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* I I iV V % K ' I VlVlV ' t T I ' t ^ < ?| w Iff *!%???% to iMptCUOai \\ .* (luraRire h Urgvr drcttlailun than ?ll< . n?r At.??k4 r?p?rv THE VOL. II. NO. 185 { (aorn/nq DAILY jgnf ALASKAN SKAGWAY, ALASKA. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, 1899 Till Daily Ala?a* will Intrortoe# yon to all tlit |M-*)|ile wortl. unowlii*. Jn Vv ry home evrrjr monilng. 5 Number who read It dully PRICE 10 CENTS ? ilglt WStWt Wttt Wit Wg : : The Largest And Finest Hotel in Alaska. 1 THE t: J: ? ? 8 M?TELt Kur?|>?wu I'lau. All Modern Improvements. Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SfcT. BROADWAY ANO HUNMALLS ' HUN"*LL? 4i bar j* wxBDtortabte Room* NO BAR ? PIO BUNKS Fal>erag? ot Bualres Ri? Identa Solicited Golden North Hotel A First-Class Ho'el kales Reasonable fhos. Whitten, Manager. HonJ Street, between Main anj State ? ?????? ( ?iulwrl? \|>r? In I %ltriillon l.lteai lir*l4i?M ?? Ihr Urar f ELECTRIC LIGHTS Portland flizpah House \lK. VMI.VKS. A. I*. MK.M?, PROPRIETORS, ? I uratrljr of Ml r.?b??r. On > Cor 5th Av. Bet. Broadway and State ?|>po?ltr Clly Hull Pnces 25c to 50c Skagway, Alaska i Kv?-r\thinjr Kirst-Cla.** Klectrie l.ijfht ami Call Bell* ST. JAMES HOTEL i The < ?nlv Kirv Proof liuiWiuiif iu Alaska Cor er Fourth Avenue and S'a;e ' . . j . 1 I VP Rate* Moderate OCCIDENTAL HOTEL IKuropeau Hlao) ERNEST F MILLER, Manager IV-- ii.;*iin!.U hotel in Skatrway. Kleirantlv furnished. Kleetru l.ijht?. Comfortably heated. Fine, large warm lobby. Hvad in-, i- ATI.IN-KLOXDIKK MIN'KHS Iteasooabl* Terms Wrll H> ateJ anj 1 "st C! sWvoinm ?Jjtion> I ? I7< Guests Largest anj Best appoint tJ hotel in Alaska. Cor. I BroaJwav anj Fifth Ave F. F. CLARK. PROPRIETOR The Pacific Hotel I it ro|?rn ?? HInk, I" !tli a\ rime Near Main Stnret. W Kiippel, Manager. Baths Most Comfortable Rooms In the City Tl H*%\ H I Free Store e for Bagage =S5= ? U. S. Hotel I). lientley, l'rop. Best Dollar-a-Day House in Skagtuoy NViir I'. 11. IV pot. Iieds25c -Meals 25c LOOOIM. 2^ BO AND Ptk MIAL 251- HKwfclK fj.o HOTEL WieKSTROM Hoard .in J Lodging per week J6 and $s.70 John-' ivenue. Near old Hostoftie. NO BAR See the High Flag Pole Rainier Hotel <& Restaurant jis BKOAUWAY. Frank Hall, Prop. KuwllrDt Mwh 33 rcltv A II the delicacies the market affords. Bent chef* employed Handsomely furnished rooms Electric lighU, city water and best accommodations in th? city SKAGWAY - ALASKA. Shoup Avenue House Shoup St. Near Hruadway H. E. AYERS. Proprietor RcceDtlY renovated, enlarged and refurnished. Liueolcum covery lobby car|H t?d stairway*, elegautly furnished roouis. electric bells, baths, etc Pill Box Drug Store !Sb*-. PRESCRIPTIONS? Experience 20 Vears Central TelephoM Stat n. Prescriptions Filled any Time, L>av or Nigh! Everything New I ^HtDc' Broadway, L#<1U1C9 No. 40(1 OressmaklnK PciT'l^r anJ Notions OdZddl Taffeta Silks, Silk Undorvests, Hair Nets, Dollies, Ribbon*. Paper Napkins, Carlson (furrier Embroidery, Sewing and Knit ting bilks. Ready made under* skirt* and shirt waists galore. Point Lace Material*. MRS. S E SHORTHILL. Dr. Jas. B. Wall Graduate Dentist Alloy, Amalgam, and Gold Fillings. Latest methods. All Work Guaranteed. State St. Lovell and Jennings ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Comer State and Bond ? ? Skagway. Ernest Feck J. Earle Brown FECK A BROWN Attorneys-at-Law McKtnney St. Opposite City Hall Hkagway G F PARKER U. S. DEPUTY SURVEYOR Citv and Country Surveying Promptly Attended to OtfKe Broadway and 12th Street. J. U. Pile* Morton E. st*v?n? PRICE & STEVENS A'omeys and Counsellors Filth Av?. Nut to cuurthwiM NoUfy ?nJ SWO u^raph?r in OAi? Al?*ha CHURCH 4 DAY, LAWYERS jank Building. Cor. State and 5th SKAGWAY. MAHLON F. HALL, M. D KELLY BLOCK. Broadway. Omci Hovrs : 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 t>. M. C. W. TURNER. LAWYER. OFFICE Mootv block (Second Floor.) State Street, Sk agway. E. R. PEOPLES Undertaker and Embalmer Special attention given to bodies for shipment. Broadway, above Shoup Avenue. 