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jthi cian < u H . ? <r* ?>?<>< lo laayKlHW Vk. < , i.iiim * tarftr kircuUlton than *11. uKm: p?p?rv THE DAILY VOL.. II. NO. 212 SKAQWAY, ALASKA. TL lORNINq . _ T ALASKAN. *ggUF T?? Auma* wiil tDtrognwyooi ? " to *11 tht people ?orn- * ? ?? rr bonM ?wy ?pjfnj 5,000 ? 'Numtxr who r?A It dally ' ESUAY MORNING, MAY 3o, 1899 PRICE 10 CENTS j Tlje Largest And Finest Hotel in Alaska, j | ? TiHIE H?TEL, K?n>|M?u HUu. AM /odern Improvement#. Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. ?ono ?t air. ?aoaowat *so ?r* rt ; r t ^ ^oarn? P?iroc?g? ot no V?R-fiO BUflK* t4?OI? ???!?!%?* vi olden North Hotel -^- , A Firs' -CI ??? Mo'el kate? keaaunabie Tho*. VV hi*, en. Manager. h^>J Street, between Main and V te OCCIDENTAL HOTEL [I ii\?au PlauJ ERNEST F ^'LLER. Manager Urst appoiut.M hotel lu "?*?< >.*? Klejfautlv fun..?hrd. Klectru U(h'<. ? 'oni'- t?>.? .'.entea r Urge ?irm lobb). Headquarter* for A l'l.l -N'DIK K MiXKii*4 Ketaoutkbl* Terui* Kb**' HOME fifth Aveuu*, Formerly McKtnney Street, near Broadway. Ska^wa*. ? ? ? AliuWn RESTAURANT r- ? Lodging House niySEJ PERNMOFTER Kv?rvtl *' K ire trio Ug.l anil Bells Ti iHin ST. JAMES HOTEL i Corner Fo irth Avenue and S'f1* ^ ^ v ^ ! ^ The < >ulv Kir.- l*ro? Kuililintf in Alaskit Rates Moderate The Pacific Hotel ? ? . - ? liHrnpplH Plaa. ??I - - ? J ifth avenue \ejr M.nn >treet. C. W. Kllppel. Manager. 1-fcotKic Most Comfortable Del I lid * Rooms In the City ??M1? MI UOMMI ?. A1ARKA. Rainier Hotel <& Restaurant )I2 BROADWAY. H rank Hall, Prop. *>*lleut Mwli U noli. AH the delicaclea the market afford* Beat chef* nupk'ved Handsomely fnrnmhed room*. Electric light*, city water and brat *? ??ouimodations 10 the city SKAGWAY ? ALASKA The MONDAMIN. . . . HANSEN A TENNANT, Pro pa. The Moat >'< deru Hotel in Alaska. Electric Lighted. Seperior to any Hotel North of Seattle. MERCHANTS BANK OF HALIFAX. I. E KEN'NY, Pres. I SAW nt OHPOHtTKB HEAD OFFICE HALIFAX. N. s. O. H. DUNCAN, oan Mgr. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Rest $1,250,000. A General lianuiug Business Transacted. Gold Dual Purchaaed. Bill* of Exchange llought and Sold. Correspondent* in New York, Uostou. ( hicago, San Francisco and Seattle. F. L. MURRAY, Manager Bennett Branch. Canadian Bank ?* Commerce Head Office Toronto. Ontario CAPITAL. $6,000,000. Rest. $1,000,000 Branchen in Da won ? 'It* and Atiin. SKAGWAY AGENCY. (Jold Duat Pun-baaed. txch-'nge on all pomta Bought and Sold. Currant account* Received, a general Banking Buslneaa Trana ioi#d. A. SCOTT. Agent. Freight to Dawson ! Before Making arrangements to ship your goods down the Yukon please give us a call. We guaran tee you will save money by pat romping our scows to Dawson Scows. Boats, all kinds of Lumber. Stoves, Ranges and Hardware for sale. V. Y. T. Company, Lake Bennett, B. C. M. KING, Manager HATS! HATS! HATS! LADIES' SAILORS. We have just received a large assortment of Walk ing hats in Linen and Straw. Veilings, Chiffons in all shades and colors. A lovely line of Shirt Waists just received RED L>l K| Er CO. Carries Passengers, Baggage, Ex press and Freignt between WHITE PASS AND BENNETT from Bennett connect with Morning Train on \V. P. a Y. R. It. auil evening train for Kkatrway. j Through Tiekets. - - Through Bagqage. For Particulars Kate*, and Ktc. apply to all agenta of W. P. A Y. It R. Co. M. J. Heney, J. A. Paine, General Manager. General A|feut OFFICE 212 BROADWAY, 9KAGWAY, ALASKA. Always trade where you can do the best. Gordon 3t Co., on Broadwav, foot ot Hollv, are selling groceries as follows: Fancv creamery butter. 22'tC .1 pounJ tR.' " Coffe 15c Best Japan tea soc Large navel oranges . 20 to )5c a dozen White navy beans 2liC a pound Fancy dried peaches , . . .IOC And everything else accordingly. Call and be convinced.* ?old t'liru p In 4lltn. Horace Leach, of Skagway, writing to a friend from Atlin under date of May 17. relative to the sale of lots there said: "The gold commissioner sold the town lotst >dav and the bidding was very slow, most of rhem going for >100, ? nlv a few of them running higher." Cooking butter Flour Prunes ....18c Si 15 a sack 4c a pound A. I.. t lirnr) I Mm h. A. L. Cheney, proprietor of the Boston Store anj one of Skagwav's prominent pi oneers, arrived home on the Humboldt vesterday 'Iter an absence of nearly three months in California. He was in a fairly good position to estimate the expected travel to Alaska, and it is his opinion that as soon as it is definitely known that the lakes are open a good, steady travel north will betfin. While below he made ar rangements with the largest New York ! turrlshing houses to supply him regularly I with the latest styles in gent's furnishing goods. When he orders his goods the wholesalers always think him demented for bringing that class of goods to Alaska. The Orizaba will contain a large shipment consigned t > him. Mrs. Cheney, who was formerly a resi dent of Skagw.iy, and her mother, Mrs. Lippy, of Lo? Angeles, accompanied nim and ? ill remain in Skaguav all summer. FOR SALE.? Small but powerful steam er at Bennett suitable for prospecting on any branch of Yukon. Enquire Gordon & Co. Wholesale Grocers Bennett and Skag way tor one week. ?'