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THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young —-n il ■■ ■ ■ ■ ... ..i-n -■ ■ 1 ~~ ~~ — ' - THE FEATHERHEADS _,___Sample HA/ Qiv/iMfir 1—N / SES— I 6oT A YOURSELF A \ 'YoulMGSTER. ' little treat 7 / -to set it Ns_y for me-^ DOWM To THE STORE To get MYSELF SOME ICE CREAM — THAT taste_« I had— r?*> S’MATTER POP—How’» Your Pooch on Burglars?_ By C. M. PAYNE fc-j r I > *rl2A(Wt'!> Tt* BufltLA'RS, . • Z^7 i. ____^—I——1^——— - MESCAL IKE By s. l. huntley _Luke Is a Business Man Through and Through / miss sallv wamts'* to KMJOVJ about tm' AD SHE GIVE. t-»iM 70, BUM- IT AlMT 1 nJ - VJWAT \ TW PAPER,,,—7 3 'S 4ETT r jf’- m f vuu meanj , t TM‘ OWE WMAnS FWE DOLLARS l REWARD PER. 1 FISJDINJ' TW \ DORS? t^wal.tviets WUV ^ LUXE LEFT WIT OOTTA -TW' PAPER. - - WES OUT ) V A-LOOXIXJ- FER TVl' Pv DORS WISSEl-R. i i 1937 ,,v *• L- Huntley, Trade Mark Reg. V. 8. Tat. Office) FINNEY OF THE FORCE _ .___ Conserve the Kids - - , «- 1 ■■ ■ 1 I I x 7 ! I 7^x ! r>iDM'T vex CertaikilV.' see those ( DIDN'T i <ids crossiA Blcm mV ^smtreetZ horkI AT v (—a BLOW VER MORKjf ) AM' WHO Do VEX. / tlMK VEX BE-— ) 1VT angel Gabriel 2j BRONC PEELER — The Plan of Action_ By FRED HARMAN 'MEN ARE To At ta'-Tunnel T i ll “ber a Fire in ■ entrance: To Ti [ -TflE ENTRANCE" 1 CuSTlERS rilDEOL, — I Wf4EN_l SEE TAEM I IS it f vA/cm't riE Vs/iTH T I I ^oSTu^uLos iaIi-tu -rvt‘ Help of vJiIWERS, wlE’tU 'j A GE-r our? CA-rruE SACK,am'I BliTVIEGS <— Bah f -r-fHlAJK The Curse of Progress Everv time we had a S PICTURE TAKEN WITH ;• OUR BEST GAL, THE \ RESULT ALWAYS \ SEEMED TO LOOK. \ SOMETHING LIKE THIS— /JOE AAV/ Revenge Not Sweet "Gulp! It ain’t worth it,” said the boy who sat disconsolately on the curb. An interested passerby stopped. "Gulp!” said the boy again, shud dering, “It ain’t worth it!” "What ain’t worth what?” asked the passerby. "If I had it to do over again (gulp)” said the lad, “I wouldn’t eat sis’s lipstick, even for spite!” Identified Office boy—Please, sir, I think somebody wants you on the tele phone. Chief—Now, why do you say you think I am wanted? Am I wanted or not? Office boy—Well, sir, somebody called up and said, “Is that you, you old idiot?” A Habit First Hollywood blonde—Are you going to Peggy’s wedding? Second ditto—Of course, you know that I always go to Peggy’s wed LONG REACH By gluyas williams fcJP-d s WIFI A4K5 HIM FO HAND HER "CHE SPOOL OF BLACK 1i)REM> FROM <Hl -CABLE GROPE? FOR If WrMotSF LOCKING UP FROM BOON took*, up At LA5f, 5Pof5 rf, and HifcHEs chair aij INCH OR TWO NEARER fill It CAtCHES ON RU6 SKETCHES FOR If, KNOCK/H6 PiC^E fRAMT 0\JZ?, BV* IS SfiLL INCHES 5HOR< | I -TRIE*.fO REACH If WlfM PAPER CUfftR,JCIDIlffc MAGAZINE AND PAPER GNfo P10CR rCopyriaht. HIT. by Tb« Bill SyPlItita. Ibt ) KNOCKS SPOOL OFF. 6tf S UP, PICKS If UP AND ; HANDS If fO WiFi. WCNDIRS WHAf HER. } SNIFF MEANS f SINK HIM! Uncle—That nephew of ours is i bad egg. Aunt—And expects us to keep him afloat. Uncle—Which shouldn't be neces< ••ry—in the case of a bad egg! IN THE GARDEN “Queer, isn’t it?” “What's that?’’ “One plants eyes of potatoes and ears of com.” PRETTY SOFT Mr. Bug—Now this is what I call solid comfort—a nice open Are and a big bag of fuel. BBT A STRONG ONE Jim—I want to sweep the cobwebs from my brain. Bess—I would suggest a vacuum cleaner. IN STYLE "I’m a man of few words.” "Same here. I'm married, too.” ROUND ONE "We have been married a year today.” “Yes—I suppose we ought to ob serve the anniversary of our en trance into war.” OR A YOWL Mr. B.—What was the first thing that struck you when you entered the nursery? Nurse—A spitball, I think. TICKER TALK “Do you ever play the stock mar MtV” "I tried it once, but the broken laamoH in ha hovinff oil tho fun M