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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD. Editor RUSSELL G. MAYNARD. Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. Subscription Rates Payable In Advance. Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 per month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Bragaw Reports Activity Jobless Comm. Alaska (Following is the continuation of the article printed in the An chorage times, telling of the es tablishment this fall of the act ive agencies of the Territorial Unemployment Compensation Commission.) (Continued from Yesterday) If an industrial establishment has slack business during any period of the year, and are forc ed to reduce the payrolls the employment service of the terri tory, working in co operation with the commission, will seek jobs for the idle workers in keeping with their experience and qualifi cations. If business conditions are such that jobs cannot be found, each idle worker, whose idleness results from no fault of his own, will be paid unemployment com pensation for a period of not to exceed 20 weeks, at a rate of payment not to exceed $15 a week based on the weekly earnings of employee during the time the em ployer and the employee were contributing to the fund. While payments to idle work ers will not begin until January 1, 1939. employers are required to make contributions to the fund in 1937 and 1938. This is being done to create a fund from which the payment can be drawn. These contributions are being deposit ed in the federal treasury and are drawing interest on daily bal ances. and will continue to draw interest until they are needed to pay benefits to eligible unemploy ed. This interest is bein g added to the unemployment compensa tion trust fund, and can be used for no other purpose than the payment of compensation to un employed wage earners in the territory of Alaska. The local social security laws governing the territorial compen sation commission are the finest in the country, Mr. Bragaw said, inasmuch as they were drawn up by the social security board in Washington, D. C. In November, an advisory board will be established, Mr. Bragaw added, to draw up and discuss new laws and regulations. This board will be composed of repre sentatives of the various territor ial industries and labor factions, employees and employers. Inad dition, the general public will be permitted voice in the matter, particularly the determining of i board and room rates when in cluded in the individual’s salaries. TRAVEL WITH MIROW AIR SERVICE Serving all Seward Peninsula Mining Camps Dependable, Fast, Equipment Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane’s Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1904. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Sen. Patterson Valdez in Favor Of Single House Senator Janies H. Patter-son, ol Valdez is very much in favor of { a one-house or unicameral legis lature for Alaska, believing that j more work could be done in a much shorter time at much less' ! expense. Mr. Patterson believes that j nine men should compose the un cameral legislature with one at large. Delegate A. J. Dimond also ap proves the one-house legislature, and has introduced a bill in the House which has been approved bv the House Territories Commit tee, and which would authorize j a vote on the question at the next' general election. Like Mr. Patterson, Mr. Dimond j 'believes that the move would be ,more businesslike and would be ! less expensive. Eskimos Visualize Hell As A Fine Place to Live _ i (Continued From Page One) j of shoes to fit. They made me lame and I’ll have to have a doc tor work on them in Seattle.” Father Llorente was in slippers I and will remain in them until ihe gets to Seattle, where he will study for a year and then return to his isolatd post on Norton Sound. He came from Spain two years ago for the work in Alas ka and says he always wants to remain here. $10.00 paid in advance will give you the Nome Daily Nugget for six months, A saving of $2.00. Do it now ! NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that, by order of the Probate Court in and for the Cape Nome Precinct, Alaska, the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Reinhold Newberg, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate should pre sent them with proper vouchers attached, within six months from the date of the first publication hereof, to the undersigned admin-1 istrator at Nome, Alaska. . I Dated at Some, Alaska, July 30. 