larnrst (iuaranteed ^ORNINq If Voo Read ItGin .
the daily -Tmr alaskan. .ssss
Wt ? Ui*?r <in?uiioo ttuo ?? <LUW Number wliu read It d?lly orm ?>, WW
Ml?r AU*ka p<j*t ^
' ? ? 'j
The Largest and Finest otel in Alaska
European Plan.
All Modern Improvement!. Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
FtlroDtg* ct Kointa H??
Id?nt? kftlitltad
Golden North Hotel
A First-Class Hotel
kales Reasonable
5 Thos. W bitten. Manager. BonJ Street, between Main and State
H?m# Coniloru SprrUI titration C*l%eia
IInM'Imm to Ike Weary
Portland Hizpah House
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Mead, Proprietors,
iForwrly ofMt rubor. Ore t
Cor 5(h Av. Bet. Broadway and State
Oppo?i if t lly II ? 1 1
Prices 25c ?nd 50c Skagway, Alaska
Lodging ijc board per meal jjc-perweek $*.oo
Boar J and Lodging per ??k |6 anJ I5.70
Johwion avenue. Near olj Kostortice. NO BAR bee the High Flag Pole
Rainier Hotel S Restaurant
jii BROADWAY. Frank Hall, Prop.
Exrelleut McuW 3i cent*. AH the ileMcarlen the market afford*. Bert chef*
employed iUDilvuni'ljr furnished room*. Electric litfhtv city water
wd belt *? ?-umu.odation* in the cUjr
Well HeateJ an J First
Class ions
For 17s Guests.
Bill Mil
Largest and Best appoint
ed hotel in Alaska. Cor.
Broadway and Fifth Ave
Magnolia Hotel
h Ave Between Broadway and State Sts.
Ncwclj Fitted and Furnished. Open All Nitfht
? - - ? " l uroprHia I'Ihu. - - - ? ?
Fifth avenue Near Main Street. C. W. Klippel. Manager.
Baths ^OST GO^FOtf^LE
*-11- J^O?7^5 Ihj X^E CIJV
_T_- A | ^p.rp INTTV' The only Second CU"s Hotel in
J L. ^ 1 T Cf\ " Skaifwuy. Next door to II K depot
E. R. GO'JRLEY, Prrop,
Largest Stock in skagway
Shelf Go ds, Stoves, Tin and G aniteware, Paints. Oils, Glass,
Sash and Doors. Prospectors' outfits a Sped a tv. Tents. Can
vas, Rifles, Guns and Ammunition.
You Can Do Well
Wall Leads
Them All
In Price and Work.
Have your TEETU EXTRACTED FKEE each morning from 10 to 11.
Children's teeth free at all times. Everything guaranteed.
State Street, one block North of P. O. JAS. B. WALL, D. D. 8.
Finest Gentleman's Resort !n Skaguav
Superior Brands of Wines and Liquors
Choice Key West and Domestic Cigars.
V HoJIv Street, near Broadway. Frank Clancy^ Prop.
P. A. E. Boetzkes, M.D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE : Sixth Ave- between Broadwav
and State ? Over Peterson's store.
Hours, 9 to 10 a- m.? I to a and 7 to 9 p.m.
Dr. Laycock Barker,
Clayson Block.
Offioo bourn : 10 to 12 a. m.
2 to 6 p. m.
7 to 9 p. m,
Lovell & Jennings,
Comer State and B011J - ? SkaBway.
MahlonF. Hall, M" D.
Office Houkt :
10 to 12 A. M.
! to Sand 7 to ? p. M.
M. J. Cochran Ernest Pook.
Cochran & Peck
Opposite City Halt, Fifth Avenue.
?AlT|ft CMV?CH M. OA*
Building. Cor. State and 5th
J O. I'lUCK.
McKlnary Hlrcet. Hkafwajr, Alaska
X. K. Wilson
^ ? Wholesale Medicine^
Outfits for Atlin
and Yukon.
PSyiiciin'i Pfeitriptiom
[irifillg Qampaaaded
Hulty Ave, near State.
The Skaguay Brewing Co.
are now turning out a su
perior article of Beer. Their
product is absolutely unex
celled. Your attention is
especially called to their
Bottled Beer. Family
Trade solicited.
AttK ?OR
W. r. MATLOCK, Pff?IJ?ot.
R. C. MMIT1I. H#crtury and Tr??tur?r
First and ^
bast Chance
^ Saloon
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Hollv Street, Skagway
! Now employs the only scientific SAUS
I AGE MAKER; njtown. Finest flavored
I sausage of.all kinds a specialty. Fresh
j beef, pork and mutton received oo every
?viry iUamtr. Fr?? Jelivtry.
