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THt IHfaMT tlMtdLATIO^ l >. ?? <>? >I?M of* to la???cli>>n$ W. ^ it* ? i4i(*r vimlaMan than *11, utr?i Aii-ka nt?n THE DAILY avorning 1PF ALASKAN. VOL. II. NO. 2lo SKAQWAY, ALASKA. SATURDAY IY10RNINQ, MAY 27, 1899 Tin Daily Alaskan will Introduce yoo to all Hit |>oople worth ? nowlng. In ht ry home ?vi*ry mornlnf . C Q(|A NuA* tr wbo read It dally u"v PRICE 10 CENTS ~~33?Ksmmmnmu ??-y? MM< : : The Largest And Finest Hotel in Alaska. if TIH1E j| TglRMINIieK LL-^ iHl?TELo KurupMu t*lau. All ttodern Improvement*. Sample Room* for Commercial Man. BONO ST lir. SftOADWAY AND *TA T? ?: : ^ttatzmiattrmst.iiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiii ? - ,?a>foPt?bl? Room? of MO ????R-r?0 aUflK? Ueo*e Sellel**? Vi olden North Hotel ^ | A First-Class hotel , Kates Reasonable Thos VV lit" en. Manager. h ij Street, between Main and St-.ta . ? I I OCCIDENTAL HOTEL [t jiv. >eau Plan] ERNEST F '"LLER, M,n.0or !ie?t appoluu-vl hotel in Slca^a) . Klegantlv ,'urnuheJ Electric I.lgh'* t'omlc'" tbiv leafed. F'ue, large * Arm lobby . I load quartan for ATL1. : . -XDIKK MlXKtiS Keasouablc Teruin >*??K Every ti if Klrst-CU.-* Electric Li<.< anil ? ?? . Bell? T ' ?; ? ~?'r - If V ' " . nrtFT" ' ST. JAMES HOTEL Cor?er Fo.irth Avenue and S a'e utl. h* <>nly Kire I'ro* Huilitiotr In Alaftk* Kate* The Pacific Hotel fifth avenue Ne-i- Main Street. C W. Kllppel. Manager. D0f Uc w Most Comfortable Del L IIS Rooms In the City 1IK*I? N?:.t?UV?BLK. SKAOVAV, .tl.tUKt. Rainier Hotel c& Restaurant )ii BUOADWAY. H rank Hall. Prop. Kx* rllrut Molt S3 cent*. AH the delicacies the market afford* BmI cheN ' Qplovol Handsomely furnished room*. Electric lights, city water ?nil be*t * rommodatmns in the city SKAGWAY ? ALASKA NfcM' HOME ss^y&srss Broadway. RESTAURANT*"" z=^Lodging House tMJSZJ BCRNHOFFER MERCHANTS BANK OF HALIFAX. I1M IV OKfOHi rt U l*?H HKAD okvick HALIFAX. N- S. t E KKMNY, pre*. D. H. DCNCAN, Gen. Mgr. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Rest $1,250,000. A (.carnal Uamcing Business Transacted. Gold Dust Purchased. Bills of Exchange Bought and Sold, Correspondents in New Yorlc, Boston. Chicago. San Francisco and Seattle. F. L. MURRAY, Manager Bennett Branch. Gold Scales. all kinds all prices Including an exceptionally tine line of the celebrated Henry Troemner tcale. All sizes from loz to 100 oz. W. L. OREEN, Heavy and Sheet Hardware, Tin and lirmniteware. Miners' Supplies. Fine Line of Dishes Just Received. Agents for Buckeye Force Purape. Holly Street, Bet. Main and State. Washington News Stand Miss Mary Barry, | Successor to Mr*. Pillman.) Choice Stock of Fresh Fruits, Candies and Nuts. Best Brands of Cigars and To baccos. Headquarters for all the latest Magazines and Periodicals. freight to Dawson ! Before Making arrangements to ship your goods down the Yukon please give us a call. We guaran tee you will save money by pat ? ? ronizing our scows to Dawson Scows, Boats, all kinds of Lumber, Stoves, Ranges and Hardware for sale. Y. Y. T. Company, Lake Bennett, B. C. M. KING, Manager High-Grade Novelties in Suits?__^^^^. The most exclusive and select line of Ladies' Tailor Made Suits from New York City's most extensive and up to-date manufacturers controll by us only. Summer Capes .... A lovely assortment in Summer! Capes, both Cloth and Silks. FARRAR & CLEVELAND, Closing out sale of Notions .... Beginning Wednesday. May 24. Ladies' Kid Gloves reduced from $2 to $1.25 Hooks and Eyes, 4 cards for 5c. Crochet Cotton 10c spool now 6 for 25c. Corduroy skirt binding 3 yds 25c now 6 for 25c Belding sewing silk 4 spools for 25c. Laces, Doylies and Jet Trimmings, half price. Embroidery Silk, 8 skeins for 25c. Twi fltn DrowiKii. According to the Bennett Sun word ' reached L>g Cabin last Sunday of the drowning of two men, names unknown, on Otter lake, bv going through the ice. I The mail carrier from Atlln had great dlfti culty In getting to Log Cabin, having broken through in many piacns. A hat bel >nging to one of the victims was found on (he Ice and ? round hole, the shape of a man's body, a little further awav where the other poor fellow went down. Thev were seen at a distance by other?, then all at once disappeared. ?ark m ike ? re ? Hull. James Carroll & Co., the Bond street merchants, had men and teams at work yesterday conveying goods from the ware house on State street, opposite the Klon dike Trading Company's building, tothe building on Bond street adjoining their own p'?ce of business, forme-i v occupied bv the Skagwav Light anJ Water Com