THE HAGUE, Netherlands. Sept.
10, (Correspondence of The Associ
ated Press).—“I regard it as most de
sirable that more American capita!
should be invested in the Netherlands
East Indies, and I have done constant
ly what l could to promote that end,”
declared J. B. van der Houven van
Oordt, one of three Hollanders who
have just been charged with an official
mission to Washington in connection
with the pending export question, that
so vitally concerns the Netherlands.
.Mr. van Oordt is a colonial official and
authority. He has been Under-Sec
retary of State for the Colonies, and
has also filled the post of \ ice-1 res
ident of the Council of the Nether
lands East Indies.
To the correspondent of 1 he Asso
ciated press, Mr. van Oordt pointed
out that there has been a big increase
in the commercial intercourse between
America and Dutch India since the
war, and particularly since the estab
lishment of a direct steamship line
between Java and San Francisco.
“The five boats now engaged in that
service,” he said, “are always packed |
with gootls. Rubber, and all kinds ot j
tropical products are shipped to the
United States, and the boats return I
laden with railroad rolling-stock, ma-1
chinery, automobiles, airplanes and Un
like. If only the ships were avail
able, the sen-ice might easily, and to j
advantage, be extended.
“But the amount of American cap
ital operating in the colony is small
in comparison with the British, Ger
man, French anil Belgian capital. It
is true there has been an increase in
recent years. There is one American
rubber estate in the island of Suma
tra that is the largest plantation in
the world, and special ships run to
United States ports to carry its pro
duce thither. But a great deal more
might profitably be done, especially
now money is so plentiful in the l n
ion. The sugar, rubber, tea and other
agricultural branches offer enormous
scope for profitable investment, not to
speak of mining possibilities.
“Although there are at present
very few in the country, Americans
are popular in the Netherlands East
Indies, and they and their enterprises
are assured of a most cordial welcome.
There is every prospect of a big ex
tension of the relations between the j
two countries, to our mutual advan
City Express meets all boats and
trains. Phone Maine 122.
Mclver, licensed undertaker.
Long distance telepnone booth at
The Branch.
We carry Symphony Lawn Station
ery. Seward Drug Company.
FOB BENT—Four-room house on 5th
Avenue. See Cooper. tf
1 Price at noon, Sept. 15th, at i
j Seattle, as reported by the Bu- J j
J reau of Fisheries, are: i
Halibut, 16 toe. [
Sable Fish, 41j»c. J
Bed Snapper, 2Vic. j
■ Pickled Sable Fish, $14 per J
! bbl. •
Pickled Herring, first grade, |
* $16 per bbl. |
Pickled Salmon, pink, $14.50
| per bbl. *
No. 02763.
In the United States Land Office at!
Juneau, Alaska, Jun^ 21, 1017.
That under and in pursuance of the'
Act of Congress of May 14, 1808, as
amended by the Act of Congress of
March 3, 1003, granting additional
land to soldiers and sailors who served
in the army and navy of the United
l States during the Civil War, the un
dersigned, Kennecott Copper Corpor-:
ation, a corporation, the post olliee ad
dress and place of business of which
said corporation is at the Town of
Latouche, upon Latouche Island, in
the Territory of Alaska, has made ap
plication for a patent to a tract of land
situated upon the westerly side of
Latouche Island, in the Territory of
Alaska, containing 20.73 acres entered
in thu United States Land Olliee at
Juneau, Alaska, under the serial num
ber 02763, and surveyed and platted
as United States Survey No. 713. The
said Kennecott Copper Corporation
has entered upon the said tract of land
as the assignee of Henry J. Engel 1,
who served in the army of the United
States during the Civil War, from Oc
tober 2, 1S61, to October 10, 1864, in
Company “1,” 80th Regiment of New
York Volunteers, and who received an
honorable discharge from said ser
The said tract of land lies adjacent
to the Town of Latouche, which said
town lies upon the western side of
Latouche Island, in the Territory of
Alaska, and upon the easterly shore of
Latouche Passage, at Latitude VJ de
grees 03 minutes north, Longitude
147 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds
west, and the said tract is bounded
upon the most northerly end by the
Gravina lode mining claim, United
States Survey No. 782, and by the
White Wing lode mining claim, United
States Survey No. 782; upon the west
erly side by the Julia lode mining
claim, United States Survey No. 584,
and bv the Creek lode mining claim,
United States Survey No. 584; upon
the southwesterly end by the Eagle
lode mining claim, United States Sur
vey No. 584, and upon the southeast
erly side by the Chinega lode mining
claim, United States Survey No. 584.
