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C. S. Wayland, special inspector of the postoffice department for Oregon. Wash ington. Idaho and Alaska, was in the cltv I. isl .Mturday being en route to Sitka on the Cottage City. Mr. Wa; land has re cently returned to the states from accom panying a military expedition trom Cook Inlet, up Copper river and across to the headwaters of Tanana river, and thence down that stream to the yukon. He re ports that it is feasible to construct a wagon road and stuge route ta the interior by that route. Froir. the mouth of the Tanana he went down the Yukon to Cape Nome to inspect the postotiice at Anvil City. He reports the trip up the Copper river as verv laborious, but all went nicely down tlie Tanana, for thev had taken boats with the expedition. At Anvil City lie found business rushing and the receipts of the postoflice were than f 250 per quar ter, which makss it a presidential ottice; and he at once . uthori/ed the postmaster, G. N. Wright, to employ an assistant at #1400 per year. The Anvil postoftue will be kept open all winter. Mr. Wayland left there August 8. He says there are trom 2000 to 3000 people in Anvil Cltv a id lots of them in the mines; that monev '.vas plentiful, and the boys were "r, lllng | 'em high." l>rv goods, underware, outfitter's sup plies everything you c;<n think of, at less than c* st Tile building is to be remodel ed. Bui kh ird lias said it: that settles It. I he Dominion steamboat Line is the quickest between skagwav and Dawson, 0, the states. Al. McGillis, Skagway agent. 31 8 tm Cheney's Boston Store? Furnishers. Latest novelties in China and glassware. Northern commercial Co. 1 New crop Eastern Washington hiy just j received at Lilly Bros. Dogs Wanted. Inquire of E.J. Brooks, Hotel Astoria. 27-8 TOMS OF GOLD DUST (AIM) l-nuiid* of Vallcw .Tidal Came oiii |.n*t Might. A si irment cf 2$co pmds of gold Jus from Dawson, on its wav to the govern ment assay office at Seattle, came out last 1 night, consigned to the Canadian Devel opment Company. Agent William Hislop . went up on the train \esterdav morning to ( receive the shipment, and accompanied it ' down to th s city. The gold dust packed in the regular bullion boxes did not make much of a showing, and it was hard to re 1 allze that the boxes contained such a for tune. It was sent down on the City of 4 | Seattle last n'glit. Afresh sto;k of Mirgue cig s his been received bv the Commissary. WVORNINq . ^?3THE DAILY ALASKAN. iS?m VOI II Nirv 20 <s SKAQWAY, ALASKA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1899 PRICE 10 CENTS ? ? * ' " " ^ ^ 1 1 The Largest And Finest Hotel in Alaska. : j TME | i! I H?TEL. 1 H Kurvpwu IMnn. All Vodcm Improvements. Simple Rooms for Commercial Men. ?.natopt*bl? Rm ? Patronage of Builntm KR HO BUNK*. Idente Solicited Golden North Hotel - ^ A F fsi-Cbss Ho'el K.??es Reasonable ? J i hos. \\ lii! en, Man' {er. Street, between Main ami S' te 4 * ? t ?>???????????<? | I * : OCCIDENTAL HOTEL | ? |t jiv K.Mii Plan] ?! ERNEST F M'LLER. Manager IM amiolnt >1 Mfl in "?ica." ? ?v lM"jfnntl v fu-i .?lied. KKvtric l.ik'l' ' ?*. < 'ifnk.-" *b.\ \ ?< ; large warm loMty. II-- ul<|iiart>'ro for ATM. J!.?.A'l)IKKM!XKi>' I t?*n-??ii;i i ' orm ?t IIIOii; ?: j" " The MOND AMIN.' t HANSEN A TF.NNANT. ?*ro|.?. ? I'll.- M M x cjem Doul in Ai l-,-. I. ?! X Klvetrie Lighted. S? parlor to anj Hotel Norih of SaUlW. # ,lh Av. niic. Kornurly Mi'Kiiiuov Sir. i-t. noar Hrouilway Ska?way, - ? - .Miislcii NbW ME rbstaurant c ? Lodging House rilJStJ PERNMOTPER Canadian Bank * Commerce Head Office Toronto, Ontario CAPITAL, $6,000,000. Rest, $1,000,000 ltruih'h<"> in lhiu*on City and Atlin. SKAGWAY AGENCY. < l>u?t Curi'luiKil. K.xi-h n.'