pany. Last winter, when there was no fire protection, H. M^ver, the manager, preferred to store his goods outside the fire limit, but as the city water is now on and as he owns the building on Bond street he will use it as a warehouse. As soon as he can advise the home company that there is fire protection in Skagway he expects a large shipment of goods. The fire plug at the comer of Fifth ave nue and State street was thawed out yes terday afternoon with steam from Manager Eastman's Porcupine boiler. This hvdrant was the last to freeze and is among the last to be thawed out. The hvdrant at State and Sixth avenue was also thawed out vesterdav afternoon. The hvdrant at the corner ot Sixth avenue and Main street thawed itself out about 12 o'clock Thurs day night, and flooded the lower parts of the street. between Main and State on Sixth avenue. All the hydrants in the business part of the town are now open land several streams could be thrown 011 ] any fire within the fire district. The latest style in hats at Klondike ' Trading Company. I Children's shoes at Klondike Trading | Company. DAWSON AND ATLIN CANADIAN DEVELOPMENT CO. ii (Limited. I ; J H. MAITLAND KERSEY. . ? ? Managing Director. STEAMSHIPS: I; Australian. Victorian. Columbian. :: Canadian. Anglian. Zealandian. 1 1 Tasmanian. ' ' Through Ticket* and Bills of l.adintr from Slcanwav or Bennett to ; : DAWSON and ATLIN. < > ; I Daily Servce on Lakes 1 1 and Upper Yukon ; For Rates and Reser vations apply to ! 1 KRED H. WORLOCK, Gen. Agt. : 214 BROADWAY. SKAGWAY. ALASKA. i to Dawson days IB 11 11 OB IKS Ml Good Reports From Miners at Work. SINKING TO BEDROCK Kd Ward and U. U. I.rniom Claim la Hati Uood Pat Dir. ? ? lour Uold lhal Will l*ar *ln?lr ?????? to Ibe Cubic Yard.? Othara al Work Proaperllug. Burro or Minnie or Clark creek, which ever name It may finally be christened with, across the bay from Skagwav, prom ises to furnish a livelv mining camp, placer and quartz, If only one-halt the re ports sent out from there can be relied upon as facts- The center of attraction just now appears to be in discovery claim, located three and a half miles from the mouth of the creek, and owned by G. G. Lemons and Ed Ward. These two men have camped on the claim for the summer, evidently determined to find out just what the claim is worth. Mr. Lemons was in town yesterday and reported progress on the work. He says that they luve al ready sunk three holes on the claim; one feet deep, another 4X feet and the third about 3 feet deep. Bedrock has not vet been reached in the gtf-foot hole, but *n assay cf the gravel gave as a result flour gold that will run 90 cent to the square yard. It is claimed bv experts that 2; cents to the yard will pay the working so that 90 cents is considered "good dirt." In the second hole, located In another pait of the claim, they found flake gold In quantity to justify an estimate of from $1.7 j to ti per square yard. The third hole Is not down deey enough to say much for beyond the fact that they found small pieces of gold-bearing quartz. The men have been hard at -vork on sluice boxes and already have fifty-live feet of them ready for work, with a dump box designed by Mr. Lemons who has added an attachment for the catching and throwing out the coarser gravel. The energetic efforts making by Lemons and Ward In developing their claim h is in duced others to follow their example and several parties are said to have starts pro pecting. A claim a short distance from discovery is being worked by two Norwegians who are reported to have found coarse gold in hard pan, which in creases the labor and cost of taking It out. as thev have been compell d to use powder to blow it out. There is a fear that th* lack of water will render it imiossible to work this creek in summer, though tf found to be rich enough it will be good all winter dig gings. Several parties who have staked below discovery are contemplating commencing operatl ns in order to determine the value of their holdings Good quartz is also reported as having been found in there. .M'DOMAI.D 4 h i:i:k. H) draullr H? lilnrry to Mr Irul In There. The ownrr? of claims in McDonald creek while doing very little talking have kept steadily at work preparing for the coming summer's work. Andv Spence, who is at the head of a company owning a large group of claims on that creek, was In Ben nett this last week hiring men to assist in installing a hydraulic plant on the proper ty. He left Bennett for McDonald creek last Tuesday night with a full complement of men, McDonald creek was first noticed in