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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
Daily Alaskan OEORUE w. DE SUCCA. Ac poet or. K, H. WIIHUM, - t:i?ITOH. T. ?. v>?- Mfcrllilm Published every morning. Subsrciption ? J1 Cents Per Week. SCNDAV? MAY . - 7th. 1W?. There is no disguising the ta?.t that Postmaster Sampson is a helpless cripple, ?>> tar as his lower limbs are concerned. He nas to he carried from his room at the hotel to the postoffice.then tarried into the building and seated in a from which he cannot move until again helped out in the same manner as before. Mr. Sampson is evidently making a strong effort to hold down his 10b, and there is not a citizen Mho is not willing that he shield, and even forgive him his willful neglect of thisof fice. providing lie can give the community the service that Skagwav's present and growing importance demands, and which she must have. Mr. Sampson's interview will be found in our local columns He is prolific in promises, but somewhat ambig uous in them, and like the winded prize nghter, he appears to be sparring for time. He suv? what everybody already knows too well that he needs more help, and that as soon a* the "change takes place" he will have two extra men in the otfice. The change he refers to is the classification of the office trom a fourth to a third class. That was made April I and th? ofti.ial not ification of that ..lunge was received in Skagwav and published at the time in the DAILY Alaskan. Therefore Mr. Samp son's statement th it he might get two ex tra men "w lien the c lunge takes place" requires elucidation. In other words, it Ji*sn.>t fit with existing tj?ts, anj it looks as if Mr. Sampson proposed to continue his old game of throwing sand into the eves of our people ind use this expected change, uhkh has alreadv been made, and these prospective extra men who may I'evet com \ as a sto^k excuse to arpe.ise the wrath ot ur long-suffering citizens and thereby hold his office and keep on feeding at the public .rib at the expense of thi this citv?* business. The citizens have .1 right t l?mand g >od postal setvice. the best that 1 third-class office will give and <a huh the ^ >\ eminent has provided for. It now :eina i:s t - the postmasterto do his full d.;tv. Excuses and delavs are nc longe' '-Jer. These have alreadv beer t.v ? ,mr- > and t" the detriment ot Skag' way's commercial interest. The office de ma; Js 1 Ktive nun, physically as well a mentallv. a man of executive ability with torce of vhar.ute: to overcome obstacle? ind in isle- the situation. It Mr. Sampson believes h:mse.f to be possessed of thes< gualincations li? n .v has the opportunity to exercise them a-id the people will pa tientlv w lit. but nlv a very brief period longer ' 1 radical change that must com and must ' be delayed too long. OIITHI II tl.ASht UOMIIK. From j s^enk j J artistic standpoint lit countrv in the i-ld . in compare witli Alaska either in \ :ite - rmer srenery The much-vaunted scene-v ol Swit. erla-.J :s d? ir??J into ills gQlficttce Wbr'i place ' ?n ?. imparisor v? Uk >ne vast, extcn> ? ? j J ?verva'ving inJ chinging \ie?* *i strike and avu* the beholder I - r t. of miles m this c<*nitr. Nature in \ IS ci i.>'.j?tly p iving tr... - a m ? r?pf ' in ^ >.ossai r ? 1 > v n , readily recognized a-> : he handiwork. ! nun. Several of tlie?e abound in anc around bk-igway, and - I the latest dis covered and most unique in point of strik ing character is a gigint . waterfall oil tlx creek across the bav wheie the new strik* was maJe a week ag", which is a dea^ representation of thetull - unded back of . woman's head, the running tfater torminj the loose hair falling over her shoulder with a distinctness that s striking. Th< outline of the head, iscleverlv detineJ with the face apparently turned slightly to the right, lejving the right shoulder and back covered with the dishevelled hair well ex posed. A beautiful photograph of this freak of nature was taken by Hegg, the photographer, of this citv, and adds an other to the manv natural wonders ol Alaska. When photogiaphed the surfact water over the fails was still frozen anil had a fringe of thin itystalized