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NVORNINg IHI.I11T CIHfl'LATIM' * B?? *? *r? ?p#? to iatfMlK>a :% Ur*?r < rcuUtion than all. v ?-%? r?p?rv THE DAILY ^jr ALASKAN. VOL. II. NO. 193 SKAQWAY, ALASKA. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1899 Tut Oaily Alaska* will Inlrodoe# yo?, lo >11 Iht p?opl? worl. <iu*w n?. Ia, av ry bom* *vcry mornlof. C A/tf) NuilMi who re?d It dally ' VY . . PRICE 10 CENTS The Largest And Finest Hotel in Alaska. j TIH1E M?TEL, Kuropwiu flan. All Modern Improvements. Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. BONO ST atT. BROADWAY ANO HUNHLLl Uapg. ..wtslortabla Room# Fatreraga ef Etainaa !??? NO BAR? NO BUNKS ldanta Solialtad Golden North Hotel A First-Class hotel Kates Reasonable Thus. Whitten, Manager. BonJ Street, between Main and S e s?r. I .tllrnllan ?? ? , ihr Wrarj , hktWC iilOHT* ?ortlan 1 nizpah I ?ouse MR vnu Mks. a Mead, PIOPRIKT iFormrl> o. W. Tabor. ?? ) Cor 5th Av. Bet. Broad wa, : ndj tate Hi) Hall <!<nxway, ?*' .**5ka Prices 25c to 5Cc ST. JAMES HOTEL Corner Fourth Avenue and S'a'e ? ??? I- '? ' >: - if-": . ?; k_ OCCIDENTAL HOTEL [European Plan] ERNEST F MILLER. Manager appointed hotel In Slcagway. Elegantly furnished. Electric Light*. Comfortably heated. Fine, large warm lobby. Headquarter* for ATLIN-KLONDIKE MINKIW Iteasonable Terms Lake View Hotel Lake Bennett, B. C. H Mi KAY. I'roprietor. Ever} thing tirst-cla*. Elejfant Fur ui*he<] Rom, Splendid table wrvivr. New steamboat landing-. Heatlq arter-. for Miner- Railroad & Steamboat men. Term* reatocaMe Well H< itfJ anj Hir?t HI IHI/II 1 HH llflTN Larjwt snJ ^ appolnt" ? ?:??r- - MRU HIl SSS.SSS.Sl F. F. CLARK. PROPRIETOR The Pacific Hotel ? ? ? ? l.uroprati Plan. - - ? Tifth avenue Near Main Street. C. W Kllppel, Managrr. ^ Most Comfortable Del 1 11^ -ft: Rooms In the City ki imimhi i:. ik.ivi av, alarka. Free Storage for Ba^age ? - U. S. Hotel G. D. Bentley, Prop. Best Dollsn-a-Day House in Skaguiay N >*ar R. R. Depot. Bed?25c? Meal* 25e Lodging ajc bo ard Pik meal 251- PtPuEtK *5.0} HOTEL WI6KSTR0M Board and Lodging per week $6 and Is. 70 Juhnsun avenue. Near old Postoffice. NO BaR See the High Flag Pole t Rainier Hotel <& Restaurant lis BROADWAY. Frank Halt, Prop. Kxcrlleut Mmtlt 3i cent*. All the delicacies the market afford-. Beat chef-, employe.! H?nd*>mely furnished room*. Electric light*. city water and beet ac*ommodati<>ns in the city SKAGWAY - ALASKA The MONDAMIN. . . . HANSEN vV TENNANT, Prop#. The Moat Modern Hotel in Alaska. Electric Lighted. Svperior to any Hotel North of Seattle. Freight to Dawson! Before Making arrangements to ship your goods down the Yukon ? ? ? plfln-sft give us a call. We guaran tee you will save money by pat ronizing our scow to Dawson Y. Y. T. Company, Lake Bennett, B. C. M. KING, Manager J. 5. Graham ... OUR MIEEINERV DEPARTMENT . . . Has blossomed out into a veritable flower garden. We have Trimmed Hats in every style; also exquisite French Creations. Our new Spring Walking Hats Are Very Swell. Have you seen them? OUR NEW NECKWEAR Make* a charming show. There n ver were prettier style* in neck Ga nltures and we have the choicest that are made. We carry the famoux Fisk. Clarke & Fla^tf Neckwear Curd ?! Tim nka. We take this method ot thanking the proprietor, editor and printers of the DAILY ALASKAN for their painstaking work In :he publication ot the Easter Alaski Churchman, and the kindly editorial mrn ion accorded the paper and its publisher. Mso the business men who so liberally :onttJCted advertising space in its columns. \ thousand copies were printed, which, ifter supplying advertisers and others in ! skagway, are being mailed to every dio- 1 ;ese in the United States, Canada and the ' Northwest Territories, trom the Mackenzie ' ?iver to the City of Mexico, reaching bish ops and some of the clergy, as well as :lubs, hospitals; church and secular papers, ind many individuals. Also every bishop md archbishop In England, IrelanJ, Scot and and Wales. Although not a very j arge edition, we believe it will b: a satis faction to the patrons as well as ourselves to know that Skagway will be pretty widely advertised. Respectfully, L. J. H. WOODEN. H I K %MUK, Hill No! la lw Wnndrrrd ll> ( The people of Skagwav pass all other grocery stores to go to the wholesale gro cery of Gordon & Co., on Broadway at the foot of Holly, just to save money and get fresh goods. Call and be convinced. Outfitting a specialty. 