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"JE, .. "& gCajfeAi sam fc ftljc OSoccwtno giitn Dl'lSLISlIED KViiKl J.UU113UA.1 rL un. "t Flagstaff tho county seat of Coco- Bluo county. MY REWARD. net h rat tho sea shore, 'twas a lovely July i .hi jl ) i g plav Ins eayly, and tho moon was v mine bright i mit lurin tho ballroom, and I dtnend tho step so ,, ! ou dance tho v cry best of nil tho 11 n I Know " I w cd upon the saffron, wave-beat sands in tint fair maid, j,n 1 tier that I loved her, that my love v. uld noier fide. An' 'tie she smiled so sweetly that I knew t a alio v. as mine Hie f l not htr "yes" to provo my blessing so bonUu- I bousbt a ring a beauty 'twas a brilliant itatre li ii 'i itall behodlers, 'twas. Indeed, boyond on pare It i ost two hundred dollars, nnd It camo from Htffany And wb n she put It on she seemed o'ercome with ecstasy, c drove together, walked together, braved the sea and storm. We stro led at evewhon It was cool, at noon when It was warm. I nought her books and roses, and I took her to the dance, An 1 told her that my best reward was just one smiling glanco. Andall ncnt well until one night another fol low came, I nover knew, and do not wish to know, that fellow s name. Hut when she Introduced him, when we mot th it awful day, Siid she to me "I want you, George, to know my llance. And In tho fall, when wo aro wed, I hopo that vou will bo nc of the ushers, you have been so Tory good to mo uu ve helped me whllo away the long, dull hours at the shore. While poor uld Jack was tolling In tho city at tho storo! Harper's Bazar. TUCSON JENNIE'S IIEABT. 'IIYEVER ain't I a i man?' says i spako the man, as himself mir. Tho question had lust been asked him. "Well," ho continued, reflectively, puffing his pipe, "I was disp'stitioncd that away when I'm n colt. But that's long time ago, an' I ain't in lino for no .ech gymnastics no more. My years is way ag'in it; likewise female You'vo got to ketch folks young to marry 'em. After they get to be thirty years they goes slow to tho altar. If you make out to marry a man after lie's thirty jou has to blindfold him an' back him in Females, of course, ain't so ob durate "No; I s'poso thjs yere bein' married is a heap habit, same as tobacco and jug juice. A man takes a hand early; it's all right. Hut lot him get to pestcrin' 'round in tho forties an' hlra not begun none yet; ho don't marry nuthin'. Of course there lspcoplo that sordid they akos to layin' for some woman's stack, wharby they even makes sech a desperato play as mar rjin' her to wlu; but you an' mo don't discuss no low gnmo lilto that. "liar a oneplainable difference with the girl's old man, I s'pose I'd bo all married right now. I was, maybo. twenty them times. It was 'way back in rennes'ce. This girl was a nlco, luscious girl cornfed, too. They all lives about eleven miles from me, out m the Pino Knot pike, an' once in two weeks I saddles up an' goes over. Thar was jest her old man an' mother an' her in tho family, an' it's that far I alters mado to stay all night. Thar was only two beds, an' so I'm put to camp along of the old man, tho times I stays. 1 was 'way bashful an' bohlnd on all social plays an plenty awe struck about tho old folks. I never feels happy a minuto where they nre. The old lady allers does her best to make mo easy an' free, too. Comes out when I rides up, an' allers lets down the bars for rav hoss, an'asks me SHE AILEliS LET DOWN THE nATSS. to rest my hat the second I'm in tho door "Well, matters go on good enuf un til maybo tho eighth tirao I'm thar. I remembers tho night all perfect. 1' I gets to sleep n-layln' nlong tho aige of the bed, aimin' to keep 'way from tho old man, who's snorin' an' thrashln' round an' takin' on over in the middle. "I don't recall nuthin' until I comes to a-holdin' to tho old man's y'ear with one han' an' a hammcrln' of his fea tures with t'other. I don't know yet why. 1 s'poso I gets to altowin' he's a b'ar or somcthln' la my sloop an' tries io Km mm. "Well. son. i t's n wn v Kink n. Ion rrtlim. hut 1 shudder yet when I recall that old man's language. I jumps up the second I realizes things, grabs my raiments, an' gcttln' my horse out of ie lot, goes p'lntin' down tho pike mpre'n a lnlln 'fnm T Ktnrm to ilrnsi. 