11937. H. G. GABRIELSON Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the United States Commis sioner’s Court for the Territory of Alaska, Second Division, Wade Hampton Precinct, In Probate. In the matter of the Estate of JACK MORT, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the above entitled Court, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Jack Mort, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers attached, to the undersigned at Stuyahok, Alaska, as by law re quired, within six months from the date hereof... Also, any person knowing themselves to be indebt ed to the deceased will please communicate with F. H. KRUGER, Administrator of the Estate of Jack Mort, Deceased, at Stuy ahok, Alaska. Dated at Stuyahok, Alaska, June 21st, 1937. Publish July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21. Wcalher today (U S. Weather Bureau) Snow was falling over the hills of central Alaska and portions of northwestern Alaska extending to Point Barrow. Cloudy and un settled weather prevailed in oth er sections of Alaska with rain reported over the Gulf and in southeastern Alaska. Temperatures, as a rule, were lower over central and northern Alaska last night while other changes in Alaska were unimport ant. Low atmospheric pressure is charted central over northeastern Alaska while an extensive “high" is observed over the southern part of Bering Sea and south ward. This pressure distribution will likely be attended by cloudy DRINK Garretfs —a fine, friendly j Wine for A laskans ★ Virginia Dora (light) Winot, rod ar whita Old North Stata Brand Blackberry Garrott'l Sautarnoo Garrott's Cancord ★ Buy Garrett's at your t|j nearest wine dealer. Garrett & Company, V Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y.— | makers of fine Ameri- \ can wines since 1835. W.J. LAKE SCO., Inc. SmIH. Distributor and unsettled weather for Nome and vicinity tonight and Sunday with probably showers and little temperature change. The lowest Nome temperature last night was 39 and the highest yesterday 54. Rainfall .10 in for 24 hours ending at 1 a.m. FOUND—A bunch of keys, in the East End near Cold Storage plant, owner may have same by paying for this advertisement. SALES Every Month in the Year * I Auction Sales Dates 19 3 7 August 11 September 8 October 13 November 10 December 15 SPECIAL SALES HELD ON REQUEST OF SHIPPERS Advances will be made as usual when requested. Transferred by telegraph If Desired The Seattle Fur Exchange Seattle, Wash. 1008 Western Avenue PALACE Liquor Store ' - Open For Business Choicest of Liquors JIMMY HEWITT “At The Bet” Calkins9 Shoppe Kickernick Bloomers Maiden Form Brassieres And Girdles—Garter Belts And Shirts At Calkins9 Shoppe CHAS. CAVEY Has Opened A Liquor Store Carrying an Assortment of Fine Liquors, Win es, and Beers. FRONT ST. NOME. MINERS AND DREDGE MEN PRINTING BLANKS CARRIED The Nome Daily Nugget carries several forms of printing blanks for your convenience — Dredge Logs, thawing and drill reports, Mining Deeds, Placer and Lode Location Notices. Vouchers. Snecial Power of Attorney forms IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FOR THE NOME LAND DISTRICT NOME. ALASKA NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT Mineral Survey No. 1889 Mineral Entry No. 8929 Notice is hereby given that Un ited States Smelting Refining and Mining Company, a Maine cor-, poration, by and through its at torney-in-fact. A. M. Hartford, whose post office address is Nome, Alaska, has made application for United States Patent for the Pearl Bench Placer Mining Claim situated on the Left Limit of Cooper Gulch, a tributary of Lit tle Creek, in the Cape Nome Min ing District and Precinct Terri tory of Alaska, and designated as' LTnited States Mineral Survey No. 1889 and particularly described in the official plat and field notes now on file in the said land office! as follows: I Magnetic variations of 18 deg. 15 min. to 18 deg. 45 min. E. Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of the Pearl Bench Placer, which is id entical with Cor. No. 2. Survey No. 759. Gadfly Placer, a fir post 4 in. square, 30 in. above ground, and marked PB-1-1889 for this survey, from whence U.S.L.M. No. 11 bears S 3 deg. 18 mm. E. 7.574.5 ft. The E. end of Anvil Rock bears N. 24 deg. 08 min. W.; thence N. 83 deg. 44 min. W. 1. 293.3 ft. to Cor. No. 2. identical with Cor. No. 1, Survey 759. Gad fly Placer, a fir post .4 in. square, 36 in. above ground, marked PB 2- 1889 for this survey; thence N. 12 deg. 41 min. E. 661.5 ft. to Cor. No. 3, identical with Cor. No. 5, survey No. 1193, No. 4 Be low Placer, a fir post 4 in. square, 24 in. above ground, marked PB 3- 1889, for this survey; thence S. 75 deg. 43 min. E. 1,189.1 ft. to Cor. No. 4, a fir post 48 in. long, 4 in. square, set 24 in. in ground in mound of earth and stone, marked PB-4-1889; thence S. 1 deg. 22 min. W. 492.5 ft. to Cor. No. 1 and place of beginning, con taining an area of 16.310 acres. The adjoining claims are: on the north Marie Placer, unsurvey ed, and other claims unknown and unsurveyed; on the east XYZ Placer, unsurveyed; on the south Survey No. 759, Gadfly Placer; on the west Survey No. 1193, No. 4 Below Placer. The location certificate for said mining claim is recorded in vol ume 171, at page 470 of the re cords of location of the Cape Nome Mining District and Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska. The mineral monument to which this claim is tied is described as follows: U.SL.M. No. 11 is a first post 6 in. square, 7 ft. above ground, firmly set in a mound of stone 30 in. high, 60 in. base, marked U. S. L. M. No. 11 and is situated on the ridge between Holyoke and Bourbon Creeks, 70 ft. E. of the Bessie road in Lat. 64 deg. 32 min. N. Long. 165 deg. 22 min. W. Dated July 26th, 1937. ALMER RYDEEN, Register IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FOR THE NOME LAND DISTRICT NOME. ALASKA NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT J Mineral Survey No. 1887 Mineral Entry No. 0931 Notice is hereby given that Un ited States Smelting Refining and Mining Company, a Maine cor poration, by and through its at-! torney-in-fact. A. M. Hartford, whose post office address is Nome, Alaska, has made application for United States Patent for the1 Acme Placer Mining Claim sit uated on the Right Limit of Sat urday Creek in the Cape Nome Mining District and Precinct, Ter ritory of Alaska, and designated as United States Mineral Survey No. 1887 and particularly describ ed in the official plat and field notes now on file in the said land office as follows: Magnetic variations of 17 deg. j 45 min. to 18 deg. 15 min. E. Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of the Acme Fraction, established on line 4-5 of Sur. No. 1117. No. 1 Below Discovery on Saturday Creek Placer, and which is iden tical with Cor. No. 5. Sur. No. 1, 175. Discovery Claim on Lake Creek, from whence U.S.L.M. No. 11 bears S. 6 deg. 35 min. E. 4,761. 7 ft. Anvil Rock bears N. 13 deg. 47 min. W.; United States Signal Corps wireless tower bears S. 9 deg. 47 min. W.: thence N. 3 deg. 14 min. W. 317.00 ft. to Cor. No. 2, identical with Cor. No. 4, Sur. No. 1175. Discovery Claim on Lake Creek; thence S. 48 deg. 45 min. E. 232.00 ft. to Cor. No. 3, identical with Cor. No. 1, Sur. No. 1224, Sunny Day Placer, a fir post 42 inches long marked AC-3-1887; thence S. 24 deg. 35 min. E. 80.3 ft. to Cor. No. 4, identical with Cor. No. 1, Sur. No. 445, Lead ville Claim, a fir post 48 inches long, marked AC-4-1887; thence S. 64 deg. 31 min. W. 210.5 ft. to Cor. No. 1 and place of begin ning, containing an area of 0.796 acres. The adjoining claims are: on the north Sur. No. 1224, Sunny Day Placer; on the east Sur. No. 445, Leadville Placer; on the west Sur. No. 1175, Discovery Claim on Lake Creek placer, on the south Sur. No. 1117, No. 1 Be low Discovery on Saturday Creek Placer. The location certificate for said mining claim is recorded in vol ume 214, at page 144 of the re cords of location of the Cape Nome Mining District and Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska. The mineral monument to which this claim is tied is described as follows: U.S.L.M. No. 11 is a fir post six inches square, seven feet above ground in a mound of stone thir ty inches high, sixty inches at the base, marked U.S.L.M. No. 11 and situated on the ridge be tween Holyoke and Bourbon Creeks, seventy feet east of the Bessie road in Lat. 64 deg. 32 min N > Long- 165 deg. 22 min. W. Dated July 26th, 1937. ALMER RYDEEN, Register IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FOR THE NOME LAND DISTRICT NOME. ALASKA NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT #Mineraff Survey No. 1885 Mineral Entry No. 8930 Notice is hereby given that Un ited States Smelting Refining ar.d Mining Company, a Maine cor poration, by and through its a* torney-in-fact, A. M. Haetford, whose post office address is Nome, Alaska, has made application for United States Patent for the Wonder Fraction No. 3 Place: Mining Claim situated on the Left Limit of Wonder Creek, a trib utary of Center Creek, adjoining the Linda Association Placer, Survey No. 1155. in the Cape Nome Mining District and Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska, and de signated as United States Min eral Survey No. 1885 and partic ularly described in the official plat and filed notes now on file in the said Land Office as follows: Magnetic variations 17 deg. 15 min. to 17 deg. 45 min. E. Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of the Wonder Fraction No. 3 Placer Claim, identical with Cor. No. 1, Survey No. 1861. No. 6 Below Discovery Placer, a fir post 4 in. square, 30 in. above ground, mark ed WF-3-1-1885 for this survey-, from which U.S.L.M. No. 11 bears N 76 deg. 05 min. 30 sec. E. 5, 366.06 ft., Anvil Rock bears N. 13 deg. 35 min. E.; thence S. 18 deg. 52 min. W. 637.4 ft. to Cor. No. 2, identical with Cor. No. 1 Survey 1848, Wonder Bench Placer, a fir post 4 in. square, 24 in. above ground, marked WF-3.2-1885 for this survey; thence N. 71 deg. 08 min. W. 128.5 ft. to Cor. No. 3. identical with Cor. No. 5, survey No. 1848, Wonder Bench Placer, a fir post 4 in. square, 24 in. above ground, marked WF-3-3-1885, for this survey; thence N. 30 deg. 16 min. E. 650.00 ft. to Cor. No. 1 •and place of beginning, contain ing an area of 0.940 acres. The adjoining claims are: on the north Survey No. 1884, Won der Fraction No. 1 Placer and Survey No. 1884, Wonder Fraction No. 2 Placer; on the east Survey No. 1155, Linda Association Group Placer; on the south Survey 1848, Wonder Bench; on the west Sur vey No. 1861, No. 6 Below Discov ery Placer. The location certificate for said mining claim is recorded in vol ume 208 at page 416 of the re cords of location of the Cape Nome Mining District and Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska. The mineral monument to which this claim is tied is described as follows: U. S. L. M. No. 11 is a fir post 6 in. square, 7 ft. above ground, firmly set in a mound of stone 30 in. high, 60 in. base, marked U. S. L. M. No. 11 and is situated on the ridge between Holyoke and Bourbon Creek 70 ft. E. of the Bessie road in Lat 64 deg. 32 min. N. Long. 165 deg. 22 min. W. Dated July 26th, 1937. ALMER RYDEEN, Register