?' on all point* liou^'lit ami Sold. < urr. il! ?count* ruceivcd, a jf>'niral ltankinj; MumIih Tmn- ? ?ctal. A. SCOTT. Agent, DAWSON AND AIL!\ CANADIAN DEVELOPMENT CO. (Liinitvtl.) H. MAIT1.AXD KERSEY ? ? ? Managing Director. STEAMSHIPS: Australian. Victorian. Columbian. Canadian. Anglian. Zealandian. Tasmanian. Carrying the Canadian and U. S. Mails. Through Ticket* anj Kills of Ui<lin/ from Skyway or lU-nm-U 10 D.WVV >N atul ATMS. Daily Service on Lakes and Upper Yukon For Rates and Reser vations apply to W. F. HISLOP, Gon. Apt. 214 BROADWAY. SKAGWAY. ALASKA. | to Dawson 3 days, ? * , ?????????????????????????? . __ "The beer that made ^ ^ n \ /~? ' -vatic what it in" Rainier HF.AIX.M-AP.TKRS FOR THIS FAMOUS LAGER ItKKR is THE Seattle, A Gentleman's Resort. HEI!r??s?K $&r. The Mug RESTAURANT LODGING Meals 25c. Lodgings 25 and 50c AMERICAN > XI) EUROPEAN FLAN. Holly St. bet Hronilway anilS a freight ?? Dawson Ilefore concluding any arrangement for shipping your freight from Hen- i nett to Dawson, please write or give us a call. By using our bargoa vou can carry your freight for very much less than what steamboats would ehargo you. Two thousand'tous were iient down to Dawsori In our I Ulrica during the season of IWW without Ions or accident. Cattle shipped In this way arrive without loss of weight and In the best possible condition lor making good bcof. On your arrival at Daw sou you have your own warehouse, and, If necessary, your own dwelling, and you can move your gooils when you are ready and not In-fore. This may save you hundreds of dollars for teaming, storage etc, while at the same time you ruu no risk from tire. I nsurance en route on cargo limy bo eject ed at ourottlce ifyou so desire. If you wish to make rapid time we will arraugc a tow for you past the lakes. No delays. Verify these facts l<of'?re shipping, your freight and it will save you money. 1. limber, I touts and merchandise of all kind- constantly on hanj at our mills. I.lviug expense* a minimum. Y. Y. T. Company, Lake Bennett. B. C. M. KING, Manager. GRAHAM'S^ SSII-K \\ A. I S'PH-llie Int. >st and most advanced ideas The assortment comprises all the dainty colors and black In taffeta* and satii . beautifully tucked ; and corded. A lim <>f fancy tortoise ?hell side eoml* RCCpjVCtl w Ross higgins Co. i arry the Best Selected Stock in Skagway Wholesale and Retail .No TroubU to Show Goods and (Jive I'rices < 'or. Uond and Main Sts - -i- tov &3wr\ "R ? ?: ""X.- V.i ILLINOIS (iftOLP. CnrnilrfcMrl'* l'l?ra\rr) ?" Mir I.Mirr) hlli ul >riir llullir*. I i>t Sunday Mr. C. carmichael returnr J fr in the new totinol Mason which has been l.ii J i II on the west side >;f the lie id of Pyramid harbor at the junction there- ' with of the Chllcat river. This point Is on osi'e II tints, ;ibont five miles distant therefrom. It was here that Mr. Car micluel la<st s ring discovered a ledge of mineralized quail* which is quite exten sive, .111 J is thought to be of a nature sim ilar to the ore of the famous Treadwell I inine. I his ledge is 3100 feet wide and : h is been tr ..ed for more than 6coo fret in i a northwesterly direction At discovery j the ledge is ico fert from tide water and extends 2100 fret inland up a rock moun- ' tain side to the hanging wall, and from there the ledgr bear* sliagtlv away from the riu-r and is traced for more than a mile to the northward. Already there different groups of right claims eavh have been lo cated and recorded, and a 40-acre townsite has been located- The claimants also have a valuable watir fall which is estl inatrd to develop 10,000 horse power. The assays of this rock have not been high, but range from 5'* ? 