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jfcORNINa *? . . %KI??:%1 C'lKt t I.ITIOV i w ?** ?'* *>p*? to imvmIMh X * ,in * ? *r*?r CirvttUtkM than all* T THE DAILY ALASKAN. Till i?Ait* Alaskan will lotrodue* jroo to mil tilt people wort:, d nowiuK li? ,<?* rr home ?very nwiylnf. ? f)()Q fiNun.ber who rrad it dally PRICE 10 CENTS : The Largest And Finest Hotel in Alaska. TMB H?TBL. Kiiim|n?mu IMmi. A ?' i Modern Improvements. Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. BONO ST SCT. BROAOWAY ANO RUN"4LLS ::::::::: ) . 0 ...aitoi-tabl* Roorni P??i>or*5? ei NO BAR? MO BUNK* W?nt? KolUltad i Golden North Hotel ^ A First-CUss Mo'el ^ " Kates Reasonable 2 fhos. W bitten. Manager. Bond Street, b*lw?ti Main anj S' te !?????< ???? VI t? III ? l?l?lf? ? >pft 111 Altvmivn ??Mm tl -I li? *? Ihr Wmr) ELECTRIC blOHTS : *o. _ Ian I riizpah Mouse Mk. and Mm. A. f Mkad, I'koprikt.i ?; Formerly oJ Mi T?bor,(>?.> Cor 5th Av. bet. Broad wav and t>te <lpp*?ilr ? l>? Hull Prices 25c to 50c Skiijjway, ? t.-ka Kver* ' Kir*M .?? Kleetrlc Li* . ..ud ' ? ? BelU I ST. JAMES HOTEL k? ' 1*5 | Cor'er Fourth Avenue and k --Jf~ h- Oi>;> Fire t*n* Rate# K ? :n Va?k:t p* Mink-rate OCCIDENTAL HOTEL [European Plan] ERNEST F MILLER. M?n,ger iV-t appointed hotel t "?'< Elegantl) ftiruiihod. E.eetr;.- I.ikjht-. < 'oinfortnMv heated. Klne. large warm lobby. u? -'orATLlN-K ? >MHKE MINERS KeanonableTenn* : Lake View Hotel ? Lake Bennett. B. C. ? X K A ^ Everything tir?t-ola??. Elegant I-'ur ? S Near steaml>oat landing*. ? II, ... - M - Ral roadA taakMBta Terni? reasonable ?&>-? ?MI83KE F. F. CLARK. PROPRIETOR The Pacific Hotel f iirtpmii PI?M. I itth avpr r Vjr M i?n C W Klippel. Manager. Uaf lie -v Most Comfortable I >cl 1 1 1> Rooms In the City II Hn% Kl I. MKIttl ?Vt ALAftftA. LODGING JV BO AtD FtR MtAL ?5<- HtufclK *5.0 HOTEL WI6KSTR0M Beard and Lodging per week 16 and Is. 70 Johnson i> errae, Near old Kostoftue. NO B Atf See the High Flag Pole Rainier Hotel <& Restaurant jti BROADWAY. K rank Hall. Prop. Excellent Meals &'> ernu. All the dehcacie* the market affords. Bext ohef? mi k>vni Handsomely furnished room*. Electric light-. city water ami hmt v -vurmodation* in the city SKAGWAY - ALASKA ? The MONDAMIN HANSEN A TEN N ANT. Prop?. Moat Modcru Hotel In Alaaka. Lighted. Svperior to any Hotel North of Seattle. ^ x T?. S. GRIFFIN R, DEALER S^>idO. ,nJ v.,,,, v. Skagway freight to Dawson ! Before Making arrangements to ship your goods down the Yukon please give us a call. We guaran tee you will save money by pat ronizing our scow to Dawson. Scows, Boats, all kinds of Lumber, Stoves, Ranges and Hardware for sale. Y. Y. T. Company, Lake Bennett, B. C. M. KING, Manager J. 5. Graham Tailored Gowns Is showing a mo?t invit iujr array Of n .w Tailored Gowns You have your choice of Tight-fitting and Fly-front style#, all in the new shape*. Sltiru. with train effect, and short, jaunty Jacket, or Tight-fitting Bodice, lined throughout with silk and marked by a finish and artistic elegance character istic of all goods carried byCRAHAM. We have a beautiful line of Cloth Skirts in Serge*. Broadcloths, and Alpacas. Iu4 Ik* HanKrr ? llrtf. "Say, Mister. this is Canadian money and I voulj'nl pass it, G ve me good Am- | encan money for it." said an excited wo man to Mr. Scott at the window of ihe Canadian Bank of Commerce a few days ago. presenting him with a bright five dol lar gold piece with the pronounced Ameri can spread eagle on it, lettering, dates and all clear and unmistakably "Yankee." I Mr. Scott examined the American gold piece critically, satisfied himself it was a puie coin, and suppressing an indinati m to smile enquired the name of the wise com mercial Solomon who had pronounced it "Canadian money." She gave him the name. "You are satisfied that this is Canadian money, .Madam?" "Of course, and I don't want it. Uiv; me good American money. I suppose vou won't go back on vtur own money, will yer? ' "Madam," said the cool banker, handing her a live dollar U. S. bill, "I shall be only too pleased to give vou five dollar bills for all such as this you can possibly bring j me. Dood dav, Madam." The woman walked out with her head up. looking as if she had brought up one | Cana lian with a round turn, and Mr. Scott, with a broad smile on his face and 1 the gold piece in his hind, concluded that : there was one man in Skagwav whose business acumen would never drive him to ' an insane asvlum, and that he had a com panion in a woman fullv equal to