A more particular description of said
tract is as follows:
Beginning at Corner No. 1, from
which Corner No. 1 United States Lo
cation Monument No. 1 bears south 87
degrees 20 minutes west, 25.55 chains
distant, and from which Corner No.
1 Corner No. 4 of United States Non
Mineral Survey No. 712, concurrently
entered by the Kennecott Copper Cor
poration, as assignee of the aforesaid
Henry J. Engell, bears north 34 de
grees 20 minutes west, 4.22 chains dis
tant; thence south 27 degrees 57 min
utes west, 22.82 chains following the
southeasterly side line of Julia lode
mining claim, United States Survey
No. 584, and the northerly part of the
southeasterly side line of Creek lode
mining claim, United States Survey
No. 584, to Corner No. 2; thence south
62 degrees 03 minutes east, following
the northerly end line or boundary of
Eagle lode mining claim, United
States Survey No. 584, 9.09 chains to
Corner No. 3, the said point being
identical with the most northwesterly
corner of Big Bonanza lode mining
claim, United States Survey No. 584,
and the most southwesterly corner of
Chinega lode mining claim, United
States Survey No. 584; thence north
27 degrees 57 minutes cast, 22.81 ^
chains to Corner No. 4, the said Cor
ner No. 4 being identical with the most
northwesterly corner of said Chinega
lode mining claim, United States Sur
vey No. 584; thence north 62 degreesj
03 minutes west, following the most j
southerly end lines of White Wing
lode mining claim, United States Sur
vey No. 782, and Gravina lode min
ing claim, United States Survey No.
782, a distance of 9.09 chains to the
place of beginning. Magnetic vari
ation, 26 degrees 30 minutes cast.
The foregoing description by metes
and bounds is according to the official
plat and field notes on file in the office
of the Register of the Land Office at
Juneau, Alaska, a copy of which said
official plat is posted upon the land
with this notice of application for pat
Date of posting this notice on the i
land, June 14, 1917.
First Pub. Aug. 8, 1917.
Last Pub. Oct. 8, 1917.
No. 02762.
In the United States Land Office at j
Juneau, Alaska, June 21, .'917.
That under and in pursuance of the
Act of Congress of May 14, 1898, as
amended by the Act of Congress of
j March 3, 1903, granting additional
land to soldiers and sailors who served
| in the army and navy of the United
! States during the Civil War, the un
dersigned, Kennecott Copper Corpor
ation, a corporation, the post office ad
dress and place of business of which
1 said corporation is at the Town of
Latouche, upon Latouche Island, in
I the Territory of Alaska, has made ap
Letter Heads
Bill Heads
Counter Slips
Hotel Note Heads
Business Cards
Dance Tickets
Visiting Cards
Tally Cards
At Home Cards
Loose Leaf Sheets
Legal Blanks
Special Checks for business men
Special Forms for Business Houses
In fact, anything you may wish in the way of
If you are planning new stationery or special
forms of any kind we are at your service.
