Newspaper Page Text
A- Lu Jifet Jt& v, - i I? i i :m n 1' Mk.. C 1 N .'M i i p li ! "SEIie Coconino Jmn. C. M. l'UNSTOX, EDITOIt. THURSDAY. AUGUST l.j, 1805. Subscription rates, onoycur . Jl 00 six mouths 2 00 " thrcu months . 1 00 Advertising rates Riven upon application Address all conuiiiiiilcatlons and make all remittance to O. M 1 unbton, 1 laystall', Arizona. Kntcrcd at tlio Flagstatr poll offleo as second-class matter SUN IMON I TuiTwEP THU I FRI SAT gsg .& .grg 5, 12 3 j sJLI& 9 o LL JJ3 JJiLJiL !X" 18 19 20 21 22 25 "24 25 26 27 28 1 29 1 30 31 WKATIIUK. Ilelon Is Kivcn the highest and lovvist points registered by tho tlieriuometer In rinsstaff during the month to this dutei AUGUST. Date. 1 3 6 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 .. .. 14 . . . 15 Maximum Minimum ... 81 . 57 .83 68 ,. ..81 50 ... 87 01 ,. ..tO 5S ... 81 57 fcO . .. M 76 4S ....78 .... . . ...79 . . 53 81 St 79 . 55 .. . 81 ... 66 82 . H SO 62 AVcntlier 1'oVrcnnt for Arizona. Sax FkajiCISCo, August 15. l'.iii, stationaij. The l'hocuk Gactto" savs that haimony teigtis in tlio Demooiatic part) in this Tenltoi). It is also said to teigu in a w aimer place The Tieasniv. shoitage foi the pit s ent month is about a million dollais a day, and tho da)s aio not so long a. tho wcio last mouth eithei. An abundant Mippl) of u.itei has been obtained at Gallup li) boi ing a well to a depth of 300 feet. It cost consideiablomoue) todoil, but Gallup put up the neccss.ii) means and has piofited b) tho investment. A iutAGHAPiigoing tliu i omuls of the newspapeis savs that Seuatoi Qua)'s nanio is pionouneed "ke." Of com so this is an enoi. Piobabl) the stoiy was duo to the fact he is tho nilcr of the Kevstono State. "The bigness of our coin ciop beg gai aiithmetic," said Fi.tuk P. Jlc Leniian, editor of the Topeka ".State Jouinal," in a ttcent iuteniow. "You will understand iu a measuic the coin liguiesof Kansas when I sa the ciop will bo nioi i; than tluee huudied mil lion bushels. It will gio (he bushe's, or 100 pouuds, to ctei) man, woman and child in the United States, and leac enough to send ship loads to Russia." The Williams "News," in speaking of the mot al status of that town and tho falluto of the officials to eufoicu tho laws, among other things sas: "Out of the fifteen or Incut) piisoneis eou liucd in tlio count) jail but two or tluee etc sent thciefiom othci points in tho count). Om town is iepie sonted 1) the lemaindei, and ovei) manner of ciime, uiuidei cccptod, is cbai get! against them, and this too, is oulyowiug to tho foi lunate iceovciv, of tho victim oi the bad maiksmanship of the " FltEU tiado wool is now biiiigiug fiom 20 to 23 cents a pound. Under iho McKinle) taiill", the highest otci placed on wool, the pueofell to 13 cents a pound Xet )ear fiee tiado will biing it to 30 cents oi mow, and still tho iiotcctio tai ill man is not happ). Tucson Stai The above would bogloiions news to tho w oolgi ow ei s of Alizonj if it weio tine, 'iho woolgiowcis of Coco uino know fiomdeir expeiienco that thoy can get to da) oul) 5 cents per jiouud foi their clip-, when under tho McKinle) law tho atoiago piieo was 10 cents per pound, and our sheep laiseis would bo full) satisfied if that price could bo lealied at tlio piescnt time. The United Status unilur Clurulmul's ailministintioii lias stopped pajing its bonded debt and inei cased the debt $295,000,000, and tlio administiation Mill not end until Match 4, 1897. Tun Chicago "Tiibuno" solemn) deelnics that nails li.tvo gone up $2G per ton owing to tho nppioaeh of a ptesidential election, because- "mi nun campaign lies will liavo to bo nailed." An effott is being nuilo bv bettor O. G. Lozauo to stall a Spanish piper. Il would bo a good deal like peddling peanuts in a gi.ivej.ud