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Current Comments Written From Washington i '■ (Special to the Nugget) Wash., D. C., Aug. 20 Congress believes that it can rest from its labors on the 21st of August but is confronted thoughtfully by the age-old in terrogatory that arises in connec tion with every hope or plan, in dividual or public: To be or not to be, that is the question. The United States has leased some out of date war vessels to Brazil for training purposes, and Italy Argentine, Germany and Chile are upset about it, for rea-1 sons that are too diverse and | numerous to be set forth here. To! an unprejudiced observer, no harm appears to have been done. To those who favor disarmament it occurs that one good w'ay to promote that end would be to junk promptly any vessel that might become obsolete but still of some use. Even though cut ting off at the head our new con struction end may not be prac- j tical or desirable, something could be done by painlessly am putating the tail, as it continues to grow. New York has a population j large enough to furnish examples of the best and the worst in hu man nature. Just now the big; town comes forward to lay claim to the meanest person in exist ence. A few days ago a woman 1 scattered poisoned grain in a park and pigeons fell by the hundred over a wide area. Those who saw her said she looked crazy. For the benefit of the good name of Gotham it is to be hoped that this is an instance in which' it is safe to judge by appearances. _ Apropos of the pigeon incident, | an Alaska airplane is forced j down, with damaged machinery, by a flock of seagulls, and those who srwat flies now and then have to stop their autos and wipe off dead insects that accumulate on the windshield. Thus it seems that although man has pretty much his own way with the lower strata of the animal kingdom, nature steps in at times and swings a correcting hand. A minister does not have to | remit a social security tax on the fee which he receives for con ducting a funeral, but a paid pall bearer must shell out. Ain’t law wonderful!! President Roosevelt plans to go to Antietam battlefield in Sep tember to make a speech. There was a time when a Yankee presi dent would not have been wel come there. Those days have pass ed. Spanish papers please copy and take courage. Even civil wars will slide away into a gentle | forgetfulness. --- Slaying And Death Still Are Unsolved RICHLAND CENTER ,Wis., (AP) — Authorities of two ad joining counties dug deeper into the mystery surrounding the un solved killing of il-year-old Mil dred Best, tho arrest of her bro ther and the subsequent unex plained death of Oila Shaw, the ri rrx.r . r he with whom they lived. Two weeks after the killing of ‘he girl, on June 4. Shaw died in a hospital and was buried at Vir oqua in Crawford county. Dr. Sannes of Richland Cen ter certified that he died from natural causes. A Madison pathologist, Dr. C H. Bunting, who made a post mortem examination, filed an of fit al report confirming this dia gnr^.s and conflicting partly with a statement of Dr. F. L. Kozela. State toxicologist, that death ap parently was due to poisoning. Shaw's body was exhumed upon the petition of Carl N. Hill, attorney for Harold Best, 15, who lias been held without charge. Madison specialists reported after extensive questioning and us of a truth serum that they thought the boy was innocent of Mildred’s slaying but was shielding the guilty one. Better Heat and Light for Alaskan Homes and Buildings Better light and heat — more and more modern conveniences — have j fAllowed Standard Oil products into | Alaskan homes for almost half a century. Today Standard Oil fuel oils not only cut the cost of better home heat ing—they power home electric light plants in many communities. “Stand- j aid Flanio” Gas has brought modem gas refrigeration, cooking and water heating to numerous cities. And Standard Household Specialties re duce the time and labor of many household tasks. Besides carrying more petroleum products for home use, Standard Oil maintains better facilities for home SERVICE. You can rely on Standard whatever your petroleum needs. f Cut Heating Costs with STANDARD BURNER OILS ft CALL ON STANDARD FOR ALL, YOUR PETROLEUM NEEDS - • Standard Gaaolint Uiaurpiwn) RPM Motor Oil Unsurpassed Standard Penn Motor Oil Zerolene Motor Oil Calol Industrial Oil* Stantkrd Diesel Fuel Standard Burner Oils Pearl Oil (Kerosene) Standard Roofing Products Standard Flamo Natural Gas Standard Oil Houaehold Specialties • More for your money—every single drop of Standard Burner Oils is a full drop of heat! These oils are 100% refinery-distilled and they reach you absolutely clean. They fire in stantly—bum without waste—and keep bur ners free from clogging carbon and gum. Insist on Standard Burner Oils for all burners requir ing medium- to light-bodied fuels. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA 25 STANDARD OIL SUPPLY STATIONS SERVING ALASKA Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenbe and Lane's Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) SPECIALIZING IN PERMANENT • WAVES. . Equipped For Zotos and Frederic’s Permanent Waves FACIALS, FINGER WAVES, MANICURES, BEAUTY WORK Violet Ray Treatments _ PHYLLIS’ BEAUTY SHOPPE Licensed Operator <z^hvn&iuMing^ WE REPRESENT FOR THIS SECTION: “Caterpillar” Diesel Tractors, Power Units and Allied Equipment Bucyrus Erie Shovels and Draglines Pumps, Generators, Air Compressors, Bulldozers and Winches 1 NOME MOTOR COMPANY ALSO Complete Automotive and Caterpillar Service “AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A SMILE” ANOTHER NEW SHIP Our Latest Model Cessna Four-Place Cabin Monoplane PERFORMANCE: High Speed, fully loaded, sea level—162 niph. Cruising Speed, fully loaded, sea level—14.1 mph. Cruising Radius—785 Miles WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES. INC. W ALTER W. JOHNSON CO. 351 California St., San Francisco, California. Builders of Gold Dredges, Prospecting Drills, and Other Placer Mining Equipment Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL. BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black Ilk NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS SOURDOUGH LETTER HEADS AND ENVELOPES NOW ON SALE AT THE NUGGET OFFICE ———————————■——— I III * LINCOLN HOTEL “HEADQUARTERS FOR SOURDOUGHS” GOOD ACCOMODATIONS HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER BEER PARLOR IN CONNECTION NOME, : : : : : ALASKA.