Newspaper Page Text
PERSONAL. Don't fail to see Mrs, Dr. Slayton, , thf great clairvoyant. She will remain In Skajw.iv but one more week. I A. J. Mongoh arrived in the city last night from Dawson. He is representing a large English syndicate an J is on his way to London to confer with his company. H? Is slipping at the Burkhard. Dick Lowe will leave today for Dawson. He will be accompanied as far as Bennett by Mr. Dalton. Jack Dalton arrived from Haines last night on the Lady t.aka, and will leave today for Bennett. Mr. Dalton reports that so far as ne knows the English flag is not floating at Haines. Chas. S. Ford, of the DAILY ALASKAN, who has been at Haines for the past three days returned last night on the Wolcott An exciting runaway occurted yesterday afternoon. A team took fright 011 State street near Bond and dashed at a terrific speed up State, turning abrvptlv at the corner of Fifth, and started down Fifth towards Broadway, but fortunately ran into the wood pile in front ot the city hall, where the animals were brojght to a sud den standstill. No one was hurt, nor was the team or wagon injured in any wav. The funeral of Andrew Bronk will take place today at 10 o'clock from the under taking parlors of E. R. Peoples, 1 he Rev. J. A Sinclair officiating. Ptterson Si Co., were exceptionally busy vesteroav putting up three large outfits for Atlin. Dawson and Bennett. Kellv & Co. are materially improving the interior of their store bv giving it a ! fresh coat of paint throughout. On account of the violent wind u lowing at the time of the arrival of the Laurada on Saturday, several of the piles uf the j new Seattle wharf were badly shattered, whik she was being tied up. The joint meeting of the Kev City de bating society of the Y. M. C. A. and the j Skagwav liierarv society will be held at ! the Union church tonight. The subject for debate is. "Resolved, tlut capital pun ishment is justified in the case of willful) murder." J, Bod?en, is in the citv, preparing to go into Atlin. Miss Clara Thompson, ol Butte. Mon tana, is a guest at the Brannick. Mrs. W. H. McCkllan, cfty recorder, is reported as convalescing. Mrs. Mc- > Lellan was taken sick on Christmas Jav ' with the measles. She rfcov?reJ, but going ont too soon had .1 flap* and has been contmej ti her bed ever since. C B. Dj is, of Seattle, a ived on the Cottage Gitv and will remain in the citv a few Jays Mrs. M, Keller is in the citv, having arrived on the Cottage Citv from Seattle. FOUND? Three mules; two light bav> and one dark, with harness. Inquire this oftce. Down Pillows at Peoples Auctioneer? If vmi have anything vou want to sell, get Chenev. the auctioneer, at Public Supply Co.. Kellv Block, im Call and try the 15c kuehes at the Cres cent Restaurant on Bond street, near Br?n nick hotel. Largest hot cakes served in Skagway. I? *? tf Since Sam Chucovich Nv.ime proprietor of the Moore Cafe its popularitv is in creased and the well know n skill of Mr. Chucovich as a scientific chef is full guar antee that even thing w ill always be hrst class at the Moore Cafe. One Thousand volumes if new book* j consisting of all the latest popular novels ' just received at the Washington News Mand. tf I saw the ax and axed the price of the saw and bought them both of Vining. Get vour sterling silver wedding pres ents at P. E. Kern^, the gold and silve tinith. 12 4th Averue. Have vou ?.-m the new line of r tigs, por tieres and iace curtains just opened at the Klonft-Ue Trading Company, corner Third and itat e streets. The finest line of clothing and gents' fur nishing goods ever brought to >kagw iy i ust received by the Klondike Trading Company, corner State and Third streets. ^ Owing to some accident to th? water vorks we are compelled to work off this edition by hand power, which accounts for our being several hours late. gm Drill ?? ih* mini*. The members of Co. A. N. G. A. met last evening at Clancy's hall and executed their first drill. There were about thirty of the boys present, and for their hrst drill did themselves great credit. Not having any arms or other accoutrements ot war thev naturailv did uot feel quite at home. However, they conducted themselves so admirably that they received the warmest commendation from theircommanding offi cer. After the drill was over all members present repaired to the quarters of Captain Sieberg, where they held a short business meeting adopting a constitution and by laws and transacting other business of In terest. The Rev. Sprague Davis, the com pany's chaplin was present and gave the boys .1 very appropriate talk at the end of the business meeti ig. FOUND.? A gold watch at Bowery Theatre. Owner