to attempt to lima Spanish paper licic. How over, the Sun wishes tho uew pi ojret success. Many of tho advances in wagci meieli bettei tlioso of 1893, but do not leach those of Republican times. For example, ten woolen mills in Rhode Island hao icccntl added 5 per cent to tho wages of their employes, but this lcstoies oul half of tho U'diiLtion made in 1893 to pi event suspension. Thl "Anieiican Ecouomist" peiti nontl) asks: "If tho fieo tiadois mo not satisfied to compuo tlio impoits of 1895 with those of 1891 why aio the) so anxious to compiiollieiinpioteinent in business, as lepiescnled b) bank dealings and the better Ticasuiy ex hibit made this )cu with tlioso of 1S91? What is sauce for tiic goose is sauce for the gander. UTl'LK LOUALl, Tho Plagstafl Baseball Club wou the game fiom Wiuslow buiuta) b) aseoie of 7 to 0. King and Dunne of Williams pla)od wltli tho homo club. The Flagstaft Electiiu Light Com pan) icccivcil a lotof now matciiai to tl.i). Tho compau) aie pushing things as fast as the) can, and nxpcct to have etci) thing in luuning older b) No- ember. Hair) lloxwoitli and William Fieid lein ictmued )esteida) fiom a tiip lo tlio Verdo Valley. They i epoi t o ei ) -thing piospeious iu that section, al though the fiuit etop is not so largo as last )ear. 1 lie f uncial sen ices o or Reginald N. C. Do Kit a, w hich w eio accoi ding to tlio litualof tho Chinch of P.ugland, wcio held fiomlhePicsb) teiian cliutch )esteidn), Ret. Thomas C. Moffett officiating. Iho A. and P. tailioid has made a i ate to tho Albuqueiquo fair of $10 foi the touud tiip. Tickets will bo sold on tho 14th of September, good to le tuiii until Septembei 30th. Continu ous passage each w av, . M.tishal HochdeilTer has been noti fying oi ei) body to clean up then picniises. Tho alio) s and back jnids in tho business poitiou of town ate in most instances in need of cleaning and the maislial should ctifnicc tho sanitai) law. Iho tin ee-)eai-old son of Low Wil li.ud, near Cotlonwood, was bitten lit a tattlesnakc Mond i). The little fol low was pl.i)iug on the kitcnou flooi and one of his pla) things (hopped thiough a knothole and he stuck his linger thiough tho hole after it, when ho was bitten on the linger. Antidotes weie immediately applied and tlio boy will lecoicr. Disdiel Attmnc) Jones of Giaham count) was bitten by a pup last Fiitkiy. lie thought little of it until .Sutida), when he saw the pup die iu coinul sions in tlio piesenccof water. Ho then leealled that the dog had not acted light when lie was bitten. Ho will go lo Chicago foi tho Pasteur liealmeut. SheiilT Camel on and Depul) Sheiilf Niles Cniiioion left this mouiing foi Yuma, hating in limit- ohaige Gus Mudeisbach and Fiancisco Gonales. The) will bo delivcicd lo the Supeiiu tondent of tho Tenitoiiil piison. '1 he foimerwas sentenced to sown )cus for uianslaughtei and Iho lattei six teen months for huiglai). Dr. W. r.ugcue Htieil of Los Angeles is in town this week. Dr. lliicll makes a special!) of tho (ipatmeiit of l un til! e, and m ikes a pciiinnciit euic. He camo heio for the puipose of ti eating Mr. Geoige Rabbilt, and his opeiation, which is a p unless one, was succo-s-ful and giallfying to the piticnt. The doctor will lomain lioio a few da)S to enjo) out mount tin clim ito. Tho doctor is icgisteied at Iho Buik Hotel. John Poller died in Needles Sund.i) afternoon of diops). Mi. Potter has been siik for somo weeks past and left hoiol'iida) for Needles in Hie hope tint tho chitigo would do him good. Ho has been a lesident of FlagslalT for tho past eighteen mqntljs jnd was uni teisall) liked. "Jack" Potter, as hi) was familial I) called, was an old A. and P. tailioad engineer, and foimeil) tail on tho Needles di ision. Ho ha'J man) ftionds along the liuo of