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I^ORNINq 4 i. . INUMT CIHCll ATIO> k H rn.% iff ?!??** >p*n to n%p*vlvn \l? < * l4i <?r c relation tt??n Alt THE DAILY ALASKAN. VOL. II. NO. 2o7 SKAGWAY, ALASKA. NVEDNESIMY MORNING, MAY 24, 1899 lo all iht people wort!. ?no<rin?. lo ?t ry borne every mornlnf. C Q||A Number whored It d*lly PRICE 10 CENTS ? > ? ? j 0 $ ^ ? ? - * * ' ' The longest And Finest Hotel in Alaska. THE HOTEL. European I'lau. A /odern Improvements. Sample Room* for Commercial Men. BONO ST bet. ssoadway *nd *T? r? ::: : : :r: :::::: L.r; . -ofo-tebt. Rooms p.trersg. of Bcsln.s R.s 1*0 ?AR-|?0 BUNK* Meats ?ollelled XI olden North Hotel A First-Class Hotel Kates Reasonable rh<? \\ hi*. en. Manager. h ,ij Street, between Main anJ S" te ????? 4 >>#U>MI>XM n I OCCIDENTAL HOTEL j (t uvwau Ptauj ? ERNEST F "? LLER, Manager lint hotel in *"k?w vat Kle^uuth fu : ,?hed. Kleetric l.itfhx fom'i lbtj heated. I .i?r. larife warm lol>(>\ . U?a<:t|uart?r* fur ATLl -MIHKE M!XKi>? Uea?uu.i <) Ttnnt ST. JAMES HOTEL The OoN K re ?*r.H? Vi[\J H. hi Alu^ i ^ Moderate 1\T * \ A * II ,Vf r* Fifth Avenue, Formerly i\ L A HUJVI fc M>- Kinney Street, near Broadway. RESTAURANT "k* Lodging House nusu utRNMorrcR The Pacific Hotel ? - |: n roprnia Finn. ? - - ? t ilth avenue Near Main >tr*et. C. \V Klippel. Manager. W Most Comfortable Rooms In the City IIKIS HMMhlNI K. HK U.I At, II. %*K I. Rainier Hotel Restaurant |t2 HKOAUWAY. Hrank Hall, Prop. Kicelleut Meals 33 Crnls .x ' the delicacies the market affords Bent chefs employed Handsomely furnished roenw. Klectrie lights, city water and best ao-ouunodations in the city SKAGWAY . ALASKA MERCHANTS BANK OF HALIFAX. ihnu nroKH?Kt ri:u i?m? HKAD OFFICE HALIFAX. N. S. I k. KKSXY. PW. D. H. nrNCAN*. o?n- Mgr Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Rest $1,250,000. V Oeot- ml tiuoiciut' TruoMtcted. viglil Dust Purvhased. Kills uf Exchange Bought and Sold. Correspondent * In New York. Boston. < biiago. >an Francisco and Seattle. F. L- MURRAY, Manager Bennett Branch. Hammocks Hammocks at W. L. GREEN'S HARDWARE AND MINERS SUPPLIES. NEW LINE OF DISHES JUST RECEIVED. Holly St" bet. Main and State, - Skagway. Washington News Stand Miss Mary Barry, (Successor to Mr*. Pill man.) Choice Stock of Fresh Fruits, Candies and Nuts. Best Brands of Cigars and To i baccos. Headquarters for all the latest Magazines and Periodicals. Freight to Dawson! Before Making arrangements to ship your goods down the Yukon please give us a call. We guaran tee you will save money by pat y ^ roni-zing our scows to Dawson Scows, Boats, all kinds of Lumber, Stoves, Ranges and Hardware for sale. Y. Y. T. Company, Lake Bennett, B. C. M. KING-, Manager TRIMMED MILLINERY! An elegant line in pattern hats and from our own workroom. Every hat has an individuality of its own Our millinery is admired and bought by style-loving women. LADIES' BELTS? Novelties in Ladies' Belts in Leather, Seal and Silk. FARRAR & CLEVELAND, Closing out sale of Notions .... Beginning Wednesday. May 24. Ladies' Kid Gloves reduced from $2 to $1.25 Hooks and Eyes, 4 cards for 5c. Crochet Cotton 10c spool now 6 for 25c. Corduroy skirt binding 3 yds 25c now 6 for 25c Belding sewing silk 4 spools for 25c. Laces, Doylies and Jet Trimmings. Embroidery Silk. 8 skeins for 25c. *lmi| < I m I in % ( urrrordfd. James M. Quilter, formerly U. S. dep utv marshal in Seattle, who Is prospecting in the Porcupine country, writing to .1 J friend in Skagwav from Camp Walker, says that the country is staked off in every 1 direction, He says: "There was a crowd in here during the winter whose prospecting outfits consisteJ of an ax to cut a smooth surface on a tree | and a pencil to write a I cation notice; and : I it was simply a race from one creek to an other without prospecting or even sticking I a pick in the ground. According to ' he Ixal laws adopted in this district thev ! have until September 1 to do their assess ment work, but I am fullv satisfied that I there will be hundreds of claims that will never be represented, nor could thev be : found by the owners. After that time there will be lots of ground to stake off." ? ood. Buy your wood of Randell & Snyder, at j scow Djax, or leave order at Ihis office. Opening day a: the Scenic, 316 Broad way, May 16. . 