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^VORNINq ?... ? tK).MT Cmrii.ATIMj 4 O* k H . ?? ?I*?V? VfM to ^ *?<a rmw* Urg?r viuulttion than j < ^ ot!"e A ?>*< p?F?r? < THE DAILY -Jgp^r ALASKAN. VOL II. NO. 2o3 SKAQWAY, ALASKA. FRIIiAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1899 Tin iMnv Alaikak will Introduce 700 toalllht people worll. ?nowiii*. In Vv rv home every morning. C QjUl Nunilwr who read It d?lly "l*? PRICE 10 CENTS : l'be largest And Finest Hotel in Alaska. THE H?TBLo > Kitropcau 1*1 nii. All Modern Improvements. Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. BONO ST BET. BBOAOWAY ANO BUNNALLS : : : : : : r: : ::::: :t Ua.? ^^cotortabl* Room. r.tior.j. et BtiilMt ?!? MO 9?R-f?0 BUf?K?. tdenta SolUlt.d vi olden North Hotel ,a- A First-Class hotel Kates Reasonable X Fhos. Win en. Manager. h-vi Street, between Main anJ V te OCCIDENTAL HOTEL [t iroieaa I 'Ian] ERNEST F t-.'LLER. Manager U*-?t appoint ?>: hotel in -?kitw: ?'n} Klejfantlv fa i . shcil. Eleetru- I.itfh'-. t'omh ibiv 4' ,.e, lurjfr warm lohb\. a .a.. ? ???: ? \ l>l K E M : \ '.i . ? Itcajt'iiablc T.tiih imn::':' ???????' Ev?r\t .4 Kirst-CU- Electric LI/.. and _ ? 'iM? .. I ST. JAMES HOI EL j Corner Fo.irth Avenue and S'a'e T ??'?n v Fire I'ruo Rate# I; in Ahu>ka Moderate NEW HOME ??5fc5r? Broadway. RESTAURANT "" .Lodging House niJSiJ PERNMOPrCR Horn* ni?il? ? il Ulriillun '?lien ? I .< !<?? *? Ibr \% ran BbBCTRIC UIOHTS i'ortlan I nizpah House Mr XI- - A. I* :'u iI'RICTiiks ? ?MyolM I? ? ) Cor Vi A . . .<toailwa> and tate >1 r->?> * l'h| Mall Prices 25c to 50c Skajfway, A'aska The Pacific Hotel ntth avenue Near Mjin .Street. CNV Klippel. Manager. D,,f Uc v. Most Comfortable Dell 1 13 7K Rooms In the City II K*l% HI <IK lU llt Rainier Hotel <& Restaurant li J BROADWAY. Frank Hall. Prop. Kxoelki t M?wl* 3-". c*nt?. All the delicacie* the market affords Ken cliffs ? . ^lovcil Handsomely fiinmhed rooms. Electric light*, cite water an<l l?-t ni oommixlations in the city SKAGWAY - ALASKA LOlXtINO 25s BO ADD HH MEAL 35s- PtFuElK ?S 0 HOTEL WICKSTR0M Board and Lodging per week $6 and Is. 70 J ,hr,s :i avenue. Near old Ko?tofh>.e. NO BaK bee the High Flag Pole The MONDAMIN. . . . X 1 1 AN SEN * TENNANT, F?ro|*. ? ft* Mom ) 0 ru Bold in Alaska. ? Ivctr.f . 'I. Svperior to any Hotel North of Seattle. I MERCHANTS BANK OF HHLIFHX. -I -l.t.l n Til "kl|->i">iaifc> C: )<??? IMIIHI'OHtriU IN?M HKAD OFFICE HALIFAX. N. s. I. E. KENNY. Pre*. D. H. DCNCAN, Oen. Mgr. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Rest $1,250,000. A General Banxmg Bu*in>"v? Tniiuictnl. Gold Dust Purchased. Bill* of Exchange Bought and Sold. Correspondent* In New York. Howton. Chicago. San FrancUco and Seattle. F. L- MURRAY, Manager Bennett Branch. freight to i Dawson! ? I Before Making arrangements to ship your goods down the Yukon please give us a call. We guaran tee you will save money by pat ronizing our scow to Dawson. Scows, Boats, all kinds of Lumber, Stoves, Ranges and Hardware for sale. Y. Y. T. Company, Lake Bennett, B. C. M. KING, Manager Ladies' Wrappers in Percale, Gingham and Sateen, in all the new col ors and patterns made with in side vest, extra wide skirt Canadian Bank ? Commerce Head Office Toronto, Onta.iu CAPITAL, $6,000,000. Rest, $1,000,000 Branches in Dawson City and Atliu. SKAGWAY AGENCY. Gold Oust Purchased. Exchange on all points Bought and Sold. Current accounts Received, a general Hanking Business Trans acted. A. SCOTT. Agent. I Jack A. Paine, who until recently was the Skagway agent of the Chilkoot tram, has resigned that posltbn and accepted the position of general agent of the Red Line Transportation Company with haadquart ers in Skaeway. He has secured the office formerly occupied bv the Pacific Clipper Line on Broadway which he will occupy while in town- He will have charge of the passenger and fteight matters of the Red Line Company, which is connected with the White Pass & Yukon Railroad Company from the summit to Bennett- In speaking of his new duties yesterday Mr. Paine said that stages, with accommoda tion for fortv p-issengetsand their baggage, will meet the early morning train daily at I the summit. Passengers leaving Skagway . in the morning will reach Bennett at $ in the afternoon of the same dav, stopping <>nehourat Log Cabin at noon for dinner. Reluming the stages will leave Lake Ben nett at 8 in the morning, connecting with the White Pass train at the summit and reach Skagway at 6:jo in the evening. The same noon-hour stop for dinner will be made at Log Cabin as on the trip to Bennett. Mr. Paine has had