50 to $4.60 to the : ton. The rock is free milling and it Is ' thought It will prove to be very valuable. 1 Five men have begun to run development ! tunnels, and the work will be continued [ until a thorough test has been made. 1 There are hundreds of millions of tons of this in sight above the sea level, and if it proves of any value, the worth of the Jaims is up in the millions of dollars. <'oiiMiil?*lourr,? Court. In JuJge SthlbreJf's court VMtrrJ.iv the ' case of Carrie Cole Brown vs. Alaska N. i \V. T. T. Co., for the recovery of 5250 Jamages for the loss of ,1 trunk, the ju>v returned a ve Jict of J joo. The hearing of tile smuggling vase will come up some time todav. The lot jumping case of J. St. Clair Hlackett vs. J. H. Patten will come up to day before a jurv. The cases against Harry Williams and KiJ Gallagrr, the assailants of Boss Baker Bauer, will be tried before Judge SehlbreJe as soon as Mr. Bauer Is able to appear in court. The culprits are still In jail. .Mr. Bauer sUtered a broken nose, which is being cared for by a surgeon Mi ?luurniil lltmltid. Earlv yesterday evening, Parker & Aggers, the Fourth avenue commission house, attachrd the Clancy cafe, Walter Ritt-nger proprietor, for a large grocerv bill. The attachment has been rending for some time, but yesterday the cred itors would not wait any longer and the placv was closed up A- A. Cutter shoes at Clavson's. Newest styles of parlor. banquet and tabic I imps. Northern Commercial Co. Now is vour time to stock up for win ter. Spm il prices In ITOCtrlei all this week .'t f iorj ui \ Co.'s, corner Broadway and H"!lv. & or Kal<* Relav posts operated by lhe Beni.ett Lake & Klondike Navigation Co.. between Dawson and White ll>rse: also large quantities of dog freJ an J nt her provisions. Applv H. L. tV K. N. Co , Bennett anJ Skagway. q-j-iw Now is your time to stock up for wili er. Special prices In groceries ail this week at UorJon 4 Co.'s, corner Broadway and Hollv. 8}itf It von want vmir freight to go through 1 1 lJ iwson with cert ilnt.v, celerity ind security, send it by the great Canadian Development Co. ji 8 nn Black shoes, tan shoes, hand siwed, light leather soled shoes; In fact all kinds at Clavson's. Itoun tram l'iiuli>?U:i. Mr. H. E. B.ittln, U. S. Internal revenue collector for Alaska, who has been on a business trip to Un ilaska. Dutch Harbor and the Cook Inlet country, arrived home on the City ot Seattle yesterday and re D rts that things are quiet In that part of the country. At Sunrise City a little gold has been taken out, but not enough to cause much excitement. There are stils hopes lor the Copper river country. He also reports that there is not much internal reveuue business in that section of the country. on I. nke. List SinJ.iv .ilte n.ian a report reached Sk.ikway (.) the effect a scow belong lute 1" W- F. M itlock, lojJeJ with $2500 worth of provisions an J wn? beine towed to Dawvit, spr nig a leak on Marsh lake, ju<t below lake Bennett, and sank, destroy ing all the goods. Mr. Matloik came in on til - train last night and veriticJ the rumor. The Arctic Brotherhood held their regular weekly meeting in their hall last j night and initiated Geo. H. Burke. The iront club room Is to be furnished in the ] near future, Tbr llaml Until*. Mr. Kirk has just completed the finest bath rooms in Alaska, and they are to be founj in the Occidental barber shop and | bath rooms in the Occident I hotel on i Hroadwav, south of Sixth avenue. Nk< , porcelain bath tubs, plentv of towels, and Jean, large bath rooms are the characteris tics of this place. The barber shop is tlx ? finest in Aluska, as all will find who gc i there. Drop in atMagnu--on,s