5"H'f ? .... Ilrrnrntloii lln) *?rvlr#?. The Skagway Veteran Club is prepir ing an elaborate programme for Decoration Dav, next Wednesday, May 10, anj, If carried out as intended, will be a solemn occasion. A procession of military and civic organizations, including citizens, will form in front of the Citv hall at i:)o p. in., and after a procession through the streets, will visit the cemetery and dec orate and have services over the graves of the veterans. A program of exercises will be rendered in the evening in some hall not vet selected. Bar supplies at Green's. Heaters ot all kinds at Vinings. Brownell's store ? Mincr'a tooU. Cook stoves at cost. H. A. Bauer. Crockery and glassware at Green's. French tissue paper. Kelly & Co. 16-jt Cloride of lime, 2*c per lb, H. A. Bauer. Clover seed for sale by Lilly Bros.5*}-im Singer sewing machine -wholesale cost, H. A. Bauer. DAWSOKI AND ATLIN CANADIAN DEVELOPMENT CO. (Limited.) H. MAITLAND KERSEY, ... Managing Director. STEAMSHIPS: Australian. Canadian. Victorian. Anglian. Tasmanian. Columbian. Zealandian. I ' 1 Through Tickets and Bills of Midini; from Skagmty or Bennett to ] I ; DAWSON and ATLIN. , , : Daily Servce on Lakes 1 ? | and U pper Y ukon I;; For Rates and Reser :: vations apply to I ; ; FRED H. WORLOCK, Gen. Agt. O 214 BROADWAY. SKAGWAY. ALASKA. < ? J:i Bennett /4n i; ^ i| to Dawson I Bill! "Kvasive Gabble" Answered by Facts and Figures. A CLEAR STATEMENT Prraent Through Kales lo Utwion Todd) Icluallf ?!* a Ton lll(b> ? r from Hrlow than from ftkag Mrajr ? No l.oM'rr H?l?i I han from Ikaiwar IMrn l. The party who is writing the articles in the obscene nheet regarding the White Pass & Yukon road discriminating against Skagwav merchants bv quoting less rates trom Puget Sound and British Columbia ports to Dawson and Atiin, evidently has not taken time or cared to ascertain when the >100, #155 and $i)6perton rates would become effective. In order to show the Skagway public and merchants how extremely stupid such gabble appears when fostered by malice and revenge, a few words of explanation relative to these through rates will be in order. Early in May a traffic agreement was en tered into in Seattle between the White Pass & Yukon route and steamers, naming a though rate of >160. 5i 55 and >136 per ton on various kinds of merchandise from Puget Sound and British Columbia ports to Dawson and the same only to be in ef fect when the White Pass & Yukon route tracks shall have been in complete opera tion through to Lake Bennett. Shippers at Puget Sound and British Columbia ports understand this, and there is not one case on tecord where any contract has been made for immediate shipment naming lower rates than a combination of locals on Skagwav. The railroad company's officials make the positive assurance that no shippers can get lower rates from Puget Sound and Brit ish Columbia ports than from Sk .way di rect; in fact, the present through rates to day aie exactly (12 higher per ton from telow than from Skagway, and If any one doubts this they can have tt fully ex plained bv the railway company's agents. These through rates advertised below are being quoted with the distinct under standing that shipments will not move un til the tracks are In complete working order to Lake Bennett- Shipper* generally un ders'and this, and if the over-zealous writer for tht obscene sheet had taken the time to lock into the matter before jump ing at a rash conclusion he would have re frained from making a statement to which there is absolutely nothing but "evasive gabble." The railroad several weeks ago issued a tariff naming rates in effect between Skag wav and Lake Bennett when the tracks shall be completed to that point, which will be aboui Julv t, and there is not one rate in it that discriminates against Skag way. SKll.WAY II A It II I II 1 1 II I uui:n. r. Jmiiu found luariialblr In Krnltle. P. Jensen, the Holly-street barber, who went to Seattle on the last trip of the Citv of Seattle, evidently fell into the hands of the Philistines, according to the following account in the P.