considerable experi ence in the transportation service and will prove a valuable acquisition to Skagwav's contingent of transposition men. Hs was at one time connected with the Pacific Coast Steimship Company as purchasing agent and afterwards as passenger agent for the same company in Seattle. He was subsequently agent for the steamers Utopia and Discovery, also assistant agent for the City of Seattle. Previous to the fillitig of various positions he was railroad contrac tor. Mr. Paine has been railroading prac tically since he was 17 years old. Support Home Industry? The Pioneer | cigar factory of Skagway, wholesale ci gar and smokers' supplies, tf The Pacific Coast Company will tun lighters once a week to Haines Mission. For rates apply at the office of the company It is a curious thing how a rumor grows. The rumor got started in some old wav that Vining s is the best place toget outfit*. Children's shoes at Klondike Trading Company. Bar supplies at Green's. Singer sewing machine -wholesale cost, H. A. Bauer. The latest style in hats at Klondike > Trading Company. New line ot picture frame moldings soon to arrive at Peoples. , Drill steel and miners' tools at W. L. Green's. For first-class dress suits go to Clay son's. I DAWSON AND ATLIN CANADIAN DEVELOPMENT CO. 'Limited.) H. MAITLAND KERSEY. ? - - Managing Director. STEAMSHIPS: Australian. Victorian. Columbian. Canadian. Anglian. Zealandian. Tasmanian. Through Ticket* and Hills of Lading from Skanwav or Bennett to DAWSON and ATLIN. Daily Servce on Lakes and Upper Yukon For Rates and Reser vations apply to FRED H. WORLOCK, Gen. Agt. 214 BROADWAY. SKAGWAY. ALASKA. Bennett to Dawson 3 days I ill SCHEME n k in Enterprising Idaho Man De ceiving the Public. CROPS NEVER FAIL >nniln| t ommcnli Kind* by an ?im-Tliurr on thr ?'???Iblllllca nt Alaska uat<l Ilia Kxperl* ??> -What Can Hr Urown In Ikaf JUNtAU, May 16, !&?. White selecting *>me magazines at a I news stand this mornlag. a typical "Ju- J neau old-timer" calleJ mv attention to the ' following article In the Alaska Miner: "The following advertisement Is noth- ' Ing less than a fraud on the public. It is nothing less than criminal to hold out in- ' ducements to 100 families that thev can ' find government lands in Alaska upon 1 which there has been no failure of crops: 1 " 'Alaska Government Lands? A soil ot very deep, dark loam, will grow all kinds 1 of vegetables, grain, hav in abundance. Climate splendid; crop failure unknown; 1 adapted to the raising of cattle, sheep and hogs, dairy and poultry industries. In 1 mining district providing an excellent mar ket for all produce, and where labor is 1 always In demand at $) and up per day and board Rich cranberry lands; magnif icent chance if taken at once: only too families wanted; time limited. Inclose stamp for book giving full particulars, or call on J Ed. Cabaniss. Woodland hotel, Centervllle, la.-St. Louis Republican.' " It had got tired raining an.1 was snow ing a little for a change, and the old man had come into the store to get warm. He was as much amused by what the miner calls "a clear bunco scheme" as I was at his comments. Cheerful as a waterfowl ' he soliloquised; "Agricultural lands in Alaska ! Yes, of ' course; and cheap enough, too. You only pay for an acre but you get two and can work ba'h sides of it. as it stands upon end. All you have to do is to shoot the seed Into the sides of the hill with a gatling gun. and there you are ! You don't need to irrigate in Alaska, not much. Just pipe your cliffs to help run off the extra water? and there you are! Swing your self from the top of the hill by traveling pulleys, cut your wheat and let it fall. By the time it reaches vour wagon It is well ( threshed, and the wind has blown off the straw. But if you are forehanded It will be all nicely ricked up against the wire net you had stretched across the canyon? and there vou are ! "Vegetables in Alaska? .Well, I should ( quack ! Plenty of them. And all nicely done up in cans and sacks, just as they left Soattle. "Plenty of cattle, sheep and hogs (both biped and quadruped) here, too All come on same boats with the vegetables. "Ot course 'crop failure ia unknown' here 'cause the Lynn canal never freezes up so boats can't run. That J. Ed. Ca baniss is a cute cuss. He knows that the bigger the fake the quicker suckers grab It." By that time It had stopped snowing and the old argonaut went out Into the rain again, chuckling to himself and look- ] ing as ''peart and spry" as a great northern diver. He reminds me ot the African king who thought his northern guest