can recover same by applying at theatre. JACK KlRK. 15c lunches and 25c meals at Wienev's Hot cakes and coffee at the Dewey 10c. Everest is selling out to close out busi ness. Come and get priefs Doors, winJows and window glass Gomberiln coal at Allen Bros. Gold Pans, best steel, 2f cts. at Brown ell's. lu ike UUtrlct Court ?f ikr lulled lu aud for lb> Ulilrlcltl Alaikm. Blryl Rowan, complainant, vs Milton R. Lombard and William. B Sampson, co-part ners doing business as LombarJ & Samp son, Defendants. ORDER OF PUBLICATION OF SUBPOENA Upon reading and tiling the affidavit of J. G. Price and it satisfactorily appearing therefrom and from the return of Josias M. Tanner, deputy United States marshal, that the defendants, Milton R. Lombaid and William U bartpson Iter due and dilligent search found within the District of Aliska, and that they have de parted t herefrom and remaineJ absent for a period of more than six weeks, and it also appearing from said affidavit and from the complainant herein, dulv verified bvthe com plaint that a good cause of action exists in favor of complainant and against defend ants, Milton R. Lombard and William B. Sampv>n.and the said defendants a'e neces sary and proper partirs defendants thereine And It further appearing that a writ of subpoena has been duly issued out of this court in thisaction and that personal ser vice of the vime cannot be made upon the sai-J defendant- for the reason herein cont tuned, and by the said affidavit made t > appear; and it further appearing that U>e poy ortice addre-- of Wiltiam B. Simpson is Seattle, Washington, and the post offi.e adnress of Milton R. Lombard is un known; now on motion of comlainant lierein by Price & Stevens, their ? llctors, is hereby ordered that vou, the said Wil liam B. Sampson and Milton R. Lorn turd, defendants, personatl r apear jefort the judge of the aforesaid court in equity on the 2$th dav of March, iHq9, at Sitka In said district to answer a bill of ci inplaint Exhibited against you in the said .ourt bv Birvl Rowan, the complainant herein, wherein the said complainant asks judg ment against you for the sum of six-hlm dred dollars, (KSoo.oo), together with in terrst thereon at the rate of eight percent per annum fr >m the IJth day ot July, A. D.. t^iS together with their costs and disbtir e.n< ?> expended and that the same be de :ced to be a lien upon the prem de>cubed to-wit: the north one half ( li) of the south one half (H) of lot (lumber twelve (12) in block number eighteen (f) with- the imptovements thereon and if voa fail to answer the bill of cximpl lint as aforesaid the complain ant will take default and judgment against vou accotding to the prayer of her said bill. It is further ordered that a espy of this order, together w i>h a copy of the bill at complaint herein be forthwith deposited in the post oftue <t Skagwav, Alaska, in an envelope sealed and addiessed to the de- j fendaiit, William B. Sampson. Seattle,' Washington. All dane in open court this 19th day of January. 1899 Charles S. Johnson, Judge ot the District Court of the U. S., for the District of Alaska. Attest: Albert D. Elliott, Clerk of the District Court of the U. S., for' the District of Alaska. Price & Stevens. Solicitors for complainant. Date of first Publication Jan. 21. 7t Always Ready To Supply Our Trade New that spring is advancing we wish to inform you that ue are showing the very latest blu;ksand styles (all nukes) In HATS HATS We also have an unlimited stock of Boots and Shoes .... Some new novelties in material and lasts Ask to see them, even if you don't care to buy just now. Cheney's Boston Store Clothiers, Hatters, Men's Furnishers 21 BROADWAY 21 I. Limit ! MB IE AGAIN Reports Business Badly Hart by Alieu Law. CANADIANS INDIGNANT.) .H?rch?u1i and Coropnn Iti UtBirallr Com?l?lulni ?> Injury C*?l? fcf Law. One of the arrival* on the Cottage City Sunday was ex* Alderman W. F. Mallock, who has been absent from the dtv since January 6. He has been below, at his home in PenJIeton, Oregon, looking after business interests he has there. Mr. Mat lock was seen shortly after his arrival by a DAILY ALASKAN reporter, a id in the ?.ourse of an Interview gave the following interesting news: "Pe>ple below art greatlv agitated ovei the anti-alien act, and manv thousand that would have passed through Skagway en route to Atlin this spring are deterred from coming, In consequence of the act. I con ? sider that at least 60 per cent, of the traffic from Seattle and Portland has fallen off since the passage of the act. Even at Van couver and Victoria the merchants are making most strenuous protests against the law as it