-I.ot May 17: P. Jensen, a well dressed young man, was found lying insensible in the entrance hallway if the Eureka house, on Second avenue south, last night at midnight by Officer McDonald. Dr. H. S. Hill was called and with the aid of officers Hamil ton and Mcdonald succeeded in getting the man out ot danger, although for a time It was thought that he would never recover consciousness. The phvsician and the police are of the opinion that the man was drugged and probably robbed, and that some opiate was used. A search of the man's pockets revealed no money, though his jewelry and a gold filled watch had not been disturbed. Lit ters and papers were found indicating that the man's nam.- was Jensen and that he was a recent arrival from Skagwav. The police were unable to find anyone who had seen Jensen during the day. At an early hour this morning Jensen had not regained consciousness, but was out of danger. Mlramrr* Wur In Port. The following steamers are scheduled to arrive on the dates named: Rosalie Danube Cutch Al-ki Humboldt Dirlgo Orizaba Laurada Tees City of Seattle Amur Cottage Citv.. . Farallon Alpha ....Tuesday, May 2} Tuesday, May 23 . Wednesdiv, May 24 . . Thursday, May 25 Monday, May 29 Tuesday, May jo .. .Tuesdav, May 30 Wednesday, May 31 .Wednesday. May 31 Friday, June 2 Friday, June 2 Sunday, June 4 Monday. June 5 Monday, June 5 New line ot picture frame moldings soon to arrive at Peoples. It is a curious thing how a rumor grows. The rumor got started in some ola wav that Vining s is the best place to get At. In outfit*. I Si HI n 11 mm More Evidence of that Ob scene Sheet's Work. HOW DO YOU LIKE II? Thl* Tlinr II U the Portland Ore. gonlau Whlrli Quolet J-'roin lhal Blackguard Rhcel, showing How Sitae waylte* Are lameiil I ii I Ihc Hull! ol Their Town. Here is another sample of the knifrng process the Skagway merchants have been subjected to at the hands of that obscene sheet. This time it is the Portland Ore gonian which in its issue of Mav I) copies in part the boost given to Dvea and Its tram bv this blackmailing sheet. The ear marks will be recognized in the language: "In the meantime the tew business men left in Dvea are doing a land office busi ness," etc. "Owing to the dangerous condition of the Skagway trail it cannot be used bv man, beast or the railroad and as a result all the freight and passenger travel to Allin and the Yukcn Is now going in bvthe way of Dyea and the Chilkuot pass. It seems as though the overhead tramwav was more suitable for the mountain passes of Alaska than the old-fashined railroads. In the meantime the few business men left in Dvea are doing a I ind office business and the Skagwayite; are busilv engaged in telling how it happened." How do the citizens of Skagway like this kind of advertising from the hands of a toad that thev are nursing in their midst? In a subsequent issue of the Oregonian, dated Mav 16, an interview Is published with Mr. Matlock, who endeavors t ? undo the evil penetrated by that lying sheet, and in which he tells the truth of the con dition of affairs in Skagway and of its promising future. The poison, however, was instilled in the minds of the people who read the Oregoniaiyjf the ijth, and all of these could not have reau Mr. .Mat lock's interview Will the citizens of Skagway quietly submit to being ruined in this wav? MM ICE A. Harmon Is Drowned In Otter Lake. LAST SUNDAY EVENING Hon lo Mrliirn lo Atlin? While Sal* ailing lor the Ice lo Harden lie Attempted lo Tell II and Hrnlte Through. Word was received yesterday by Mr. Frank, of Frank's grocery, that A. Har mon. who left here with his son for the Atlin country last Wednesday, had been drowned while trying to cross Otter lake. Mr. Harman had interests in the Atlin district and came out a week ago last Fri day to obtain supplies and also to take in his son, who was then in Skagway. He purchased a stock of goods and accom panied by his son lett tor Atlin Citv Wed nesday, May 17. When he arrived at Otter lake the ice was found to be very soft and so he decided to wait until night hoping for the ice to freeze harder. He camped at the side of the lake and while his son was preparing supper went out to try the Ice. He was very deat and could not hear the ice crack, and he advan ced so far that when the ice let him through he was too tar out to be rescued. His body will probably not be recovered until the ice goes out He came to thi? country from Chicago last summer, and had some very good claims in the Atiln country. He was a man of about fifty vears of age and leaves a wife and son In Atlin Citv. Children's shoes at Klondike Trading Company. For first-class dress suits go to Clay son's. I III ID II ? 