deg. 45 min. E.; Thence N. 36 deg. 47 min. W., 1500 ft to Cor. No. 1, and place of be ginning. containing 19.792 acres net area, the conflict of 3.493 ac res with the Shamrock No. One lode claim, same survey, being shown above and deduction made therefor from the Shamrock No. One lode claim. Total net area of wiicuiuwft nu. une ana ixooae lode claims being 32.758 acres. Said 2 claims are 'located on Trilby hill between Solomon Riv er and Trilby Creek, in the Cape Nome Mining and Recording dist rict and precinct, Second Divi sion, Territory of Alaska; the no tices of locations being recorded with the Recorder for the said district and precinct for the Shamrock No. One lode claim im ;Vol. 214, page 106, and for the Goode lode dadtn in Voi. 214, i page 107. Adjoining claims are on the ! North, Sur. No. 324 Southern Cross lode; on the East, Sham rock 2 lode and Goode 1 lodei i*nsi^vey«d; on the West, Su? No. 324 Southern Cross lode and 324 Hot Air lode; other adjoining claims unknown. U- S. L. M. No. 324 to which these claims are tied is a slate block on said Trilby hill, in lati tude^ and longitude as taken from mLUXS‘ s-,maP <»* the Solo mon Quadrangle, of 64 deg. 39 min. % N., 164 deg. 16 min/tt W ALMER RyDEEN Re3bt£ 1st Publication Fri, April 16fl937 Last Pub. Wed. June 30th, 1937.