icicles im mediately over the running water that look like lace work and which adds t< the oddity of the woman's head. I h< photograph is a great cunositv and wil add another to the manv alreadv discov ered in Alaska. I> I III: I. I' or ?HMIH. OIJ Boreas is making a desperate eftori lo maintain his supremacy over Alask. and yeMef Jay's blast, accompanied with rain, snow and sleet, appeared like thi last struggles of a dying giant, flu Queen of Mav and her sprites, however are too strongly entrenched in the lap ol spring, and in a few davsshe will m;;ke sortie that will bring out the warm sun shine and its lite-giving power and dr v< back to the cavems of the Arctic regioi Boreas and his hordes of death-dealiiu imps. The month of Mav so far has nol been as gentle as was the month of April It has been raw, damp and an uncomforta ble medium between cold and warm, mak ing winter clothing too heavy and making it unsafe to change to lighter garments. The month is still ill its infancy, howeverj and will have plenty of opportunity to re deem its well-known record for giving life and beautv to all nature, . inmate ;>nd in animate, so we can all afford to coirt the waim corners for a few more davs and wait patiently for settled warm weather. The Ross Higgin*> Co. desire to mtorm the public that in future thev will give special attention to the hotel and restaurant trade, in addition to their regular whole sale business J-4'4t All wool dress suits medium price, at Clayton Si Co. Big Shipment Groceries Just Received 50 Tons Just Received con sisting of Rex Hams and Bacon, St. Charles Cream Sugar and Butter. Miners and prospectors are invited to submit lists for figures. JOHN KHLEM Exclusive Wholesale Grocer* Corner 5th & Broadway Moore Cafe New Management. FIRST -CLASS IX EVERY PARTICULAR. Must Centrally I-ocatxi Restaurant in the City. Kvervthintf in Seaaon. Service Unsurpassed. MRS DESMUND, Proprietor Rooms for Ladies. Sprint; Beds 50c HOUSE... Haines, Alaska. MINERS BOUND FOR THE PORCUPINE CAN USD FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS HERE. MIIK t: lO I KKIIITOH?. Notice is herebv given bv the under signed administrator of the estate of Sam uel Gould, deceased, to the creditors and all persons having claims against said de ve.i?ed, to exhibit them with the necessary \ ouchtn ?% ithin six months after the pub I c 1: >n of this rot ice. at the office of Price A Stevens, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of the said estate m the Citv of Skagway, District of Al.iskj. I )ated this 2is> dav of April, A. D. iSqq. C. S. moody, Administrator. I'ate of first publication April 21, i8qq. I or Hargaln* < io to H. C. Smithsons, on Third street, Mween Broadway and State. 8x10 tents, $5 50. Leather top rubber packs, boots .ind slvws, jnd general outfitting. Two waffM,!!) ach. 5-J-ini Pur Sale? Two Steam Boilers. AppU tlkSt Hotel. 166-1 m Show at Cheney's Boston store. attle Steamship Co. OPKRAT1NU S. LAURADA Office oil Broadway Ntar R.'R. Depot Ed. Tonkin. General Agen THE wiiiiteiiiiiii Pacific an J Arctic Railway and Nav-Coj British C'olumbia-Yukcn Railway Co. I IME TABLE. In effect April 17, 1899. *Lv Skagwav 4 a.m. I Ar. Summit 7 a.m. 8 a.m. " " 9.50 a.m. I " " _ J p.m. I '* " 4 p.m. Lv Summit 10:30 a.m ] Ar Skg'v 12:10 p.m ?" " 10:40 a. m " *' 1:1; p.m 1 ? " " 5 p.m I ?* " 7 p.m | 'Mixed train. 100 Pounds Baggage Free Full Information 'egarjing rates cheer fully furnished bv any of our agents. E. C. Hawkins L. H. Gray. (Jen. Mgr. Gen. Traffic Mgr LAUMEISTER BROS. LEADING BUTCHERS Hollv Street. Skagwav Now employs the only scientific SAUS AGE MAKER n town. Finest flavored sausage of all kinds a specialty. Fresh >ef, pork and mutton received on every j fverv steamer. Free dellvtry. The White Pass Cigar* Store AUGUST BIK, PROP Sell the following brands Cigar* Ceneral Arthur El Belinont El Palonoia Hoffman House Hotel Hruiww iek Caluraet Bouquet La Sineeridad I ni ported La Africa HOLLY ST. NEAR BROADWAY. G. SCHNEIDER Packer and Forwarder tioods delivered to the Summit. LoK' Cabin and Atlin with promptness and 1 guaranteed condition. Offllce? Bay View Hotel. THE GREAT HEALER tor OXYGENOR KING Conquors