..v ;
..' it!
, iR
' ;
'Qhc (Shammer Jjiiu.
C. M. Funston, Editok.
Subscription rates, ono year 4.00
" six months 2.00
" three months 1.00
Advertising rates.glvcn upon nppllcutlon
Address nil communications and make nil
remittances to O. 11 1'ukston, Flagstaff,
Entered at the- Flagstaff post olllco ns second-class
jga .g- g&3 jga. 123
j 5 6 7 "ft 9 IP
11 12 13 14- 15 16 17
.18. 18 2Q 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 I 28 2 30 31
Below Is given thohlghestand lowest points
registered by tho thermometer In Flagstaff
during the month to this date:
Date. Maximum Minimum
1 81 57
S3 68
3 81 M
4 87 51
G .-. 89 68
0 81 67
7 80 61
8 76
9 78 49
10 79 62
11 81 M
12 79 65
13 81 68
14 82 64
15 M) 53
16 83 60
17 84 68
18 89 66
19 86 68
20 : 82 6"
31 79 64
22 ....OS 53
Weather Forecast for Arizona,
San Francisco, August 22. Fair,
The motion to appoint a separate
receiver for the A. ami P. railroad was
heard beforo Judge Collier in Albu
qtiorqiio lust week. After a lull argu
ment by the attorneys of both sides the
motion was denied.
Awzona should laise everything it
eats and manufacture everything it
wears. Naturo has made it possible
for it to be the mest independent state
:n tho world. uazetle.
Tho above is a good protection doc
trine from a Democratic paper.
Tub significance of the movement
among Kentucky distillers of whisky
to suspend operations for one year is
shown by the statement that while the
consumption is but 20,000,600 gallons.
tho stock on hand in warehouses Juno
1st was 83,247,014 gallons. This is to
bo compared with stocks September
1st of last year amounting to 57,595,-
623 gallons.
Theue are a number of idle young
men in Flagstaff, whether from force
of circumstances or from choice tho
Sun does not know. Every young nmn
should find something to do. In spend
ing his time in idleness he loses more
than his time, as he gets into habits
that aro haul to shako off It is better
for a young man to work for twenty-
five cents a day than to spend llio days
in idleness. Get something to do,
young man, even if it pays but little,
and keep at it, and it will not be long
until you can get something to do that
will pay you better.
O. D. Ashley, president of tho Wa
bash railroad, would like to see relief
systems and pension departments on
all railroads, and the fluids for the pen
sion should, hu believes, bo contributed
largely, if not entirely, by tho' com
panies. Ho says further: "Any in
dustry or any transportation agency
which has tho benefit of the intelligent
co-operation of its woi king force, influ
enced by personal interest, must have
a great advantage in this good will on
the part of that force, and tho work of
.such a concern will not only bo supe
rior, but its cost will bo reduced to the
Jo west limits consistent with satisfac
tory work. If this is a reasonable and
logical expectation, industries or itgon
.cies conducted upon tho co-operative
plan will yield moresatisfactory profits
than those which adhere to the old
system, and in order to compute tho
ystom will be adopted by most of
It can hardly ho said that tho outlook
for the solution of tho liquor nroblem
is hopeful so long as n poor man finds
it easier to get a drink than to get
something to cat.
A citor export who lias made a tour
through tho Northwest says tho crop
thero will exceed expectations. He
estimates tho spring wheat yield at
225,000,000 bushels,- and winter at
240,000,000, making an aggregate of
Some English ladies, residents in
China, liavo started a society to put a
stop to tho practice of binding the feet
of young girls. Chinamen, who resent
tho impertinence, ask the members of
tho new society to join them in the for
mation of a ..natural waist society, to
put au end to light-lacing.
The Republican League in Arizona
will bo reorganized. Geo'rgo Christ,
who attended tho meeting of tho execu
tive committee of National Republican
Leagues, hold in Chicago last week, has
been appointed organizer for Arizona.