'The last I sees of tho old man ho's pltchln' an' tossln' an' thn females n. holdla'of him, an' ho's reachin' totrnt ?.. 1 A - (lj A married xm,Y Y y" s e?i(J U oU1 cattl "" v."' no settled as. TJia in his cl 'tv !': Y1.JI LJ VtT-l I v.. ' -- ih iM ln n j-"'g. Si. Jl" - rwfi a Ilawklns Hflo as hangs over the door. t. never goes oacK no more, 'causo he's mighty vendlctlve about it Ho tries to make it a gran' jury matter next court time. "You can't tell much about women. There was a girl who surprises us once iu n way out in Wolfvillc. Miss Ituolt er, who runs tho O. 1C restaurant, gets this female from Tucson to fry flap jacks an' salt boss, an' he'p her deal her little gastronomic game. This vero girl's name is Jc "nlo Tucson Jennio. Sho seems a nice, good girl, too, an' in less'u tw o weeks there's half the camp jest wliinins" to marry her. It affects business, it's that bad almost changes tho channels of trado. Cherokee Hall tells mo there ain't half tho money gets changed in at faro as usual, an' the New York store reports men goin' broke ng'in b'lled shirts and similar deadfalls daily. Of course, this yere first frenzy subdues a whole lot after a month. "If Jennio notices it, I don't know, but she nover tips her hand to nobody; jest shoves these foolish youth their daily beans, an' Ignores all winks and looks complete. At last one by one tho various hands goes in the discard, an' tho boys, gettin' discouraged, shoves back an' quits. Finally they're all out but two, an' ono of them was never in so far as hitnso'f or anyono else ever sees. Theso yere is Tutt an' a man named Jim Wallace. Tutt is tall un' good lookln' enuff, but back ward an' bashful. No one ever detects him once lookln' at Jennie an' I don't think ho does. Ho confides in mo all quiet after tho smoke cl'ars away, that ho never thinks of It. "Hut Wallace is different. He sots In to win Jennio hard and heavy an' tries to crowd tho game an' get action for his money. It looks likes he's doo to mike tho trip, too. Miss liucker is backin' his play, nnd Jennie herse'f sorter lets him set 'roun in the ketchen an' watch her work, which thlsyero is license an' riot itse'f compared with how she treats others. Occasionally some of us sorter tries to stack up for Wallace an' seo.whar he stands with the game. '"How's It goin', Wallace?' Enright asks ono daj " 'It's too many for me,' says Jim. 'Sometimes I thinks I corrals her an' then agin it looks llko I ain't in it. Jest now I'm fcelin' some dejected.' " 'Somothing pughter be schemed to settle this yere, says Enright. 'It keeps the camp in a fever an' maybe gots serious.' "'If somobody would only prance in, says Doc Peots, 'and shoot Jim up some, you'd have her easy. Females is llko a rabbit in a bush pile you have to shake things up a lot to make 'em como out. Now, if Jim was dylu' an' sho cares for him, she's shorely goin' to show her hand.' '"I wants to pause right yere to ob servo Doc Peets was the smartest an' best cdicated man I ever sees in my life. An' what he don't know about squaws Is valueless as information. But to proceed: " 'That's right, says Cherokee Hall, 'but of course it ain't goin' to do to shoot Jim none.' " 'I don't know,' says Jim. 'I stands crcasln' a little too quick if I'm shoro it fetches her.' " 'What for a game,' says Cherokee, 'would it bo to jest play like Jim was shot? Wouldn't that make her como a runuln' same as if it was shore enuff?' " 'I don't sco why not,' says Enright. "Well, tho idea gains ground an' at last gets to bo quite a cunspir'cy. It's settled we plays it, with Dave Tutt to do the shootln'. " 'An' wn makes tho game complete,' says Jack Moore, 'by grabbln' Davo immediate an' ropin' of hlin bofore tho committee, which convenes all reg'lar and decorous in tho Bed Light saloon a purpose: an' we all lines out llko we'ro goin' to hang hlra for the kill ing? Otherwise It don't look nacheral no how, and' sho shorely detects it's a bluff.' "So wo gots things all ready an' in tho middle of the afternoon when Jen nio is draggiu' her lariat around loose an' no thin' much to do 'causo wo ain't comin' to disturb her none in her dootlcs touching them flapjacks an' salt hoss we all gets over in the New York store an' lays Jim on some botes an' a wagon cover over him for a corpse. "'Cl'ar things out of the way alonjr by Jim's head,' says Moore, who was taking a big interest. 