the load who will tegtet to learn of his death. HERE AND THERE- - Movements ofllomo Folks ami N'oten About Visitors E. M. Saufoid is in town to dav. Judge Hawkins left Tuesday foi Piescolt. Sheiill Canioion was iu Williams I ist w eek. N. G. La) ton made a tiip to Williams this week. J. W. Spat ling made a tiip to Ilol biook )estoiday. W. L. Vau Hoi n let ui nod to Tempo Tuesday mouiing. T. S. Hunch and famil) letunied to Holbiook Satin d ly. J. A. Fleming loft Sunda) for a dip! to tho Giand Can) on. S. S. Acker was up fiom tho Apieho Maid laneh this week. ' M.J. Dm an and wifj .iio'in fiom tho Red 'lank tiading post. J. W. Wagnei.of Wiuslow is spend ing the week heio with his f unity. F. 1). Nelson, count) iccoider of Nat ajo count), was iu town Monda). John Veik.imp of Ciiiciuti.iti, Ohio, has accepted a position with liabbitt Hi os. C. -H. Douglas, the w oolgi ow ei' .of Hellemout, was in town seteinl dajs last week. U. Vt Wiseli.nt of Newcastle, lud., auited heio Monday and will leiuniii some time. iho Misses Daufoid, dniighteis of Ret. H. M. Daufoid, ai lived fiom Mis sollii )csteida). T. J. Giaco anil T. Joico weio iu town fiom Hellcmont Satuida). Mr. Gi.ico will leluiu to California this w eek. ILuold W. Roll is at tho St. Louis S.uiitaiium of Paul Paquin, M. D., and is uudoigoiiig tho seium ticatmeut, with fat oi able tcsiilts. Bishop Bouigado left Tuosda) foi Cailsbad, California, whcic ho will lemain seteial weeks for needed lest and lecupeiatiou of his health. Flank M. Muiph, gcueial manager of tho Santa Fo and Phoenix Rjilioad Compati), was a ptssonger on No. 4 this mouiing on his w.t) homo fiom Chicago. Dr. Elizabeth Sir) dor and Miss 1 autiio IIlilTniau left for the Mould snake dance Sunda). Matt Hlakel) acted as guide. The) expect to bo gone ton d,i)s. E. N. Cook and wife of bpiiuglield, III., stopped otei bote last night. 'J he) .uo on their wa) to Phoenix. Mr. Cook is an old newspaper man and ma) lo cale iu Aiiona 11. Z. Click spent a few liotiis hue Monda) . Ho was on his wa) fiom Tempo J.o Holbiook, whole ho will join a pal t) who will go to the Moqui snake dance fiom that place. Got oi not Hughes will be joimd call) next week ) Mis. Hughes and daughter and togethei the) will tisit Flagstaff ami tlio iioitheiu poitiou of tlio l'eliitoi) on a pleasiuu tup. Al Bennett and wifo aie stopping at tho Hank Hotel. Mi. Bennett was lc centl) connected with tlio Yuma "Times" and is now lepicseuling the San Fiancisco "Exaniinci" iu Aiioua. B. N. Ficcmau, wifo and child al ined fiom Duiaugo )csteid.i) nioii. ing, and the) will teiiiilu a few d.ns. Mi. Fieemiu is connected witli the Mate Hank of Coloiado at Duiaugo and the Aii.oiia Ceulial Bulk of this place. btaulc) btkes, John Chill, Reuben Dunn, Chaiies and left Monda) foi the Moipii snake dance. St iiilc) S)kes will tisit his biolhei Godfio) at Keam's Can) on befoio ho l etui us. E. M. Sanfoid passed thiough Tues tlu) on his wa) to Piescolt, wheio lie will piobably lesuuio tho pi.telico of law. iho many fiionds of Mr. San foul will bo pleased to see him iu his foimcr piofessiou again. J. B. Jones of Challeudci has closed out his business iu place and lefl Monda) for Ids foiuiei homo in 1'itts boio, Noilh Caiolin i, Mi. Jones ni uo man) fiieuds iu this county, who wish him success whclctci ho goes. J. II. Wallace, the tia cling agent of tiie Columbia Building Association of DeiiU'i, left Mouda) foi Wiuslow. Diuiuir his sta hole ho disposed of a I .. (v.. ,11.1. .1.1. I ..f el. II ..C lf f?.llttllllt I ' stock, aud that concern now has 800 sli.uclioldeis iu this place. Following aio tho isitois to tlio Gi and Cm) on this week: M. II. Young, Akion, Ohio;. Miss Blaekm ir, William B. Wade, Spiingliold, M iSs ; J. W. England, Redlauds, Cal.; Geoige A