Newspaper Page Text
-fawn -an ,. Strtsr,.?.. -,. ; r-r,J K CwmtM 'Dtcdtln -mt t- ! P ! l" I VOL. XII. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1895. NUMBER 49. .." kiurm -5-iRtfbus fi w-?ii lilP jjia JriiB5B" DON'T. Don't bite off wire with your teeth; Don't pull up tacks with a screw driver; . Don't open tin can's with a butcher knife; Don't split wood with a hammer; Don't sharpen your knife on the stove; Don't borrow your neighbor's shovel; Don't forget that you can buy ANY KIND F LUMBER THE GRAND JURY'S REPORT. At Flagstaff from the r. -Irizona Lumber and Timber Go. True Bills Keturnod for Assault, Burglary and Murder, The County Institutions Found In a SutlHluctory Condition Ilocom niciidutioiiB of tlio Commit- ' ten on Indian ApalrH. ' ur - Prices - Are - Right. "J N1 Lool5 0er tY)e Fer)ee, ar)d IF THIS ARRESTS Your attention, wo wish to inform you that wo do everything In tho lino of commercial, so- eiety and geueral job work. We have the facilities and are prepare to do nil styles of printing. When you are HURRY IN A For a job and say you must have it in an hour, a day or a week, wo can do it for you with less fuss and more surety than any other establish ment in Arizona. We can hamlle any job from a visiting card to a circus poster. A PLEASED CUSTOMER Is the best advertisement we know of. So bring around your printing and we will pleae you, both in the quality of work and price charged. When you call don't forget to subscribe for TfiE) GOGONINO SUN. THE BANK HOTEL THE LEADING HOTEL OF NORTHERN ARIZONA. Tourists and commercial travelers will find the above named hotel complete in all the modern im provements of the day. The management will spare no pains to cater to the warits of his patrons. BY THE DAY, WEEK 1 MONTH. Also Dining Room attached, where nothing but the best the market affords is served to Guests. T. JT. Coalter, Prop., FLAGSTAFF. ARIZONA. NEWS DEPOT. FANCY GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS, .OHA8, A. KELLER, Proprietor. CANDIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY, CIGARS, All the Delicacies of the Season Fresh from the Market. You are invited to call and inspect my Stook FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. , . . . ' . . In the District Court of tlio Fourth Jiuticinl District of tlio Territory of.Ariy.oua, in and for the County of Cocouiuo. To tho Ilonorablo John J. Hawkins, Juilgoof tlio Fourth Judicial District Dear Sir: We, your Grand Jury, impaneled on the Oth instant, beg leave to loport as follows: Wo havo examined eight charges, ignored live, and returned three true bills, as follows: First, assault with deadly weapon; second, burglary; third, murder. The attention of the Grand Jury having been called to the payment of fees by tho county to officers who irrest ciiiuiuals outside of the Terri tory, wo beg to suggest to the Hoard of Supervisors a careful scrutiny-of all bills for fees in these cases, as such arrests aro properly made by requisi tion and tho expenses aio to bo borne by the Territory. Section 65G of tho renal Code has been brought to our uotice, concerning prizo lighting. Would recommend that tho officers enforce tho law in th's matter. Wo would recommend that the jus tices of tho peace make their reports to the clerk of tho court, according to law. The further lecoinmeudations of this body will be found in the several committee reports, which aro attached heteto aud made a part of this report. Wo desire to thauk jour Honor for the consideration and courtesy with which you have treated this Grand Jury, and we arc indebted to thoSherift for efficient services in tho prompt summonsing "of witnesses'also to the District Attorney for valuable counsel and aid. Having linished our labors we re spectfully ask to be finally discharged. Tuos. T. McMillon, Foreman: Geokge Babbitt, Secretary. tier. The Sheriff suggests some needed improvements in his office iixturcs that should receive attention of the Board of Supervisors railing and gato across room and ouc-half dozen chairs, with an extra desk with locks. WlLLIAM RODEK, W. V. Caktmell, W. Campbell, II. F. Adams, A. P. Allen, H. Uoweks, Committee. COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC BUSINESS. Flagstaff, Aiiz., Augusts, 1895. To tho Foreman of the Grand Jury of Coconino County, Ariz. Sir: We, your committee appointed to inquire into the condition of the public busi ness, and to examine the books aud records in the several offices of County Supervisors, County Recorder, County Hecoider, County Treasurer, Probate Judge and Clerk of the Distiict Court, have the honor to report that wo have performed our duty as thoroughly as the limited time at our command would permit, and have found that the atfairs of tho different offices aro attended to in a business-like manner. All books are kept clean and neat, papers are properly filed, and entries mado in an Intelligible and sutisfactory manner. John C. Ghim, James Walsh, James W. Jones, W. W. Stout, Geoiiqe Babbitt, Tims. W. Buookbank, Committee. committee on county buildings. Flagstaff, Ariz., August 8, 1895. T.J. McMillon, Foreman We, your committee appointed to examine the county hospital, jail, courthouse and Sheriff's office, beg leave to report as follows: Tho county hospital we find kept neat and clean, aud no complaint from the patients, three hi number. We find tho jail also kept neat and clean, with no complaints from any of tho prisoners. The jailor suggests tho following improvements, which we aliio think aro needed, viz.: 1. That brick laid in cement be put uuder the north side of cage to pre vent prisoners from hiding tools, etc., handed in from friends outside. 