fowling alley Holly and State 9-5-1 m I'llUfl Minr* In IttHii. Peter Jackson, the greatest colored pu gilist, and Frank Slavin, the ex-English champion, arrived on the City of Seattle yesterday on their way to Dawson, where Slavin has valuable mining interests. At the request of numerous sporting men, the two champions will give an exhibition of their powers in the armory next Friday evening. While Jackson was in his prime Jas. J. Corbett, with whom he fought a 72-round draw, was the only man who dared to go him. Slavin for sev eral ye.'rs claimed the world's champion ship, but never was able to comp'etelv ac quire tnat title, owing to difficulties in ar ranging a match with other claimants. Besides the* two fistic stars, several local lighters ot some promise are to mix up. There will be six six-round matches besides the principal go. Jackson and -lavinare slopping at the Mondamin. lJuring his fight career Jack son enjoyed the distinction tf bring thr best dressed man in the sporting business. ! but yesterday he appeared in .1 bicycle suit. * < lij tvilirr Rem rim. Councilman John Stanley returned from atrip to Seattle, Portland and S'nFtan cisco yesterday. He reports business as booming in S at t le and ban Francisco. At the latter place he spent six days visiting his relations and friends. At Portland In looked lip Mr. I.mtg and found that the new castings for extending the tire hy-| drants are being made, and the supplies! will be up here in a week f>r ten days. I Mr. Stanley Is in fine health and looks as if the trip had agreed with him. HHP FOR HOSPITAL % I. urge nrtlliig of l.tdli-* an<l (jriillfuirii Tiakc up tin* 'imtcr. The concert to be given bv Madam Bluett, the prims donna. will receive the hearty support of the best ladies and gen tlemen of the dtv, a large number of whom met ..t the Presbyterian annex last right to plan the work. A very enthus iastic meeting was held, with Mr. F. M. Woodruff, chairman. rud Mr. Ifobt. Diftin, secretary. Alter i?onsiderable discussion, the proposal to hold the c< ncert In the armory was abandoned and the grand pro gram will be given in Firemen's hall next Monday evening. I he price of tickets h r each person was fixed at f I oo for general I admission and f i.?o for reserved seats. After tiie concert there will e a dies* soiree, and refreshments will be served. The meeting selected c mml.'tees to carry on the different work, and Mrs. O. F. Searle was appointed general chair man of all the committers concerning the conceit, soiree and refreshments. The advisory committee consisted of I >i - I H. Moore (chaitm.ii I and Mr. and Mr*. tValter Church. The program committee ion?.i>>!s of Dr. L.S.Keller (chairman) and Mrs. F. M. Woodruff. Mrs. Dent was appointed chairman of the hall committee, with power to appoint the other nienibets. The refreshment committee consists of Mr*. Bloom (.huirinmi. Mr-. Mitlo, k .m J Mis. Sperrv. m\ HOLIOW MINTS %r\% llrrnrdliiff Office I Iff > olid I lie IBortlrr. Mr. J. L). (Jr.ih. in, gold commissioner of the Allin district, returned yesterday from the new British Columbl.i copper and gold quart/ helds in the Ralnv Hollow dis trict, sometimes c.iilr J the Copper Blow out counlrv. He spent several d.ivs there, and established a mining recorder's office, which will be temporarily tilled bv Mr. VV. H. Viclers, who is thoroughly ex perienced In such affairs About si.xtv claims are sVkeJ and the recording will proceed without delay. Mr. Grah nn savs the indications polrt to an extensive held, but he cannot spe.ik with positiveness as to the merits of the district. He uncov ered one vein which is ten feet promises to yield well. Samples of cop per, gold and silver