Laudoll, p. S. Walton, Philadelphia; W. C. Tii) lor, B. F. Seat or, Ijiookfyn; F. S. Lackey, Pittsbuigh; W. F. Hough, Pouns)l.inia; C. W. Gates, Los An geles; S. E. Yoiug. Deuter. The Only Great and thoroughly re liable building-up medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Blood Purifier Before the people today, and I above all other medicines, is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla i does that tells the story: Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail. " As a blood purifier we cannot And tho equal of Hood's Saraaparilla. When any of our family complain of headache or tired feeling we got Hood's Sarsaparilla, and In a short timo we aro in good health." Rcnr It. Matiier, 250 Short St., Aurora, Illinois. Get HOOD'S WrrrPc DiIIc-tc tasteless, mild, effeo uuviu j i . tlve, Au arugKisis, iic. M. L Roach aud biido i elm tied this morning. E. J. Babbitt left )estenla) for Phoenix on legal business. John Voiies lctiuned ) fiom Picscott and will lemain licic. Mis. D. Put mil) and son of Phoenix ale icgisteied at the Bank Hotel. Mis. Joint Deir of Picscott, who his been tisiting fiieuds heio foi setcial weeks, left for her home to da). Oscar Gibson lias icsigncd tlio posi tion of cicik of Iho dislticl comt, and John Voiies has been appointed to liio place. II. S. Abbott, an attoiue) foi tlio Fiisco mid, an hud this moiiiing. Mr Abbott will visit all the points of in- tciost iu tliis ticinit). A. A. Dutton expects to u this et ening for a tisit to his old homo iu New Yolk. He will go as far cast as Boston, and will be gone about thill) da) s. AROUND ARIZONA, Juan Giililm, an old-timer atnl fanner of Giaham lount), w.n killed In lightning on tlio Glh lust. 'J In; assessment loll of Giaham count) for 1895 shows a valuation of fl.83J.GC0, an incieaso over 181)1 of 2-0,000. Ch.ules Huff has i etui ued fiom Flag staff, whom he is putting in a telephone s)stem. He lepoits liagstall a lit eh place. Comiei. Captain W. II. Haul) his been sink ing a shift neir Yue.i in the holies of euiting. i oal vein. Ho n) tlio mid in tlio bottom of the shift is lillid witli sm ill pu tides of coil and that the liioinecti for sinking tlio ttin aie good. Miiiei. Miko Campbell and Mut C.ilkiu-, tho v"IMo loin intic clopois fio'o Wal nut Giote, wcio in ii lied Fiidit iu I'lescott, the puents gjtiiiglhiii con sent. The ciiminal cliaigo it.n dis- inined. A l.tijji ciowd witnessed the ecu moii) and extendi il heail) con giatulatious. All's well that ends well. Foi the iufoi matioii of the "Repub- liein"aiid otheis who ma) feel intei ested the statement is made Hut all bills oiiginatiug iu (lie Council of the hut Legislatuio weio let.iined b) Chas 1. HulT, iliief ileik, and all bills oiig inatiug in tho House weto letaiued b) Clns. I). Reppy, ihief cleik, tlieii piopei custodians. Uul) tho cmolled bills, signed b) the piesiding ofiiicis, wile tin ned -otei to tho i' Sei'iet.u t, as the law piutides. ihil is all llioie is to tlie maie'ii nest whicli tho "Republic in" h is discoteied. It seems to foi git that if the Eighteenth Li'gislaluio weio tailed togelhei in special lession Ihe ollieeis would itill liat o an olln ial existence, and tiituallt ,uo iu existence. rioienco Tiibiuie. SHcep ltodco ihe sheep lodeo forCocouiuo count) will Asli Toik on Mon da), August 26th, and woik cast to w.ud Bcllemoiil, the contiai point of the lodeo. tJu September 1st the lodeo fiom Clear cieok, the southeast point of Hie lodeo, and fiom tho noith, noi theast and not tint est of Flagstaff, Belieiuont and Williams, will com mence, and all will woik to the pontial point of Uollemont. All sheepmen Mjj lako due uotico of -the dats aud dates, NOTICE. Office or the BotiiD or ScrrnvisORS of) t'OCOMSO 1'00!VTV, AKUONA TFIUUTOltV, V 