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money KING F.T. Keelar Returns toSkag wav to Ketiiaio. K. T. Keelar. who left Ska** ay for good last fall, returned again to the ell) with the growth of which he hit been so i'Iuh'I) identified. and here he propones to re miun. Mr. Keelar brought a stock of t'wuU with hint anil will again open hi- Broadway store where he will be ready for action in a (ew days. Si ik'*' leaving Skagway. the mone> king ha* opened a large store in ' Seattle. He lia- left it in charge of hi* brother-in-law. Mr. Keelar mad< a trip Kant during 1 the winter where he visited okl haunt and renewed old acquaintances. He visited the great Klks home in Virginia while away anu he is enthusiastic ore: it* magnificence. Mr. Keelar was warmly greeted by the people of Sk:ii.'way. In fact he practically held a nvrpllvo on the 1 <reet*of the cit; diniug the entire afternoon. Mrs. Keelar returned to Ska*; way with her ho-band and wan as glad as he to greet old frietuls and familiar land marks. SKAtitUV WtAIIIfR For the 24 hours proceeding '? o'clock p. m. . April lt>, l!*U. Highest temperature 4<> above. Lowest temperature. .>>' above. H: D. Clark, I". S. Voluntary Observer. Cortland House furnish* -com fort able rvuiu* and ?"? cent baths. Fifth aveuue. tirij-? and valix-s at I i sous. Helle or Lexington Whiskey eight years okl? just out of government hom! and Three Crow u Hi.unotid Malt Whis ky?strictly pur* ?t S< .ittli >aloon. PACIflC COASl COAI WKLLIXt .TON Lt'Ml' and DOl'BLK SCREENED Also the Hiifh Grade Fulton. Sacked L. M. West. Ajfi., Phooe .? = Patronize ^ Home = Industry? If Sot You Should Ho So By Drinking Skagway Beer NOT SO BAD Xew Order Does Not Reduce thi Par. The article in the Daily Alaskan which stated that there hail been a cut in the pay of private* in the hospital cor]*., was written under a misappre hension of the real facta and conse quently misleading. Under the new order, the privates in the hospital corps hare been placed in two claaaes, first das* private* and privates. The form er net IIs and the latter 110 per month. None of those stationed at Skagway w ill come under the inferior distinc tion. The order also change* the titles of the officers in the Corp*. Hospital stewanls become first-class sergeants, and acting hospital stewards, sergeants. In addition, the rank of corporal hat. I*en created. The lowest rank, or plaia private, will only apply to tho?e here after enlisted. Haraui OaU It Hinger Hermann, ex-commissioner of j the general land office, and formerly member of congress from Oregon, has been nominated for congress to succeed Thomas H. Tongue, who recently died. Hermann was nominated after a bitter contest. The election will take place June 1st. l'nh?*lthr Kum Towm \ Kansas town of 1,000 population ha* fourteen drug stores. The town couldn't -upjiort more than three drug stores if it wasn't for prohibition? which may go to show that prohibition is agood thing after all for the "drug stores."? Atlan ta Constitution. A neat place run by neat people. The Vrctic Cafe. Whitehorse. The lending barbershop and (>ath?. The Principal, opposite Hoard of Trade. Hundreds of eyes read the advertising i columns of the Alaskan each day They ! scan these columns closelv. Business men do you want result*.' We have; the proj?