Celebration, Under Two Flags, of the Completion of the Railroad to
the Summit of White Pass.
T*r*nlr-Mlue Hundred ?'?*? Nearer la Hearea, Ik* I?|l< t!oa?? and the l.lou Purred T?(?lbtr-A Aerrr
Umiquel In a Teat With the Tktrauittir lalklnf the Tw?lr>)w?nd Mep ? ? lb* Cellar? ralr
W onion Thtri la laaplr* Ik* Oratare- A l??id Hauqurl la Tawa la Camaeaarale lh* riret.
Good Dame Nature, arrayed all In virgin '
white under a bright sun and a eloudless
sky, smiled and looked her prettiest on the
mighty bleak summit of the great White
Pass yesterday, in honor of the arrival at :
that elevation of the first through passnn
ger train ever sent out from Skagway over '
the now famous White Pass & Yukon
Railroad. Everything combined to make
the day a most enjoyable one and one the '
nature and surroundings of which will ?t
wavs leave a pleasant recollection in the J
minds of the one hundred guests who were
Invited to witness the completion of the
gigantic undertaking of building a railroad 1
to the summit, to the end of the American j
line and the commencement of the same
line on British Columbia territory on to
ward Bennet'. Not a hitch occurred in the
well-matured plans of the several officials
having the excursion in charge and the '
effort of on: and all was visibly exerted to
the end that every guest on the trip should j
have a roval good time. That they had It
was the verdict of one and ail, and upon j
the return of the train to Skagwav at 7:^0
last evening a hearty three cheers and a (
tiger followed a vote of thanks to the offi 1
dais of the White Pass road tor the cow-i
tesies extended and the hospiVtlllle* of a
beautiful spread so graciously extended at j
an elevation of jUrio feet and with the ther
mometer standing pat at 22 degrees below j
zero. While this may seem vtrv cold, yet '
it wasnot perceptibly so for old Boreashadj
rested from his labors even to tlie extent of
calling in his band of zephyrs, so that*tfte
dead calm of the summit mad* the clear,
sharp, invigorating ozone not only beara
ble but decidedly invigorating.
The only thing that may be said to have
cast a t nge of regret over the occurrence
was the absence of Chief Engineer E. C
Hawkins, the one man above all others to
whose skill, energy and perseverance is
reallv due the construction and completion
of this, the greatest engineering feat of the
nineteenth century. He was In the minds
ot many in that gathering and was particu
larly missed by his corps of engineer who
have learned to love as well as respect him.
His jbsence was also emphasized by the
fact that he had volunteered the sad task of
accompanying the remains of the dead en
gineer, Robin Bryden Jack to Vancouver,
B. C., and there to perform the still sadder
duty of breaking the news to the widow
and father'ess children, A silent toast
was drank for the two beloved, absent
members of the corps, the living Chief En
gineer E. C Hawkins and the dead engi
neer R. B. Jack.
Ten o'clock yesterday morning saw all
the Invited guests assembled at the depot
In Sk^wav readv to take the first passen
ger train out of Skagwav through to the
summit. The engine and two coaches re
ceived the crowd and prompt. v at 10:0$,
new schedule time, Conductor M. B. Miles
gave the signal. Engineer McKlnzie opened
the throttle and away went the first Iron
horse to tie summit. It was 4 degrees be
low zero at the start with an unpleasant
cold north wind that intensified the cold,
and as the train whirled along the side of
the mountain and gained in elevation It
grew colder, until at the summit the mer
cury had dropped to 22 degrees below.
The cars, however, were comfortably
heated and the tur coats, parkies and oth.r
Arctic wearing apparel worn by a large
number of the guests were only comforta
ble when on the summit and out In the
bracing air of that elevation.
Trathc Manager Grav, who appeared to
have ha I supervision of the whole affair,
overlooked nothing, not even a photog
rapher, and Mr. Hegg made it a business to
take a number of views of the train and its
passengers at a number of the most pict
uresque points on the road. Theie will
be souveniers ot the occasion, dear to all
participants, and the railroad In particular.
Beside Mr. Hegg there were kodaks and
cameras enough on board to have made a
good start for a camtra dub. These were
Mrs. Sehlbrede, Mrs. Battin, Mrs. Case,
Mrs. Dautrick, Miss Church, Mrs. Hollister,
Mrs. Thomas Bracked, Messrs. Case,
Frank Brackett, Hollister, W. A. Reld, F.