Is. materially injuring their business. As nearly as I can find out much mote seriou? objections are being raised by our Canadian brethren than by our own citizens. "The officers of the Pacific Coast Steam ship company are also registering very vio lent protests, as thev claim that their boats are bringing no more passengers to Skag wav than thev are taking back on their return trips. I myself met and talked with no less than two hundred of my friends, who would have gone into Atlin had It not been tor this alien law. The general opinion below srems to be that the law will not long be enforced, and I look for a big rush of people through here the early part of next summer, all holding them selves in readiness for the trip. "The Porcupine country is arousing con siderable excitement, and but for the mis taken impression that each and every one that locates claims in that country gets to acres, thereby exhausting all the available ground in a comparatively short time, manv would go there who Intended to go to Atlin. As soon as they ascertain that the size of claims m iv be limited by local regulations, I look for quite a rush into that section. I stopped at Juneau on my way up, anJ found a great deal of excite ment there over the new country. Oh, ves; an i by the way, I heard something else at Juneau that will Interest the people of Skagwav. A full grown report was current on the streets there that the White Pass road hid ceased operation, and the work on the road would not be prosecuted any further. "I believe the passage of the alien law will tend to benefit our own coumty. and ulti mately prove the greatest advantage that our people ever received. Of course, at the present ti me. It is a decided detri ment to Skagwav and her resources, and Is working an Injury upjn American citi zens In general, but I look for a reaction In the very near future, and we will all bless | the day that the law was passed. I heard nothing in particular about the proposed ' concession of Skagwav to Canada, the general impression seeming to be that nothirg will ever come of the matter. "I am much pleased to find Skagway as prosperous as she is, and notice many very decided improvements that have been made 1 during my absence. While I have exten sive business interests In eastern Oregon, I have a very warm place In my heart for Skagway, and shall always (eel the deep est interest In her welfare. I found things at home in a highly prosperous condition, eastern Oregon being blessed with an ex ceptionally large wheat crop, but It was with no feeling of regret that I returned to Skagway to become once more Identified that her interests While absent I visited Seattle, Tacoma, Portland and other points on the sound, and found business very quiet." It it a curious thing how a rumor g row. The rumor got started In some old way that Vinings is the best place to get vour Atlin outfit. Miss Daniels, first-class dressmaking parlors over Kalem's grocery store. Fifth avenue and Broodway. i-l-tf Quicksilver 5 to lolb fla;k at Brown all's. *10 RKW AHD. I offer >10 reward tor evidence against the miscreant who attempted to destroy i mv bicycle tire at P. C. S, S. Wharf, Sun day 1 6th. CHAS. E. WARNER, Seattle Daily Times. Company A Attention. All members of are ordered to report for drill at Clancy's hall, Mondav Feb, 20 at 8, p. m. Capt. Selberg. Warul tig. To the dealei not to buy anything in the line of canned goods, fruits, candles, crackers or vegetables until you get the prices of the wholesale Commission Co, on Broadway near Holly, a-i j-jt Notice | Don't foiget you can get good, tweet, ] cider for mince meat at th* Manhattan ' Grocry. 2-15-51 ( Lawrenct? WatchmiK?r. 1 4 v c ?; N.r.'i Only One Mori Week Yaar Lad Of ?'? llayton, th* RecognlieJ bv th* pr*?s and public everywhere as th* greatest Trance Clair voyant and Palmist who sees it all. tells you all and Instantantlv guides you to Wealth, Peace and Happiness, without a question she will tell you why and what you came for, what vou are interested in tells facts and figures, etc., she tells you who your friends and who your enemies are, what hopes you ma> have, of gaining your desires, what obstacles are In your way and how to remove them. Before en tering Into business transactions of any kind, consult her. She never falls. Thoj sands have been mad* happy, why not you? Remember, vour prospectsof today may be your fortune tomorrow if rightly handled. Also, remember that this Is an Investlgat ing age and the ability to prophesy and foresee Is verified by no less an authority than the Scriptures and broad minded scientists, and the prejudice caused bv weak and half