11(1 IS SI First Published In a Sitka j Newspaper. SKAGWAY IS IGNORED ? ?npany A, Alaaka National Guard of fikafwar, Only Perfected military I'ampaar la Ihr Dlalrlcl Kradjr Co Aiiawrr Uir UtrtlMr'i Call. The following Item relative to the Alas ka National Guard, t iken fr6m the Sitka Alaskan of April 22, gives th: first public information had here of the officers ap pointed bv Governor Brady to serve on his staff. If this account is correct Sk.igwav, as usual, has been given the go-bv, which, to sav the least, is ungenerous, considering that the onlv thor ?ughlv^organired, well tquippeJ and drilled body of soldiers in Alaska is Skagwav's Company A. The item in full is as follows: "There has been times during the past few years, in different paits of the terri tory, that a company of militia has been needed, and would have saved much trouble and anxietv. and probably saved life and property. On several occas ons the regulars have had to be sent out to pre serve order, but to do this caused much trouble and occupies much time, and a treat deal of mischief can be done before their presence can be secured. When there are militia companies they can be called out on short notice to protect life and prop erty. "Governor Bradv has realized the need | of a National Guard for Alaska for some time past, and has onlv been awaiting the Seattle Steamship Co. OPKRATINQ S. 8. LAURADA Office 011 Broadway Near R.'R. Depot Ed. Tonkin. General Agenr , Mnnt.ft Carlo ....CAFE.... F, \V. I'OTTS, Mgr. Summit of White Pass. BEST OF MEALS. FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. CLEARA NCE SALE General Merchandise AT COST Stokes Bros. HOLLY STREET, Bet. State and Main. We Carry Everything N. K. WILSON "^Druggist Largest Stock | ^Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully [ompunfcd Holly Ave, Near State. Canadian Bank - commerce Head Office Toronto, Ontario CAPITAL, $6,000,000. SKAGWAY AGENCY. Gold Du?t Purchased? Current Accounts Received on Favorable Terinn? a General Banking Bualncut Trunsuctcd A. SCOTT, Agent. time when he could secure capable and competent men to take the matter In hanj. He h.'s now succeeded and the Alaska Na tional Guard has been organized and sev eral staff and line officers commissioned. "According to the Inw the governor is commander-in-chief of the militia, and those appointed to serve as his staff offi cers are. F. L>. Kelsey, of Juneau, as ad jutant-general, with the rank of colonel, and W. H. McNalr, of Sitka, as assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of major. "Company A has been organized at .Skagwav, with the following officers com missioned: Francis N, Sieberg, captain, and Frank N. Sessions, second lieutenant. "Another company Is also being organ ized at Hkagway and an arniorv has been erected. Juneau and several other places are organizing companies, and in a few months time there will probably be enough companies organized to form a regiment. "Colonel Kelsev has alreadv made req uisition on the government for outfits for 250 men, and they will shortly arrive from Washington." the treasury department are absolutely without foundation," said Acting-Secre tary Spauldlng tonight. '?Mr. Ivey has returned to Alaska, his administration Is satisfactory to the department and there is no talk of removal, suspension or investi gation." Dlalrlc Court In Nltag w?jr? Mr. Walter Church, who returned from Sitka and Juneau Wednesday evening, said that Judge Johnson had requested him to say to the DAILY ALASKAN that the United States district court would meet in Juneau May 2) and devote the first ten days of the session to civil cases, which is contrary to the usual custom, so as to al low those who have to go to the expense of taking witnesses down there for civil business to get throug has quickly as possi ble and those having witnesses for criminal cases will understand that they will not be needed for the firs' ten days. When through in Juneau Judge Johnson will come to Skagwav to hold a session of his court. 1 4 CUB HOLSE Of THE ARCTIC BROTHERHOOD. ! Plans To He Acted on at Next Meeting. ? The cut given herewith is a good representation of the front view of the club house which the Arctic lirotherhood propones to erect on its lot, donated by Captain Johnson, at the corner of Broadway and Second avenue, and which promise!) to bu the hand somest and most sumptuous ly appointed club house north of Seattle. The plans were drawn by Mr. Maxon, the best architect in Skag way, and u full description of the arrangements of the three floors was published in the Daii.y Ai.askan some ten days ago. These plans will be con sidered at the next meet ing of the order, Tuesday, May 2, and from the fact that they appear to meet the requirements of the members they will no doubt be udopted. The committee having the plans in hand has had to wait un til it heard from Victoria where Captain Ir*inir has the lumber which he do nated to build the club house. ? ????? ? ?? THAU. HOW inPA*?ABI.fc. tor Double Trami from Mum mil to ItriuiMI. There was a rumor circulated on the! streets \esterJav that the railroad com pany had refused to bill goods through to the summit on account of the many snow and landslides