The League did good work when in
active operation in this Territory. A
well organized league will accomplish
good work for the Republican party in
The board of control was iu session
Saturday iu regard to tho paroling of
prisoners in tho penitentiary. Numer
ous applications were received, but
those of only five prisoners were con
sidered, and they will bo paroled.
They wcro turned out of tho peniten
tiary Monday and can enjoy liberty as
long as they violate no laws and ab
stain from using liquor. If, on the
contrary, they fall back into Mays of
wickedness they will bo sent back to
prison to servo out their sentences.
There aro now on the pastures of the
Salt river valley at least 25,000 head of
cattle, nearly all feeders.
Tho Florence "Tribune" says that
the item published in the "Gazette"
regarding tho elopement of A. S.
Humphries with a Mrs. Bessie Douglas
is untrue.
During tho past year there were
shipped from the Territory to outside
points 215,111 head of cattlc,"iiud "dur
ing May aud June of this year there
wcro slaughtered within tho Territory
for home consumption 3.C78 head.
A. II. Gruwell, a minor employed at
tho Homestead miue, ou Lynx creek,
died ou the 13th inst. from injuries re
ceived two days previous. The brako
on the hoist failed to work, allowing
the heavy iron bucket used in raising
oro to descend rapidly, and iu its
descent struck Gruwell on tho head,
fracturing tho skull.
A twelve-year-old boy of Safford had
a disagreeabloexrerieuce. While camp
ing out with a paity a rattlcsnako
crawled up his leg, inside his pants.
Tho boy gave an Apacho yell aud
grabbed tho snake. Tho snake was
pulled out, but not until the boy had
been bitten above the knee. Tlie boy
was brought around safely.
Tho Flagstaff "Democrat" says that
ex-Sheriff Sandy Donaliuo is tho pos
sessor of tho origiual of Lo Jeune's fa
mous painting, "The Sirens," and in
timates that Sandy is considerable of
an art connoisseur himself. This is a
fact which a number of Arizona towns
that have been tinted a lurid line by
the redoubtable cx-Shciifi- can testify
to. r lorence Tribune.
Governor Hughes has appointed
Jessie R. Grant of Nogales a commis
sioner to tho irrigation convention at
Albunuerouc, vico D. J. Branncn, re
signed. Mr. Grant, who is a son of
tho late president, and who has resided
at Nojralcs for tho past three years, is
greatly interested in irrigation, which
subject ho has made a special study,
auil ho will make a good representa
tive of tho Territory at that convention.
A fow days since E. L. Wetmore
killed and skinned agila monster. The
bruto was twenly-ono inches long am',
unusually finely marked. But the curi
ous feature of the affair was that the
heart of tho reptile pulsated regularly
for more than thrco hours after it was
taken from the body. Tho pulsations
woro both full and strong. Even when
tho valvular portions wcro separated
from tho beast tho muscles still con
tinued to open and close in that organ.
This fact was witnessed by a number
of our citizens who can testify to tho
truthfulness of this apparently lying
lying statement. Citizen.
Notico is hereby given that citizens
interested iu the unclaimed portion 01
tho cemeterv are requested to call on
N. G. Laytou, Secretary of Bnard, or
J. Guthrie Savage, Treasurer, for deeds
to lots already taken.
Thrilling Experience of Two Men
in Sycamore Canyon,
Mike Kennedy Killed by a Hear Win.