him in point of discernment. The joke comes in the fact that Canada issue* no gold coin of anv denomination. *lrai?rr? Dur In fori. The following steamer - are scheduled to J arrive on the dates named: Al-ki Thursday. May 1 1 Utopia Thursday, May u City of Seattle Saturday, May l) Tees Sunday. May 14 Orizaba Mondav, May ij Alpha Monday, May 15 Dirigo.. Tuesday, May 16 Laurada Wednesday, May 17 Cutch Wednesday, Mav 17 Humboldt Saturday, May 20 City of Topeka Saturday, Mav 20 Farallon Monday. May 22 Rosalie Monday. Mav 22 Amur Tuesday, Mav ij Danube Tuesday, Mav 2) Just received from the factory, fre?h stock of Lowne 's candies. Kelly & Co. 5-n-4t Bonbons and chocolates just from Boston. Lownev's name on everv piece. Kelly 4 Co. 511-41 Wholesale and Retail N. K. WILSON Druggist Iiargest Stock ^Physicians' Prescriptions garefully [ompunded Holly Ave, Near State. 1NMU IMOKI'OH l??? MERCHANTS BHNK OF $ HEAD OFFICE HHLIFRX. HALIFAX, N. S. I. E. KENNY, Pres. D. H. DC.VCA.N, oen Mgr. I Paid IIP Capital $1,500,000. . -i Rest $1,250,000. A General Banting Bu?ine? TranaacUid. Gold Dun'. Purchased Bill* of Exchange Bought and Sold. Corre?pondem? in Xew York, Honiou, Chicago, Mil Kntnciaco and Seattle. F. L. MURRAY, Manager H.'mif u Branch. in in i ? t urn ! Through Traffic Arrange ments Made TO ALL IN 1'fiKIOR POINTS I rom I'uffi Mound and rlllah Co lumbia Port# With Hrllnblt Nlftnuhlp and Ntraraboat pitulra. Including I'pptr Yukon and l,ak?i-HrhrduU of lrfl|lil and P?uru|?r Kal?a< i General Mana er Hawkins and General j Traffic Manager Crav, of the White Pass | & Yukon railroad, have entered into i through traffic arrangements with a num- 1 ber of reliable steamship companies ope rat- j ing between Puget Sound and British Co lumbia ports and Skagway, and reliable steamboats plving on the Upper Yukon | and lakes, to Interchange freight and pas- j ; senger traffic. This was done to meet the J strong competition now being made bv the I steamers on the St- Michael run. | During the season of '<>8 the passenger rates ranged from >250 to >350 Irom Seattle to Dawson, and the freight rates were on an average ot >300 per ton between the same points. The through traffic arrange ments alreadv mentioned will result in di verting hundreds of fons of freight and many passengers away from St. Michael through Skagway, the only practical gate | way into the interior ot Alaska and British j Columbia. PASSENGER RATES. The passenger rates are as follows: 1 From Puget Sound and British Colum bia ports to Dawson, Si 3; first class and >127.50 second class. Children over $ and under 12, half fare, 150 pounds of brggage free on each whole ticket and 75 on each half ticket. From Puget Sound and British Colum bia ports to Atlin, $75 first class and (47.50 second class. Children over 5 and under 12, half fare. 1 50 pounds of baggage free on eacij whnfc U-k* a?wl 7 5 fwjnds on each half ticket. These rates will be strong inducements for passengers to come to Skagway and must necessarily greatlv benefit the local 1 merchants and hotel keepers, as it is a well known fact that an argonaut going in'o the interior his never been known to come to Skagway without spending some money. Considering that hotel keepers in Dutch Harbor are making great prepara tions this year to entertain prospective ar gonauts going into the interior via St. Michael, they will be sorelv disappointed before the <eason is over when they learn from the outside world that the great bulk of the business has been turned to Skag by the efforts ot the White Pass & Yu kon railroad. FREIGHT RATES. Hie freight rates scheduled are ? fol lows, from Puget Sound and British Co lumbia ports and Atlin: In lots of less than ten tons, >100 per ton. In lots of over ten tons, too per ton. From Puget Sound and British Columbia ports to Dawson there are three classes of freight, viz.: First class, *160 per ton, will consist of all commodity s In lots of less than one half ton. Second class, ft 55 per ton, will consist of all commodities in lots of over ten tons. Third dasf, f 1 36 per ton, will consist of , special staple commodities in lots of ten or j more tons, such as beans, bacon, flour, | sugar, machinery, nail?, spikes, oats, feed, j lime, hams, ctc. LIVE STOCK. Prom Puget Sound and British Colum bia ports to Dawson, >82 per head tn lots ot not less than fourteen head, or car load. Considering that these rates are about t rve-half the charges that were in effect during tftgSIt should be gratifying