'Wo want to fix things so Jen gets at him easy. You hyar me? She's goin' to como stam pedin' in yere. llko a landslide when sho gots tho news. "When everything's ready Tutt nnd Moore, who concloods it's well to have a good deal of shootln', bangs away with their guns about four times apiece. " k ,t shootln' once or twice,' says Moore, 'might arouse her suspicions. It would bo over a heap too quick for tho real thing.' "Tho minuto tho shootln' is ceased we all takes Tutt and surges over to tho Bed Light to try him; a pendln' of w lrich Dan Boggs santers over to the O. IC. restaurant an' remarks, all casooal an' careless like: " 'Davo Tutt down. Jim Wallace a minuto back good clean gun play as eer I sees, too. Mighty big credit to both boys this yere is. No shootln' up tho scenery, an' the bystanders, nor sech klobbcrin' work, but cvorything goes straight to centers.' " "tVhar is he?' says Jennie, lookln' breathless an' sick. " 'Jim's remainder is In tho New York store,' said Dan. " 'Is he hurt?' sho gasps. " 'I don't reckon he hurts none, 'cause ho's dono fluttered from tho perch. Why, girl, he's dead eighteen bullets, caliber 45, plumb through him.' " 'No, but Davel Is Dave shot?' Tuo son Jennio says, a-wringin' of hor small paws. ", 'Now, don't you go to fcelin' dis couraged nono,' says Dan, beginnln' to feel sorry for her. 'Wo fixes the wretch so his murdcrin' spirit won't bo an hour bohlnd Jim's gettin' in. JTho Stranglers has him in tho Rod Light makln' plans to stretch him right now.' "Wc had just consoomed drinks all 'rtrand an Enright this in the chair, an' we're busy settln' up a big front about liearin' tha case, when Tucson Jennio with a scream as scares up sur roundln' things to sech a limit that flvo ponies hops out of the corral an' flies, comes chargln' into tho Red Light, an' the next instant she drifts around Tutt's neek like so much snow. " 'What for a garao do you call this, anyhow?" says Moore, who's a heap scandalized. 'Is this yero maiden play in' this camp?' " 'She's plnm locoed wllh grief' says Dan Hoggs, who follcrs her in, 'an' she's done got 'ora mixed in her mind. She thinks Davo is Wallace.' '"That's it,' says Cherokee. 'Her mind's stampeded with the shock. Me an' Mooro takes her over to Jim's corpse, an' that's shore to rovlvo her.' An' with that Cherokee and Moore goes up'to lead her away. " 'Save him, Mr. Enright, save him!' sho pleaded, still cllngln' to Tutt's neck llko the loop of a lai lat. 'Don't lot 'cm hang him! S.tvo him, for my sake!' " 'Hold on, Jack,' says Enright, who is lookin' mighty thoughtful. 'Jest everybody stand their hands yere till I counts tho pot an' notes who's shy. It looks llko we'ro cinchln' tho hull onto SIIK DRIFTS AROUND TITT'S SFCIC LIKB SO MUCH SNOW. the wrong bronco. Let me ask this young female a question. Young woman,' ho says to Tucson Jennie, 'bo you fully informed as to whoso neck you're hanp;ln' to?' " 'It's Dare's, ain't it?' sho says, lookin' all tearful in his faco to mako shore. "Enright an' the rest of us don't say nothin', but jest looks at each other. Tutt flushes up an' looks pleased both at once, but jest the same he puts his arms around her like the dead game man he is. " 'What'll you have, gents?' Enright says ret last, quite thoughtful. 