which were supposed to have taken place on the road. A reporter of the DAILY ALASKAN called on General Agent Brown, of the White Pass & Yukon railrcad, to ascertain the true facts, and found out tint it was not between the summit and Skagway that the railroad had refused to bill goods, but between the sum mit and Bennett. As everyone knows, the trail from the summit to Bennett is now practically impassable for loaded sleds or wagons, and the only trail to Bennett is over the grade of the White Pass St Yu kon railroad, on which a wagon road has been built- Wagons heavily loaded cannot now be tsken over this on account of the lack of bridges at two or three points, but Mr. Brown yesterday received a telegram from Contractor Heney saying that by the end of the week the bridges would be com pleted and four-horse teams heavily load ed could be taken over the road. There has been a great amount of freight taken over the road recently, which has accumulated at the Summit because the packers could only handle thirty to tiftv tons per da) and the road could handle all they could get. Thero has been much difficulty experi enced at the summit the last few days on account of the soft, wet condition of the ground, which interfered with the unload ing of the cars. The goods cojld not be unloaded from the cars into the deep mud, and until a platform to receive them could be built they had to be lett in the cars. In this wav most all the freight cars on the line got stuck at the summit. There were )oo tons of goods waitlrg at the railroad depot yesterday and about as much more on the wharf, and only one freight car at the depot. Mr, Brown received word yesterday that the platform at the Summit would be com pleted todav, and by the end of the week the road will be again billing goods from Skagway to Bennett. Collector of Customs for Alaska W- J. Ivev has returned to the coast after an ex tended trip to Washington City, says the P.-l. of April 19 He was in Portland April 18 and is expected to arrive on the Solind very nhortly. A report has been in circulation for several days thai when in Washington City Collector Ivey was sus pended by the treasury department pend ing an investigation of his official affairs in Alaska. The Post-Intelligencer last night received the following dispatch from Its special correspondent in Washington City: Washington, April 18.? "Rumors cur rent on the Pacif.c coast that Collector Ivey. of Alaska, has been suspended by tfsci't: **y% ah a hi TniKH. fr'resli llrt-f to br Mold for the* Dili) on II. Seventy-four quarters of beef and foui sacks of offal, shipped bv M. P. Shaw, ol Victoria, an J consigned to the Pacific Con tracting Company, came up from Victoria last Sunday on the British ship Alp'>a [ and put in the bonded warehouse. Fol some reason the Pacific Contract Company refused to enter the for duty, and a Mr. Steer, M P. Shaw's Skagwag age it was not here to attend to the duty Deputy collector Andrews, according to his instruc lions s id he would have to sell the good! at public auction at the custom house to day, if the money was not paid before i< a. m. today. The law in regard to perishable good: held for duty, isthatihev shall be sok | three davs after their arrival at the port ol J destination, and accordingly Mr. Andrews posted notices of sale. Mr, Andrews siij vesterdav that he did not think the meat wculd be sold, but thai Mr. Steer would come in from Log Cabin and pav the duty. I his course would b< much more ngreeabie to the United State government. If the meat is sold after the dutv, wharfage and all other expenses shall have been paid, the proceeds will b< turned over to the owners. Mnaall ?lrr (Juli lilr ""?? At ii o'clock last night an alarm of tin in the fourth district was turned in for ; small blaze in the shooting gallery 01 Holly street. Chief Flemming. as usual was the first man up the ladder, and, witl the assistance of a tew buckets of water promptly put o'lt the blaze. The stove pipe in the garret lackf^ about four teet o connecting with the roof, and the tire wai started in the garret by sparks from tin open chimney. The damage done w? very slight. Bar supplies at Green's. Cheney's Boston store? Shoes. Cloride of lime, 25c per lb, H. A. Bauer Happv and content are Clancy's board ers. H7 tf Drill steel and miners' tools at W. L Green's. Singer sewing machine -wholesale cost H. A. Bauer. All wool dress suits medium price, a Clayson & Co. For correct neckwear go to the Klandil Trading Company. Tobaccos and Smokers' Supplies. Holl; Street near Broadway. For sale.? three /cxxl dogs, iiarne and sled. Lilly Hrother*. Watertight larigans, all sizes, Claysoi Si Co., Fourth and State streets. Shoes at Cheney's Boston store. Call mi J try the 1 5c lunehes at the Cres cent Res.aurant on bond street, near Bran nick hotel. Largest hot cakes served ii kagway. 