-r medium. Phone 19 for the, mat. with the rate card to call. We aurry It a. * M rsadv te-wsar t*lt..r-m*4* Mitt* V H Ptoww * If you intend remaining In Wbltehorae either for -a short or long period it will pay you to pa troche too wall known and popular Dominion Hotel ? WHITEHORSE. T. t. Where You Can Get the Beat Klfty Cent Meal In Town Special Accommodations for Kamiliea NO BAR Beds. 00c per night, Single Rooms, 11.00 W. J. GIBBONS, Proprietor HE IS MAD Chilkoot Jack a Victim of Sharp Practice. A weather beaten and rugged native of the forest, Chllkoot Jack, whoso (food character Is vouched for in a "skookum paper," issued under the hand and seal of Oov. Brady, ban a greivance against < iLtoa, a fellow In dian. Case a came to Skagway from Haines, not long since for tiie purpose of s?lllng a house he owned in Skag way. He told of a sick wife, and Chil koot Jack felt sorry, and paid him 125 for the house, Casca returned to Haines with his money, after having bestowed his profuse thanks upon Jack. He had not been in the misaion town long until he ran into Sam Harris, an other Indian, who wan willing to pay more for the house, whereupon Cosca again sold out. This time W<> was the price. Jack heard of the second sale ann forthwith look Casca to account. "You are a good Christian," said Jack, "you should not cheat. That is the same as stealing." "I am not very much Christian now," replied Case a. Jack had uo paper, so he felt thai he oould not hold the lot. but he gave Casca the option of returning the money or going to the skookum house. Casca chose to dig up. Jack is getting even now by telling all who will listen, that Casca thinks more of ll."> than his religion. READY FOR SPRING Antrim Tailors Pr?f?r?J to Moot Dtmssd for Man's Clothing. The American Tailors are prepared as never before to meet the demand of apring suiting*. They have a com plete liue of snriug goods that has just arrived, togetner with some of the best trousers patterns ever exhibited in this or any other city. The goods are all flrst class and of the latest fashion. This house ha-, also juvt 'added an other tailor recently from a fashionable city tailoring establishment. All suits guaranteed. 4-14-2w $10 REWARD A reward of $10 will be paid for the arrest and conviction ot any person caught maliciously breaking windows in any house represented by the under signed. 1'hil Abrahams. Kara Old Btook Manager Gage of the Pack Train saloon has received a large consignment, on the Dolphin, of rure old Hermitage and Kellogg whiskies. They are the best, genuine, aged, mellow and pure. Fresh oysters at the Pack Train Res taurant. Spring chicken at the Pack Train reatauranl. I cannot tell a lie, we must mak# a little profit, c lay-on & Co. To Look Well A Reasonable Ambition And we make the achievement a most reasonable one by offering you the advantage of Materials, Price, Cut and style in our handsome ready-to* wear clothing. Your tailor cannot make you look better? he can only require you to pay more We carry the cele brated Hart Schafiner & Marx and David Adler & Sons suits and overooats J. fi. eiay$on & Co., Clothier*** Hart* Schaffter (J frlfX Tailor* Wad* Clothe* Otis PLUM Lewie Shackleford to Attor ney for the P. C. Co. The announcement in made that Lewi* P. Shaokleford, formeMy of thU city, has been appointed attorney for the Pacific Coast Steamship Co. This in a berth that was held by Judge John H. Winn until about two months ago, when be quit. Mr. Shaokleford'* territory Include* all Southeastern Alaska. Lmn far Huilai Tri? p. W. Snyder. W. K. Tharopson and Geo. Dillon made up a honting party that left for down eanal points yester day. ??viae W??u4 1 would like to take *ome sewing to do at home. Can make skirt* or do any kind of plain sawing. Mrs. 11 axel Karrell, Corner 10th and