Spinal Meningitis, Fevers, Catarrh, Paralysis, Plueuresy and indeed all Di seases not requiring surgical operation. It s Nature's rem edy and the Familv Uo:tor It Is an effective blood purifier 200,000 people have been cured by Oxvgen Treatmedt J. D. MURPHY, Agent, Hotel Astoria. Lightering and Packing In connection with daily boat* from Skagwa) good* can be landed and packed through to the Porcupine District* By Competent Hand* \V. A. BIGELOW and CAPTAIN COOK, Prop*. | Alaska Flyer* : Seattle Direct in &> Hoar. OfBce* Hacitlc Clipper Line. + E. W. Johnston ? Agen Royal Laundry g -FOOT OF McKINNE Y SUH:!. teTSpecial Bath Accommodations for Ladies. Most elegantly furnished and thoroughly equipped bathing house in Skagway Open day and night. Short order laundry a specialty. G. A. ANDERSON. uargest Stock in skag way HARDWARE Shelf Goods, Stoves, Tin and Graniteware, Paints. Oils, Glass, Sash and Doors. Prospectorsloutfits a Specialty. Tents. Can vas, Rifles, Guns and Ammunition. Alaska Light & Power Co. rm ELECTRIC LlfillT For Business and Residence purposes Office and Power Station: J. M. Winslow, Mgr. Rond Street, Near Main. THP TTT an hat t a n Id* l*n<1|&: 1 H b III Everything New. Fresh / fl new invoice arriving on f every steamer. Twenty 1 -.rOCPTV tons just received. Special x to buyers and all outfitting for the mines. Provisions all kinds, including every variety of dried fruit at low rates George Sexton, Mgr Free Clrcul iting Library and Reading Room for out patrons NEW HOME S?.2Efc5rH5 Broad war. RESTAURANT'"*"" "l* ^=>_Lodging House tMJStJ BERNMOrrCR You Can SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR Sleds, Tents, Yukon Stoves, Hardware. Tin ware. Granitware. Ice Creepers. GOLD PANS AND PICKS AND SHOVELS Stoves Made to Order. All Kinds of Job Work done on short notice. 5th Near Broadway. AT VINING'S McLennan, McFeeley & Co. (Ltd) Wholesale I- 153 f^z^Shelf and, and Retail1 IdlUWdrt Heavy Etc Metals, Stoves, Tin and Enamel Ware etc. Vancouver. B. C. " The Bank " Formerly the Pack Train Saloon. Geo L. Rice.&iCo Sixth and Broadway H. fclitz Tent Co. Awnings mailt) to order for windows anil Manufacturers doors on residences and titore fronts. "Keo|> Cool nnd enjoy life." Tents, lings. Covers. 1,000 tents in stock, sizes from 5x7 to LUx-IO. Any size tent or cover made to ordor, A line line of gum covers, hunt ing hags, mail bags nnd other canvas specialties. M.TELITZ TENT CO. PRftdDWdT NEdK HOLLY Skagway Brewing Comp'y. The Skaguay Brewing Co. are now turning out a su perior article of Beer. Their product is absolutely unex celled. Your attention is especially called to their Bottled Beer. Fatuny Trade solicited. ANK I'OR RED STAR TAKE NO OTHER W. K. MATLOCK, Prealdent. R. C. SMITH. Secretary and Treasurer ! Try a Want Ad Results Sure Lilly Bros. Skagway, Log Cabin, Bennett. Grain, Flour, Provisions LUMBER and SHINGLES Star A Star M Rustic *20? t22 M Rough ?i5@ t20 M New stooic Pacific lipper Line Just Received. Broadway and 3rd avenue City Brewery CHAM. A. X % % R f:, I'rop Manufactures of Steam and Lager Beer i Made of the Purest anj Best, Hops' and Malt EST BOTTLED BEER MADE IN ALASKA. ecial attention given to FAMILY TRADP. Alain Street, betweenjHolly and Shoup. \ I Skagway Coal Co. Uillman=.r i Wellington ^oai Our coal is Sacked and we deliver to any part of the city. All Coal sold by weight Hav and Grain Broadway and Second Avenue HOORE'S WHARF CO. OPERATING '1UK MOORE WHARF AT SK ACS WAY BAY, ALASKA. Seven hundred and fifty feet deep water frontage. Sheltered from the hl(fh wind* of Lynn Canal. The only Wharf at which ve? of lar^i- tonnage can lay and diKchartfe at any and all time*, IMT For further Information apply at office oo \ K. A. Bauer The Largest GENERAL HERCHANTS And YUKON i ATLIN OLINIffRS IN ALASKA Boots Shoes, Rubber and Oiled Goods of all Kinds. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Hats, Caps, Cured Meats, Groceries, Glassware Tinware, Crockeryjand Woodenware. Ouf $.103: Y? Sell Goods Out* \lotto: TO Please OU? p^TgOIS'S ... tin i Mil ul Miig | (is i Our Experience Enables Us to Give Satisfaction With every Order Sold H. A. BAUER BRUNCH STORE AT CYEA Hollv St