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£1 READ AND OBSERVE REGULATIONS , This disease is infectious and contagious. Develops twelve days after exposure. The first svmptoms are watering of the eyes and running of nose. Measles are often followed by impaired sight—discharge from the ears and impaired hearing—the lungs are weakened for six months and pneumonia is common, also consumption is easily caught after measles have wea ene the Ipj1^ a!.antine peri0(i is four weeks from the onset. After the first two weeks, on the advice of the physician a child may be a lowed on the streets but only in the care of the parent or guardian — Children without a health certificate—must not lx1 on the streets. , ... , The school is closed until the quarantine is raised. No children will be allowed in the picture show without a health certificate—No Sunday school is i*'""?™!,Sifi" u, tMr U»»l M. »"“■>». ba. should not come directly in contact with those who have not hud the meas es. „ eve^duK^S’-t'^ Srr^^^r^lNhe disease removed from the “ty‘ Before leaving town a health certificate must he had from the Acting Assistant Surgeon Dr. J. M. A MILPl.i 1A 1 ,, . u . -Ha.i to whpn school reopens—Attend to this now. be cured before >«oh ehdd will be ndmiUe^ to ol when^sUi SKW£RD HOARD OF HEALTH. J. H. ROMIG. M. D. Health Officer. WILSON ASKS CABINET TO REMAIN; (By l titled Male* Cablet . ._, j WASHINGTON, Thursday, March 29. — President, Wilson today requested all members of his cabinet to re main with him throughout his second term and all | romised to make no other plans. - WAR RECRUITING IS SLOW iUy l mted Slate* Cable) ' ^ SEATTLE Wednesday, March 2S.—War recruiting in answer to the call for men for the navy and also for land units is surprisingly stow here. _ HIGH PRICE OF BARRELS HARD ON ,ALASKA FISHERMEN The high price of fish barrels may discourage bait fishermen from sein ing in Alaskan waters, says the Se attle Post-Intelligencer, of March 9. Captain E. L. Skog. an old-timer in the fishing business out of Petersburg. Alaska, is not sure whether or not he can make the game pay, but is going to make a try at it when he gets hack next month. “There is one thing sure, a bait NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Notice is hereby given that at the hour of nine o’clock a. m., on the 5th day of February, 1917, the registry-■ tion books of the Town of Seward will j be open at the office of the Municipal Clerk for the purpose of registering all qualified electors, twenty-one years of age or over, who are citizens, of the United States, or who have de clared their intention to become such, fljid who have resided continuously; one year next preceding the date of election in the Territory of Alaska, i and six months next preceding the date of the election Within the cor porate limits of the Town of Seward. AJ>> electors must, before voting, reg ister their names and qualifications with the registration officer. Registration books will be open every day of the year, excepting Sun days and holidays, between the hours of 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., until the Friday next preceding the first Tuesday in April. On Friday and Saturday next pre ceding the first Tuesday in April the books will be open between the hours 1 of 9 a. m. to 12 m., from 2 p. m. to 6 I p. m., from 8 p. m. to 10 o. m. i That said registration books will be closed for such election at ten o’clock p. m., Saturday, March 31, 1917. That said election will be held on j the first Tuesday in April for the pur pose of choosing city officers. I>ated, Seward. Alaska, Feb. 5, 1917. O. H. POEHLMANN, Municipal Clerk. Feb. 23—Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. fisherman is always sur% ot trade and, he knows just about how much her \ jng the halibut fisher is going to j use,” said Captain Skog yesterday., “There is no cost in transporting the fish, as the men come alongside and • get them. A> a usual thing bait her ring is sold at about a bar e»., Up to last »eason my partner and l; sold 14,000 barrels of herring aj season. Two of my partners made so much money they went back to the old country' and the third has gone and got married. I'm the only one left to run the business. Andy's Express, phone Madison 143. FORFEITURE—NOTICE To A. F. SPRAGUE, YOUR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS. Your are hereby notified and will take notice that 1, the subscriber, J. C. Gilpatrick, have expended during the year A. D.t 1916, the sum of One hundred ($100.00) dollars in labor and improvements upon each of the fol lowing described mining claims, to wit: “MEAT IN THE