5* Vim All kinds of iron at Green'*. Shoes at Cheney's Boston store. For correct neckwear go to the Khndike Trading Company. For Sale -Four claims in Porcupine dis trict; will sell cheap if taken before the 15th. Inquire next door Mounted Police. . Wholesale and Retail N. K. WILSON Druggist Largest Stock JJP&ysicians' Prescriptions jjarelully (Tompunded Holly Ave, Near State. MERCHANTS BRNK OF HALIFAX. I. K. KENNY, l'res. IHHtt IMIIIII'llllt rCII INHH HEAI) OFFirF. HALIFAX, N. S. D. H. DUNCAN, con. Mgr. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Rest $1,250,000. A General Banicing Business Transacted. Gold Dust Purchased. Bill* of Exchange Bought and Sold. Correspondent* in New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle. F. L. MURRAY, Manager Bennett Branch. F. S. GRIFFIN LUMBER DEALER Yard Comer Third Ave. and State St. Skagway : Society THE May Day Festival given bv the Ladles' Aid Society of the Presbyter ian church May I and 2 will alwavs rank as the first and most charmingly successful social and artistic affair In the historv of Sk.igway. It was a labor of love on the part of the ladies, and through their untir ing zeal and energy thev were able to net the total of *200, which will go to the fund for furnishing the church. The offi- , cers of this Ladies' Aid Society are: Pres ident, Mrs. Hillory; vice president, Mrs. Battin; treasurer, Mrs. Ford. The ladles wisely appointed Mrs. H. E. Battin a* gen eral chairman of the festival, and thev are unanimous in their declaration that the great financial success bf the affair was ex clusively due to her splendid management. Elaborate preparations were made for decorating Piesbyterlan hall and erecting the several booths, and by Monday even ing, Mav Day, :he festival burst into bloom like a flower garden of buds thai had been imperceptibly coming to a head. The hall was tastefully arched and fes tooned with evergreens, with cozy booth? on all sides, each trimmed in gay distinc tive shades or colors. Kach of these boo'hs was a "thing of beauty," protect ing beauty, In which ait veiled utllitv so cunningly that a golden harvest was the result. On entering the hall the eve was attracted to the brilliant colors of the lan terns and sunshades of the Japanese gar Jen In the back of the hall 011 the stage. In the center of this stood the gaily rib boned May pole. Here Mrs- Ford, aided by Miss Bertha Sehlbrede, Miss Water house and Miss Brow er, 'Three little maids from school," in lovely Japanese jostumes, served tea, wafers and smiles to ill fortunate enough to find places at their ' little bamboo tables. Had the young Mi k?do, traveling incognito, wandered into Ihis garden, who kmws which of thejthree might have been invited to share his throne The flower booth, a beautiful green and ivhite bower, also proved most attractive, lor the reason that natural flowers are a arity In Skagway in winier, and these lad been imported from Seattle. The re mit was that thev were all sold long be 'ore the evening was over. This booth ivas in charge of Mrs. Frank Burns, and he first evening Misses Cora Lewis and Jlanche Sherpv assisted in disposing of j he plants, flowers and boutonnleres, and , ?ecured prices that would soon have en iched a Puget sound florist. Here, how- , iver, and on such on occasion, and received rom such fair hands, they would have >een cheap at double the price. Then the lower stand became a lemonade well, and . jaid, if not quite so well, still very well. 1 Over the annex door stood this chilling . egend, "Ice Cream." That room, beauti- j ullv