B. Flood, Bart Robinson, Mr. Jones, C. H.
Stagman and Rev. J. A. Sinclair. All
these lined up at every stop and formed an
Interesting, picturesque group of them
selves, which it is to be hoped was secured
by #r. Hegg.
The grandeur of the scenery as the train
passed the many wonderful panoramic
views proved a never-ending source of
ejaculations from the delighted passen
tr?. Unfortunately the frozen condition
of the window* kept the guests busy
scratching them clear, in order to secure as
food a view as p}sslble of the passing
scenery, either thousands of feet down
gulches or frightful precipices, or up thou
sands of feet to dizzy heights with rib
bons of snow blown from their crests. At
East Fork bridge the train stopped tor a
series of pictures, and for each of these the
passengers would come out of the car and
line up on the snow or crowd the engine
or car steps. Below Rocky Point a grand
view of Skagway In the distance was in
cluded In one of these pictures. Stops
were also made beyond Rocky Point and
at Clifton, at all of which the camera club
got In Its deadly work. A short stop was
made at Pitch Fork falls, a point once
well kmwn to travelers on the wagon
road, but which is not so picturesque since
the railroad changed the face of nature in
that neighborhood, for where there used to
be three streams, there Is now only one.
Another stop for the thirsty engine was
made at Glacier, and at this placeas well
as at Tunnel bridge another series of ad
miration pictures were taken. At the lat
ter point a grand view was had of the
valley, with White Pass city In the dis
tance, which were Included in the pict
ures. At Tunnel bridge the greatest diffi
culties wen encountered by the company,
owing to the perpendicular character of
the cliff along which the line had to pass,
and thousands of tons of rock were blown
away before I* was finilly found necessary
to tunnel 'n order to avoid avalanches.
Bridging md grading al>o were most dan
gerous and hazardous, and necessitated
slinging men oyer dlzzv steeps, overhang
ing cliffs. Another fine view was re
ceived at another point around campg,
looking down the vallev toward the bay,
about three miles from the :ummit. Saw
tooth mountain to the south proved also
an attractive view, on which many a cam
era was levelled. The wonderful tints in
the distance, the lights and shadows on
the various peaks, the snake like trail
down In the bed of the canyon, with
teams and men tolling up and down, all
proved object lessons that furnished food
for comment until the summit was reached
at i:jo in the afternoon.
The last half mile to the summits as
mede through an excavatiou of snow,
ranging in depth from six to twenty feet
on each side of the track, and this work of
shoveling snow along the line of the road
keeps an armv ot nearly joo men con
stantly at work.
The first glimpse of the summit was the
sight of two flag poles within about 50
feet of each other, the one living the stars
aad stripes, the other the Union Jack.
These are supposed to mark the boundary
line between the two countries.
The White Pass & Yukon company has
a camp located here on the American side |
of the boundary, known as Summit camp,
which Is quite extensive, and where the
whole one hundred guests were entertained
In a suirptuous manner never to be forgo ?
ten. Beside the company's camp there
are a few other camps, one a "U. S, Ho
tel" and several other places where the
weary traveler on the trail can find cheer
for man and beast.
On the Arrival of tho train Mr. Hugh
Foy, Mr. Heney's superintendent of
construction, in hit usual bluff and
hearty style, received the guests and
directed them to some of the tents
where warm corners were found for all
pending the preparations for the ban
quet. Mr. F. H. Dlx had his commis
sary tent invaded by the ladies and gen
tlemen, where a red-hot stove kept
them all warm and comfortable for tho
time being. The tent of the walking
boas, Thomas F. Vaughn, was reserved
for the exclusive use of gentlemen,
where cigars and liquid refreshments
were served to while away the time
very pleasantly.
In a very short time, or at least it
seemed so from the fact that everybody
was having a Jolly good time, Hugh
Foy announced dinner and the company
marched off to the south dining room
tent of the camp, a tent about a 100 feet
long, in which two tables running the
entire length of the tent with bench
seats. The ladies were seated on the
outside to save them climbing and the
gentlemen were seated vls-a-vis. There
was no formality.
At this junoture the Canadian offi
cials from Log Cabin and Bennett ar
rived, having been delayed on the lakes
by a storm. They were Captain W. J.
IUnt, of L?ke Bennett; Capuln F. L.
Cartwright, of Log Cabin; Captain A.
M. JarvU, of Lake Taglsh; all of the
Mounted Police, and Gold Commission
er J. F. Graham, of Bennett. These
were Introduced to the gucsu. and
feasted while the rent were Indulging
In toasts. Mr. Battin has gained a
well-deserved reputation for his tact
and ready wit as a toastmaster in intro
ducing his speaker, and he did not fail
to sustain his record on thU occasion.