Smith Kscnpes by Ilolllng Down
a Canyon, untl After Nino
Days ItenclicH a Ha'ncli,
On Sunday. August 4th, Mike Ken
nedy of Gallup and Williaih Smith of
San Francisco left Williams on foot to
make their way across the canjoiis and
mountains to Jerome. They were in
search of work, and expected to find
employment iu Jeromo. The first day
out thsy eat diuuer at Wagner's ranch
and camped that night at an old cabin
twenty miles from Williams. They
started on their journey early on tho
morning of the 5th, and some time
early iu tho afternoon, as they were
walking along the ridge near the edge
of a canyon, having lost the trail, a
bear pushed throujjh the bushes near
them. Smith saw bruin first, aud with
a yell ho started to ruu away, and in
his excitement ran over tho edge of the
canyon, turning head over heels, and
bringing up at tho bottom, two hun
dred feet below, on his back. From
where ho lay Smith could hear tho
groans of Kennedy and tho angry
growling of the bear. Tho struggle
was a short one, aud Smith lied for his
life. He does not know how long ho
ran nor in what direction, and only
stopped from utter exhaustion, aud
fell senseless.
Smith docs not kuow how long lie
lay where ho fell, but it was daylight
when ho recovered, and after wander
ing some time ho found a stream of
watci. Here ho lay down iu tho water
and covered himself with mud, for ho
was aching in every portion of his
body. After remaining in tho mud
several hours ho began his wander
ings, aud on Monday he reached a
ranch on tho Verde, having followed
down Sycamore Canyon. He presented
a pitiful appearance at the ranch. His
clothing was torn from his body and
hung iu shreds, his hands were filled
with cactus points, and he was covered
with mud, which had dried on his
During his wanderings down the
cauyon lie was forced to eat cactus aud
green walnuts. At the ranch ho told
his story, but it was not believed, and
Smith wearily tramped on to Jerome,
whero he told the story of his partner's
death, but the story was doubted. He
induced a barkeeper, however, to wrilo
to Cap. Smith asking him to write to
Kennedy's wife. Cap. Smith notified
Kennedy's brotlior at Gallup.
A traveling salesman, who knew
Kennedy, was in Jeromo Saturday and
heard Smith's story, and he brought
him over to Williams, as Smith said
that owing to his wanderings ho could
not find the spot where Kennedy was
killed from Jerome, but could from
On Monday a party headed by Sheriff
Cameron left Williams to find the spot
where Smith said tho encounter took
place. Tho party was composed of
Messrs. Buggeln, Clements, Briggs,
Con Kennedy, Michaels, Osborn, Wor
rell, Smith and Couard Kennedy.
Smith led the party lo the camping
place made by them tho night beforo
the encounter with the bear, and from
thero to tho top of tho ridge, but here
ho became confused. Tho party sep
arated and began searching. In a
short time Kennedy's coat was found,
and near by his body. The body was
badly decomposed, as it was two weeks
since tho fatal encounter occurred.
An examination of the body showed
that the left arm had been broken
below the elbow and that the throat
was fearfully lacerated, and the cloth
ing was covered with blood. Tho
clothing was badly torn.
It is supposed that the bear, a she
one, had cubs near by, and that the
sudden appearanco of tho men startled
her and sho attacked Kennedy, with
fatal results. It is a rare thing for the
brown bear to attack a man, and it is
uly when her cubs are in danger that
she will do s:, and iMs is tho first in
stanc where a man has l"jn known
to have been killed by a bear iu Ari
zona. The body was buried whero it was
found, as it was impossible to move it
it to Williams,
The scene of tho encounter was
about thirty miles south of Williams,
iu a place locally known as the Brakes.
Mike Kennedy was a resident of
Gallup, whero his brother, C. R. Ken
nedy, and cousin, Con Kennedy, live.
Ho was nbout 40 years old, was indus
trious anil well liked. Ho leaves a
wife airtl 0110 child to mourn his un
timely end.
William Smith is not known here,
but several years ago ho worked for the
Harvey house at Needles, but says ho
has been out of work for two years
past. Ho is now at the county hos
pital here, and has not fully recovered
from tho effect of his terrible eight
days' experience.
Mr. AU a. Uyams
Hamilton, Ohio.