'The drinks is on me, barkeep.' " 'Excuse me,' says Doc Peets, 'but ns tho author of this yere plot, I takes it the p'isen is on me. Barkeep, sot out all your bottles.' " 'Oents,' says Jack Moore, 'I'm as peaceful a man as ever jingled a spur or pulled a gun in Wolfville, but is I reflects on the active part I takes in this yere play, I w on't be responsible for results if any man comes between me an' payin' for these drinks. Bar keep, I'm doin' this myse'f.' "Well, it's hard encomcratln' just how many drinks we do have. Jim Wallace throws away tho wagon cover an' comes otcr from tho New York store an' stands in with us. It gets to bo a orgy. " 'Of.course it's all right,' says En right: 'the camp wins with Tutt In stead of Wallace, that's all. It illus trates one of them beautiful character istics of tho gentler sex, too. Yero's Wallace, to say nothin' 'Of twonty others, as besieges an' beleagucs this yere femalo for six weeks an' she scorns 'era. Yero's Tutt, who ain't sayin' a word, don't bat an eye, nor wag a y'ear, an' sho grabs him. It is sech oncertalnties, gents, as makes the love ot a womtn valuable.' " 'You should have asked me,' says' Faro Nell, who comes in right then an' rounds up right close to Cherokee. 'Why, I could tell you two weeks ago Jennie's in lovo with Tutt Anybody could see It. Why, she's been feedin' of him twice as good grub as she does' anybody else.' " Washington Post Tho Horn Angler. IIo was by nature and heredity one of those predestined anglers whom Izaak Walton tersely described as "born so." His earliest passion was Ashing. His favorite passage "in Holy Writ was that plaoo where Simon Peter throws a lino into the sea and pulls out a great fish at the first cast But hitherto his passion had beon in dulged under difficulties with impro vised apparatus of cut poles, and flab by pieces of string, and bent pins, which always failed to hold the biggest fish; or perhaps, with borrowed tackle, dangling a fat worm in vain before tho noses of tho staring, supercilious sun flsh that poised themselves in tho clear water around a certain hotel dock at Lako George; or, at best on picnic parties across tho lako, marred by tho humiliating presenco of nurses, and disturbed by tho obstinate refusal of old Horace, tho boatman, to believo that the boy could bait his own hook, but sometimes crowned with the de light of bringing home a wholo basket ful of yellow perch and goggle-eyes. Of nobler sport with game fish, like tho vaulting salmon and the merry, pugnncious trout, as yet tho boy had only dreamed. But ho had heard that there were such flsh In tho streams that flowed down from the mountaius around Lako George, and ho was at tho happy ago when ho could believe anything If it was sufficiently inter esting. Henry van Dyke, In Century, Neutrality is no favorite with Providence, for wo aro so formed that It is scarcely possiblo for us to stand neuter in our hearts, although we may deem it prudent to appear so in our ac tions. Colton. Tho Aroostook, in Maine, was named from an Indian word, meaning; "gxd men.' ' PARLIAMENT OPENED. The Queen' Addrens Keren to the Mnrdei nf Mltilonarlea In China amt the Ar menian Massncree Londo.v,' Aug. 10l The last of the newrmembers of the house of commons were sworn in Wednesday, and when that body reassembled yesterday, the members were summoned to tho house of lords with tho usual formalities, and the queen's speech was read by the lord chancellor. Baron Halsbury, as follows: My Lords and Gentlemen- Tho covnmunlca ilcns which I recelvo from foreign powers ns sure mo of the continuance of their Rood wlU. I am happy to say that no International com putation has arisen In' any quarter calculated to endanger the peace of Eu rope Tho war between China and Japan, which was In progress at the opening of tho last sssIon, his been brought ton conclusion by a. peaco which I trust will enduro I obnervod strict neutrality during tho war, and have token no notion In respect thereto, except such as appears to mo ltkely tc be favorable to i termination of hostilities I deeply regret to wiy that tho most atrocious outrages upon a body of English missionaries aro reported from tho provlnco of ru-Kien,ln China In rpply to earnest representation ad dressed to the Chinese, government by my di rection active measuros, which I trust will prove effective are being taken for tho punish ment of the murderers and all