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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET ; GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor RUSSELL G MAYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. Subscription Rates Payable In Advance. Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 per month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS NOTES ON THE FAIR Requests for exhibit space are pouring in to Dave Gray, Super intendent of the Fur Division of the Northwestern Alaska Fair to be held here August 19, 20, and 21. In addition to the raw furs he will also have some splendid fur garments on display. The Art Department under Mrs. Curtis Jacobs is to display several paintings by Jean White, local artist. Tarzan and Tarzan’s mate are to appear in the Comic Character Children’s parade. Friday night of the Fair. Just who will repre- j sent them may not be revealed but guesses are not barred. 1 Members of the cast of the well remembered play written by the seventh & eighth grade for the “Pioneers of Alaska” and produc ed before them last spring are asked to meet in the school gym nasium at ten-thirty on Wednes-1 day of this week. After a week's layoff for a Boy Scout trip to Pilgrim Springs, the entire staff of the Model Machin ery Co. composed of Admiral Sims, Dan Jones, and Frank O’ Farrell are back at work in their factory at the school shop. Promising a fine evening of native entertainment the Native Entertainment committee is rapid ly lining up amusing and interest ing ceremonial dances and athlet ic stunts. Friday night August 20, is the time. The Unemployment Compensa tion Commission of Alaska has mailed to employers, operating in whole or in part, in Alaska, cop- 1 ies of liability reports, together with an explanation of the law. These reports are to be filled out, under penalty of law, by all employers, whether or not they are liable for contributions under hte Alaska law. Reports are to be filed with the Commission be fore August 31, 1937. If you are an employer, and have not received a liability re- • port, or a copy of the law, you should contact the Unemploy ment Compensation Commission, Box 2661. Juneau, Alaska, by the first mail. Rebuilt Pianos, New Tom Thumb and Grands. Expert Piano Tuner GEORGE ANDERSON Will Be in Nome This Week At Lincoln Hotel tvohler. Brumback Pianos; Grand and Upright for Sale and rent. TRAVEL WITH MIROW AIR SERVICE Serving all Seward Peninsula Mining Camps Dependable, Fast, Equipment Northern Light & Cower Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegra pli ( ]o. | Second Avenue and Lane’s Way i LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1994. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. T.f '*i'” Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased WE SOLICIT TOUR BUSINESS t Spanish V essel W as Gunned By Subs (By The Associate Press) NIMES, France Aug. 9 —The Spanish government freighter, Audutzendi, little more than a charred hulk after the guns of two unidentified submarines set her afire brought her dead into the port of Le Grau Do Rio. Only eleven members of her cref of 34 were known to have survived. There was no trace of 21 others including six who fled the burn ing ship in a small boat. Fisher men who put out to the disabled craft after she was attacked a short distance off the French coast extinguished the blaze and brought ashore two bodies. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF NOME, ALASKA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Ordinance No. 281 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Nome, Alaska, selling te the Nome Lodge No. A-5 of the fraternal order of the Indepen dent Order of Odd Fellows, Lots 18, 11 and 12 in Block 50. and the building and all improvements thereon, and calling a special election for the purpose of ratify ing this ordinance, "passed and approved by the Common Coun cil of the City of Nome on July 12, 1937, a special election will be held in the said City on Saturday, the 14th day of August, 1937, be tween the hours of 8 A.M. and 6 P. M. of said day, at which elec tion the qualified electors of said City are invited to vote for rati fication or in refusal for ratifica tion of the above numbered and entitled ordinance. That the en tire area embraced within the said City shall constitute one vot ing precinct and the place of vot ing shall be at the City Hall lo cated on the South Side of Front street on Lot 1, Block “D", as shown on and by the amended plat of the towns^le of said City. Voters shall be required to regis ter before they vote on the day of the special election and in the manner specified for a regular annual City election. The pro perty specified in the above num bered and entitled Ordinance to be sold are Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 50, as shown on and by the official plat of the townsite oi said City, the school building lo cated thereon and all appurten ances to the said lots or building, the sale