Broadway. Our annual sale is now on, beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of each year. This is our sixth annual sale, the prices and values during this sale are tho name ils before, llwtyi the b<*t that can be had. F. H. Clayson & Co. (he Coal Situation The B. C. Mines Closing Down. By July 1st a Complete Tiel'pls Prob able. Now is your chance to get in your summer supply of Coal. April 16th SCREKNKD AND KACK KD WELLINGTON Will be $13.00 per ton Delivered Kcmember our Coal is THL BKST on the markat, It U >12.00 now? April 1 6th it will be 113,00. Shaw & Johnson, Phone 11. Moon's Wharf Agents THE GROWTH OP OCR STOCK hu not be?o to quantity iltae. ?J?al ity hu improved at even a greater rate. Wo have atudfed- the require?#ou of our euatomem and are able ? to-tell them just the kind of they like at Jnat the prtoea thejr like to day. Pet IdaM of oura are sacrl fioed to do thia. These offeriof* ?re remarkable In many ways. There's benuty. novelty and quality Ln thene goods. P. E. KURN, MISS ADAMS, Milliner and Dressmaker At Ihu RealdeoM of Geo. E Howard. TUrd Areoue JEWELRY ?CAQWAY. iMIfi And Still They | Keep Coming ! I I Another big load of Dry Goods just ? received per City of Seattle, in cluding- : Walking Skirts, Silk Waists, Silk Petticoats, Sateen Petticoats. Wash Waists, Wash Dress Goods, Millinery, Children's Dresses, Wrappers, Challies Our Ladies' Suits will arrive about f the 17th of this month. The B. M. Behrencis Co. Q-EO. BLANCHARD. Manager. ile Pass k Yukon Route THROUGH LINE FROM Skagwav to Atlin, White Horse, Biq Sairucfh Dawson and Yukon River Points s During the open season of navigation ou ihc Yukon river ivLh'V x' ? m i . of NVv t.V the ttmi lleof October, the British Yukon Navigation Co'a river at? mew oonnjjnd a IVhfVoHorMj (flying ;i daily aerrioe to Stewart river, Dawson, etc. Speoial steamers make regular runs from White Hooo to TrNit.i . ui t.i ; S ilinon Connections made at Dawson for all Lower Yukoo river-poim-, i : f : , Mi. n;: in ! Taro igh connections made at Caribou with the Gompanlrjluk > mi A; ? in. faku anutfolden fJaie mining camps. THE WINTER -SDUTE SERVICE ^ 0 During the winter season when navigation is e.os<J i -? 1 .iv antl Wt.t |a Through Mail. Passenger and Freight Will B*vMain tained By a Thor^u^hly Equipp /ck^tjge Li^ BETWEEN WHl/E HOR?? AND DAWSON Leafing Whitehorse every Wedne^du^>ud /uturday, with coinfortai- ^ u< For Information relative to PaaaeogiT Freight and Telegraw) i_r ? vnv ^?nieiil point/ torou ' y y *4 r f*. :uip?y tctflny a^-nt of the ;comp^v, or v\J , ^ J, [ }\K* a. B. n^well, v. p. & g. /w. J SEATTLE ^ RAINIER BOHEMIAN BEER. AT THE Seattle Saloon Corner Sixtb Ave. and State HERM * ORIMIH, Prop. ROYAL | ?Steam Iiaandpy* | Ail Work Gaaranteed. Shori J Order* Promptly Done. 4 PHONF ro Meisecger Will Call *no Deliver J Baths In Connection \ Private Room* for Ladies. ' STEAM HEATED. J? 5 _?.... ... . ?W j/. ._V_. ...^JllrjJ yj (sxstif Th^" Idaho Liquor House ^ ? > CORNER 'I1RD AND ROAPWAV, The Pioneer Fami'y Liquor St. re cf Skagway ^ ESTABLISUKD Id.. i Direct IrapOficr.-'i f Forcij,'u ?nd Domestic ,j WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS i ac.'.n'Ts for ,i A. B.C. tod SKAI.W RY*S BOTTLED BEEK | Prlrtle 1 "?iu? For F n Jlca Special Attention to Oidnf (or Fa oily (J?? Tfllapbooe M ^ : ? ; Rooms 50 Cento Per Nttflit Firrt Clans Bar In Coum.-ei.ion * 1 ?: ? s & I Pioneer Restaurant ? _____ ft GREIG |\ EILSON, Prop. ffl ? ? ft Meals 50 Cent* 6) Train* Stop For Dinner BENNETT, B.C. I ittXiXiXjXsXiXsXs^^ ? ' - WXnyAliXD