?r Bale. Just received, a fresh supply of tine hou* plants on the steamer Humboldt. Fred Sengfelder, Bond street, near Broad way. 5-V>-2t rompauy A , A. I*. U. j Company A, A. N. G.. met (or drill last iljht In their new hall on Fourth avenue. The company was marched over to the river and the firing squad, under the com mand ol Lieutenant Haves, practiced firing. The company will take part in the parade today. At the business meeting a commit tee wis appointed to name sub-committees to arrange for a ball to be given bv Com pany A on the Fourth of July. Bennett to Dawson $10. by Canadian Development Company's New, Handsome, Kant uud light draught Steamer 44 AUSTRALIAN " Now ready to leave on the opening of Navigation connecting :-t White Horse with their own new, powerful and commodious steamers "Columbian." "Canadian." ''Anglian." Which will be waiting at White Horse the arrival of tha S. 8. "Australian. New < 'anvas Berths in Minder frames in a large, light and airy saloon FREE ISO pounds of baggage FREE Meals fl. Secure your tickets at once for First Steamer to Dawson at the Company's office. F. H. Worlock, Gen. Agt. 214 Broadway, Skagway. If you do not engage freight or passage until you reach Bennett, call on Canadian Development Company, who will give you bet ter service and cheaper rates than anybody. Little Actv of Third k ?ompliahwl ~My's Session. 'SOPEN HEAYEX'SYVINlHm. Kain tails (, kul Old. Tlnirri Predict ? ?? ? W?)*ol lu(ll>l ? I our I Cempllmcnli JUNEAU, May 26, i8gg. Staff Correspondence. I arrived here on the afternoon of the 2ird. At that time It was raining. P S ? It Is still raining, but old-timers sav there are apt to be a few days of dry weather and possibly a small amount of sunshine during the posterior end of Au gust. To a many of ir.y light and airy dispo sition (I quote from "Ruins to Let" signs) It Is quite a change to come trom Skag way, with her long, broad and Itvel streets, pure ozone and general captivating .tppearance, o Jun>-au, where the longest street does not run to exceeJ a block and a half in any one direction. In the way of short ind verv narrow streets. Juneau puts me In mind of St. Augustine, Fla., where the streets were made n-rrow as a matter of e.vnomv. One street lamp is intended to ilium inate both sides of the thorough fare. Juneau has manv good features. She h is a line water system, the water being used principally for "chasers." It is also a fine place to sleep, as . arlv morning traf fic does not disturb the slumberer. As a whole, Juneau is all right, but I am will ing to leave h r delights to her cltiiens It is apparent to me that I belong further up the canal. Thos far 1 ut little progress has been mad; in the U. S. court. Not more lhan half of the jurors summoned responded, but those who falle J to respond after being served had better emigrate, as Judge John son has fire In both his optics. 1 he Skagwav lawvers here have made a record for themselves with the crurt by having all cases in which they are interest ed readv for trial, while the Juneau law yers in the majoritv of cases have asked for continuances. This mav be accounted for by the fact that solo is a very popular game here. It now looks as though the civil docket will be cleared up here this week, as there are but a few cases readj for*trl?l. It may lake a week or ten l inger So dispose of the criminal docfW, after which the court will adjourn to Skagway: Up to the present time the following civil cases have been set for hearing at Skagwav: E. G. L)eNorton vs. J. G. Cosslett and E. Valentine; trial at Skagway. Birvl Rowan vs. M B. Lombard and W. d. Sampson; trial at Skagway. T. S. Cole vs. Dyea-Klondike Transp r tation Companv; over for term. Skagwav & Lake Bennett Tram Co. vs. Ensley A. Webster; foi trial at Skagway. B. Moore vs. E. R. Djvis; continued. J. T. Rains vs. W. E. Donaway; trial at Skagway. H. L. Hollister vs. Geo. A. Bracket!; trial at Skagway. C. A. Bullen vs. Geo. A. Bracket!; trial a! Skagwav. B. Moore vs. J. G. Price; motion (tend - ing. J. Woods