The Same as Bread
Hood's Sarsaparilla on tho Table
at Every Meal
"In my opinion Hood's Sarsaparilla has
not an equal as a blood purifier. I doc
tored 6 months for stomach trouble and
Neuralgia of the Heart
Without any good and then took Ilood'a
Sarsaparilla. Every spring and fall since
I have used it and it has done me Iota ot
good. I have not been attended by a
physician tor the last four years. My wife
was afflicted with water brash and
Feeling All Tlrocl Out.
She was severely afflicted but upon my
prevailing upon her to take Hood's Sarsa
parilla and Ilood'a Pills she felt differently
In a short time. Now she is quite well.
Wo have great faith in Hood's Sarsapa-
Hood's? Cores
rilla and put it on the table at every meal
the same as bread." Al. G. II yam b, with
T. V. Howell & Sons, residence, 426
North Third Street Hamilton, Ohio.
riOOa S flllS uon. Price 25c ncrboT.
Among the members of the executive
committee of tho National Republican
League who aro iu tho city nono have
received more marked attention or had
more confidence placed in Ids political
judgment by tho committee than Geo.
Christ of Nogales, Ariz. Mr. Christ
was for some years a member of the
National Republican Committee, and
will reorganize the league clubs of the
Territory of Arizona. Ho says that
Arizona will ask the next Congress lo
admit the Territory as a Slate, and if
it does thero will be two Republicans
sent to tho United States Senate. The
Democrats aro divided into administra
tion and anti-ndmiuistrution factions,
and if a Republican Congress should
admit Arizona as a Statu there would
bo no question as to the politics of the
new Slate. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Lost on tho Desert.
About August 1st a young man
named Sargent left, here for a trip to
tlid Indian reservation. Ho arrived at
Tuba Cily all right, and left there ou
tho fjth for Red lake, but did not reach
there, aud his disappearance caused his
mother, who is from St. Louis aud
spending the summer here, a great
deal of anxiety. Friday news was
brought hero that the boy, who 13 only
19 years old, had lost his way aud had
been found by the Indians, delirious
for want of water. He was taken to a
hogau, fed 011 goat's milk for
several days and thou taken to John
Williams' place, on the San Juan,
where ho is now, safe and fully recov
ered from hisexperienceon an Arizona
The M. li. Conference.
Tho annual conference of the M. E.
Church will Lo held iu Flagst-iff this
year. Conference will convene ou
Thursday. October 3d, at 10 A. M. A
number of distinguished vi.-itors will
be iu attendance. Among them will
be Bishop Warren of Denver, who will
preside at tho conference; Dr. J. W.
Hamilton of Boston, who is secretary
of the Freedman's Aid Society; Dr.
Homer Eaton of New York, and Dr. W.
S. Matthews of San Francisco, Cal.,
and a number of lesser lights. It is
expected that there will bo a" larger
attendance this year than at any con
ference since tho organization of this
Sheep Itodco.
The sheep rodeo for Coconino county
Will commence at Ash Fork on Won
c'.a August 26th, anil work east to
ward Bellemont, tho central point of
the rodeo. On September 1st the
rodeo from Clear creek, tho southeast
point of the rodeo, and from the north,
northeast and north .vest of Flagstaff,
Bellemont and Williams, will com
mence, and all will work to the central
point of Bellemont. All sheepmen will
lako due iiolico of the days and dates.
Teachers' Quarterly K.xnmlnatlon.
Notice is hereby given lo all parties
contemplating making application for
teachers' certificates that tho regular
quarterly examination will bo held in
tho office of tho county superintendent
of public schools in l'lagstaff on Mon
day, September 2, 1895.
N. G. Layto.v,
' Superintendent.
Flagstaff, August 20, 189.).
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold MtdjJ Midwinter Flr. San Frnclco.
Office of the Hoaiw of Suteiivisoiis or 1
Coconino County, ahizona terhitohy.