to many large and small shippers as it will give the small outfitter a chance to ship his goods into the Interior and compete with the larger companies- The public is appreci ating this fact for It is already contracting with the White Pass & Yukon railroad to send its freight forward this way, for the reason that the company guarantees deliv ery during the early season of navigation. It is now a recognized fact that there are j 5000 tons of freight tied up on the lower Yukon which left Puget Sound and British Columbia ports tarlv in the season of '08, and the chances are slim that the majori'v j of these shipments will ever reach their j destination as there is great danger ol many of the boats being wrecked when the lea goes out. Another reason that Skag way should feel elated over the fact that I the great majority of freight and passrn gers will go into the interior this way in future is that in most case* men in charge accompany the shipment* and will spend money Ireelv while arranging to have their goods transported via the differ ent steamer connections, Messrs. Lokowitz, Estes, Thatcher. | Manlv and Steil, the committee on Mason ic organization appointed about a month ? ago by the Masons of Skagway, held .1 special mteting last evening and discussed at length the advisability of organizing a Masonic lodge. I he results were not fa- 1 vorable to such an organizetion, the con census of opinion being that conditions in I Skagway wete n t sufficiently settled to insure the permanency of a Masonic lodge, The population was still too much of a floating character and it would be difficult to Induce Masons to send for their demits to put them in a Skagway lodge. There were also so many difficulties In the way of getting a charter and expenses connect ed with the installation of officers, that for the present it was deemed l>est to recom- ! mend adversely to the pl?n. It was sug gested that a Masonic club might be regu- 1 larly organized and maintained on social lines, and these several views will be rec ommended at a meeting of the Masons to ' be held Frldav evening, May 19, In Estes' dancing hall on Main street n??r Uhw Christian Cndrnvor Convention. There is some talk among the member* of the local Christian Endeavor Society about having a convention of all the Alas ka Endeavor Societies in Skagway. There are societies at Juneau and Sitka, which, , with the local body, would make quite .1 . respectable gathering in i convention. Mr. Reid, of the Y. M. C. A. and an earnest ! worker In the Christian Endeavor cause, J thinks that the idea is a practical one and that it would do more to unite the young Christian people of Alaska than anything J else. Judge Sehlbrede believes in the idea and is willing to aid in any way to hel|> along the scheme. Miss Sehlbrede, presi dent of the Skigwav Christian Endeavor, is looking into the matter and will begin corresponding with the leaders of the work j in Sitka and Juneiu. Irrib .Ural for tlllii. Geo. H. Prescott, igent of N. P. Shaw, who came up from Victo'ia several days ago, left for Bennett yesterday. He is going to build a large slaughterhouse at Bennett, to which the N. P. Shaw Com pany, of Victoria, will ship live stock. This company has the contract for supply ing fresh meat to the Pacific Contract Company, and with the coming warm weather it was deemed best to slaughter the beef at Bennett. Mr. Prescott thinks a good market in the Atlin country- will be secured also in supplying all the boats on the upper river run. i , i, Di:r?HTni:xT of AiimcitTi'Bi!- wk*th kb mi Voluntary Obwrrirt MMuorologlol Record Skagwav, Alaska, April 1899. Latitude 69.5 N, Longitude 13J Time West 5 P. m. TfHWW'i PRECIPITATION 10 34 49 2* 5o! 33 54 32 49 3? 50 35 44 32 48 j 35 46, 31 16 2, SO 23' 48; 32 48| 37 48. 37 48! 34 8 E if 1 ijiW a j ! ove... nifht . :rc? .04 03 02 night .10 16j 4 P. M.I tree 1#! 64 00; 35 M 51 ! sa 4 401 I!1 11 14 26 16 28 26 16 9 14 13 15' 33! 