vs. James Clancy; demurrer. Chas. A. Bullen vs. Geo. A. Brackett; trial at Skagwav. Kerrv Lumber Companv vs. C. B. Bee son; trial at Skagway. C. W. Waldron vs. D. t. Desmond and Frank Clancy; trial at Skagway. P. Steil vs. P J. Baker; trial at Skag way. G. H. Winter vs. W- M Davis; trial at Skagwav. J. H McWatters vs. H. H. Wendlingi trial at Skagway. The Pacific & Arctic Rv. Jk Nav. Co. vs. The Alaska & Northwest T. Si T. Co.; trial at Skagway. It is possible that there will be several other cases heard at Skagwav, but it is not likely that court will convene there before the 8th of June, possibly a few days later. FOR LIQUOR LICENSES. Regarding the matter of liquor license I had a long conversation with Judge John son todav. He advises that an election b held, the applicants for licenses to bear the expense of same, and that, even should a full vote not be polleJ, an estimate of the sent-ment ol the people mav be formed from result of such election, and that if a tair majority favor* the issuing of licenses such licenses will be ordered issued. An election has already been held at Sitka, at which 240 votes were polled. 2 o of which were favorable to the granting of license The forty opposing volts were drummed up by the wife of a Sitka missionary. Juneau will hold her license election tomor row, Fridav. There is no excitement ovei the matter, and the indications are that a light vote will be polled In conversation with me todav Judge Johnson said he would not ask that census be taken, but that both Juneau and Skag way will l>e placed in the I $00 populatlor ' class. Judge Johnson is hopeful that consent ! to the issuing of licenses will be given b\ the people, thus doing away with the ne farious ant] vicious pracuc* 01 scum* whisky without leg I sanction. "For," said he, ''It is sure to be sold, and I favor ' the selling of it according to law." All the members of the Skagwav dele gation here are looking sad-eyed and <'ls gusted because they did not bring their umbrellas. I might add, but I won't, that It would have been well if some of them i had brought both their umbrellas .md their wives. E. J. WHITK. Why *lur rl. Every "eweomer to Skagway marvels at its size and its prosperous appearance. | That is due to such enterprising firms as Peterson & Co., * ho know how to cater I to the wants of the people .ndalwavs I keep in stock a line of goods to meet every >mand. This at present consists of wln - shades, either readv m.ide or m.ide to ??ents' hats, caps, boots, shoes, un ->eckwear and everything a well '?man should wear. Ladies' jo^ waists, ladles' underwear, ? 't linen, toweling, gin k -nusllns of all width, 'ins, portieres, md dressed gent , Meast, a com and boys shirt corsets, etc., tab. ghatns, sheeting and ? calico, percales, lace curt.. after all these, last but no plet? stock ot choice groceries. I ill I[ 10 Ml till Whs Declared by Steamboat Companies. TO FORCE COMBINATION. ? ??adlBii Uctrlopmrni Compaur tfukr* *rdlltllv? Offer la All D> alrliitf In l>o Mown the l.akca mid Mlvrrn lo (!?<? *1 ill-It off liar K londlkr. '? T??.-JoMars Irom Bennett lo Dawson Cltv" was the stalli ng ; rnouncement posted on the windows af theCandian Development Company yesterday. It cre ated a smalt-sized stampede and all after noon General A/ent Worlock was about the busiest man in town filling out coupon tickets for the trip diwn the lakes and rivers at the rate of $10 a fill. This is said to mean a declaration of war J to the bitter end unless the several steam- 1 boat owners and companies come together j very soon and sign an iron-clad agreement j to maintain rates, both freight and passen- ' ger. It appears that mo;.ihs ago an effort was made to form a combine, but with visions J of a Klondike rush and a corresponding barrel of monev several of the steamboat owners wanted to make the rate 5150 from Bennett to Dawson Citv. I lie Canadian Development Company was willing to compromise and make i *an even $100. Gtliers refused, hung back and failed to come '0 an understanding. In the meantime the proposed high rates { induced manv to build scows and boats un- J til a perfect fleet of these will go down the river when navigation opens, carrying thousand of people and many more tons ot freight that the steamers might have s?