1 11 Every One Interested in To night's Entertainment. APPEALS TO EVERYBODY A lllg I ii nd Expected With Which la t'urnleh ? Ward for Women lu Ulaliop Howe la oiplla I- Ulan |r Movefile* lo be Presented al To ?illlii'i Dance and Social. I his evening the entertainment and ball in behalf of a "woman's hospital ward" In connection with the Bishop Rowe hos pital will take place in the Firemen's hall, ana without doubt will be one of the most noted and ever to be remembered event which has yet taken place in Skagway. The object is one which at once appeals to every big-hearted woman and of such there are iranv here. There are hospitals for men, yet, strange to say, no one ever though of the wants of the opposite sex until recently, when several cases occurred showing the great 1 necessity for such, where a woman could receive proper tare and nursing. And so it originated with the ladies themselves, but the moment the idea was mentioned? to use a homel v expression, it took like "wild tire"? and spread as quick ly. Wives and daughters, husbands and sons of all denominations entered into the project, and tonight tne entertainment takes place in the hall, which has been beautifully decorjted for the occasion by many willing and glad hands. The up stairs hall will be used for a ballroom, where dancing mav be indulged in to ex cellent music. Dowstairs has been fitted up as a perfect bower, and only needs its fair occupants in their fancy costumes to complete the pic ure, and the throng of visitors who will promenade and p.:rtake of the good things offered them. All the while music will be rendered by artists of no mean order. There will be an overture bv the orches tra; a horn solo bv a ladv, who will at once be recognized by h r manv admiring friends, but who probably never knew that, in addition to her charming voice, she has also other musical talent. An em inent flutist will delight the audience, and the visitors will be enraptured with banjo selections by a lady whose first public ap pearance in Skagway will be hailed with pleasure. A grand march will be rendered by a ladv pianist well known for her abil ity, whilst the ladies' mandolin quartette will carry the back to old Venice with their delightful "gondolean" music. You will also listen to the loveliest little "Coon"' songs ever heard bv a gentleman who probablv may not at first be recog , nlzed as one whose voice they have heard elsewhere. Everybody seems to vie with each other , to make the aftair the success it certainly merits, and Mr. Mitchell, of the Lobby theater has placed his fine band at the dis posal of the cummittee, and it will plav several selections outdoors in tront of the building, commencing about 8 o'clock. The tickets are h each and admit two persons, entitling them to participate in | the concert and ball and other amusements Children's tickets are 25 cents each. It is to be added' 1 hat the proposed ward for women is purely non-sectarian and will belong to no particular religion or body, ' and this therefore should appeal to all ! classes for their hearty support. ?lack front Ulacl?r Bar. J. Cruise. D. Madison and D. Dilford, who have been prospecting in the Glacier Bay country, returned Monday afternoon and do not think much of the district's mineral wealth. The country Is up by the Mulr glacier, and while there have been reports of rich finds there, these gentlemen did not find anything that would warrant any excitement. There is now too much water In the soil to work placer daimsand as yet no quartz has been found. >ollc?. All fire companies are requested to meet, with equipments, in front of the City hall, at t p.m. May )0, to partlcipte In memori al services. CHIEF FLEMING. The latest style in hats at Klendik* Trading Company. The Pacific Coast Company will run lighters once a week to Haines Mission. For rates apply at the office of the company Miners outfits put up on short notice , Best goods at cheapest prices. Klondike I Trading Co.? Sylvester's. N. K. WILSON """?Druggist Largest Stock | ^Physicians' Prescriptions garefully (7ompunded Holly Ave, Near State.