Flagstaff, July 22, 1805. J
The following named persons having been
notified to appear beforo tho Roard of
Equalization ot Coconino County, Arizona,
and to show cause. If any, why their assess
ments or valuations should not be added to,
anil having wholly failed to appear In
answer to such notice, tho Hoard of Equali
zation took action In each caso respectively
as follows, viz:
JaniCH Allen, added to value of stal
lions s...$ 1C0 00
James Allen, added SO brood mures.. 1,000 00
James Allen, added 123 stock horses.. 1.875 00
U II Algcrt, added to value of lots ' . 100 00
Aztec Land and Cattle Co., added to
value of saddle horses 300 00
Aztec Land aud Cattle Co., added to
valuo of stock cattle 3.000 00
Aztec Land and Cattle Co., added to
valuo of land 6,627 60
Arizona Sandstone Co., added to value
ofland 2,00000
Susie II Altman, added to value of
furniture 125 00
Suslo 11 Altman added lots DM 00
J Andrews, added SO stock cattle 35 00
L D Boucher, added 400 sheep 410 00
J D Illsliop, added to value of horses. 115 00
J D Illsliop, added 20 stock cattle.. ,. 150 00
J I) lllshop, added TOO sheep 810 00
Ed Ilargmun, added to stock cattle.. 375 00
A II Drown, added 200 sheep 240 00
E It Ilaylcss. added to valuo ot lots
and Improvements SCO 00
W C Ilaylcss, added to value of lots
and Improvements'. 250 00
M S Heal, added to value of Improve
ments 100 00
PJllrannen, added to value ofland.. 1.825 00
I' J llrunnen, added to valuo of im
provements 2,000 00
1 JUramien, added to value of lots.. 250 00
1' J llrannen, added to value of Im
provements on lots 1,000 00
Fred Bauer, added BO stock cattle 373 00
W W Ilass, added to valuo of horses. . 210 00
T L Bacon, added to value of horses. 720 00
T L llacon, added to value of cattle.. 200 00
WO Ilarnes, added 75stock horses.... 1.025 00
CofUn Bros., added to value of goods.. 250 00
J W Clay, added 100 stock cattle 760 00
II W Cone, added valuo of lots and
Improvements 310 00
J Cauf man, added 10 cows 200 00
N F Dougherty, added 1,000 sheep.... 1,200 00
A Doyle, added to valuo of lots 200 00
D J Daze, added to value of Improve
ments 16000
D J Daze, added to value of Improve
ments 200 00
George II Douglass, added 100 Mock
cattle 76000
George 11 Douglass, added to value of
Improvements 160 00
J L Davis, added to valuo of lots 250 00
L S Drum, added to value of Improve
ments 300CO
T C Donahue, added to value of Im
provements 150 00
Dent & Saycr, added 500 sheep 600 00
Dent & Saycr. added to value of
ranch 323 00
J L Dougherty, added lots 200 00
V A Elklns, added to value of lots .. 150 CO
W A Elklns, added to value of Im
provements 450 00
V It Edwards, added to value of mer
chandise 450 00
E E Elllnwood. added to value of lots
and Improvements 300 00
T A Fleming:, added to value of Im
provements 100 00
EFriend, added to value of lots 160(0
O M Ferrari, added to value of lots.... 100 00
J W Freeman, added 100 stock cattle.. 760 CO
Hart & Campbell, added 1,000 sheep.. 1,200 00
J F Hcnncsy, added to value of lots
and Improvements 120 00
J F Hawks, added to value of furni
ture 200 00
J F Hawks, added to value of lots 250 00
Herr.don & Hawkins, added to value
oflots 30000
A Hansen, added 40 horses... 600 00
G W Harvey, added drugs nnd furni
ture 200 00
EM Isabcll.added&Ostockhorscs.... 750 00
E M Isabcll, added 21 stock cattle ... 172 50
J V Johnson, added 100 stock cattle. . 760 00
Johnston & l)u Boh, addded to stock
of goods 100 00
Johnston & Du Hols, added to Im
provements on lots 100 00
W J Klostcrrneyer, added 600 sheep.. COO 00
C F Kuthrcns, added to value of
ranch 350 00
O F Kathrcns. added to value of lots
and Improvements 500 00
Geo Kendall, added to value of Im
provements on lots 160 00
J T Keck, added to value of lots and
Improvements 300 00
Ivalbab Cattle Co., added 0 stallions. . 600 00
Kdlbab Cattlo Co., added 40 bulls 800 00
Katbab Cattlo Co., added to value of
Improvements 1,000 00
O A Keller, added to value of mer
chandise 290 00
All Kinds of Iron Castings Made.