2. Another cage for prisoners. 3. That gato be changed from south side to west side of jail yardand yard fenco bo made tight. 4. The jailor also suggests somo im provements in the sewage system that would be a savinjjf-to tho county. Wo also examined books and papers in tho Sheriff's office and found every thing kept in a neat and orderly nian- COMMITTUE CONCEKNINO INDIAN AF FAIKS. Flagstaff. Ariz., August 7, 1895. To tho Foreman of the Grand Jury of Coconino County, Ariz. Sir: We, your committee appointed for tho pur pose of giving expression to tlio views ot the Grand Jury on certain matters concerning Indian affairs in this count', beg leave to hand you two papers here with one relating to the efforts of our county officials to bring ecitain Indian murderers to justice, the other takes cognizanco of a practice by some of our fellow citizens who issue written recommendations to Indians who apply for them. Whereas the Navajo Indian agent at Fort Defiance, Now Mexico, entered into an agreement with the civil authorities of Coconino county, Ari zona, for tho surrender to them, in time for trial at the August term of the District Court, in -and for Coco nino county, Arizona, of a ceitaiu Navajo Indian who on or about tho 20th day of June, 1892, feloniously killed Lot Smith near Tuba City, in said county. And whereas the said agent has failed to perform his pait of said agreement, either apparently, through duplicity, or inability on ac count of intimidation or resistance by tho Navajo Indians, or a part of them. Therefore be it resolved by tho Grand Jury of Coconino county, Ari zona, that wo respectfully ask his Ex cellency, the Governor of Arizona, to request the Secretary of the Interior at Wt.-ihiugton to institute prompt inquiry aud ascertain the cause why said agent failed to perform his part of said agreement, and if said agent bo found in fault to secure .his removal as an officer of the Government unworthy the confidence of his fellow citizens, or if he has been resisted or intimidated by the Indians to demand all necessary assistance from tho National Govern ment to arrest said Navajo Indian and to deliver him into the custody of the Sheriff of said Coconino county for trial according to the laws of this Tcr l itory. We further state that our officers whose duty it is 'have faithfully per formed their part in this case as well as in attempts to arrest the Indian who murdered Fields, also within the limits of this county, in the early part of 1894, and having exhausted the resources at theircominand wo demand the assistance of tho Territorial and National Government to bring these Indian murderers to justice. Wo think it is not provident for our county officers to continue tlieso fruit less efforts, because every failure only serves to embolden the Indians and to make our local civil authority con temptible in their sight. William Roden, A. P. Allen, James WALsn. Tuos. W. Bkookbank, Committee. Adopted by unanimous vote of tho Grand Jury. Tuos. F. McMillon, Foreman. Flagstaff, Ariz., August 7, 1895. To His Excellency, the Governor of Arizona Sir: We, the Grand Jury of Cocouiuo county, Arizona, respectfully call your attention to a practico on the part of a number of our citizens which seriously and unfavorably affects the conduct of Indian affairs in this county and vicinity. Certain privato resi dents have given out a number of papers having the character of a recom mendation of tho Indian or Indians who obtain them. Tho Indians regard these recommendations as official per mits to leave their reservation and locate, with their families and stock, where they please among the whito settlers, in certain instances having actually taken up a temporary abode on lands legally held by citizens of this county. Wo request your Kxcelleney, therefore, to take such actiou in the matter as will secure tho prompt sup pression of this pernicious practico if LEVI STRAUSS & CO? TRADE MARK BE?raH pteyji.M COPPER RIVETED CLOTHING EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. FACTORY -SAN FRANCISCO - CALIFORNIA. the laws or regulations of tho Indian Department take cognizance of the offence. William Roden, A. P. Allen, James Walsh, TlIOS. W. BllOOKBANK, Committee. Adopted by unanimous vote of the Grand Jury. Tuos. F. McMillan, Foreman. Arizona's Delegates. A correspondent of tho Willcox "Nows" says: As it may be a matter of somo interest to your readers I givo herewith a list of Arizona's delegates in Congress from the time of its organ ization officially down to tho present: 1. Charles D. Foslon, elected 1864, served ouo year. 2. John N. Goodwin, elected 1865, served one year. 3. Coles Bashford. elected 1866, served two years. ( 4. Richard C. McCormick, elected 1868, '70, '72, served six years. 5. Hiram S. Stevens, elected 1874, '76, served four years. C. John G. Campbell, elected 1878, served two years. 7. Granville II. Ourr, elected 1880, '82, sened four yoars. 8. C. C. Beau, elected 1884, served two years. 9. Marcus A. Smith, elected 1884, '86, '88, f)0, '92, served eight years. 