- 1 cured had they talked reasonable r ites. Captain Bailey made the tirst break in cutting rates when lie announced a f$o rate to Dawson. That started the ball which resulted in the Canadian Development Company forcing it down to f 10, and by these figures signifying their intention to either force the others into line or drive them out of business. Captain E. J. Rathbone came up ftom Seattle last week intent 011 forming a com bination of all the steamers. He returned yesterday, having failed in his mission, and returned on the Humboldt 1 1st even ing. A cut in freight rates will be the next thing. The rates now are ) cents ? pound from Bennett to Dawson. The Occidental hotel is the best hotel in Alaska for the general traveling public. Best accommodations and reasonable prices. 5)0tf Happv and content are Clancy's board ers. 1 17 tf an m i in n To Be Held in the City Hall June 14. CALLED BY CITY COUNCIL Acting HHcr * ro"? ** IMalrlol JuUfr John??ii-T*i ?? J?d|? ? ?*? To M? ^:|rrh< b? louirH-"'!"!*"* A ppolule* for Th?M<iT? J li i? r Nt The Citv Council held a meeting last evening, Ih? tirst in four weeks, and trans acted considerable business, the most im portant ol which was calling a gener?l election to decide the question of local op tion or no local option. The date of this election was set for Wednesday, June 14 >at time being selected in order to have It ?>g Judfce Johnson's presence in the This election is being in accord ?lews expressed and advice given nson. Accoidingly the coun tl. durli city ? with the \ by Judge Joh. cil last evening , tions, based on the Ing for local option, 01 the citv lull Wednevl whlfh all wmle persons, m. over 18 and residents of Skag two miles shi.ll be qualified voters There shall be two ballots printer reading "For License" and ?not "Against License." '3ssed a xries ot resolu *ct of congress provid ierlng an election at 'y, June U. at ?le and female, ?vav within "Three judges and two clerks shall De elected by a majority vote of the council, whose duty it sh II be to preside at such clecticn and conduct the same (except as to the qualifications of voters) as nearly as possible in accordance with the laws of Oregon; provided, that no registration shall be required prior to said voting, but that the said judges of election shall be and thev are hereby empowered to receive or reject the ballot of anv person or per sons which shall be offered at said election after having decided, according to their best judiiinh.. ? to w hether said person or peisons who offer said ballot or ballots are qualified electors, under the provisions of siid act of (ongress; and provided fur ther, that the duty of said clerks shall be as the same are provided bv the laws of Oregon in annual elections of officers. "Provided also, that any vacancies on trie morning of said election mav be filled by the bystanders." These resolutions were adopted as read and President Hiolop appointed Council men Clancy and Laumeister a committee to select three judges and two clerks. Secretary Larkin was instructed to have notices calling the election posted at the Cits H .11, post office and marshal's office. E. O. Caswell was granted the privilege of installing tire alarm boxes throughout the city and to make his own collections for same. /V resolution was pas*d reserving the right of way for the city to place tire alarm system wires on the top of all p>lls In thr city. SKACiWAv DAY. In view of the fait that a number of dis tinguished and prominent members of con gress will visit M\j|(u.iv rjrlv in June, the Council, acting on the kinJIv suggestion of 'he Chamber of Commerce, appointeJ ? Thursday. June 8. as "Skagwjy Day," on which dav everybody, man, woman and child is expected to turn out and help clear and clean streets, alley ways, vards, etc., and put the town In a presentable form for I the visitors. Bill of Nlghtwatchman Cole, |6o, was ! ordered paid; also salary of Fire Warden Larkin, f7f. Fire Warden and Health Officer Larkln made a report of his work showing excel lent results accomplished in the last month. Relative to the dead horses, he said that the scavenger had reported that there wer: ti) dead horses between Camp I and the bay along the dry bed of the river. This scavenger had offered to mike a drag, pile the animals all together ana burn them for $75. Mr. Larkin w; s instructed to arrange to have the work done at once. On motion Secretary Larkin was elected assessor of Skagwayand he was instructed to commence the collection of the next quarter's assessment commencing June 1. N. K. WILSON ""Sir Druggist Liargest Stock | ^Physicians' frzscriptions [Jarzfully [ompundeil Holly Ave. Near State. Gold Scales. all kinds all prices Including au exceptionally tine line of the celebrated Henry Troemner scale. All alzea from loz to 100 07. W. L. OREEN, Heavy and Sheet Hardware, Tin and (irauiteware. Miner*' Supplies. Fine Line of Dishes Just Received^ Agents for Huek.-ye iom Pump$. Holly Street, Bat. Main and State.