Reserve Fund Life
$18,450,000 Paid in Death Claims by the Mutual Life Associ
ation from 1 88 1 to 1894.
The Strongest and Most Progressive of all the Insurant
Companies Extant !
Hates Near; 5o Per Cent Cheaper than in the Old System Gorapar.fes.
EX'S. GIJRPC, Agent,
C & L Lebsch, added to value of Ira-
Esau Lamb, added to value of iml
C Lamb, added to value of Improve-
130 do
II ! Lyons, added to valuo of iw.
G E Lolic, added improvement on
possessory right
D F Murphy, added horses.. .
D F Murphy, added 100 stock cattle
O S McCormlck, added to value of lots
unu improvements .
Owens Bros., added 75 stock horses 1 7 ?
Owens Bros., added to value of in,- '
J L O'Brien, added to value of Im
provements J C I'hclan. added Improvements on
O L l'orlcr, added to valuo of lots and
EDlMJIsbury, added to valuo of iiul
provements 011 lots
Mrs L J Partridge, added to value of
V V l'aync. added to value of im.
W D Powell, udded to vulue of lots
230 00
370 C)
200 ft)
130 CO
and improvements .
RelmerA May, addcd.2,000 sheep "' ' gt?"
Bolmer & May, added Improvements
on land M
F L Hogers &. Co., added 200 stock
cattle 1M
F L Rogers & Co., added 20 bulls......
J R Robinson, udded to valuo of
Mrs J M Roundtree, added to value of
600 do
lots and Improvements
Sanford Rowe. added to value of ve
hicles Sanford Rowe, added to value of lots
and Improvements
J S Rodman, added Jewelry and me
chanic's tools ...
J W Sullivan, added 100 stock cattle..
J W Sullivan, added to value of iml
250 00
MO 00
730 00
375 M
223 00
Mrs L Sanders, added 30 stock cattle.
Smith, Thornton & Smith, added 1,500
sheep 1800 m
T M Shclton. added 60 stock cattle . Xia
T M Shelton, added lo value of Im
W II Smoot, added to value of horses.
W II Smoot, added 100 stock cattlo
W II Smoot, added to value of Im
provements . . . . ,
Unknown owners, added lots In Flag
staff John Vorlcs, added to value of lots
and Improvements
E S Wllco-v, added to value of horses
ES Wilcox, added vehicles
E 8 Wilcox, added to value of lots
J It Wallace, added 300 stock cattle.
J R Wallace, added 6 saddle horses
Mrs S E York, added to value of lots
100 00
333 00
730 00
130 U
180 00
130 00
and Improvements mo)
Any of tho abovo named persons wbo vett
unablo to appear before the Board bctort
Julv20thmav anncnr and lie lmnnl ut ..
meeting on Thursday, August 22, 1S53, ma
tho determination then had shall be final.
By order of tho Board,
C. A. Bl'SII. Clerk.
I furnish Needles, Oil, Belting, Shuttles.
etc.; also all parts and pieces for tlilrtj.
ono different kinds of sewing nucMnei
Besides being agent for the above, I sell the
World's famous
Cash or installments. Wrltn for price? and
Holbrook, A. T.
Territorial Immigration Commlssiaasr
for Coconino County.
iiuurmuiiuu uii mu lium'rui, urirmiut"
timber. Mockralslng and other resources of
1110 county given.
Parties having requests for data of tlilstf
Uon are cordially asked to bring It or wita
the same to htm.
, w si 1 1 til