the greatest liar on eath. because of the statement that in Scotland water got so hard men, horses and tame elephants could walk on it with out sinking, The king's belief was merely limited by his small experience. Now the old argonaut's ld;as nuy be all right so far as concerns the land around Juneau. Still, since they have cliff houses in Ju neau, whv might not Juneau have hanging gardens and in time become the Babylon of Alaska? Quien sabe? But Skagwav people know that delici ous vegetables can be raised in Skagway and for miles up the river, and that large areas of land In other places in Alauka are suitable for agricultural purposes. Alaska Is a vast domain in w hlch Nature has done much of her varied work. Many surprises a'e in store for the "Impeccable conserva tive" who insists on judging Alaska's future by the past of a very small section of Alaska. WALTER CHURCH. Car* Hull* In *k>|W>r> The car shops of the White Pass & Yukon railroad have just turned out two of the ten stock cars under construction, and one of them was brought down to the end of the Broadway track yesterday where its many goo J points were admired by the knowing ones. These were con structed under the supervision of Division Superintendent Whiting, who has charge of the shops. The length of these cars are jfH feet and are patterned after the regulation stock cars ot the States. Superintendent Whiting has already turned out a large number of cars since the shops were first opened, namely: Thirty three box cars, twenty flat cars, one snow plow and one dinger. The men are now at work building a wrecking or derrick car. The company now furnishes steady employ ment to fifteen men. In times of rush this number is increased to meet the demand. Builders' Hardware without end at Allen's. WOMAN'S WARD Dance and Social Evening Next Wednesday. GIVEN BY THE LADIES Nplenrf Id Turnout off ihr ladle* of Wkufway mad Darnral llfforti Tladc lo liiaurr Ihr Nurceu off Khf Kttlrrfnlianirnf ? l.lil of Chairwomen of the Several t'oinraltlrra. The ladies of Skagway have given a practical illustration nf their energy and proven themselves to be indeed eirnest In the matter of raising a fund for a woman's ward in the Bishop Rowe hospital. The meeting called for last evening to d'sciws ways and means for giving an entertain ment was held at Mrs. J. G. Price's resi Jence, and attenJed bv the following reo resentative women of Skagway and of all creeds and denominations: Mesdames Moore, Keller, Sengfelder, Dautrick, Hook er, Runnalls, L'ckwood, Huff. Dent, Tav lor, Vincent Brown. Shorthill, Mead, Blain, Price, Bradley, Dodson, Walters. Hostetter and Cleminger: Misses Singfel der, Dickey and Mvers. It was strictly a business meeting, and as all were in accord on the subject much work was quickly accomplished. Mrs. Dr. Keller was chairman of the meeting, assisted bv Mrs. Dautrick as secretary. The object of the meeting was announced, namely, to arrange for giving an enter tainment at Hose Company No. 2's hall next Wednesday evening to raise funds with which to furnish a woman's ward in the Bishop Rowe hospital. After a general discussion ot the subject it was decided to make it a "dance and social evening" with card*, refreshments, etc. The following working committees were then named and a chairman elected to each with instructions for each ch.iirman to select her own assistants: Hall? Mrs. Dodson. Sandwiches? Mrs. Shorthill. Coffee, cream and sugar? Mrs. Mead. Ice cream and cakes? Mrs. Bloom. Music for entertainment? Mrs. Clem inger. Music for dancing? Dr. Keller. Decorations? Mrs. Bjeermark and Mr. Reid. Card games? Mrs. Runnalls. Lemonade In Refreshment hall? Mrs. Clayson. Lemonade In dancing hall? Mrs. Dr. Keller. Reception committee downstairs? Mrs. Den i ind Mrs. Sehlbrede. Reception committee upstairs- Mrs. Dr. Searl and Mrs. Brown. Finance? Mrs. Dent. Floor manager? Mr. Boscow. Doorkeeper? Mr. Hooker. Distributing tickets? Mrs. Huff, Mrs. Hostetter. Mrs. Walters. Dishes ? Mrs. Moore. Tables and chairs? Miss Dickey and Mrs Meyers. Dishwa?hing-Mrs. Sengfelder and Mrs. Keller. Space for tables? Mrs. Dodson and Mrs. Dent. The following ladies were then elected to serve as an executive committee: Miss Dickey, Mrs. Keller and Mrs. Price The chairwomen of the several working committees were then instructed to meet at ii o'clock this (Friday) morning In tire men's hall for the purpose of perfecting ar rangements for the entertainment. The tickets will be placed on sale at a numbet of the leading stotes in the city. Mimnirr* llur in I'orl. The following steamer? are