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Newspaper Page Text
FARR, LOUIS BOUT COES OVER MON. (Bv The Associated Press) NEW YORK, August 26—The heavyweight championship fight between Joe Louis and Tommy Farr has been postponed until Monday because of rain. The Welch challenger weighed 207, and Louis 198, but they will be reweighed again Monday. Vartanian Has Not Arrived At Nome As Yet Following is the reply sent to Soviet agent Vartanian by Alfred J. Lomen, Nome manager of the Lomen Commercial Co., in re sponse to a query as to the am ount of gasoline available for use in the search for the missing Soviet fliers. Nome, Aug. 24, 1937. Vartanian Fairbanks. * Nome can spare fifty barrels 73 and forty barrels 87 octane. one thousand gallons Stanavo aviation engine oil, possibly more if required. Suggest you wire Fer guson Brothers Kotzebue and Gagids Brothers Deering relative gas supplies Kotzebue. Captain Aarnout Castel schoon er Nanuk ready leave for Barrow immediately offers carry forty barrels and two hundred cases which measure twenty tons. U. S. Bureau Indian Affairs schooner North Star due Nome few' days then proceeding Barr ow. Confident you can secure per mil for her carry additional gas to Barrow. Schooner to Barrow. Suggest you contact Bob Douglas Standard Oil Alas I’LL beat’ LOUIS.’^d.. r Over the tea cups, this fighting young Welshman iinsmilingly asserted, ‘‘I'M bent Louis because I neve* have been knocked out . .. and am not afraid of anyone h::i C od.” Lighter I'iirr further elaborated, “If I didn't expect to lick him I wouldn’t be here. All Louis has to do is stick his chin out once and he'll be gone.” ka Representative now in Fair banks. He familiar with condi tions here. Alfred J. Lomen I No further word was received last night or today concerning the departure of Soviet Repre sentative Vartanian from Fair banks for Nome. He was ex pected to come yesterday, but no local plane companies knew of any ship headed this way. When he does arrive, it is be lieved definite and organized plans will be concluded for the transportation of fuel to Barrow for use by the airplane taking oart in the search for Pilot Lev anefsky and his five companions TRAVEL WITH I MIROW AIR SERVICE [• Serving all Seward Peninsula I Mining Camps J Dependable, Fast, Equipment c _ » / a Northern Light & Power Co. £ AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. ja Second Avenue and Lane’s Way LIGHT, POWER AND FLFCTRICAL SUPPLIES * LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE rr MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA \l NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1904. " . tl GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED n fl Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who u Prefer Paying By Check. v Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased si WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS \ S. Latouche Went Aground Good News Ba1 • (By Tne Associated Press' SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 24 he Mackay Radio reported th; be passenger and freight vess< .atouche had gone aground * loodnews Bay in the Bering Se; lackay operators said they rt eived the report from anothe ,’askan ship and had been un ble to obtain any further de lils. The Latouche left Sa: rancisco more than three week go for Alaska. She is listed a vessel of about fourteen hun red net tons. Big Parade Held (By The Associated Press) FORT LEWIS, Wash., Aug. 2 ourteen thousand troops march I before ten thousand spectator, i the largest military review or le Pacific Coast since the work ar. War planes zoomed ovei le heads of the National Guard ien and Regular soldiers frorr /e western states in the ftna aneuvers of the Fourth Army’: rar Games. More than a thou md trucks of motorized equip .ent rumbled past the review in | and where the governors of •' ates and nine ranking armj merals were assembled. I _ Accused Murder LOS ANGELES, Aug. 25—Pol ce today booked Robert Mata, ’ V 23, Filipino, on suspicion of mur der in connection with the shoot ing of Carlos Franco known also - as Carling Martinez, 26-year old t Filipino. Police said Mata ad 1 mitted shooting Franco supposed t ly to avenge a beating the latter administered to him because of a : - woman. Franco is said to be a r nephew of Vice President Sergio - Osmena and is survived by a - .'ister and a brother who are said i to be in Manila. , . 1 EXPLORATION SERVICE Custom Drilling, Freighting, Bulldozing, Transportation Port Clarence, Kougarok And Good Hope Districts NEW COMPLETE EQUIPMENT Inquire For Erskine Baker Care Of Mirow Air Service—Nome WE REPRESENT FOR THIS SECTION: “Caterpillar" Diesel Tractors, Power Units and Allied Equipment Bucyrus Erie Shovels and Draglines Pumps, Generators Air Compressors, Bulldozers and Winches - --t_i_^ N O M E MOTOR COMPANY ^ ALSO Complete Automotive and Caterpillar Service "AT Y’OUR SERVICE YVITII A SMILE” e .. ." -—^ ANOTHER NEW SH1P Our Latest Model Cessna Four-Place Cabin Monoplane PERFORMANCE: High Speed, fully loaded, sea level—162 mph. Cruising Speed, fully loaded, sea level—143 mph. Cruising Radius—785 Miles WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES. INC. c i . ... —.. i ——< ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, ProD. THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) LINCOLN HOTEL “HEADQUARTERS FOR SOURDOUGHS” GOOD ACCOMODATIONS HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER BEER PARLOR IN CONNECTION NOME, : : : : : ALASKA. A Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE. BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget By Carrier