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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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SPEECH THAT CAUSED REVERBERATIONS HUGHES IN SPEECH. Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes is shown at Amherst where he addressed alumni, causing a wave of widespread, comment from his remarks that “the ruthlessness of a temporary majority” if unchecked, can overthrow democratic insti tutions. OH BABY. Tlds guy is eleven months old and can lick his weight in calico cats. His name is An'.nny Jones of Wembley, a London suburb, lie was one of the well-decorated and big attractions at the annual carnival-baby show staged by hospitals. ORDINANCE NO. 282 W‘ ' “ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Nome, Alaska, declaring to be a, misdemeanor the maintenance or creation of a condition that shall constitute a nuisance, defining the same, and providing a punish ment for conviction thereof. _ i BE IT ORDAINED AND EN-i ACTED BY THE COMMON j COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF; NOME, TERRITORY OF ALAS-! KA Section 1 Any person, associa tion or corporation that shall maintain or create any condition within the City of Nome that; shall constitute a nuisance to any person within the City shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and up-; on conviction therefor shall be j punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100) | or by imprisonment for not more; than thirty (30) days, or by both1 fine and imprisonment in the dis cretion of the Court Section 2 That any noise, odor, sight, view, or condition that shall disturb the peace of another or whose personal enjoyment of his or its own property is thereby mat erially affected, shall constitute a nuisance within the meaning of Section 1 of this ordinance. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY of NOME, ALASKA Approved July 28, 1937 By Edward M Seidenverg SEAL Mayor ATTEST: M. J. Walsh City Clerk. Publish—July 27,28,29, 1937. EXPLORATION SERVICE Custom Drilling, Freighting. Bulldozing, Transportation Port Clarence, Kougarok And Good Hope Districts NEW COMPLETE EQUIPMENT Inquire For Erskine Baker Care Of Mirow Air Service—Nome Calkins9 Shoppe Kickemick Bloomers And Shirts Maiden Form Brassieres And Girdles—Garter Belts At Calkins9 Shoppe DIRT CHEAP FILL THAT LOW PLACE NOW Dirt Hauled to your Lot At Special Low Prices For Details Call NOME MOTOR CO. Weather Today j (U S. Weather Bureau) Partly cloudy weather prevail ed generally over the Gulf, east ern and central Alaska while cloudy skies were observed over western and southwestern Alas ka. Light rain fell during the night over the Tanana Valley, Aleutians and Gulf while rain was falling over the southeastern district at 4 a.m. Barometer readings are rela tively high over Alaska and the center is southward over the nor th Pacific Ocean and this distri bution will likely be attended by cloudy weather for Nome and vie inity tonight and Thursday with possibility of fog and low over casts tonight. Continued coo] weather is indicated. The lowest Nome temperature was 42 and the highest yesterday 58 nlxive. TUESDAY’S WEATHER Low pressure centered about one hundred and fifty miles South east of Kodiak Island and mov ing slowly southeastward has caused cloudy and unset’led weather over most of Alaska with rain in southeastern Alaska. High pressure centered about six hundred miles southwest of Seattle with a ridge extending into southwestern Canada is caus ing fair and cooler weather to ob tain over the Pacific Coast States. Temperatures in Alaska are about average with the Nome highest yesterday 67 and lowest last night 40. A rubber collar that has been invented to hold a funnel used .n filling bottles upright and prvent spilling has air vents that facili- f tate the flow of liquids. IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FOR THE NOME LAND DISTRICT NOME. ALASKA NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT Mineral Survey No. 1889 Mineral Entry No. 0929 Notice is hereby given that Un ited States Smelting Refining and Mining Company, a Maine cor poration. by and through its at torney-in-fact, A. M. Hartford, whose post office address is Nome, Alaska, has made application for United States Patent for the Pearl Bench Placer Mining Claim situated on the Left Limit of Cooper Gulch, a tributary of Lit tle Creek, in the Cape Nome Min ing District and Precinct, Terri tory of Alaska, and designated as United States Mineral Survey No. 1889 and particularly described in the official plat and field notes now on file in the said land office as follows: Magnetic variations of 18 deg., 15 min. to 18 deg. 45 min. E. Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of the Pearl Bench Placer, which is id entical with Cor. No. 2. Survey No. 759. Gadfly Placer, a fir post 4 in. square. 30 in. above ground, and marked PB-1-1889 for this survey, from whence U.S.L.M. No. 11 bears S 3 deg. 18 mm. E 7,574.5 ft. The E. end of Anvil Rock bears N. 24 deg. 08 min. W.: thence N. 83 deg. 44 min. W. L 293.3 ft. to Cor. No. 2. identical .with Cor. No. 1, Survey 759. Gad fly Placer, a fir post 4 in. square. 