trimmed in white and evergreens, | proved all too small for the crowds and patrons who waited their turn. This toorn ,vas in charge ot Mrs. N. K. Wilson and Miss Dickey, and had a retinue of assist ints, namely, Miss Block, Miss Esteile Slock, H. Ci. Kline, Mr*. B. Johnson, Mrs. | Hostetter and Mrs. Bradley. Also Messrs. Diemat, Edwards and Mock, with Mr. Nlcodemus in the supply room. One of Ihis coterie, a poetical "cuss." decorated the wall with this prophetic suggestion: " You'll scream. And I'll scream, When you taste Our ice cream." Reluming to the lull from these "nine imus.'s" the seeker after more nectar sought the Candy boith, a fairv land of tweets in white and lavender with clematis in bloom twining the pillars and arches so Natural that one man was caught attempt ing to break off one of the flowers from its stem, but as wire wouldn't break he Iropped it and squared himself by buying *2 worth of candy. This booth was in :harge of five fairies in white an I violet, <nown In every day life as Miss Grace Laird, Miss Helen Kurd De Succa, Miss Everest, Miss and Miss Johnston, such irresistable solicitors cai'ld have sold inything, even Atlin mines, and the result was that thev soon disposed of their large stock of delicious candies, most of which was mads by themselves and friends. The last but not the least attractive of tbe five booths was the one to the left ot the entrance, in yellow and green, devoted to the sale of curios and photographs. This collection ot art treasures was ar ranged by Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Church and Mrs. Bogardus, and were assisted by Miss Edn i Sengfelder and Miss Marie Church. This lovely work was a symphony in yel low, suggested bv one of Whistler's fa mous exhibits where a yellow background so enhanced his charming etchings. It was lighted from its canopied top bv elec tricity, and the beautiful Indian baskets and pictures with whleh the walls of the booth were hung, seemed more like art decorations than wares for sal?. Miss Sengfelder and Miss Church, the fair young hostesses of this miniature art pal lace were kept ver> busy entertaining their many triends from whom they secured sub stantial results in exchange for their wares. Before 8 o'clock last Monday evening the hall was crowded, and in spite of themanv beautiful things to look at there, every one was eagerly watching for the arrival of the May Queen and her attendants. The May pole procession was formed at Mrs. Hillerv's and had been arranged by Mrs. Church. A passage was opened through the dense crowd by the handsome little pages stretchirg white ribbons from the door to the stage. While the orchestra ; plaved the triumphal march the wreath crowned procession of May pole dancer* entered, headed bv fcur damtv little (lower fairies: Doris Ford. Mabel Pearce, Lena White and Elinor Leslie, gowned in pink, yellow, green and pale blue, carrying bas kets of flowers scarcely less beautiful than themselves. Then came the maids ot honor Minnie Frank, Nellie McGee, Edna West, Cecil McGee, Lottie Carmlchael ind Ethel Pillman. These formed an arch with their wands through which the white robed May Queen, Emma Sehlbrede, passed followed by the Queen of the Fairies, Mi?s Prather, and the dancers. A|| were then beautifully grouped around and in front of the May pole, after which the maids ot Honer sang their: tirrrllnf Ik* .liar Quern. (Words by Walter Church.) "All hail our Qu*n? our May Queen! I The sunlight Is her smile, The flowers are her laughter,] Her songs our hearts beguile. Thev echo in the crystal brook And in the robin's voice come, let us greet our May Queen And merrily rejoice. "The flowers chase the fleeting snow Far up the greening hills Flowers, flowers, everywhere Our laughing Mav Queen wills. Her sunnv smile shines in our hearts, And flowers blossom there Come, let us cr. wn our Mav Queen, ' The fairest of the fair." Then the pink-robed Queen of the ! Fairies crowned the lily-white Queen of t May, who very prettily