plication for a patent to a tract of land
situated upon the westerly shore of
Latouche Island, in the Territory of
Alaska, containing 13.35 acres entered
in the United States Land Office at
Juneau, Alaska, under the serial num
ber 02762, and surveyed and platted
as United States Survey No. 712. The
said Kennecott Copper Corporation
has entered upon the said tract of land
as the assignee of Henry J. Engel 1,
who served in the army of the United
States during the Civil War, from Oc
tober 2, 1861, to October 10, 1864, in
Company “l,” 86th Regiment of New
York Volunteers, and who received an
honorable discharge from said ser
The said tract of land lies upon the
easterly shore of Latouche Passage
upon said Latouche Island, Territory
of Alaska, at Latitude 60 degrees 03
minutes north, Longtitude 147 degrees
54 minutes 50 seconds west, and is
adjacent to the Town of Latouche,
Alaska; a more particular description
of which said tract is as follows:
Beginning at Corner No. 1, meander
corner, upon the easterly shore of La
touche Passage at the point where said
shore line is intersected by the north
erly end line of Shore Lode mining
claim, known as-United States Sur
vey No. 584, patented; thence south
60 degrees 34 minutes east, 2.84
chains to Corner No. 2, being iden
tical with the northeasterly corner of
said Shore Loder mining claim, United
States Survey No. 584; thence south
27 degrees 51 minutes west, following
the easterly boundary or line of said
Shore Lode mining claim, patented,
3.13Vi chains to Corner No. 8; thence
south 61 degrees 57 minutes east along
'.he northerly boundary or line of the
Julia Lode mining claim, United States
Survey No. 584, patented, 5.42 chains
to Corner No. 4, from which said Cor
ner No. 4 United States location mon
ument No. 1 bears south 78 degrees
35 minutes west, 23.60 chains distant;
thence north 27 degrees 57 minute:
east along the westerly boundary o>
line of (iravina Lode mining claim.
United States Survey No. 782, 20.82
chains to Coiner No. 5; thence north
61 degrees 27 minutes west, 2.L
chains, following the southerly end
line of Beach Lode mining claim,
United States Survey No. 782, to Cor
ner No. 6; thence due west 8.28 chain.
to Corner No. 7, Meander Corner, upon
the easterly shore ot Latouche Pas
sage; thence following the meanders
of said shore line as follows:
First course, south 77 degrees 41
minutes west, 1.50 chains; second
course, south 71 degrees 45 minutes
west, 1.10 chains; third course, south
56 degrees 15 minutes west. 0.80
chains; fourth course, south 28 de
grees 15 minutes west, 0.70 chains:
fifth course, south 0 degrees 80 min
utes east, 0.90 chains; sixth course.
south 28 degrees 80 minutes west, 1.3 >
chains; seventh course, south 7 degrees
15 minutes west, 0.60 chains; eighth
course, south 30 degrees 00 minutes
west, 0.70 chains; ninth course, soum
35 degrees 00 minutes west, 5.10
chains; tenth course, south 30 degrees
45 minutes west, 2.40 chains; eleventh
course, south 20 degrees 15 minutes
west, 1.00 chains, to the point of be
ginning. Magnetic variation 20 de
grees 40 minutes east.
The foregoing description by metes
and bounds is according to the official
plat and Held notes on file in the office
of the Register of the Land Office at
Juneau, Alaska, a copy of which said
official plat is posted upon the land
with this notice of application for pat
Date of posting this notice on the
land, June 14, 1917.
First Pub. Aug. 8, 1917.
Last Pub. Oct. 8, 1917.
Serial 01801, fcau-vey 730.
In the United States Land Office, Ju
neau, Alaska, May 24,1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that John
H. Olson and Ned Olson, partners un
der the name of Olson Brothers, as
assignee of Ezra Bartholomew, being
entitled to the benfits of Section 2300
of the Revised Statutes of the United
States and the amendments thereto,
has applied to make entry of the lands
embraced in United States Non-min
eral Survey No. 730, situate on right
bank of King Salmon Creek about
2 Vis miles above its confluence with
Kvichak Bay, Alaska, more particu
larly described as follows, to-vvit:
Beginning M. C. cor. No. 1 on beach
King Salmon Creek at average high
tide, cor. not set, wit. cor. rock in
ground marked W. C. Cor. No. 1, S.