quartz were brought out by Mr. Graham and will be assayed. The trip to and from the district was made on Mr. Graham says the tojd or full is .1 rough one and, ac cording to his estimate, si.xtv miles long, but of gradual ascent Iroin tidewater, and of such a nature that a tramway could easilv be built from Haines to the camp. Mr. Graham is the guest of the Brjnnick and Mill proceed this afternoon tow rd his headquarters in the Atlin district, where a great deal of business has piled up during his absence. Me looks as If the long horse back ride had not hurt him. Mr. Gralum did not pay much attention to the Porcupine mines, through which he passed; but from the gold he saw and the quiet industry of the miners, he has an : op.nion that the mines are paving hand somely. Woman cook wanted at Bishof Rowe Hospital. 1 9 The new double breasted waistc oat suits ' at Cheney's Boston Store. For some time past Gi?s Miller has been 1 explaining his powers as a chef, and last nlpht he gave a practical demonstration ol ? his abilities in that line at the home of H, 1 1 B. Thacher. Gus saiJ that It was a typi : cal Dutch dinner, bi.t would not divulge ' 1 the Ingredients of the dishes. Those pres' 1 ' ent were H. B. Thacher and wife and Cap ' tain E. W. Johnston. j The Occidental hotel Is the best hotel Ir . 1 Alaska for the general traveling public ! Best accommodations and reasonable prices Ill III fill* HE 10 III The Flornmii (.iiiartz Mines Sold for 8500,000 THE MONEY EN ROUTE, \\ . J. ?*u r I rl?1jf r, llir \Vorl?l Trot i? r Arrli % from I. tuition ? liiiu - IMi <n plfllll?t? folio %rlii k Willi ? In- Mrcdfiil-Tlif Jf Mir* lo In* I'll i<l for It) i In- I Irtl off Sepie m brr. better known as S "lor Bill . returned to the citv yester V d'rtct lr?n. London, where he spent a month, received ll, ere medals from the 1vor of London I or his valuable JKivkej lo his countrymen in ex.iaring ind opi (lint; up new countries in the Brit 's ? Possessions, and sold I he Flomun 'nines at Atlln lor .<500.0- 0. He has the medals and certificates -Lowing whv thev Here g yen. signed by Sir Walter Wilkin, Lord Mayor of London. Mr. w. j. K,r, ridge left here in June las an I went dire.t to London. He re Ports that through the grejt mining brok ers, Haggarth, HallA I'rixlev, he succeeded '? * Im* 'he Florman friarl; claim, in the diMrict for 5250,000 to be paid to himself in -SKagwav on or before the tirst dav ol "e*t October, and ?2w,oco to be spent In P.'tt nK?pa large stamp mill and othe, machinery at the mine; then a corpora "on Is to be formed, and if It is capitalized to r more than 11,250,000, P '..rtrige is to .e. cme ten per cent. , f the excess. Ten days Jgo exterl* re,ched Atlln. and thev ?re opening up the mines md if the claims are w hat Ihev have been represents. the sale will take place. I hese claims are Jnown as the Anaconda group lnj em four ledge claims aggregating 2.6 ..res One ol these ltdges js rooo feet H ide. Kcolee. long and ,00 feet above "lr '"I" site, imdissald to have 17.00,. 000 tot* of ore In sight and which can be taken to the mill without shaft or tunnel. 1 'is ore runs from .<7,0 #27 ,0 the ton. t'lit the assays are numerous and the sale will g > if (lie ore stands up as claimed: ,'"J b;'l,Hr 1,1,1 ?vsit is there, -big a!) hie and twic as natural." Mr. I'.irtriJge v ivs that in about ten days Lo J Hamilton and Mr. Hagganh will arrive from London, which phce they left I . ]C ,J 'he company which has 1 ought the mine, and lie brings authority to draw on Londo., for the #250.000 to be paid to partrige, who says he expects to 'f 1' ik in Londm before the first ol ?November, never again to roam Partridge says the 55 kj .'oo was