1'LAOSTAFF, July2-',lb95 ) Tlio following named persons liuvlns been notified to nppciir beforo tlio Hoard ot Kquullzatlonof Coconino Countj, Arizona, and to show cau&e, If unj.why their assess ments or valuation should not be added to, and having wholly failed to uppcar In answer to such notice, tlio Boaid of Equali zation took action In each case lcspcctlvcly as follows, v Iz: Janici Allen, udded to value of stal lions. ... . ISO 00 James Allen, added fjO brood marcs 1,000 00 James Allen, added 125 stock horses 1,875 00 O II Algert, added to value of lots 1C0 00 Aztec Land and C'.ittlo Co , added to value of saddle-horses 3C0 00 Aztec Lund aud Cattlo Co , added to value of stock cattle 3,000 00 Aztec Lund and Cuttle Co.uodcd to value oMand r 0,82" to Arlzoni Sandstone Co , added to aluo of land . 2,000 00 Suslo II Altmaii, added to valuo of furniture la 00 Suslo II Allm-in added lots 050 00 J Andrews, added 50 stock cattle- 375 00 L I) IJoucher, added 400 fcbcip 410 00 J 1) Illshop, added to value of horses 115 00 J I) lll'liop, added 20 stock cattle 150 00 J I) Illshop, added 700 slice p .. 810 00 Ed Ilargniun, added CO stock cattle 376 00 A II Ilroirn, added 200 sheep . . 210 00 E It Ilayless. added to valuo ot lots and Impiovenicnts 500 00 V C Hay less, added tov.iluo of lots and liiipioveincnts 250 00 JIh Real, added to value-of liiipiove incnts 100 00 l'J ISranticii, udded to value of land 1 825 00 L j'llrunncn, added lo value ot Im- piovcmcnts 2,000 00 l'J Ilraunen, uddid to value of lots 250 00 I' J lira nnen, added lo value of Im provements on lots 1,000 00 Tred llaucr. added 60 stock cullle 375 00 t V llass, added to v aluc of horses 210 00 T Lllaeon, added to value of horses 7-0 00 T L II icon, added to v aluc of cattle 200 00 )) C Ilarnc-, added 75 stock hordes 1,025 00 Collin III os .added to valuo of goods 250 00 J Clay, added 100 stock c atle 750 00 II W Cone, added value of lots and Improvements 310 00 J Caufman, added 10 cons . 200 00 X I' Dougherty, added 1,000 sheep 1,200 00 A Dojle, added to value of lots 200 W I) J Daze, added to valuo of Improve ments 150 00 I) J Daze, added to valucof Improve ments ... . . 200 00 George II Dougluss, added 100 stock cattle . 750 00 George It Douglass, added to value of Improvements . . 150 00 .1 L D iv Is, added to V aluo of lots 250 00 Lb Drum, added to value of Improve ments ... 300 CO T C Donahue, added to value of Im provements 10 00 Dent A. Sijer, added 500 sheep 000 00 Dent &. Saver, added to value of ranch .... 325 00 J LDoughcity. added lots .110 00 V A Elkliis, udded to v aldo of lols 150 CO )V A Elklns, added to value of Im provements 150 00 V It Edw ards, added lo v alue of mer chandise 150 00 E U Elllnvvood. added to value of lols and Improvements .. .100 03 T A I'lemlng added to value of Im provements 100 00 E I'rleud, added to v alue of lots. 150 CO C M fe'i r irl, udded to v aluo of lots 100 00 J Irec-nian, added 100 stock cattle 7W CO Hart i Campbell ndded 1.000 shei-p 1,200 00 J r Henncssj, udded to value of lots and Improvements 120 00 J T Hanks, added to value of furni ture 200 00 .1 1' Hunks, added lo value of lols 250 00 Herr.dou & Hawkins, added lo value of lots JfO 00 A Hansen, added 10 horses COO 00 G tVIIarvej.addid drugs and furni ture 200 00 EM Istbell,added50sloekhoi'-es 750 00 II M I ihell, added 23 Mock cattle 172 50 J V Johnson, added 100 stock cattle 750 00 Johnston. Du Hols, uddded to stock of goods 100 00 Johnston & Du Hols, added to Im provements on lots . 100 00 J KlostirniPjer, udded 500 sheep 000 00 C 1' Kulhiens, added (o value of ranch . . 350 00 C 1' Kuthrens. added lo value of lots and Improvements . 