persons In uny degree responsible for those crimes. The Internal troubles which hae broken out in tho Armenian districts of Asiatic lurltey htvo been attended with horrors which have moved to Indignation tho Christian nations ot Luropo generally and my people cspe cl illy. My ambassador and the ambassa dors of the emperor of Hussla nnd tho president of tho Trench republic, acting together, have suggosted to tho government of tho sultan reforms which In their opinion arc necessiryto prevent a recurrence of constant disorder. These proposals aro now being con sidered by tho sultan and I am anxiously awaiting his decision. INCREASE IN EXPORTS. Latest llevloivs Indicate nn I.nlnrgect For eign Market. Washington, Aug. 10. The secre tary of agriculture has issued a supple ment to the publications of reviews on foreign markets. It shows that, notwithstanding the depression of business in lbOl, tho Uuited States exported SSSy,843,000, against SS47, 605,191 in 1SS3. Three-fourths of tho amount camo from farms Tho English speaking people of Europe bought of American exports $451,000, 000 worth, and, taking tho British pos sessions altogether, they took 523,000, 000 worth. The United States import ed from Great Britain 8107,000,000 In 1894, or 10 per cent of our entire im ports Almost 00 per cent of the total United States exports were to tho United Kingdom and British posses sions, Germany, Canada, France, Netherlands and Belgium. Of imports after the first place, held by the United Kingdom and British posses sions, follows Germany with a valua tion of 590,000,000, Spanish West In dies, 53,000,000, Brazil and Prance, 572,000,000 each, and Canada, 837,000, 000. The circular contains carefully prepared tables of our exports and im ports by countries. LYNCHED. A Calliwny Conty (Mo.) Mob Hangs a llrutnl Flrml. Titton", Mo, Aug. 1G. Emmet Div vcs, the negro who assaulted and murdered Mrs. John Cain a few weeks ago, was hanged by a lnob yesterday morning at 1 o'clock. He was taken fiom the St Louis jail Wednesday at 4:30 p. m., and started for Ful ton, accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Buchanan, and a reporter for a St Louis paper. He was taken from tho train at New Florence, and a party of four, besides Divvers, started overland for Fulton. The night was dark and rainy, nnd nothing occurred until they ncared a bridge about 10 miles from here. At this point they were ap pioached by several parties, who halt ed them, and when satisfied they had Divvers, hundreds of men camo out of their hiding places and sur rounded Buchanan and his prisoner. Tho negro was quickly taken fiom the ofllcers, dragged to tho bridge and hanged. The body was then taken to Fulton where it was again hanged as a warning to all such criminals. The negro had made a full confession of the murder of Mrs. Cain, who was tho yoltng biidoof a farmer of Callaway county. Kxcurston Accident. Camdkn, N. J., Aug. 10. Ono person was killed and a score of others injured in a rear end collision on tho Camden & Atlantic railroad in this city last night Tho Atlantic City accommoda tion train which loft the shoro at i o'clock crashed into tho rear end of an excursion train from Lakeside at Lib erty Park station. Marshall Johnson, the G-j car-old son of. Rev. Marshall Jtxfcnson, pastor of tho African Union Methodist Episcopal church of this city, was burned to death. Tho reai car of the excursion train caught fire and w as completely burned. The train was the first section of fifteen cars, having on board tho parentsand schol ars of fourteen colored Sabbath schools from Camden, Philadelphia and sev eral counties in Pennsylvania. France Still Stubborn. Washisqtox, Aug. 10. A letter has been recolved from Ambassador Eustis to the effect that the French govern ment still refuses to allow him to see John L Waller or to civo him a copy of the evidence upon which Waller was convicted. This is the second refusal on the part of the French government to furnish this information, and allow a personal interview between Waller and Mr. Eustis, as representative of the United