24' n night .02 8 P. M. ? A. M, .39 - ^1 r s 2 N clear cloud v P. C. clear P. C. clear P. C. clear P. C. clear P. C. clear 32 31-5 31 5 31-5 at- 5 32 32 32 32 31-5 31-5 1 35-5 :w 35-5 36 I 35 : 34 SUMMARY: Mean maximum <30.2 Mean minimum 32.6 Mean .17.5 Maximum. Minimum JJ Number of tlear dav? '1 GEORGE SEXTON, Voluntary Observer. is nil 11 in i a Col. C. J. Eddy, of the C. M. & St. P. in Skagway. MAKES A FLYING VISIT In Knrr?rtlr Hall road nan Who k u Hiialnrai by III* IJoud foinr* r? ? Will Kflurn % K u I II Vr?l Mlllimrr. Cel. C. J- Eddy, general agent of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, with headquarters in Pol Hand, Ore., made a tlying visit to Skagway, arriving on the Rosalie and leaving again on the same steamer In the evening Colonel Eddy ;.imc in the interest of his road and to see for himself the advantages posses<?d bv rtkagwav. What he did see exceeded his anticipations. He came to Alaska about seven years ago, before Skagway was in existence, and his steamer only got as far as Chilkoot inlet. He expiessed himself as surprised at everything he saw here. He Mid: "I certainly never expected to find civil ization advanced to tbe point you have it here: Electric light; water power, tele phone and what-not. These surprise one. Then the extent of your business interests. Immense stacks of merchandise for which special warehouses are necessary, the large number of extensive business houses, and all doing a large business, these are the things that have more than surprised me, and I cert inly go away with j very dit ferent opinion of Skagwav and its possi bilities than I ever had before. It has been an educational trip throughout, and I shall have a great deal to sav to our people whe.i I get back, for I >hall be in a condi tion to speak intelligently from personal observation and not trom hearsay ' 'Skagwav is now known hll over the world and I was anxious to see what it looked like and its possibilities. The rail road hi* midr r mrr luwn a permanency and that of itself is a great inducement to capital, which is sure to find its wav here in course of time. One of these enter prises should be a large first-class hotel, well built and less on the shack order. Such a hotel would be a great advertise ment to the town, especially for tourists. That will all come, however. Skagwav up to the time of the completion of the railroad may be said to have been experi mental. That, however, is past, and vou want permanent structures in keeping with your permanent town. "Our company has kept track ot Alaska affairs for the reason that last year our road hauled an immense ?mcunt of Alas kan business, both passengers and freight: As soon as the Klondike excitement broke out I opened an office In Seattle, and it proved a profitable move We now handle much of the Alaska trade and do not pro pose to lose any of It." Colonel Eddv has promised to return to Skagwav wi lt his wife in July and will stay long enough to take a short trip into the Interior. The I ml" Piya m line of ftlfiy Unl. Inr* it it d Mill Ira. One week ago tomorrow this usual I v placid city was shaken from center to cir cumference with the report that a blood, curdling. vein-freezing murder had been attempted. Investigation on the part of the DAILY ALASKAN at that time went to show that two men, named respectively Joe Bunyan and fc"d. Drew, had Indulged in that sacred right of all free born i>r nat uralized American citizens, namelv, they differed. Thev not only differed but, in Georgia parlance/'they done wrapped." In the mix-up Bunyan's face is said to have tven used by Drew as a cuspidor. Evidentlv Bunyan then thought of the old motto: "He who would expect to rate as a gentleman, must not expectorate in my face." In view of these circumstances and conditions Bunvan is alleged t? have wr pped a glass pitcher around Drew's neck 'n a manner not observed by loving ni thers orteachersof kindergarten schools. Later Drew went outside the building and passed a few rocks through a glass door at Bunyan, when the latter reciprocated by rushing out with a hatchet and attempting to touch Drew on the cranium in no en dearing terms. He missed fire on this, for tunately. As a result Drew went to a hos pital and Bunyan went to jail. Yesterday afternoon was the time set for the trial of the prisoner, who appeared with a bl. nd smile. Drew appeared with his head in a sling. But the trial was a brief affair, much to the ehagrin of a few dozen scandal mongers who had congregat ed in Judge Sehlbrede's office, expecting to hear and witness a rare treat. Lawyers J. G. Price and C. S. Blanket' appeared respectively in behalf of the common wealth and defendant. The charge of ''assault with a deadly weapon" was withdrawn, being substituted with that of "assault and batterv." To the latter the prisoner pleaded guilty and the Judge im posed a fine of Ijo and costs, amounting In all to >62, which was paid. Justice was appeased and drew's head I* r .pidlv healing. Blankets, dirt cheap, at Clavson's,