responded? I "No queen of May, my royal maids, Was e'er so blest as I;] Such greetings from such loving hearts Would every grief defv. May sunshine ever fill your heart*, And flowers bloom for you; Miv good deeds ever crown your lives And keep vou kind and true. Be each of you a royal queen, And all your gifts employ To brighten sorrow-shaded lives, And fill vour own with joy. "Your Queen greets all her loving sub jects and now declares our spring festival )pened in due form. "May the memory of this night ever shine in our hearts'like jewels In a crown. "Let the May pole dance begin." As the Queen seated herself upon her royal throne, the graceful little dancers, without a mistake, went through the beau llful mazes of the May pole dance in a way that was a great credit to themselves ind the ladies who had drilled them so patiently, namely Mrs. Redmond, Mrs. Pe rce. Mrs. Burns and Miss Prather. Mrs. Brackett presided at the piano during the Mav pole dance by the followimg twelve little girls: Stella Ford, Lucille Taylor, Susie Frank. Florence Suffeecoal, Bertha Bracket, Dorothv Winslow, Edith Spencer, Belle Bums, Lulu Pravther, Mabel Oth mer, Katherlne Brackett and Neomie De Witt. The pages were Frank Marburger and Emmit Felix. The Mav pole dance is a relic ut an ancient religious festival which maidens of the old world enjoyed ages before the Py ramids of Egypt were built. It has lost its signlfic nee but retains its beautv, and it was never given more delightfully than bv Skagway's daintv little maids. The following musical programme was rendered and every singer encored: Song? "The Soldier's Who Died on the Maine." Encore, "In the Baggage Car Ahead," E. Prather. Baritone Solo? "Answered." Encore, "The Armorer's song from Robin Hood," Mr. Diffin. May Song? "I Knew a Little Jirl, but I Won't Tell Where." Encore, "Phil's 8e; cret," Mrs. Brackett, Bass Solo? "Bevond." "Bring Back My Child. Good Sea." Encore, by special re quest, Whitney's "Drinking Song," Mr. Holmquest. The accompaniments were played by Mrs. Cleminger and Miss Webster. From first to last the entertainment was a gre t honor to Skagway and to the good women, under the management of Mrs. Battin and Mrs. Ford, who assisted in bringing it to such gratifying success. But whatever they undertake is certain to suc ceed, for their cultivated taste, their en ergy and perseverance always deserve suc cess To those who knew Skagwav as "a tent village on the trail to White Pass" it is difficult to realize that such an enter tainment ms that Mav Dav Festival was possible. The following were the receipts of the several booths during the two nights ot the festival: Ice cream t tl 85 Flower booth 44 80 Candy booth 5} *5 Souvenirs rj 75 Japanese booth 14 40 Door receipts 25 on Total net receipts Siqq 65 1 ? ? ? I loorf-milrr. Cupid reigns supreme in Alaska as he does in the States, and when loveis seek Alaska to better their fortunts the little God of Love soon coaxes the sweethearts to follow and share the trials of life in true lover's style, The steamer cottage City brought one of these brides-elect which re sulted In a happy union at the Fifth street house last Friday evening, JVUv 5, 1899, betw<en "Two souls with but a single thought, "Two hearts that beat as one." Tne fortunate couple were Miss Leila AJii Miller, daughter of Mrs. E. J. Miller, of Golden Gate, California, and Mr. Fred Bla-ne Flood, the popular division engineer of the White Pass & Yukon railway and a resident of Skagway. Mr. Flood has been here since July, 1898, coming here from California, where he has held respon sible positions In charge of large Irrigation works. It was a prettv wedding characterized by simplicity and attended bv a select few friends ol the bridegroom. The ceremony took place about ic:)o, Rev. J. A. Dfcdair pronouncing them "man and wife." The charming bride, becomingly gowned In imythist and cream bengaline ?llk, was attended by Miss Grace McFarland as bridesmaid, and the biidegroom by Hon. John Hislop, mavor