36 in. above ground, marked PB 2- 1889 for this survey: thence N. 12 deg. 41 min. E. 661.5 ft. t 'Cor. No. 3, identical with Cor. No. 5. survey No. 1193. No. 4 Bi [low Placer, a fir post 4 in. square. 24 in. above ground, marked PB 3- 1889. for this survey: thence S 75 deg. 43 min. E. 1,189.1 ft. to. Cor. No. 4. a fir post 48 in. long. 4 in. square, set 24 in. in ground in mound of earth and stone, marked PB-4-1889: thence S. 1 deg. 22 min. W. 492.5 ft. to Cor. | No. 1 and place of beginning, con taining an area of 16.310 acres. The adjoining claims are: on the north Marie Placer, unsurvey ed. and other claims unknown and unsurveyed; on the east XYZ, Placer, unsurveyed; on the south Survey No. 759, Gadfly Place:: on the west Survey No. 1193. N, . 4 Below Placer. The location certificate for s.iid mining claim is recorded in vol-j ume 171, at page 470 of the re-j cords of location of the Cape Nome Mining District and Pre-; cinct, Territory of Alaska. The mineral monument to which this claim is tied is described as follows: U.S.L.M. No. 11 is a first post 6 in. square. 7 ft. above ground, firmly set in a mound of stone 30 in. high. 60 in. base, marked U. S. L. M. No. 11 and is situated on the ridge between Holyoke and Bourbon Creeks, 70 ft. E. of the Bessie road in Lat. 64 deg. 32 min. N. Long. 165 deg. 22 min. \V. Dated July 26th, 1937. AL.MER RYDEEN Register IX THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FOR THE NOME LAND DISTRICT NOME. ALASKA NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT Mineral Survey No. 1887 Mineral Entry No. 0931 Notice is hereby given that Un ited States Smelting Refining and Mining Company, a Maine cor poration. by and through its at torney-in-fact, A. M. Hartford, whose post office address is Nome, Alaska, has made application for United States Patent for the Acme Placer Mining Claim sit-, uated on the Right Limit of Sat urday Creek in the Cape Nome Mining District and Precinct. Ter r.tory of Alaska, and designated as United States Mineral Survey No. 1887 and particularly describ ed in the official plat and field notes now on file in the said land office as follows: Magnetic variations of 17 deg. 45 min. to 18 deg. 15 min. E. Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of the Acme Fraction, established on line 4-5 of Sur. No. 1117. No. 1 Below Discovery on Saturday Creek Placer, and which is iden tical with Cor. No. 5. Sur. No. 1. 175, Discovery Claim on Lake Creek, from whence U.S.L.M. No. 11 bears S. 6 deg. 35 min. E. 4.761. 7 ft. Anvil Rock bears N. 13 deg. 47 min. W.: United States Signal Corps wireless tower bears S. 9 deg. 47 min. W.: thence N. 3 deg. 14 min. W. 317.00 ft. to Cor. No. 2. identical with Cor. No. 4, Stir. No. 1175. Discovery Claim on Lake Creek; thence S. 48 deg. 45 min. E. 232.00 ft. to Cor. No. 3, identical with Cor. No. 1. Sur. No. 1224. Sunny Day Placer, a fir post 42 inches long marked AC-3-1887: thence S. 24 deg. 35 min. E 80.3 ft. to Cor. No. 4. identical with Cor. No. 1, Sur. No. 445, Lead ville Claim, a fir post 48 inches long, marked AC-4-1887: thence S. 64 deg. 31 min. W. 210.5 ft. to Cor. No. 1 and place of begm ning. containing an area of 0.796 acres. The adjoining claims are: on the north Sur. No. 1224. Sunny Day Placer: on the east Sur. No. I 445, Leadville Placer: on the west Sur. No. 1175, Discovery Claim on Lake Creek placer, on the south Sur. No. 1117, No. 1 Be low Discovery on Saturday Creek Placer. The location certificate for said mining claim is recorded in vol ume 214, at page 144 of the re cords of location of the Cape Nome Mining District and Pre- ] cinct, Territory of Alaska. The mineral monument to which this claim is tied is described as follows: U.S.L.M. No. 11 is a fir post six inches square, seven feet above ground in a mound of stone thir ty inches high, sixty inches at the base, marked U.S.L.M. No. 11 and situated on the ridge be tween Holyoke and Bourbon Creeks, seventy feet east of the Bessie road in Lat. 64 deg. 32 min. N., Long. 165 deg. 22 min. W. Dated July 26th, 1937. ALMER RYDEEN. _ Register j ; INTRODUCINGM • • OUR NEW STINSON Multi-Purpose Freight Door—Controllable Pitch Prop. 5-Place—Cruising Speed 143 MPH.—Top Speed 164 MPH. WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES. INC. Lf.>THERI< beauty soaps are a luxurious but inexpensive indulgence. Luxurious because of silkv texture, gossamer froth, divine scents! In expensive because you non get four cakes for a dollar and because soul ^ satisfaction is always inexpensive. Lavender, Lilac, and Fougere fragrance® in three ex«]uibite color®. NOME DRUG STORE Lentheric Distributors ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theutre Jack Solomon, ProD. THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) LINCOLN HOTEL “HEADQUARTERS FOR SOURDOUGHS” GOOD ACCOMODATIONS HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER BEER PARLOR IN CONNECTION NOME, : : : : : ALASKA. Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED : SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Add definitions: A free country is one where the government meddles with everything—Akron Beacon Journal.