the DAILY ALASKAN and a full hlstorv ot ll and its prospects then given. Thecteek is about twentv miles below Bennett. Mr. Spence says there Is no doubt what ever about the richness of the digging Hoiiom Kxiravaf auxa t'ainpanr. Considering the limited stage room at Fircmen'fchail last evening, the two enter tainments given bv the Boston Extravi ganza Comedv Companv were remarkably successful and furnished a fund of amuse ment for all who attended and that sent everybody home feeling the better for a hearty langh. The companv embraces a number of verv clever people who make up an interesting evening's program. Frank Clancy has secured them for this evening, at his theater, and all the stars will appear in new songs, dances and specialities Don't miss It, The last opportunity of seeing them. For Bargain* Go to H. C. Smithsons, on Third street, between Broadwav and State. 8xio tents, >5 50. Leather top rubber packs, boots and shoes, and general outfitting. Two wjgons, SI5 -ach. 5-)-im All fire companies are requested to meet, with equipments, in front of the Cltv hall, at 1 p.m. May jo, to particlpte In memori al services. CHIEF FLEMING. j Clover seed for sale by Lilly Bros. 5-3-1 m I Singer sewing machine -wholesale cost, H. A. Bauer. Mill H m m is A Discovery that Promises Rich Results. EAST SIDE OF THE TOWN Well Defined Porpbry ?>> kr Han nlnf Pnrullel With Hallroad, In which Uolt l? Vlelblr to the Na ked Kye.-H. II. Brown, in llld I omaloi k Miner, Alio nekri ? Dlarovery. A discovery of rich gold-bearing quartz has been made on the side of the hill east of Skagwav which. If a' I reports of it are true, will make Skagwav a lively mining camp within a very short time. For several weeks a party has been camping in the Moore tract waiting for the snow to melt so that they might get Into the gold fields of the Porcupine district. This party came from Evetett, Wish., and consists of H. Leaman, G H. May, W. H. Jones and A. A, Kirn. While waiting for the opening of navigation they have been cutting wood and selling it to meet expenses. During their rambles ov:r the surround ing hills east of Skagway, they discovered a well-defined porphyry dvke running parallel with the railroad, but for awhile considered the rock as worthless u.. til they showed some of it to R: H. Brown, an old Comstock miner of Virginia City of forty years' standing. Mr. Brown's experienced eye at once recognized its value and un hesitatingly he pronounced it a lich dis covery of free-bearing rock. Mr. Brown, by the way, has tor over six months been at work on this same side hill, digging into the face of the cliff in search of what he was certain he would eventually find. He has been th; butt of ridicule to everybody in town, but when he struck a fine fissure vein he felt satisfied to let them laugh at him all thev wanted. This vein of Mr. Brown's in no way af fects the vtin struck by Messrs. Leaman Si Co., which runs north and south while Brown's runs east . nJ west and will cross cut the former ledge somewhere near the ?outh cropping. Mr. Browr. J. J. Walter and ConraJ Aubel have become members of the com pany and so far the vein has been traced for nearly a mile. The company has lo cated about 4000 feet of the ledge. Where the blanket appears the ledge is about t2 feet thick and increases in places to 20 feet. In some places along the cliff It stands out above the granite and trap wall }5 feet. In some places the gold can be seen with the naked eye, and under a glass the ; rock seems thict Iv peppered with the vel- 1 low metal. By a strange coincidence all the men in 1 the combination are Methodists, so thev have called the mines the Wesley mines. ' Discoveiv is called the ",'ohn Weslev," No. 2 Is the "Charles Weslev," while No. ! 5 Is "Susanna Wealev." Further developments will be eagerly | looked for. AI.KX AMM.H UHKV DK?U. A airainBrr III ftkac w?j- Dim MiJ drtily of llrarl lull, ire. Alexander Grey died from natural causes yesterday afternoon in the St. James hotel. He was in the bar of the hotel about 4 o'clock, and complaining of feeling bad, went Into one of the rooms back of the bar and laid down. About 8 o'clock in the evening a friend of his named P. Mac Mahon found him dead. Judge Sehlbrede was notified and summoned the following jury: C. W. Everest, H. L. Mever, H. E. Battin, C. H. Swlt/er. J. P. McClellen and R. H. Wvnn, who, on the testimony of Dr. Niskern, found that the man had died of natural causes. The body was taken to the morgue and will probably be burled In Skagwav by his friends. He was a man about 44 years of age, a stranger In town, and had formerly been employed as bartender in New Westmin ster, B. C., of which city he was a native. The Dominion telegraph line has now completed the circuit as far as Tagish, which point was reached las! Saturday. This places Skagwav and Bennett in tele graphic communication with many points down the lakes. The company is con structing the line at the rate of five miles Br day, and it is expected it will reach awson the last ot October. ? 