of Skagway, as best man. After the usual congratulation a wed ding supper was given which was attended by the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Flood, Rev. J. A. Sinclair, Mavor John Hislop, Miss McFarland, Miss Buck, Miss Ford, Dr. F. B. Whiting, M. J. Henev and P. G. Copelind. Toasts to the lovely bride and to the ladies present were pro posed by Rev. Mr. Sinclair and Mayor Hislop and responded to by Mr. Flood. A profnslon of potted plants and flowers decorated the room and the Seattle Mando lin Club discoursed sweet music through out the feast of good things. The bride was the recipient of numerous rich presents from California and else where. Mr. C. Stratton, who for the past two fears has been foreman of the Alaska Miner, Juneau, arrived in Skagwav last Monday. Mr. Stratton is accompanied bv lis wite and children and Intends making ikagway his home. He has leased one of he handsome cottages recently built bv Philip Snyder on upper Broadway. ? * * YaUotMrUjr. Last Wednesday morning a very quiet jut exceedingly prettv wedding took place it the Fltth street house. Mr. Mell Yates ind Mrs. B. Seerley were the contracting jarties. The bride had just arrived on the Ilty of Seattle and the groom is one of he best known and most popular gentle nan in Skagwav. Rev. J. A. Sinclair of iciated- The DAILY ALASKAN extends :ongratulfctions, * ? * qulun.D?o?au. Miss Ella Donovan and Mr. Edward ^ulnn were married last Sunday afternoon it tht realdence of Mr. John Qulnn on Klfth avenue by Rev. Father Tumell. Mr. ind Mrs. Qulnn left the same afternoon on :hc Humboldt. They returned vesterdav >n the Laurada and will make Skagwav ihelr home. ? ? ? Mr. Claud A. Pauley, formerly of Skag wav but n?\v a.'fsluent of Atlln, and Miss Lulu Bell, of Spokane, were married in thiscitv last e.ening, Miss Bell having arrived on the Laurada. Rev. J. A. Sin clair was the officiating clergymen. The happv couple will leave Mondav for Atlln, which is to be their future home. ? ? ? Mr:.. Clara J Smith, who has been In the city for two weeks, will leave Monday for Haines, where she goes to act is agent for the Pacific Express company. Mrs. Smith is the mother of J. 1C. Smith, for merly on the DAILY ALASKAN staff but now a representative citizen of Haines. ? ? ? Miss Cora Lewis, the pioneer stenogra pher of Skigway, who has so long been connected with the law firm of Price & Stevens, will this week open up an office for herself in the building formerly occu pied by R. Diehl, on Fifth avenue. ? ? ? Mrs. George L. Rice, who has not been enjoying the best of health lately, intends leaving shortly tor arf extended tour of California. Mr<. Rice Is a most estimable ladv and has many friends who wish her "bon voyage." ? ? * Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Bauer, who have spent the last five months in Oregon and California, returned on the laM trip of the Cottage City and express themselves as delighted to be once again in Skagway. Mrs. L. M. Tompkins and her son Wal ter arrived on the Cottage City and will spend the summer visiting her mother, Mrs. Hillary. She was also accompanied by her brother, Horace Hlllarv. ? ? ? Mrs. A. P. Mead, who has been visiting In Juneau tor the past few weeks, returned on the Cottage Citv. She was accompani ed by Mrs. Tooley and daughter, who will make Skagwav their home. * ? ? Mrs. L. E. Whitehead and daughter( Miss Reha, arrived on the last Cottage Citv. Miss Whitehead has accepted a position as stenographer in the liw office of Price & Stevens. ? ? * Attorney S. L. Lovell. who returned last week from a visit to Portland, On, agree ably surprised his many lady friends bv coming home a bachelor. ? ? ? The wife and children of Deputv-col lec tor Andrews arrived on the last trip of tlw Citv of Seattle, and are at present domiciled in the Svlyester building. ? ? ? Dr. 0. Siddall, a prominent dentist and capitalist of The Dalle*, Or., arrived last Sunday on the Humboldt. He left Wed nesday morning for Atlin. Concluded on Fag8 *