all in ' 3nJ Jt '-ord H imilton'; duposal be <?re be left I. ,,don. and that the largest stamp mill In the world will be establish ed within a mile w Allin city, and that he machinery will |e >l,iPPeJ in there just soon m. ,;ev c ,1 procure it \lr Partridge will leave for tiin today. J. P. Malonev, the Juneau attorney, who his been in town for several d,v- past, ' ' '"Is h'liie -n the Citv of v.ttlr' last night. Stsre*' l'0,,,rs- Chfnfy's Boston Madam liluetl, tit ? prima donna, left on the Citv of Se.tile last night for Douglas island, where she is to give . grand con ceit next l-riday ev< ning. She will return to Skagway next Saturday. ro line i",r"'i~' "r,"i>'|ed or unfurnished rooms for housekcrp ng. bv l-'onns St Swanson, l|,e c .r.vntePs, south side of houith avenue, east of Broadwav. 8-jfim I lie Cliff..rd Sifton is the fastest boat between Dawson and Skagwav, and con nects with ill steamships, ai. McGIHh t hilr'ii'iV I1 Steamboat Line, third door above depot building. Win. H il\er, son-in-law of Mrs. J. L, Sperrv, of this city, who has been in the Atlin district since earlv summer workins with Cipt. j. I.. Sperrv, came out Monday night an ? left on the Cily of Seattle lasl event ig f?r his home In Portland. ,Mrs. liver is exp-.ted out next week wltll Cipt, Sperfy uid will join her husband. lo the ladies. New fall goods just re ttjwd. PIL Alaska CO., kupp,Je po!| 27-S-im, Dtill steel and miners' tools at \V I Green s. Sto|le?nt,r<h SI'lrU 31 C,,en?y's Hostor Swe'l uoveltes in neck wear at Cheney*. Boston store. High grade goods and your monev'< worth at Cheney's Boston Store. LOST mslVPE"WRITFR tlir round n l'n?*rngrr Who Had (?old mid Vlnrrliiur Proposal*. Mr. W. J. Partridge, (he famous world trotter, the chum of millionaires and the companion of lords and dukes, was not able to hold a little short-hand type writer clerk to her agreement to assist him In all Ills arduous duties of going to the Atlin country and turning over to some Enrlish capitalists the mines which have been sold for $;oo,ooo. As Mr. Partridge was tarrying in Seattle, it occurred to him that he ought to have a secretary, so he adver tised and got a feminine one, Miss Stewart by name. Thev came to Victoria last Sun day week and there waited the City of Seattle in which they had engaged pass age. After boarding that vessel it was no ticid that a rich Uawsonite, a close friend of the great McDonnld, was quite chummy with his private secretary; but his aston ishment was greatly aroused when that young lady came to him with tears in her eves and asked to be released from her contract, saving that she had been offered matriage by the rich Klondiker and they intendeJ to leave the vessel at Juneau and seek a priest. A hundred thousand dollars more at less don't cut much figure with Mr. Pattridge, but this request rather un did him. However, he recovered himself in time to giant her request before she quit crying. Before the happy couple left the vessel at Juneau thev became quite af fectionate to each other, and it was re ported that thetutute husband had already g'ven his sweetheart a full #1000 as evi dence of the wealth he would shower upon her after their marriage. Mr. Pattridge says the couple left the steamer at Juneau, and he was told that thev had no difficulty in letting a license and a ministet, and were soon made man and wife. Mr. Part ridge seemed to be a little affected over the iftair and the name of the purloiner of his typewriter had escaped his memory. NEWS FROM NOME Anvil ('lit h l're?ldenllal I'onlnlflre mul In l.lrely. N. K. WILSON wh05*r. Druggist The Largest Stock of Drugs in Alaska. New Good* Arriving Every Week. Holly Ave. Near State.