1-2-tf Main on Broadway Found to be Clear. FROZEN ON MUD FLATS .Dauagor t.aaiman'a (.'miring Kf fartttaUive lh? Clllscm Wai?r ? III Nuou b* Hr warded, al lead AIoiik Brsadwiir for lire Pur poica. There is now every probability that Manager Eastman's untiring efforts to give the citizens water bv thawing out the water mains of the Skagway Water Com pany, will soon be crowned with success As soon a* it was warm enough to work he commenced thawing the main from the top of hill across the mud flats at the end of Third avenue, a distance ot ;oo yards. He has so far succeeded so well that less than a hundred feet of frozen pipe now keeps the water from the Broadway main. His method of ascertaining the condition of the pipes vtas uniqne. He uncovered the pipes and bored holes In them and in this way ascertained the exact condition of each main. Near Broadway he found only a few inches of water, but close to Broadway it was frozen solid. The Iron pipe down the bluff from the reservoir it clear, and the main across the inud flats is also clear and, with a pressure of seven ty-five pounds to the square inch, is throw ing up water like a geyser, which bubbles up through two and a half feet of sand and gravel Speaking of the mains in the street Mr. Eastman said that the one on Main street was the only one frozen. The mains in Broadway and State street had been looked into and found to be perfectly dry. Mr. Eastman went around yerterday and uncovered all the fire plugs and opened them, but no water made its appearance. The remaining frozen water in the main leading up Third avenue will be thawed out soon and then the water will run In the Broadway and State street mains. But Mr. Eastman does not expect to have the water running in the mains In the cross streets until* later date, as .some mav have to be repaired. Men will be put to work next month lowering the mains to a depth to insure against freezing and next year Skagway will have a continuous supplv of pure and healthy water. Woclal Kvrnt of (lie fcraion next Holiday l: > in 1 11 * . The May Day Festival now in course of preparation by tne Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyteria?church, to be given next Monday evening in Presbyterian hall, pro mises to be the social event of the season. The ladies have entered heartily into the work and they are deserving of handsome returns for their labors. Mrs. Redmond, Mrs. Pierce land Mrs. Church have charge of the children's May pole dance, and from the number of satis factory rehearsals already had thii will prove one of the most interesting features of the festival. The attractions in the hall will be the five handsome booths devoted to the sale of articles, the proceeds of which will go toward furnishing the church. The booths will be as follows: Flower booth? Mrs. Frank Burns. Ic: cream booth? Mrs. Wilson Candy booth? Miss Laird. Japanese garden? Miss Ford. Alaskan souvenirs? Mrs. Walter Church, Miss Church and Miss Sengfelder. This booth had been placed in charge of Mrs. Snyder, but owing to the illness of Mrs. Snyder she transferred her charge as stated. Every laJv in charge of a booth will be assisted by a number of Skagwav's con tingent of handsome young ladies. The festival will open at eight o'clock with a procession of the May Queen and her court. She will 'leliver greetings to ber subjects and declare the festival open, after which the May pole dance by the children will take place. Vfeaiurr Orliaba Kill Sunday, The steamship City of Topeka, which went on the rocks in Wrangel Narrows a short time ago, is to be thoroughly over hauled and put on the excursion run next summer. The Orizaba is to take her place and will reach Skagway next Sunday. The Cottage City is to be laid off for a few trips and be prepared for the excursion travel next summer. For Kent? A nicely furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Inquire at house opposite recorder'* office on Holly Street between Main and Alas ka street*. Hi.Vt f Lillv Bros, have just shipped five car loads of hay, feed and provisions to the Log Cabin and Bennett, where they can be purchased, with Canadian duty paid. This is to certify that I have disposed of my teams and the goodwill of my express business to Mr. Meyer. Thanking the public for their generous patronage in the past and soliciting the same for my succes sor in the future. I remain, 184-86 FRANK LUCAVISH.