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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor RUSSELL G MAYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. Subscription Rates Payable In Advance. Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 per month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Britain Indignant At Shooting Of Men (Continued From Page One) Lengthening of Fatality List By British official circles the killing of the three Ulster Rifle men is regarded as a serious len gthening of the list of British casualties in China attributed to Japanese gunfire. Formal com ment by the British government on the killings is withheld pend ing an official report concerning them from Great Britain’s dip lomatic representative in China. A Lack of Confidence Labor Party Leader Herbert Morrison’s motion expressing a lack of confidence in Premier Ne ville Chamberlain's foreign pol icy was not based particularly on the war in China! but was of gen oral nature and might be inter preted as referring especially to the war in Spain and to possible developments with respect to It aly and Germany. Morrison charged that the Brit ish government is “causing Great Britain to drift into a first class war with a first class power.” Urged to Make Speeches He declared Premier Chamber lain “a man possessed of a crude mercantile class outlook”. The La bor Leader urged Chamberlain to make speeches “in President Roosevelt’s spirit calling the at tention of the world to the great crisis involving world peace and asking world economic and social cooperation to preserve peace.” Morrison asserted Chamberlain could hope ‘‘such speeches would filter through to the peoples of fascist states.” German Girls Working Hard Build Character BERLIN. Nov.—Twenty thous and German girls, between the ages of 7 and 25, daily lend will ing hands to farmer's wives and country mothers. It’s part of the labor service. According to Rcichleiter Con stantine Hierl, leader of the com pusory labor sendee—-compusory for young men but not yet for girl?—the labor service is to build character, teach loyalty to the national-socialist idea and to the Fuehrer and to inculcate team spirit. One hundred thousand girls have passed through this service. There are 500 camps in the Reich, each taking care of 40 girls. For "Aryans" Only The service lasts 26 weeks and each girl must prove s-he is ‘‘Ar yan” and must be passed by a doctor before she can enroll. She f. • MIROW AIR SERVICE .. Connecting Seward Peninsula ! With The Coast Cities t Fairbanks-Anchorage-Valdez Dependable, Fast, Equipment Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane’s Way LIGHT. POWER AND ELFCTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE. TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE. BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Ont of Town Work Telephone Black lit NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS --V WALTER W. JOHNSON CO. 351 California St., San Francisco, California. Builders of Gold Dredges, Prospecting Drills, and Other Placer Mining Equipment > gets free board and lodging, a working kit, parade uniform, two pairs of stout shoes, bed linen, hand towels and eight cents a day pocket money. The day begins at 5:25 with the camp leader on duty banging a gong and giving the girls a gentle “good morning". Camp leaders are enjoined to-, avoid all appearance of militarism. Fifteen minutes of exercises is supposed to shake the sle, p out of the ey es of the “Arbeitsmaid." Break fast follows the ceremony of hoist ing the flag—the usual swastika with the addion of a stenciled double ear of grain—and the giv ing of the Nazi salute. She is on the job by 7 a.m. Some girls work in kindergar tens for farm children or take care of the farm wife’s babies. No Men's Work Others help in truck gardens, bring in the hay, hoe, dig, plant, chop wood, feed, hogs and chick ens, drive home the cows, and help in other farm work. On no account, the instruction empha sizes. is the land girl to do “men’s work.” At 9:30 there is a second break fast. Around 2 in the afternoon work is over for the day. After a hearty meal one hour is devoted to a good sleep. This is obliga tory. Then until 5 p.m. the girls may do as they please. From 5 to 6 p.m. state political instruction is given. After, the evening meal there are singing and games. The beloved concertina is much in ev idence. The day is ended with the hauling down of the colors and the solemn Nazi salue. Lights out at 9 p.m. Are you taking advantage of six monthj paid in ad y-ance subscription 7 F R £ *1 K E f J T, T ~ 1 *’ in g'ass. this transparent man whose bones and internal organs are viewed through his skin was (••’•It in Germany end is now on **«y in New York. Subscribe for the Nugget Shishmaref—Deering—Candle—Selawik—Kotzebue—Kiana MAGIDS BROS General Merchandise Dealers In Furs —OPERATING— Kotzebue Sound Lighterage Co. SERVING THE ' NORTH COUNTRY Northern Cross Incorporated FLYING FROM NOME NORTHWARD MAGIDS BROS Shi.shmaref—Deering—Candle—Selawik—Kotzebue—Kiana THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1M4. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. Interest Paid On Time Deposits I Gold Dust Purchased WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS NOTICE TO PUBLIC John Solon and Bob Jackson have formed a working agree ment and henceforth both barber shops will be operated in the Nome Barber Shop and Bath house, situated on Front Street, and formerly known as John’s Barber Shop. Signed: John and Bob NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Probate Court for the Cape Nome Precinct, Territory of Alaska, Second Division. In the matter of the Estate of SOL L. LEWIS, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Herbert Greenberg has been appointed by the above entitled court, administrator of the Estate of Sol L. Lewis, de ceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed are hereby required to pre sent the same, duly verified, to the undersigned administrator of said estate at Nome, Alaska with in six months from the, date of this notice. Dated at Nome, Alaska, this 1st day of November, 1937. Herbert Greenberg Administrator of the Estate of Sol L. Lewis, deceased. Publish: Nov. 1. 8, 15. 22. 1937. “SOURDOUGH” STATIONERY That unique and humorous, and typical Alaskan stationery— “Sourdough Roadhouse Letter heads and Envelopes”, have been brought strictly uptodate, and are now available at the Nugget offi ce. Write to your friends and rela tives on the 'Outside', using Sour ough Stationery. They’ll get a big kick out of it. Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget: $2 a month Save $2 by paying in ad vance for your subscription JOHN’S Barber Shop and Bath House Most Up-To-Date TUBS, SHOWERS, STEAM BATH Open from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. John Solon, Proprietor WATER? PHONE BLACK 7 Or Put The Red Card In Your Window Dependable Service When You Want It And As Long As You Want It (Complying With Territorial Sanitary Regulations) C. F. YENNEY POISON WATER DELIVERY NELSON & BERGSTROM Arrange Now For Your Winter Delivery of Fresh, Sparkling, Spring Water. —PHONE BLACK 44— ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF MAHAN’S BEAUTY SHOP BY, MRS. GRACE MAHAN Licensed Beautician and Cosmetologist. SPECIALIZING IN PERMANENT WAVES, FINGER WAVES, MARCELS, HAIR CUTTING, SHAMPOO, FACIALS, MANICURES, And all lines of beauty culture. Location in Mrs. Brunnell’s Cottage, on Steadman Avenue. Telephone for Appointments. ’ -N TWO PASSENGER FLIGHTS ANYTIME TO FAIRBANKS OR ANCHORAGE Via CESSNA “THE MODERN AIRPLANE” CALL WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES. INC. -_J _ _ f ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre A Jack Solomon, Pron.