After a few introductory remarks, in
which he paid high tribute to Mr.
Hawkins, and regretting his absence,
he Introduced Mr. John Hislop, the as
sistant chief engineer of the road, who
had so ably seconded Mr. Hawkins el*
'orts> , .. .1
[Here should properly follow the
speeches on the toasts, and the responses,
where such were made, but space would
not permit the publication of them n this
Iwk, and to condense them wduU have
been unworthy of the occasion. They are
therefore held for tomorrow's issue.]
This ended the festivities on the sum
mit. The time for the return trip, /, P- m.
had come and everybody walked 'jast the
two dags up to the train where the offi
cial photographer was wait ng to tike the
groud in front of the train EvcryMy
?'posed" for the oceaslon looking as cheer
ful as they could in the n.pping air, after
which all entered the cars and the hom?
ward trip was begun. Skagwav was
reached ar rr> P- m ? and at the depot
as they were leaving the cars three rousing
cheers and a tiger were given to the offi
cials of the road as a slight recognition of
their extreme attention and courtesies.
The officials of the road whom all the
guests of that occasion wish to bear in
kindly remembrance for their u tiring
efforts throughout the dav were;
General Traffic Manager L. H. Gray.
Goneral Auditor A. L. Berdoe.
Division Superintendent F. H. Whiting.
Assistant Chief Engineer John Hislop
Contractor M. J. Heney.
Dr. F. B. Whiting, company surgeon.
S. P. Brown, General Agent.
W. A. Stewart. Cashier.
D. D. Jones, Customs Agent
The train crew also deserves mention
for their faithful attention. This was
made up of C inductor M. B. Miles, a very
superior man, always polite, with a great
deal of tact, and alwavs a gentlemm;
brakemen, Ed. Wickersham and John
Conlev; engineer McKeniie and fireman
judge and Mrs C A Sehlbrede. Mr and
Mrs F T Keelar, Mr and Mrs H E Battin.
Mr and Mr, M E WCasetyran Mn
Dautrlck? Mrs Turn Brackett/Mr and Mrs
H L Holllster, Mr, and Mrs Stevens. Mrand>
Mrs T Whitten, Mr and Mrs Frank Burns,
Mr and Mrs G WDeSuccaMra^dWrs
Frank Mortimer. Mr and Mrs F C. Law
rence/Mr and Mrs Dent. Mr and Mrs>M
Sherpyl^Mr and Mrs C A Malarkey.Mr
and Mrs C W Johnston^Mr and Mrs Wal
ter Church,*' Mrs Russell, Mrs Morgan,
Miss Helen M Ford, Miss Sehlbredj>ss
Everest. Miss Lairdr Miss Chyrc^M'a
Julia Brown. Messrs E A Seelev. T B Wal
lace, Al Brackettf^Frank Brackets B Rob
ertson. W B Kingof Dyea, Jack Emereon,
E J White, Mr Kline. C L Andrews, F S
WiiliamsfMr Malarkey, 0 J Laird, J) 0
Jones, Jack Payne, E O Sylvester Mr
Tompkins, Ed Ross, Captain WjlHam
Mooref B Moore," C W Johnstorf, John
Stanley.' John A Laumelster, Frank
Clancvr Lee Gujhrie, "Charles O Brien,
Rev J A Sinclair, F F dark, , E J 'Shaw.
Judge H A DayfC S Moo^ A Scott,
James Larkln. John Kulem. O E He;"'
Rev L J H Woodenf George Sextort. I- B
Flood, E B Wishair, Chas S Ford. |
A Nccond llatnqurt*
After the return of the W. P. & Y.
special train from the first trip to the sum
mit of White Pass, last evening: contractor
M. J. Heney entertained the railroad and
Canadian government officials at a dinner
given at Clancy's hall The foltowlng
guests were present :
L H Gray.tien. Traffic Meager ; John
Hislop, "Assistant Chief Engineer ; A L
Berdoe.^Gen. Auditor j W A Stewart,
Cashier; F B Flood, Dlv. Eng.: E (J
Stflglevlf Cashier of Pac. Contract Co.; Dr.
F B Whiting^ Surgeon; CapJ Cartwright,*
N W M P : Capt. Jarvtf N W M P;
Capt. Rant, Lake Bennett Recorder; Capt.
Johnson. Pacific Clipper Line; Rev J A
Sinclair; J S Stanley, ex-Mayor of Skag
way ; WyA Reid, Sec Y M C A ; E B
Wlshaar, Editor Daily Alaskan ; H E,
Battln.'Ont. Rev. Col ; Jack Dalton/
Pioneer of Alaska.