POT,” “CLARA,” “OLYMPIA,” “SUMMIT,”) “LISBON” and “HATTY,” all of j which said claims are situated and lie j in the Moose Pass Mining District,: Kenai Recording District, Third Judi- j cial Division, Territory of Alaska. The notices of location thereof are of! record in Book One of Locations, at pages 132 and 133, and Book 5 of Lo cations at pages 45, 46 and 84 in the office of the United States Commis sioner and District Recorder for Ke nai Recording District and Precinct, at the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska, to which book and pages ref 1 erence is hereby made for a more par i ticular description of said claim. Said | expenditures were made for the pur pose of holding possessory rights and title to said mining claims under the provisions of section twenty-three hundred and twenty-four of the Re vised Statutes of the United States and the amendments thereto and the Session Laws of the Territory of Al , aska, providing for the annual labor upon mining claims, said amounts be ing the sums required in each instance The Seward General Hospital % desires to acquaint the general hospital inter ests of this country with the facilities of this institution for giving the latest devised methods * of nursing care to persons requiring medical or surgical treatment Special attention given to patients requiring gynecological treatments. Hydrotherapeutic treatments carefully follow ed. This building, just complete, electric light ed, steam heated, hot and cold water. Physi cians placing patients in our care will receive every ethical attention. Prompt readiness for accidents, obstretrics and emergencies, day or night. For further particulars address, » SISTER SUPERIOR. to hold said wiping claims during the period ending the thirty-first day of i December, 1916. If you fail and refuse or fail or re fuse within ninety (90) days from the personal service of this notice, if per-; sonal service be had, or within ninety. (90) days after the publication of this notice, to contribute your proportion of such expenditure as a co-owner, your proportion being in the total the sum of Two hundred and eight dol lars and thirty-two (5208.32) cents, | made up of the following amounts to wit: ‘MEAT IN THE POT,” $50.00,' “CLARA”, $25.00, “OLYMPIA." ; $33.33, “SUMMIT” $33.33, “LIS-! BON.” $33.33, and “HATTIE," $33.33. your respective interests in, and to said mining claims, and each; and every one of them, will become i the property of the subscriber, who is your co-owner, and who lias made the 1 expenditures and improvements as above mentioned on said mining claims, and each and every one of them, Pursuant to the provisions of the sard statute and the said Session Laws. J. C. GILPATRICK. ; First publication, Feb. 2, 1917. Last publication, April 27, 1917. IN' THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE TERRITORY OF ALASKA, THIRD JUDICIAL DIVISION. The town of Seward, Alaska, Plaintiff VS. George Turner, O. G. Labaree and Alexander H. Bradford, Defendants. Cause No. S-104 Summons by publication. IN THE NAME OF THE PRESI DENT OF THE UNITED STATES: To the defendants in the above en titled cause, Geore Turner, 0. G. Lab aree and Alexander Bradford, GREETING: t You, and each of you, are hereby summoned and required to appear in the District Court for the Territory of Alaska, Third Judicial Division, with in thirty days after the completion of the period of publication of this sum mons, to-wit: within thirty days after the fourth day of May A. D. 1917, and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, which has been filed in the above entitled court, by which plaintiff seeks an order and judgment of the court for the condemnation of Lots numbered One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), and Seven (7), in Block Six (6), in the Town of Seward, in Kenai Re cording District, Third Judicial Divi sion of the Territory of Alaska, as shown by and according to the map and plat of the Frank L. Ballaine Townsite of the Town of Seward, Al aska, and appropriate said Lots to a public use, as a public park with street and drive-way therein, for the town of Seward, and to continue Rail road Avenue from its intersection fith the south end of the Alley in said Block Six, in a northeasterly direction to intersect with Adams Street in said Town of Seward at the East end of said Street; That unless you so appear and an swer the complaint of plaintiff, w’ith in the time above stated and show cause why such order should not be made, plaintiff will take judgment against you, and apply to the court for an order of the court, condemning the above named lots to be appropri