developed mediums Is being rapidly overcome by the marvel ous achievements of a few specially en dowed persons like Mrs. Dr. Slayton. You may be skeptical, but do not be narrow minded. Investigate and convince your self, Take no others word, even though vou mav have been imposed upon by some cheap pretender for If there were no truth In occultism and the power to prophesy, there would be no occnlon for frauds, fakirs and Imitators. It none were gen uine there could be no Imitation. Ladies If you are sick or In trouble of any kind call on this gifted woman. She will help you. Female complaint* a ?p*t ialtv, also diseases of the eye. | Electricity for rheumatism and other diseases. Office Hours: to to 8 o'clock. All business strictly confidential. Her parlors are so arranged that vou meet no one except the ladv herself, t W Cor. of Main and Holly streets Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges made. An elegant I In* of oil heaters lu*t recdvtd at Vinlng's. Heavy shoe* reductd prices at Burk hard's. i o- j8 LOST ?A pocket book containing paper of no importance to anv on* but ovvntr Return same to this office. C. C. COZINE. The latest style in hat* at Klondike Trading Companv Mackinaws and sheeppelt clothing at cost at Burkh aid Co's. to-rf-tf Finest line ofdrtss pants ever sh*w nln Alaska, at Clavsons. Sleds, Tents, Yukon Stove* at Vlning* H. D. Klrmse, the Pioneer Jeweler. The steamer Tees Is due tomorrow. For Rent? Bowling allev building on Holly t. Bowling alley for sale. "Springs, mattresses, three quarter cots, blankets, pillows.comforters? all new? for sale at the Burkhard hotel. tf. Comfort*, blanket* ana matreste* it Peoples. IPfflsnffk fflondl Hrettk KainDwaiy fflinid KfflVo ??. From Skajw ay to the Gold Field* by rail British Columbia Yukon Railway Company. Trains leave Skagwav for White Pas* daily as follows: Train .1*. S LraTM m* ? A. 91. Hrtuni tug a( IO 45 A. JTI. Train So. I l.?vci at ? 9: 16 P. HI. Relurnliif at ? - 6II&P. W. Laidlnes5 ""IE.-. "?aSLBazonr Ladies' Fall Wrappers, Chemise, Ladies' and Chil dren's all wool underwear Dress Goods, Stamped Doylies. Embroidery Silks MRS. M. SHORTHILL. ]fl JU ?v ? Dm Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Window Glass, Plate G-lass and Mirrors. Agency P & B Building Paper , Picture Moulding and Artists' Materials. VVnolesal* an J Retail All Site* Always Id St?<k Doors & Windows K. O. FHSEL 317 BROADWAY. SKAGWAY, ALASKA. F. C. LAWRENCE Watchmaker and' Manufacturing JEWELER 226 Broadway Dealer* In Watches. Diamonds ana Jewelry nst Received JJig Stock o! Diamonds'" ,nJ oSini"Go?d? Clocks, Silver and Silver Plated Wares and Optical Goods Etc. Special attention given to repairing and ratelng of timekeepers. THE EAGLE SALOON State Street Near Corner of 5th Avenue. L. M. PALMER and D FLAHRITY, Manager* ('?<F an 4 fnrtabl* card raom*. Chair* brand* of Win**, l.lgunr* an< Clfin. Kr?rtkln( flr*(-ela**. - JOE AND DAVE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT ===== 20 per cent. 20 uer cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per ct. Discount LADIES' SUITS, SKIRTS and WRAPPERS During this week we will give a special discount of twenty per j cent, on our entire stock of Ladies' Suits, Skirts and J W rappers, in order to make room for our N e w Spring \ Stock. This offer holds good for this week only. ( Kaufman Bros. | 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20p,er cen j Kelly & Co. Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS prescriptions (jrefullg (onjpouodecf Skagway and Dawson It is Needless To state that we carry the best Stock of FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, obtainable. Our Clothing and Pants Stocks Are complete, 1st class in Quality and up-to-date in Styles. SEE OUR WINDOW ! ! F. H. Clayson&CO (jjorner Fourth and Sta*e Sts# Wait a flinute r% IV I J "T" Buy "your Under L J W I M I wear and Mack inaws or pants before you have ex amined our stock which has just arrived from the east. Largest, assortment in town. ? Burkhard's 2 Capt- J. Carroll Laramie Mayer, Manager. JAMES CARROLL & CO. (Formerly Carroll, Cosh & Co., Seattle-) Have just received one of the largest outfitting plants in Alaska. Wholesale and Retail- CLOTHING-, TENTS, RUBBER GOODS, FOOTWEAR and Groceries. Outfitters and Prospectors are in vited to submit tneir list for figures, Bond- Street, bet Broadway and State G-. SCHNEIDER. Packer ^ Forwarder (Joods delnsrcd to Summit, Log Cabin, Bennett and At I lin with promptness and guaranteed good condition. Office at Bay View Hotol Mil Stanley and Cn Flr?t Class Hon* Shoeing and Wajoo Work. ) *' BL/fcKsVjlTHINO / , f " t ' ) nitf