States. Champion Corbett Marries. Asnuitv Pauk, N. J., Aug. 10. James J. Corbett, the pugilist, was' married this morning to Miss Jessie Taylor, of Omaha, Neb. Tho bride is known by the name of Vera Stanwood, and was named as co-respondent in tho recent divorce case of Mrs. Corbett against her husband. Died W hlle Laughing. Lawhkxce, Kan., Aug. 10. While sitting in a store talking, Jesso Maypt, aged 50 years, dropped dead while laughing heartily at a story to which ho had been listening. Tho cause ol bis death was heart disease. IS POOR LO LAZY? Superintendent Mailman Says the Bed Hti Should On Moms Work. WA8HINOTO.V, Aug. 14. W. N. Hail mnn, superintendent of Indian schools, camo in yesterday from El Reno, whero ho had been attending a conven tion of teachers in Indian schools in the southwest Mr. Hailman said that there is not an Indian tribe in Oklahoma which is, not able to take caro ot itself in the main by labor, and ho takes the position that the aid boing given tho Indians by the gov ernment is an actual injury to them. He says that it is useless to educate the Indians and send them home dur ing vacations to bo surrounded with lazy parents, who nro being fed by the government Tho Choyenncs and Arapahoe Indians are citizens of tho United btatcs; they voto at elec tions and at tho same time they aro getting government help. Many white men would tako government supplies if they could get thero, but It would be an Injury to them, us It Is to the In dians. The professor says the Indians should be mado to work for a living, where they have land suited to agri cultural pursuits, and the method now in vogue is a great Injury to tho In dians themselves, but does not offset tho work of tho schools. It is under stood that the Indian office, is likely to take a new departure in its recom mendations for appropriation by con gress for the support of Indians. ' The plan will probably be to place a lump sum to the credit of tho commissioner of Indian affairs, to bo used at his dis cretion, and in cases whore Indians should work for a living or are ren dered unable to do so by sickness, and In this way force tho Indians to be self sustaining. NO AMERICANS HURT. Telegram ltocelvedut the Chinese Legation Concerning the Masiiacre. WashijiOto.v, Aug. 14 Tho follow ing cablegram, signed by the Chinese foreign office, the Tsung Li Yamen, was received at tho Chinese legation yesterday; No Americans were Injured In the recent riots, though several E igllsh were. Five ot the rioters havo been arrested. This is the first official information which has been received by the lega tion concerning the recent riots, and the fact that nothing was sent until information of the arrest of some of tho rioters, would bo reported, is taken at the legation to mean that the Chi nese covernment is anxious to havo llio world,understand that the Chinese are exercising their utmost endeavors to punish those who participated in the assaults upon tho missionaries. STARTED FOR KU CHENG. American and British. Ofllclale 1V1U Go to That l'lnce to Jnvoittgate. Shanghai, Aug. 14. Mr. Mansfield, the acting British consul at Foo Chow; Mr. Allen, tho British vice consul at Padoga Island; Col. J. Courtney Hick son, tho United States consul at Foo Chow; Messrs. Banistef and Gregory, and one of tho lieutenants of tho United States cruiser Detroit will start from Foo Chow for Ku Cheng, the scene of 'the recent massa cres, as soon as possible In order to make a complete inquiry into the mat ter. The consular party will be escorted by a detachment of 100 Chi nese troops, the viceroy having refused to allow an escort of foreign soldiers or murines to accompany them. GOLD RESERVE SAFE. Heavy Withdrawals for 1 xport to Knrope Am Immodlatrly Replaced. Wasiiingtov, Aug. 14. A telegram was received at the treasury depart ment from Assistant United States Treasurer Jordan at New York, stating 8900,000 in gold had been withdrawn for export to Europo. This was fol lowed in a few minutes by another stating that the Morgan syndicate had deposited in gold in exchange for legal