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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor RUSSELL G. MAYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. ^ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ —— Subscription Rates Payable In Advance. Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 per month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Unemployment (Continued From Page One) tributions to the State unemploy ment compensation fund. This money would have gone into the Federal Treasury and no part of it would have benefited Alaska or Alaskans. By virtue of having an Unemployment Com pensation Act in the Territory, the employer is allowed to take credit for the tax of 1.8% levied Under the Unemployment Com pensation Act for the calendar year 1937 on the Federal tax of 2%—in other words, 90%. In short, the employer pays 1.8% in to the Territory and .2% to the Federal Government. Each liable employer will be given an industrial classification number and the tax credited to his account. The Commission will use the employees’ Old Age Benefit numbers and keep an ac curate record of eah employee's •wage records. By the time the benefits first become payable, which is Jan uary 1, 1939, a system of employ ment offices will have been es tablished throughout the Terri tory to assist in job placement and benefit payment. When an individual becomes unemployed he is required to re gister with the employment of fice. The employment office will immediately endeavor to place the individual in another posi tion. If it fails to dot so within I two weeks. and the individual, has met the requirements of th^ Social Security Commission, he will then be tendered a benefit check. The amount of the check will be based entirely upon thej work record of the individual &i will be one-half of his former' full-time weekly wage, with a' maximum weekly payment of $15.00 for a period not to exceed sixteen weeks. itle VIII of the Federal Social Security Act establishes a system i of old age benefits. This Title must not be confused with un employment compensation as it is an entirely different setup and is in no way connected with un employment compensation. Title VIII imposes a tax upon employees as well as employers to the amount of one per cent for the calendar years 1937, 1938 and 1939. This tax will be graduated at one-half per cent every three years until the total of three per ; cent is‘.A.ehed. On December 31, 1948. when the total of 3%j will have been reached, the em-j ployer will be paying 3% of his payroll and the employee 3% of his wage. The money collected in this manner will be credited to each employee upon whose wage the tax is imposed. The amount will accrue until the in dividual has reached the age of 65 years, whereupon he will re ceive a monthly old age benefit check. The amount of the check will be based upon the total wages earned by such individual. MIROW AIR *SERVICE Connecting Seward Peninsula With The Coast Cities Fairbanks-Ancliorage-Valdez Dependable, Fast, Equipment Northern Light & Power Co. AND A1 aska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane's Way LIGHT. POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER. MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS WALTER W. JOHNSON CO. 351 California St., San Francisco, California. Builders of Gold Dredges, Prospecting Drills, and Other Placer Mining Equipment THIS IS BEAUTY at its highest peak, according to standards of 1921. In that year Margaret Gorman (above) of Washington, D. C., was chosen Miss America. How Mining Claims can be Staked in Alaska, length, Bread th, how many, and the Associa tion Claim, described in detail, ir pamphlet form, for sale at The Nugget Office, for 10 cents. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Probate Court for the Cape Nome Precinct in the Sec ond Division of the Territory of Alaska. 1 In the matter of the estate of THOMAS NAKKELA, deceased. Notice is hereby given to Char les Traeger of Unalakleet, Alas ka, Lomen Commercial Company Nome Alaska, M. C. Brown Seat- j tie, Washington, and to all per sons to whom this notice may concern. That Ole Stenfield, the Admin istrator of the Estate of Thomas Nakkela, deceased, has filed his First and Final Report in said estate, and that Saturday, the llth day of December 1937, at the hour of eleven o’clock in the forenoon of said day, has been fixed by the Court as the date of hearing the objections, if any, to said Report, and, at the same time and place, the Judge of said Pro-; bate Court will hear, adjudicate,1 and determine who the heirs and distributees of decedent are. OLE STENFIELD Administrator | Publish: Sept. 29, Oct. 6, 13, 20.1 Calkins9 Shoppe SILK DRESSES HOUSE DRESSES And Smocks Also—Other Attractive Items Arriving on Baranof! Calkins’ Shoppe ! POLSON WATER DELIVERY | NELSON & BERGSTROM _ i Arrange Now For Your Winter Delivery of Fresh, Sparkling, Spring Water. —PHONE BLACK 44— FOR SALE—Washing Machine, Vacuum Cleaner, also Dishes and Household goods. Inquire of Mrs Undem, 1st Ave. west. 19-26 2-Room House For Sale—Com pletely furnished, oil burner, celotexed, newly reconditioned. A bargain. Inquire at Nome Nug get Office. 10-19 FOR SALE—A Lange kitchen range, equipped with hot water coils. A bargain. Inquire at The Nugget Office. FOR SALE—Medium sized coal heating stove, in good condition. Inquire at Nugget Office. FOR SALE—Bed Springs, mat tresses, single, three-quarter and double sizes at bargain prices. In quire at Nugget Office. Thos. R. Lyons Ira D. Orton Lyons & Orton Attorneys At Law Rooms 918-921 Alaska Building Seattle, Washington Do Not Have To Report This Time Change in Period for Filing of Social Security Information Returns Thor Henricksen, Acting Collec tor of Internal Revenue for this district announces that he has been advised by the Commission er of the Internal Revenue Ser vice that Social Security informa tion returns on forms SS-2 and SS-2-A will not be required for the quarter ending September 30. The next filing of such re turns will be for the six months beginning July 1st and ending December 31st, instead of the quarterly return originally plan ned. Social Security taxpayers will therefore make no returns of foms SS-2 and SS-2A for the quarter ending September 30, as previously instructed but will during January 1938 make such returns for the six months per iod as stated above. WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES. INC. N ome—Fairbanks Enjoy Comforts and Safety Of RADIO EQUIPPED MULTI-MOTORED PLANES - FLY TO THE COAST ANCHORAGE—VALDEZ—CORDOVA 1 . Are you taking advantage >f six months paid in ad vance subscription ? 0 — PRINTING BLANKS CARRIED The Nome Daily Nugget carries several forms of printing blanks for your convenience — Dredge Logs, thawing and drill reports. Mining Deeds, Placer and Lode Location Notices. Vouchers, Special Power of Attorney forma CHAS. CAVEY Has Opened A Liquor Store Carrying an Assortment of Fine Liquors, Win es, and Beers. FRONT ST. NOME. Going Outside For the Winter ? ? is YOU WILL BE LONESOME AS THE If You Don’t Have The NOME NUGGET Follow You DON’T FORGET . . . You Will Want All the News, All the Time, About the Home Town and the Big Mining Enterprises. You Can’t Afford to Do With out It ! ! Only $1.50 Per Mo. or $6 for The Winter Period Send in This Order —ORDER— . 1937 Publisher, Nome Nugget: Nome, Alaska. j Dear Sir: Send the Nome Nugget to: Name . Address . for.months. Enclosed find $. | Signed:._