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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
Norwegian Book Been Published j By Arthur Eide A copy of Arthur Eide’s new book, "Among the Wife Traders,” was received by the author in Juneau recently, and the first shipment Cram Norway is expect ed shortly. The book, printed in Norwegian at Qsla and bound both in paper and in boards, describes the liv ing conditions and tribal customs of the residents of the Diomede Islands. Eide, a well known Jun eau resident, is also the author of a book of Eskimo folk-tales whi ch is now in use in Alaska Ter ritorial schools. The descriptive advance notices of the new book have been trans lated as follows: "The book records a white man’s remarkable experience as a school teacher to a primitive people. “In the middle of the Bering I Strait, half-way between Alaska and Siberia, lie two small islands, Big and Little Diomede, known to the Eskimo as Ingalit and Lm aklit. Little Diomede belongs to the yuited States, Big Dioimede to Russia. Little Diomede is one of the most GGGoGdGGGG Mgf of the most Godforsaken spots on the globe; water is at a premium as no wells or river is found on the island. Here the people live a very primitive life. ,“It is a hard struggle to civilize these semi-barbaric tribes with their ancient spirit of worehip & powerful medicine men. In 1907 a school was built on Little Dio mede Island, but only three tea chers alternated teaching there until 1913; then the Bureau of In dian Education decided to close the school as they figured that to educate these people was wasted money and effort. “Only a few white men have visited this island. One of these is Arthur Eide, who hails from the northern part of Norway. He came to the United States as a young man. In San Francisco, he cA Fine Table Beer of Superlative Quality la «lan or ttrlR Alt Hefftelbera 4a Mao PERFECTLY BREWED • PROPERLY AGED NOME MOTOR CO. AGENTS FOR “Caterpillar Diesel Tractors Power Units Bueyrus Erie Draglines Pumps, Generators, Air Compressors Bulldozers and Winches Come in and see us and let us show you that Real Economy means “Caterpillar” Power WH4*+lMt++*++++tt++*++t+t*+*+ttm++t+t4M|i+++*+4 r * Northern Light & Power Co. ! f and I Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. j | Second Avenue and Lane's Way | | LIGHT. POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES I | LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE J FLY WITH PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC. WINTER SCHEDULE Nome to Fairbanks---Every Mon. ft Thun. (Thursday Electra connecting with Juneau Schedule) Radio-Equipped Lockheed Electras SEATTLE NOW WITHIN FIVE DATS TRAVELING TIME OF NOME studied thedlogy in the Berkeley Seminary. Here he met an Eski mo girl, Anna Koodlalook, who as a child had been adopted by the I Alaska Missionary, Sheldon Jack son. She was educated at Harrisburg, Penn., then she became assistant teacher with Charles Hawkes worth in her home village, Point Barrow. she also acted as interpreter for HjaLmar Stefans son, the Arctic explorer. Then she was in San Francisco study ing to become a nurse—Eide was attracked to this charming girl from the north. They were both bom in tho Arctic under the Nor thern Lights, and the Midnight Sun—and they were both prepar ing for the same life work. They married, applied for a position as teachers in Alaska, were accept ed and sent to the Little Diomede Island. Here Arthur Eide and his Es kimo wife were received with open arms by the islanders, but when he introduced sanitation, the medicine man, Otoktak, de cided that Eide was not a friend any longer but a dangerous man 1—and then when Eide began to dig in the ancient graveyard for historical evidence, the medicine man prophesied that evil day would ocme upon the people. “Sure enough, the following fall furious storms came upon the is land and the people almost starv ed to death. “Otokitak called the people to gether at night, and Eide was con , rtemned to death. Eide. who was at the meeting, decided to meet fir_ wi‘h fire and called the peo ple together at the school house. Here he told the starving Eski mos that the medicine man was only a humbug and that he was powerless to help them, and that the only salvation for them was to turn from him to the white man's God. In their extreme need, they prayed with the re marked? result that the storms died, plenty of game was secured. Eide had saved his Life and, the medicine man had lost face. “It is as school teacher that Eide tells of the life and habits of these little-known people, after years of gathering material all over Alaska with the able cooper ation of Koodlalook, who died at Nome after only nine years of loving work among her people. “The Norwegian edition, which is off the press, has been edited by the wed!-known author. Axel Kregh. ‘Among the Wife Trad ers,’ is a very interesting book telling of a people living far away from civilization. With its many original pictures, it is indeed a strange story. It is printed in Oslo, Norway.’’ “SOURDOUGH” STATIONERY That unique and humorous* and typical Alaskan stationery— "Sourdough Roadhouse Letter heads and Envelopes", have been brought strictly uptodate, and are now available at the Nugget offi ce. Write to your friends and rela tives on the ‘Outside’, using Sour ough Stationery. They’ll get a big kick out of it Subscribe for The Nugget. HAPPY NEW YEAK AND THE SEASON'S GREETINGS. FROM C. F. YENNEY WATER? PHONE BLACK 7 Newspaper advertising *ill develop new business for you. HERfc'S A SOCKET FOR THE LARGEST EYE in the world. Workmen are rushing to complete construction of this observatory atop Palomar Mountain, San Diego county, Calif. It will house a 200-inch telescope mirror in a structure 128 feet high, 135 feet in diameter. FIRST CHOICE tynAwthaa a ije&i- first choice above ALL MOTOR OILS IN THE PACIFIC WEST