730, bears West 2.05 chs. dist.; saltery
building bears N. 14 deg. 10 min. E.
I. 77 chs.; S. W. Cor. wharf bears N.
4/ ueg. uo min. Hj. 1.40 cns.; uwncc
West 4.24 chs. to cor. No. 2 rock set
in ground marked S. 730 cor. No. 2;
thence North 7.75 chs. to cor. No. 3
an iron pipe set in ground marked
S. 730 Cor. No. 3 from whence U. S.
L. M. 730 bears S. 70 deg. 33 min. E.
3.90 chs.; Johnson’s Hill bears S. 5
deg. 26 min. W.; thence East 9.08 chs.
to cor. No. 4 an iron pipe set in ground
marked S. 730 cor. No. 4; thence
South 2.15 chs. to M. C. Cor. No. 5,
cor. not set, wit. cor. a rock in ground
marked S. 730 Cor. 5 W. C. bears
North 1.00 chs.; thence meandering
beach King Salmon Creek at ordinary
high tide (1) S. 25 deg. 26 min. W.
1.61 chs.; (2) S. 48 deg. 59 min. W.
3.83 chs.; (3) S. 37 deg. 42 min. W.
2.06 chs. to M. C. Cor. No. 1, place of
beginning. Area 5.76 acres. Variation
at all corners 23 deg. 35 min. East.
Long. 157 deg. 4fr min. W. Lat. 58
deg. 52 min. 18 sec. North.
As additional to. original homestead
entry of Ezra Bartholomew, No..
entered at Iowa. Scrip filed in Juneau
Ser. 01802 to which reference is here
by made.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely any portion of the above de
scribed tract of land are required to
file with the Register and Receiver of
the United States Land Office at Ju
neau, Alaska, their adverse claim
thereto, under oath, during the period
of publication or within thirty days
thereafter, or they will be barred by
the provisions of the Statute.
The Seward General
desires to acquaint the general hospital inter
ests of this country with the facilities of this
institution for giving the latest devised methods
of nursing care to persons requiring medical or
surgical treatment. Special attention given to
patients requiring gynecological treatments.
Hydrotherapeutic treatments carefully follow
ed. This building, just complete, electric light
ed, steam heated, hot and cold water. Physi
cians placing patients in our care will receive
every ethical attention. Prompt readiness for
acoidents, obstretrics and emergencies, day or
night. For further particulars address,
Register. ’
First Publication August 1, 1917.^
Last Publication October 11, 1917.
i — - - — ■■ —■ '■'■■■—
Serial 03562, Survey 1147
In the United States Land Office, Ju
! neau, Alaska, May 7, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that PA
corporation, as assignee of John
Letcher and Moses E. Lowell, being
entitled to the benefits of Section 2306
of Toe Revised Statutes of the United
. ei and the amendments thereto,
i . ; . plied to make entry of the
i embraced in United States Non-i
. , *ral survey No. 1147 situate just/
inside Entrance Point, Port Moller,
.o Jea, Alaska, more particularly
(escribed as follows, to-wit:
Leg. cor. No. 1 bench Port Moller
at ordinary high tide, cor. not set,
wit. cor. bears North 5.62 chs. (list.;
.hence North 15.83 chs. to cor. No. 2
from whence Point Divide bears S.
49 deg. 24 min. W. USLMS 1147 bears
N. 58 deg. 55 min. E. 4.15 chs. diet.;
♦hence East 8.27 chs. to cor. No. 3;
1 thence meandering beach at ordinary
! high tide Port Moller, (1) S. 16 deg.
53 min. E. 1.52 chs.; (2) S. 41 deg.
>8 min. E. 3.09 chs. (3) S. 38 deg.
155 min. E. 4. 34 chs. (4) S. 52 deg.
1 J1 min. W. 6.35 chs. (5) S. 41 deg. 5 <
I min W. 1.54 chs. (6) S. 25 deg. 38
imin. W. 1.95 chs. (7) S. 49 deg. 04
min. W. 3.63 chs. (8) N. 82 deg. 38
j min. W. 3.91 chs. to cor. No. 1, place
of beginning. Area 15.18 acres. Var
iation all corners 19 deg. 40 min. E.