thereof to be for $2,000 cash to be paid to the said City, and the property to be sold to the Nome Lodge No. A-5 of the fraternal order of the Indepen dent Order of Odd Fellows. Dated at Nome, Alaska, this 13th day of July, 1937. M. J. WALSH, Clerk of the City of Nome,Alaska Publish July 13,20,27, Aug.3,10,13. _ _ ... — ■ ■ - '$> Another Year Of Peace Pac. Coast (Bv The Associated Press» SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 9 — Another year of peace on the west coast waterfronts appeared in prospect when Harry Bridges, head of the International Long shoremens Association, on the Pacific Coast announced his or ganization would ask no revision of its present working agreement. The Waterfront Employers Asso ciation, earlier in the day had notified the I L A of its willing ness to extend present contracts another year beyond next Sep tember thirtieth, their expiration date. Subscribe For The Nunrl == _ I Gas & Bayonets fBv ThP Associated Press i Tear gas and fixed bayonets us ed by National Guardsmen in keeping order in Warren, Ohio. This squad is guarding the road leading to the Republic Steel Plant. "One ol ike world's really fine beers» iec/»W i%em ▼ Nr DATED BEER* •iomermt Br ruins Corpora*** Sam Franrhto Iam Amprln Par stand Smnh PALACE Liquor Store Open For Business Choicest of Liquors JIMMY HEWITT “At The Bat” Calkins’ Shoppe Kickernick Bloomers Maiden Form Brassieres And Girdles—Garter Belts And Shirts At Calkins’ Shoppe CHAS. CAVEY Has Opened A Liquor Store Carrying an Assortment of Fine Liquors, Win es, and Beers. FRONT ST. NOME MINFRS AND DREDGE MEN PRINTING BLANKS CARRIED The Nome Daily Nugget carries several forms of printing blanks for your convenience — Dredga Logs, thawing and drill reports Mining Deeds. Placer and Lode Location Notices. Vouchers. Snecial Power of Attorney forms i IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FOR THE NOME LAND DISTRICT NOME. ALASKA NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT Mineral Survey No. 1889 • Mineral Entry No. 0929 Notice is hereby given that Un ited States Smelting Refining and Mining Company, a Maine cor poration, by and through its at torney-in-fact, A. M. Hartford, whose post office address is* Nome, Alaska, has made application for United States Patent for the Pearl Bench Placer Mining Claim situated on the Left Limit of Cooper Gulch, a tributary of Lit tle Creek, in the Cape Nome Min ing District and Precinct. Terri tory of Alaska, and designated as United States Mineral Survey No. 1889 and particularly described in the official plat and field notes now on file in the said land office as follows: Magnetic variations of 18 deg. 15 min. to 18 deg. 45 min. E. Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of the Pearl Bench Placer, which is id entical with Cor. No. 2. Survey No. 759. Gadfly Placer, a fir post 4 in. square. 30 in. above ground, and marked PB-1-1889 for this survey, from whence U.S.L.M. No. 11 bears S 3 deg. 18 min. E. 7.574.5 ft. The E. end of Anvil Rock bears N. 24 deg. 08 min. W.; thence N. 83 deg. 44 min. W. 1, 293.3 ft. to Cor. No. 2, identical with Cor. No. 1, Survey 759, Gad fly Placer, a fir post 4 in. square, 36 in. above ground, marked PB 2- 1889 for this survey; thence N. j 12 deg. 41 min. E. 661.5 ft. to i Cor. No. 3, identical, with Cor. No. 5. survey No. 1193. No. 4 Be-j low Placer, a fir post 4 in. square,: 24 in. above ground, marked PB 3- 1889, for this survey; thence S. 75 deg. 43 min. E. 1,189.1 ft. to Cor. No. 4, a fir post 48 in. long,1 4 in. square, set 24 in. in ground 1 in mound of earth and stone, marked PB-4-1889: thence S. 1 deg. 22 min. W. 492.5 ft. to Cor. No. 1 and place of beginning, con taining an area of 16.310 acres. The adjoining claims are: on the north Marie Placer, unsurvey ed, and other claims unknown and unsurveyed; on the east XYZ Placer, unsurveyed; on the south Survey No. 759, Gadfly Placer; on the west Survey No. 1193, No. 4 Below Placer. The location certificate for said mining claim is recorded in vol ume 171, at page 470 of the re cords of location of the Cape Nome Mining District and Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska. The mineral monument to which this claim is tied is described as follows: U.S.L.M. No. 11 is a first post 6 in. square, 7 ft. above ground, firmly set in a mound of stone 30 in. high, 60 in. base, marked U. S. L. M. No. 11 and is situated on the ridge between Holyoke and Bourbon Creeks, 70 ft. E. of the Bessie road in Lat. 64 deg. 32 min. N. Long. 165 deg. 22 min. W. Dated July 26th, 1937. ALMER RYDEEN, Register IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FOR THE NOME LAND DISTRICT NOME. ALASKA NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT Mineral Survey No. 1887 Mineral Entry No. 0931 Notice is hereby given that Un ited States Smelting Refining and Mining Company, a Maine cor poration, by and through its at torney-in-fact, A. M. Hartford, whose post office address is Nome, Alaska, has made application for United States Patent for the Acme Placer Mining Claim sit uated on the Right Limit of Sat urday Creek in the Cape Nome Mining District and Precinct, Ter ritory of Alaska, and designated as United States Mineral Survey No. 1887 and particularly describ ed in the official plat*and field notes now on file in the said land office as follows: magnetic variations ot 11 aeg. 45 min. to 18 deg. 15 min. E. Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of the Acme Fraction, established on line 4-5 of Sur. No. 1117, No. 1 Below Discovery on Saturday Creek Placer, and which is iden tical with Cor. No. 5. Sur. No. 1, 175, Discovery Claim on Lake Creek, from whence U.S.L.M. No. 11 bears S. 6 deg. 35 min. E. 4,761. 7 ft. Anvil Rock bears N. 13 deg. 47 min. W.: United States Signal Corps wireless tower bears S. 9 deg. 47 min. W.; thence N. 3 deg. 14 min. W. 317.00 ft. to Cor. No. 2, identical with Cor. No. 4, Sur. No. 1175. Discovery Claim on Lake Creek; thence S. 48 deg. 45 min. E. 232.00 ft. to Cor. No. 3, identical with Cor. No. 1, Sur. No. 1224, Sunny Day Placer, a fir post 42 inches long marked AC-3-1887; thence S. 24 deg. 35 min. E. 80.3 ft. to Cor. No. 4. identical with Cor. No. 1, Sur. No. 445, Lead ville Claim, a fir post 48 inches long, marked AC-4-1887: thence S. 64 deg. 31 min. W. 210.5 ft. to Cor. No. 1 and place of begin ning, containing an area of 0.796 acres. The adjoining claims are: on the north Sur. No. 1224, Sunny Day Placer; on the east Sur. No. 445, Leadville Placer; on the west Sur. No. 1175, Discovery Claim on Lake Creek placer, on the south Sur. No. 1117, No. 1 Be low Discovery on Saturday Creek Placer. The location certificate for said mining claim is recorded in vol ume 214, at page 144 of the re cords of location of the Cape Nome Mining District and Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska. The mineral monument to which this claim is tied is described as follows: U.S.L.M. No. 11 is a fir post six inches square, seven feet above ground in a mound of stone thir ty inches high, sixty inches at the base, marked U.S.L.M, No. 11 and situated on the ridge be tween Holyoke and Bourbon Creeks, seventy feet east of the Bessie road in Lat. 64 deg. 32 min. N., Long. 165 deg. 22 min. W. Dated July 26th, 1937. ALMER RYDEEN, Register IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FOR THE NOME LAND DISTRICT NOME. ALASKA NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT Mineral Survey No. 1885 Mineral Entry No. 0930 • • \ * I ■ Notice is hereby given that U.' i4ed States Smelting Refining ar. i Mining Company, a Maine cor poration, by and through its a - torney-in-fact, A. M. Hastfori, whose post office address is Nome, Alaska, has made application fcr United States Patent for the Wonder Fraction No. 3 Placer Mining Claim situated on the Lett Limit of Wonder Creek, a trib utary of Center Creek, adjoining the Linda Association Placer. Survey No. 1155, in the Caps Nome Mining District and Pre cinct. Territory of Alaska, and de signated as "United States Min eral Survey No. 1885 and partic ularly described in the official plat and filed notes now on file in the said Land Office as follow; Magnetic variations 17 deg. 15 min. to 17 deg. 45 min. E. Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of the Wonder Fraction No. 3 Placer Claim, identical with Cor. No. 1. Survey No. 1861, No. 6 Below Discovery Placer, a nr post 4 in square, 30 in. above ground, mark ed WF-3-1-1885 for this surve;. from which U.S.L.M. No. 11 beara |N 76 deg. 05 min. 30 sec. E. 5.-* 366.06 ft., Anvil Rock bears N. 13 deg. 35 min. E.; thence S. 18 deg. 52 min. W. 637.4 ft. to Cor. No. 2, identical with Cor. No. 1 Survey 1848, Wonder Bench Placer, a fir post 4 in. square, 24 in. above ground, marked WF-3-2-1885 for this survey; thence N. 71 deg. 08 min. W. 128.5 ft. to Cor. No. 3. identical with Cor. No. 5, survey No. 1848, Wonder Bench Placer, a fir post 4 in. square, 24 in. above ground, marked WF-3-3-1885, for this survey; thence N. 30 deg. Id min. E. 650.00 ft. to Cor. No. 1 and place of beginning, contain ing an area of 0.940 acres. The adjoining claims are: on the north Survey No. 1884, Won der Fraction No. 1 Placer and Survey No. 1884, Wonder Fraction No. 2 Placer; on the east Survey No. 1155, Linda Association Group Placer; on the south Survey 1848, Wonder Bench; on the west Sur vey No. 1861, No. 6 Below Discov ery Placer. The location certificate for said mining claim is recorded in vol ume 208 at page 416 of the re cords of location of the Cape Nome Mining District and Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska. The mineral monument to which this claim is tied is described as follows: U. S. L. M. No. 11 is a fir post 6 in. square, 7 ft. above ground, firmly set in a mound of stone 30 in. high, 60 in. base, marked U. S. L. M. No. 11 and is situated on the ridge between Holyoke and Bourbon Creek 70 ft. E. of the Bessie road in Lat. 64 deg. 32,min. N. Long. 165 deg. 22 min. W. Dated July 26th, 1937. ALMER RYDEEN, Register