An elaborate dinner was served In a way
that would have done credit to a New York
chef. When the cigars and coffee came on
the toast making followed, of which
this is a full list:
"The he.ilth of the W Pli Y R."
"The officials of the two government!."
"The gallant engineers."
"The honest contractor."
"Absent ladles."
"Our spiritual advisers."
"The medical staff.'*
All of which were responded to with
great gusto.
Mr. Heney, In proposing the toast to tlx
railroad, went fully Into the details of tha
progress of the construction work; the
many difficulties and dangers contended
with ; the obstacles placed in the way by
many parties who were supposedly friends
of the project ; the splendid way In which
all such complications had been met by the
Indomitable will of the construction chief,
Mr. Hawkins
Mr. Henev was followed by Rev. Sin
clair, who eulogized the preceeding speaker
in the highest terms and spoke very
touch'ngly of the many kindnesses of
heart s) often displayed by him.
Division Engineer Flood, speaking for
the engineering corps, said that they A ,
appreciated very highly the many complM
ments passed upon them that aftemotafc in
praise of their difficult work; am
repaid them for all the dangers whk
had encountered
Capt. Cartwright touched lightyW on
the very friendly relations which had al
ways existed between the railroad officials
and the representatives of the Canadian
government in British Columbia, and as
sured all that there had never such a
whole-souled co-operation between anv
two existing bodies of men.
Capt. Rant followed with some general
remarks about the rapid and very excellent'
manner in which the railroad work had
been' carried out, and grew enthusiastic ?
over the great advancement of civilizing
Influences which the completion of the
railroad meant. He also spoke of the great
difference in the cost of getting supplies
into the interior and emphasized the fact
that the railroad would confer inestimable
benefits on the interior of wide-spreading
Mr. Gray spoke briefly to the effect that
this was the proudest day of his lite and
ihat he Intended to send every man,
woman and child In the world, who could
read, a full account of the great event that
had rurheJ tti oilmijutiao thjt day.
Messrs. Berdoe, S'anley. Daltoo' and
Capt. Jarvis spoke briefly and in a gen
eral line with the preceeding speakers.
Mr. John Hlslop told an apt story Il
lustrating the good feeling existing be
tween the Canadian and U. S. government
offictals and the officers engaged on the
construction work, and expressed a hop*
that such cordial friendship would con
tinue for all time.
The one thing that detracted from tht
universal good feeling manifested during
the evening was the feeling that the party
was not complete without the presence of
the highly esteemed General Superintend
ent, Mr. E. C, Hawkins. It was felt and
expressed by all that it was principally
owing to his remarkable energy and In
domitable will that the project had reached
its present aJvanced stage.
Thr .tlerrury Ci?r4 tk?
The observations taken for the twenty
four hours between four p. m. Sunday
and four o'clock yesterday afternoon
by George SextOii, s ?!'xtjry^rart/ier W "
server, shows a mean temperature of six
degrees above zero, the highest point
reached being eleven degrees above and
the lowest five degrees below zero, the
lowest point that has been registered this
The thermometer stood at about eleven
above Sunday afternoon which was soon
after the beginlng of the cold snap. The
mercury fell with ^unusual rapidity from
that time on, and at three o'clock yesterday
morning U registered five belou* The
d iv was one uipeautffol sunshine, how
ever and the thermometer crept up to
three above bv four o'clock in the after
noon, with the probability that It would
fall to zero again during the night.
NO PlfKI xn in; imi/i:i.
TheScrreit Vol Choked M'lth Dirt
And Moped the flaw.
There was discovered to be sjme diffi
culty with the water mains vesttrday
morning at o'clock. Messrs. East
'inan and Dunlap of the water company
were at once nototied, and upon investiga
tion they found that the pipes were not
frozen, as was the first impression, but
that the cage over the main feed pipe In
the bottom of which there is a wire screen,
had become filled with dirt, clogging up
the screen and preventing the flow of wa
ter irto the main pipe. They immediate
ly set to work reducing the supply of wa
ter In the tank and had the screen cleaned
in a short time and the water turned on
full blast. Mr. Dunlap was seen yester
day and he said that the cage and screen
would be repaired at once, so that tht
same difficulty could not again occur.
, Blankets, robes, packipg bags, sleeping
bags, hats, caps, mittens in endless variety.
James Carroll <Sc Co.'s, Bond street.
Auctioneer.? If you have anvthlng you
want to sell, get Cheney, the auctioneer,
at Public Supply Co., Kelly block. im