I Lat. 55 ueg. o9 nun. 19 sec. ;n. l^ong.
100 deg. 34 min. W.
As additional to original homestead
entries of John Betcher and Moses L.
Lowell, No. 3738 and No. 3542, en
tered at Redwood Falls, Minn., and
Junction City, Kan., respectively.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely any portion of the above de
scribed tract of land are required to
file with the Register and Receiver of
the United States Land Office at Ju
neau, Alaska, their adverse claim
thereto, under oath, during the period
of publication, or within thirty days
thereafter, or they will be barred by
the provisions of the Statute.
Its Attorney in Fact.
First publication Mai' 15, 1917.
Last publication October 13, 1917.
foregoing notice be published for the
statutory period in the Seward Gate
i way, a newspaper of general circula
tion printed at Seward, Alaska, the
nearest newspaper to said above de
scribed claim or survey.
C. B. WALKER, Register.
Serial 01G87, Sur. 230.
In the United States Land Office, Ju
neau, Alaska, May 24, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that An
drew Grosvold, as assignee of Deborah
A. Luthy, being entitled to the bene
fits of Section 230G of the Revised
Statutes of the United States and the
amendments thereto, has applied to
make entry of the lands embraced in
United 'Rates Non-mineral survey No.
230 situate on Northerly shore of
Chernabura Island, Shumigan Island
Group, District of Alaska, more par
ticularly described as follows, to-wit:
Beg. cor. No. 1 at ordinary high tide,
Pacific Ocean cor. not set, wit. cor.
hpnrs South 1.58 chs. from which wit.
cor. U. S. L. M. Sur. 230 bears S. 87
deg. 58 min. W. 19.41 chs.; thence from
true cor. No. 1 South 3.14 chs. to Lor.
No. 2; thence East 5.70 chs. to Cor.
No. 3; thence North 6.50 chs. to cor.
No. 4, cor. not set, wit. cer. bears
South 1.24 chs.; thence from true cor.
No. 4 meandering beach Pacific Ocean
at ordinar>**high tide (1) S. 51 deg.
43 min. W. 2.02 chs.; (2) S. 60 deg.
48 min. W. 1.84 chs. (3) S. 36 deg. 04
min. W. 1.25 chs. (4) N. 63 deg. 22
min. VV. 0.55 chs. (5) S. 70 deg. 26
min. W. 1.35 chs. to cor. No. 1, place
of beginning. Area 2.59 acres. Var
iation at all corners 19 deg. 15 min.
East. Latitude 54 deg. 49 min. 52 sec. j
N. Longitude 159 deg. 31 min. 00
sec. W. . . . .
As additional to original homestead
entry of Deborah A. Luthy, widow of
Godfrey Luthy, No. 5199 and 5973 en
tered at Boonville, Mo., which said
scrip is filed in Juneau Serial 01654.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely any portion of the above de
scribed tract of land are required to
file with the Register and Receiver ol
the United States Land Office at Ju
neau, Alaska, their adverse claim
thereto, under oath, during the period
of publication, or within thirty days
thereafter, or they will be barred by
the provisions of the Statute.
Attorney in Fact.
First publication Aug. 4,1917.
Last publication Oct. 15, 1917.
the foregoing Notice be published for
the statutory period in The Gateway,
a newspaper of general circulation,
printed at Seward, Alaska, the nearest
newspaper to said above described
claim or survey.
(J. ii. WALKER, Register.
Land Under Act Relating to Trade
and Manufacturing Sites.
Serial 01 .">85
Department of the Interior, United
States Land OHice, Juneau, Alaska,
August Hi, 1017.