ated by the plaintiff for the uses and purposes above stated, and for a further order of the court, ap pointing three appraisers, as is provided by law, to appraise, the said lots, and each of them, and to assess the benefits and dam ages, to each of you and report to the court their findings, and that upon the payment of the amount or amounts found to be due each of you by said i appraisers, into the above entitled I j court to be paid to you and each of j you as therein provided that an order j , be made by the court directing you l : and each of you to execute to plaintiff j a deed conveying any and all interest you and each of you or any one of you j may have in any one or more or all of j said lots, as the case may be, and will I apply to the court for such other and further order or orders in the prem ises as to the court may seem meot and proper. Witness the Honorable FRED M. BROWN, Judge of the above entitled court, this, the 26th day of February, A. D. 1917. ARTHUR LANG, Clerk. ! By R0BE3TT L. WEVER, Deputy. Date of first publication, March 5, 1917. (SEAL.) / I Anticipating the busy Season ahead of us, we have made heavy purchases in all Departments. We are better preparind that ever to take care of your wants. Grocery Specials I. X. L. Chicken Tamales, 2 for 25c. Graham Crackers 3 for 25 cents SOMETHING NEW SandWIChola For Lunches, Parties, etc. Imported Grape Vini jrar, full quart., 50c. This cook seems satis fied with her kitchen equipment! BUT probably you are more critical —when it comes to pots and pans, kettles and tableware—and other ware used to make food taste good. We carry everything in the kitchen equip ment line—and probably have a few extra tilings you need right now. Look the line over some time. Sportsmen s Headquarters (foingtotaketlie little fellow hunting this season? Then he will want • Remington UMC .22 Rifle like all the little and many of the big sportsmen shoot! Let the boy see our liir . Shoes Spring arrival, Famous NETTLETON SHOE For Men All Styles, All leathers Lei us supply vour Spring Suit BROWN & HAWKINS “QUALITY FIRST” SEWARD - - - ANCHORAGE 2 C. Kodak, Jr., Kodak $12.<*U— So ward Drug Co. ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS If you arc interested in the pur chase of five or ten acre tracts, front ing on the U. S. gov. railroad, and al so on the beautiful Lake Kenai Boule vard. If you are seeking land that is par- j ticularly suited for truck gardening, | and at the same time an ideal loca-j tion for a suburban home within easy reach of Seward, it will prove to your interest to see me or call Red 147.— J. A. STEWART. ALASKA JUNK CO. 1043 R. R. Ave. Seattle, Wash. We pay 28c for copper; 18c for brass; 8c lb. for rubber; 7c lb. for lead; $20 per ton for cast iron; $15 per ton for wrought iron; 5c lb for rope; 3Vic lb. for rags; $20 per ton for paper; 27c per doz. for beer bot tles, quarts; 17c for beer bottles, pints, f. o. b. Seattle. Robber Boots, Pacs and Rain Coats Shoes and Clothing lor Men at COLWELL’S WASHINGTON STRKKT _ SEWARD SAW MILL CO. Good Rough Lumber of all kinds $26,00 aud up per thousand, deliv ered. Telephone Kenai 2 The RAINIER BUFFET Ashland Block, comer of Broadway and Railroad Ave. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, ETC. The House of Good Service. Quality Goods Our Motto. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE SEWARD GATEWAY, '$HMX> PER YEAR. <*“*Tke Best Fur House On EartK For Fur Shippers Nothing la more Important to tho Fur Shipper than doing buaineaa with an Honest Reliable Reeponsible— Safe Fur Houae. 2‘^vj Safety First—“Ship ToShubert” I the Urgent House in the World deelitig exclusively in / American Raw Kura, where you will a.ways receive an r Accurate and Liberal Assortment, ui e Highest Mj wj IMcoa and the usual “Sbwbort" hfflcient. Speedy, Lour W tcoua sendee. „ r Write for the latest edition of £(|C ®utibrtt vntpprr. containing valuable Market information you rau-t hove. AD CUTTHFDT Tiaa* 2S-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE. . D.onUDLKl,lnC.Dfpt 73 CHICAGO.US.A. THE GATEWAY t IS THE BEST EQUIPPED OEEICE IN ALASKA Letter Heads Bill Heads Statements Counter Slips Hotel Note Heads Envelopes Business Cards Dodgers Posters Programs Dance Tickets Invitations Visiting Cards Tally Cards Announcements At Home Cards Individual Stationery Loose Leaf Sheets Ijegal Blanks Catalogs Magazines Special Checks for business men Special Forms for Business Houses In fact, anything you may wish in the way of printing. If you are planning new stationery or special forms of any kind we are at your service. PHONE, MAIN 71 PRINTING Of THE BETTER KIND