scheduled to arrive on the dates named: Humboldt. City of Topeka Farallon Dirigo Amur City of Seattle. DanubeJ Al-ki Tees Cutch Rosslie Orizaba ?Friday, May iq .Saturday, Mav 20 . . Sunday. May 21 . .Monday, Mav 22 ..Tuesday, May 2) . .Tuesday, May 2J . .Tuesday, May 23 Thursday, May 25 .Thursday. Mav 25 Fiiday, Mav 26 ..Monday, Mav 20 . .Tuesdav, Mav )0 ? hllkut Hlver. The steamer Lorelei will sail from Skag wav on the 20th inst. for Pyramid Harbor and up the Chllkat river. For passenger and freight rates applv on board, near Moore's wharf. an in ? HUH Large Stocks Unable to En ter Yukon District. I EFFORTS TO SELL IT I Law Prmtallni l,lqu?r? UoIiib lo Kb mon ? allied Vint la larkri al Urnnrll- Kfforts Mild to Mr Making I* rnload It la 1 .Skit K W ?? )r ? The order of the Dominion government | prohibiting the introduction of liquors | into the Yukon district has tied up about >50,000 worth of liquors of all degrees at Bennett that were destined for Dawson City, and which were awaiting the open ing of navigation. Some $20,000 worth of liquors belonged to Alec McDonald and his agents and the owners of all the liquors held at Bennett are trving to "unload" and get out, if possible, the original cost of their precarious venture. It was reported recently that whiskey was so plentiful in Bennett that It had got down to 10 cents a glass. Even at this low price the'e were not men enough in and around Bennett to make much of an im pression on so large a stock, hence every effort is being made bv the owners to find a market for it in the various camps, in cluding the Atlin district. It has recently been reported that some of this liquor has been finding its wav back into Skagwav; in other worde, that it Is being smuggled back across the line to various parties in Skagwav. The U. S. customs officials here have been on the look out for it, but as the number of depu ties is limited it is practically impossible to head it off if any serious attempt Is ; maJe to smuggle it into town, for the rea son that the cases could be readily disguis ; ed bv some outer covering and taken off .it Camp 1 or some other station short of Skagway, where it is next to impossible | to have an officer. It is understood that one shipment of eleven cases and two Kegs wil made open ly from Bennett recently and was reported ! to have been consigned to some party in Skagwav. This came to the deputy col 1 lector's ears, who made a hastv trip to the summit, oniv to find that the liquor was 1 :onsigned to Mr, Potts, proprietor of the Monte Carlo on the summit. He found the liquor in the r .ilroad ware house, and as this warehouse was on alleged British territory he felt that he could not legallv seize it. It would appear that his coming had been anticipated by the mounted po lice, who are evidently standing in with Monte Carlo, for the United States officer found the warehouse guarded by three members of the mounted police, each wear ing side arms. Being Canadian liquor on alleged Canadian territory, the llqunrs were left alone. A stricter watch, how ever, will be kept on freight coming down to Skagwav from the summit. Arctic llrotlirrhood. 1 The members of the Arctic Brotherhood are eagerly awaiting the arrival of 45.000 ? feet of lumber which Captain Irving has promised to send up from Victoria on the steamer Danube- As soon as it gels here the "A. B." will hold a special meeting to take up the plans already prepared, and which will evidently be adopted, and at ! once advertise for bids. The erection of this handsome building, an illustration and a complete description of which hasalreadv been published in the DAILY ALASKAN: will te commenced at once and within ; sixty days thereof the lodge will meet in its own club house and entertain its friends in a truly royal arctic stvle. old I. and nark Uou?. When the citizens began to stir 011 Fifth avenue yesterday morning something was missing from the corner of Capt. Moore's property. It was the large, beautiful tree that formerly ornamentid the street. At 6 0 clock yesterday moming employes of the new telephone company cut it dow n and hauled it awav. When Capt. Moore dis covered the loss he went on the warpath and filled up the telephone pole holes in front of his property. Mr. Meyer, the manager of the telephone company, says his men misunderstood their instructions and cut down the tree by mistake. Miners outfits put up on short notice 1 Best goods at cheapest prices. Klondike Trading Co.? Sylvester's. N. K.WILSON Druggist Liargest Stock ^Pfeasicians* Prescri"^'" ^PefuJlu |[oniDi'^~ ?oily Ave, Near S*