Notice is hereby given that the Ka
diak Fisheries Company, by its agent
Jacob Kreilsheimer, whose postollice
address is 412-16 Lowman iluilding,
Seattle, Washington, has filed in this
oflice its application under the provi
sions of the Act of May 4th, 1806, and
Section 10 thereof, to make Trade and
Manufacturing Site Entry, No. 01565
of the following described tract, to
wit, U. S. Survey 1086, situate at St.
Paul Harbor near Kodiak in Lat. 57
deg. 47 min. N., Long. 152 deg. 25 min.
45 sec. W., more particularly described
Beginning at i^or. ao. i, ai. on
line of ordinary high tide, St. Paul
Harbor, and whence astronomical sta
tion bears X. 6G deg. 13 min. 47 sec.
E. 55.40 chains, and Cor. Xo. 4, Sur.
559, bears X. 74 deg. 15 min. 7 sec.
E., 47.82 chains, and W. U. bears X.
25 deg. 29 min. W. 2.37 chains; thence
meandering (1) S. 61 deg. 41 min. \V.
3.60 chains (2) S. 70 deg. 5 min. VV.
4.50 chains (3) S. 78 deg. 14 min. \V.
2.57 chains to Cor. Xo. 2, M. C.,
whence W. C. bears X. 25 deg. 29 min.
VV. 80 links, thence on said course 2.GG
chains to Cor. Xo. 3, thence X. 64 deg.
31 min. E. 1057 chains to Cor. Xo. 4,
thence S. 25 deg. 29 min. E. 3.53 chains
to Cor. Xo. 1, the place of beginning,
containing an area of 3.61 acres, Mag.
Var. 24 deg. 45 min. E. Said tract is
situate on the north side of St. Paul
Harbor about 40 chains Northwest of
the village of Kadiak.”
Upon said property the Kadiak
Fisheries Company now has and for
some time since has maintained its
canneries, saw mill, cook house, bunk
houses, wharf and other buildings, ap
purtenant thereto.
NOTICE is hereby further given
that any and all persons, corporations
or associations having or asserting an
adverse interest in or claim to the
tract of land so applied for or any part
thereof, may and they are hereby re
quired to lile their protest to said ap
plication in the Land Office at Juneau,
Alaska, that being the office where
such application is pending, setting
forth under oath: The nature and ex
tent of their said claim within the
period of publication, which period has
been set by the Register and Receiver
of said Land Office for 60 days, or
within thirty (30) days after the ex
piration of said time as by law pro
By Chas. Z. Frey,
Its Y'ice. Pres.
Kodiak, Alaska.
Notice of the above application will
be published in the “Seward Gate
way,” printed at Seward, Alaska,
which I hereby designate as the news
paper published nearest the land ap
plied for in said application.
Register, United States Land Office,
Juneau, Alaska.
First Pub. Aug. 24, 1917.
Last Pub. Oct. 24, 1917.
To J. C. Ducken, his heirs and admin
istrators, and to all whom it may
Take notice that I have done Three
Hundred Dollars', ($300.00), worth of
labor each year in order to hold the
following described quartz claims,
known as the Bonanza, Eureka and
Phoenix Claims, situated on Popof
Island, in the Unga Peninsula Mining
District, Territory of Alaska, the no
tices of location whereof are recorded
in the office of the Recorder of the
Unga Peninsula Mining District at
Unga, Alaska, in Book 1, at Page 264,
of Locations for the Bonanza Claim, in
Book 2, Page 50, for the Eureka
Claim, and Book No. 3, Page 39, for
the Phoenix Claim, of the records of
said District for the years ending De
cember 31st, 1913, and December 31,
1914, and December 31, 1915, and De
cember 31, 191G, and unless within
ninety days after this notice by pub
lication you fail or refuse to contrib
ute your portion of such expenditure,
viz: Six Hundred Dollars, ($600.00),
being One Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
($150.00), for each of said years, your
interest in said Bonanza, Eureka and
Phoenix mining claims will be for
feited to and become the property of
the subscriber under Section 2324 of
the 'Revised Statutes of the United
First Pub. Aug. 31.
Last Pub. Nov. 30.