10. N. Oaks Murphy, elected 1894, now serving. Before 1863 for government pur poses Arizona was attached to New Mexico. All south of the Gila river was Pima count-, with a few settlers, and all north of the Gila river was Yavapai county, but no settlers. Syl vester Mowery, elected by himself and a few others who wished office, went on to Washington during the adminis tration of Buchanan, I think in 1859, but was not recognized, as no enabling act had been passed by Congress. TERKITOEIAL TRADE. Wonts n Hound-Trip 'Itate. II. W. Roll, immigration commis sioner for this county, is endeavoring to obtain a reduced round-trip rate to Flagstaff from Chicago and Kansas City, to encourage immigration to this section as well as the tourist traffic, aud the prospects are that he will suc ceed. John E. Frost, general land commissioner of tho Santa Fe at To peka, writes to Mr. Roll: "Respecting your plans for securing immigration to Coconino couuty, 1 consider your scheme a good one. I have writteu Mr. Georgo Nicholson, general passenger agent at Chicago, III., with request that ho help you iu securing best rates possible." Tho succes3 of Mr. Roll's efforts in this respect would mcau much for this sectiou. At present there is no round trip rate to encourage peoplo to visit this wonderful region, and from most Eastern points the fare is the same to Sair Francisco, and often less, than to Flagstaff. Mr. Roll is now in tho East aud will confer with the Sauta Fe officials iu Chicago. A lttcli Gold Strike. What is said to be the richest gold strike ever made on the Colorado river was mado iu the Picacho mines last week. Some miners working in what has always been supposed to bo barren ground began an open cut In tho great vein of quartzite. On the surface no gold was found in the rock. At a depth of twenty inches they struck $5 to $8 ore, which at the end of tho dis tance of twenty feet increased to $15 and $18. They then sunk a shaft on the ore. At the depth of five feet the rock runs $18 to 25; at ten feet from $25 to $50, and from seventeen to twenty feet it runs from $50 to $150 per ton iu free gold. The ore body as now opened is twenty feet wide, and neither wall is yet shown. At the bottom of the shaft the ore grows richer as depth is attained. The crop piugs on tlio surface are 700 feet wide and show for a long distance. Reciprocity Should Prevail Within the Confines of Arizona. Reciprocal trado is rapidly growing in this Territory, and what were onco distaut sections, with no common in terest or trado relations, aro now closely united with commercial rela tions, each being benefitted by the ex change of products. Not the least is climatic change, as within the confines of Arizona can be found a wide range, from semi-tropic to cold temperate, even frigid. South ern winters, with an ideal climate, prevails in this valley and throughout Southern Arizona, while during tho heated term Flagstaff, Prescolt, Wil liams, theMogollon forests and sylvan expanses in the various mountain ranges, offer a pleasant retreat, unex celled iu any section in the United States. But the various parts of Arizona have something more material to exchange than scenery and climatic conditions. With a wide range of products, each portion of the Territory grows somo things in greater abundance than is required for local consumption, while there arc other products that must bo imported. For instance, this valley has plenty of fruit, most of which cannot bo grown in other sections. This fruit is superior to auy that can be shipped to the Ter ritory, and it should have the prefer ence. The same may be said of butter, a fine grade of which is made iu ship ping quantities. Why ship strong butter or spoiled eggs or shriveled fruit from California or Kansas when better can be obtained in Arizona? Even with meats it i9 the same. Siuce M. E. Hurlev has established a packing house in this valley he is able to supply all outside parts of the Ter ritory with better meats, ham, bacon, lard, sausage, corned beef and other things in that line. Hay and grain, loo, should supplant outside products. These outside sections can supply this valley with many things, and tho peoplo of Phoenix should give them a show. Lumber from the northern mills should build our houses, barns, fonccs and bridges, potatoes from Coconino aud other sections should bo on our tables, and in fact everything that cau be should lie bought in the Territory. Lime iu largo quantities comes from Yavapai, and it should supplant the California lime. By standing together, trading with ono another, and using Arizona productions to the exclusion of all others,. Arizona will commercially grow stronger, besides no better pro ducts can be secured abroad. Gazette. Lassoed a I.lon. A fifteen-year-old boy named Juan Romero, at the Blytho ranch on the Colorado, lassoed a mountain lion re cently. He was out with his riata looking for a horse when a mountain Hon attacked his dog. He had no' weapon but the rope, and throwing it lassoed tho lion around the neck. Hauling it tight it began to choke the infuriated animal, which began to jump and struggle to get away, the boy all tho time hauling with all his might on the lariat. Iu ono of the wild plunges mado by the Hon he jumped iuto tho air, coining down behind a stout mos quito bush, but not low enough so that he could touch the ground. The boy held on to his end, with the lion suspended in the air, until tho fierce brute was dead, having hanged him self. The boy took off the skin, which measured niue feet from the tip of tlio nose to tho end of tho tail. Protect the Game and Fish. Shoot or fish only in the proper sea son and escape tho game warden by observing tho laws. Many States have now game and fish laws this year, and if vou don't know them send five 2c stamps for a copy of the Game Law issue of the "American Field," 245 State street, Chicago. I I ll , I ' II i I I I l i n 5rtM ti'l 4 :J Hr