500 00 Geo Ke nd ill, added to value of Im provements on lols. 10 00 J T Keek, udded to value of lots and Improvements .... JW 00 Kalhal) Cattle Co , added 0 stallions G00 00 K lib lb Cattle Co , added in bulls MX) 00 1C ilbab Cattle Co , udded to value of Improvements 1000 00 CA Keller, uddid lo value of mci chundlse. 2P0 00 FLAGSTAFF J. B. POUTHIE, PROP. All Kinds of Iron Castings Made. ORDERS SOLICITED FROM ALL POINTS IN HQRTHERH ARIZONA PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. BLACKSMITH AND WAGON WORK DONE. tual deserve Fund Life Association. $18,450,000 Paid in Death Claims by the Mutual Life Absou ation from 1S81 to 1894, A NEW SYSTEM AND THE BEST. The Strongest and Most Progressive of all the Insnnmu Companies Extant I Hates Nearly So Per fent Cheaper than in the Old System Comparies. C & L Lebsch, added to valuo of Im provements,. Esau Lamb, added to value of Im provements .w. C Lamb, added to v alue of Improve- mcnis . j. II 1' Lyons, added to valuo of lui- provements M G E Lohe, added Improvement on Iiosscssory right , D T Muiphy, udded horses.. j. J; D T Muiphy, added 100 stock cattle -M C S McCormlck, added to v alue of lots and Improvements . . Owens Bros , added 75 stock boises i joj J? Owens Hro3.. added to value of Im- " provements . 2j0 J L O'Brien, added to valuo of Ira- prov ements JO riiclan, added Improvements on lots" 370oo C L Porter, added to v alue of lots and Improvements . 10n E I) IMIlsburj , added to vuluc of Im provements on lots M MrsL Jl'attrldgc, udded to vulue of Improvements . 1M(ft r l'ujne. added to value of 1m- provements i W D Poncll, added to value of lots and Improv ements -y) ( Rcliucr & May, udded.2,000 bheep 2 twi c Itclmcr & Muy, added improvements on land - f) T I, Hogers &. Co , added 200 stock cattle . . . lj00Of T L Hogei-s&. Co, added 20 bulls oo( J It Robinson, udded to value of horses 600 00 MrsJM Roundtrcc, udded to value of lols and Improvements lio m Sanford Howe, added to vjluc of ve hicles. flw Sanfoid Rovvc, added to value of lots and improvements j, J S Rodman, added Jewell and me chanlc's tools 2io io J W Sullivan, udded 100 stock cattle ,jo (in J W Sullivan, added to value of Im provements Tti(fi Mrs L Sandcis. added 30 stock cattle "5 oo Smith, Thornton i. Smith added 1500 sheep i soo 00 T M Klielton, added 60 stock cattle 3,; oo T M Shelton. added to valuo of Im provements too co )V II Smoot, added lo v alue of horses B5 oo W 11 f-moot, udded 100 stock cittle ;a)oo V II Smoot, added to valuo of Im provements 450 0U Unknown owners, udded lots In I lag stall, lfo oo John Vorlcs, added to value of lots and Improvements 3.7)00 U S llcox, added to v aluc of horses 'nxi oo Efe ico, added vehicles aio oo E SWUeov. added to valucof lots 121 00 J R Wall ice, added 300 stock cattle 2 250 00 J It allacc. added 8 saddle horses Ijn oo Mrs S E York, added to v aluc of lots and Impiov ements ijo oo An of the above named persons who were unablo to tippear before the Hoard before July 20th ma appear and be heaid at tlie meeting on Thursda, August 22, 1P'5 and the di termination then had sh ill be tinal By ordei of the Hoard, C A III MI CleiU SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES! 1 furnish Jvcedle- Oil, Helling, Miutile etc : also all pirts and pieces for tlilitv oue different kinds of sowing nudiiiic Bcsldes' being agent for the above I -ell tli World's famous WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, Cash or Installment Write for prices ami particulars W. H. CLARK, I-I, V. ROLL, Territorial Immigration Cotnmissionsr for Coconino County. Iufoi iii illon on tho mineral, agtiuiluml tlmhir stoekralsliu and other resminis of i.. . .... ..i. .... tin ...riiil.j pi i Vlt I'aitlis having requests foi d it uif thl tlou ure-coidl ill aked to bring il oi u! t.. ,n I.!.,. mill ,11. .mi ,iii,iii Fnisi um 200M I lull I. JL