1 4 . Largest glass of beer at Bowery. ?-g-6t SUM IS 10 11 (11) Effort's at Combine Said to Have Failed. FLEET OF SCOWS BUILT Kraull of Ulcamera ratline Kirlltr to Announce I rtlfbi H?in 10 Ike Yukon? Captain Hallo? Quoiti Fill* Dollar! lor Paaeaug ara an?l It would appear from report! that are coming out from Be inett that the several steamboat companies h tve made a mistake In not earlier announcing their freight rates. The result of this delay has been that a large fleet of scows has been milt that will takedown the Yukon the bulk of the fr.-ight and pas?engers as soon as n viga tion opens. The foregoing information was brought In bv a gentlemen who reached Skagway last evening from White Horse Rapids and who, owing to the soft condition of the trail, had great difficulty In getting through, breaking thro.igh the ice several times and losing one horse as the result of it. This gentleman left Bennett yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, got to Log Cabin at noon for lunch, reached the summit at 4 o'clock and made Skagway bv 7 in the evening. He recounts this for the benefit of the croakers who are claiming that the trail between the summit an Bennett was impassable. From the condition of the Ice on Lak* Bennett, which is becoming very rotten, he believes that boats will get away bttween the 2d and 5th of June. It snowed all of Thursday night, but disappeared bv to yesterday morning, leaving the v.either milder in consequence. Speaking of the coming ste.imboit traffic this gentleman said that the attempt to establish rates to Diwson between the steamboat men had evidently failed. He had it from Captain Bailev. of the S. S. Bailey, that the ;aptain is not cutting rates but th it he had established rates. He is now quoting $50 to Dawson, exclusive of berths and meals for passengers and a j cent rate tor freight. His boat will be launched tomorrow (Sunday) and he will be ready to sail the moment the lakes open. It is reported that the Clifford Slfton will follow suit in regird to rates. Alec McDonald will not use the steamers but has had seven scows built to take down his men and freight. The Parsons Produce Company also has had several scows constructed fur their goods. Both the tramways at the White Horse Rapids are in good shape for business. The Hepburn tram has been extended to ward Bennett fully a mile and has now a first-class landing. It Is also being ex tended ai the other end to where the Dom ville and other boats are tied up. Three buoys have been put down to mark the channel at Cariboo Crossing and the government Is now at work removing rocks from the channel on this side of Taglsh. The DAILY ALASKAN will be advised at least twenty-four hours before the first steamer sails after the Ice breaks. If URPTION TO f MO>*. UPPT. To Ho Olr? II Im la V. n. I'. A. Hall Tonight. The board of directors of the Y. M. C. A., assisted bv the ladles' auxiliary, will tender a public reception to Prof. T. S. Lippv and Rev. Mr. Randall this evening at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. The reception will be of an informal character and toast* and brief addresses, followed bv the serv ing of light refreshments, will be the order of the evening. The occasion will be one of a congrat ulatory character as a fitting close to th? successful canvass that h is been conduct ed within the last few days. In which Mr. Lippv did valiant work. I is expected that the canvass will be completed by that time, and the people of Skagwa > can all join In or. this occasion and share In the good feeling The result [ of this canvass places t e Y. M. C. A. of Skagway on a sure footing tor the coming twelve months and will enable them to do better work than tliev have been able to do in the past. The reception will be of a public char acter and all friends of the association are . invited. Reception from 8 to to. Support Home Industry? The Pioneer I cigar factory of Skagway, wholesale d 1 gar and smokers' supplies, tf N. K. WILSON -Y-n..., ppuggist bargest Stock | ^Physicians' Prescriptions garefully [ompunded Holly Ave. Near State.