tenders Sl.310,000, which left the gold reserve at the closo of the day's business 8101,833,715. Tho syndi cate's nctlon is taken here as conclusive evidence that it proposes to keep the reserve above the 8100,000,000 point ac cording to tho spirit of its contract with the government SWIFT JUSTICE METED OUT. Seventeen of a Murderous Mexican Band ol J! ttidlts Shot In Six Weeks. Fj'.ONTKlt s, Sonora, Mex., Aug. 14 Six weeks ago tho private messenger of Col. John Wclr was killed by a gang of highwaymen and robbed of S5000. The Mexican authorities captured the robbers last week. Seventeen of the number directly concerned In the af fair have been convicted and shot For ty others, among them an American named Tribolot, who belonged to oi sympathized with tho robbers, have been impressed Into the Mexican army. Tho entire bind of robbers who have infested the region have now all been shot or aro under arrest ELBE DISASTER FINDINGS. The Mate of the Crathle nnd the Elbe's Watclt Alone Censured. BrtniiKRHAVEN, Germany, Aug. 13 Tho ndmirallty court tendered its de cision yesterday on tho sinking of the North German Lloyd steamship Elbe In collision with tho British steamship Crathle last January. The mate of the Crathic, who deserted his post just be foro tho collision, is held mainly re sponsible, but tho vvatch of tho Elbe is blamed for failing to manipulate the helm properly and for not using the steam whistle for signals. Colored nptlsU Will Help Waller. Washington, Aug. 14. Hon. John M. Langston addressed the Washing ton confereuco of tho colored Baptist church upon tho imprisonment oi ex-Consul Waller. A't tho con elusion of his lemarks, a resolu tion was passed protesting against th treatment received by Mr. Waller, and a pledge was made to bring tho matter to tho attention of variouf Baptist congregations, in order to pro vide money for tho assistance of Mr. Waller's family. Tho plan will be car ried especially to Kansas and Missouri where it is estimated more liberal r& sponses will be mado than in any othei states. t- FATAL BOILER EXPLOSION. ' Three Men Killed and Ten Wounded Xea Art! more. I. T. Aurn:oi!R, I. T., Aug. 13. Three men killed and ten others badly wounded is the record of a threshing machine boll crexplosion near Oakland, 25 miles cast of this citv. The men were busy at work yesterday about the machine when the explosion took place. Engi neer Short had just replenished the tires beneath the boiler and closed tho doors. Without warning the boiler ex ploded, tearing the machinery to pieces and hurling bits of iron and pieces of wood for hundreds of yards. Every man about the machine was knocked down. Two horses SO yards away were struck by flying scraps of iron and killed. A big force of men was working- about tho thresher. When the explo sion took place they were-all thrown off their feet and enveloped in a great cloud of steam. In a moment the air was filled with the cries of pain and agony of the living injured. while tho bodies- of three men lav still and silent in death with blood flowing from gaping wounds In their heads. It was an appalling- sipht The bodies of tho dead were placed in a wagon and taken to- Oak land. Tho injured men w ere cared for at the houses of farmers until they could bo removed to Oakland. REFUSE TO VACATE. Some Klekapoo Indians Will Not Give Up Ilu-lr Lands for Settlement. pEisitr.Ok., Aug. IS, The Daw ei com mission made a partial settlement with tho Klekapoo Indians last spring for an allotment and an annuity with the government for their lands, which .lie in tho southeastern part of Oklahoma Territory Of tho 275 Kickapoos 175 favored tho allot ment and 100 did not Tho commission reported iu favor of opening the Kick, apoo country, and on the 23d day ot May the Kickapoo lands, which aro the finest in tho Indian territory, wero thrown open to settlement But thero were 100 Kickapoos who opposed the opening, and they are still of the same mind. The 100 Indians, who are known as tho Richer Kicka poos, declare that the Great Father has never ordered their land opened to set tlement, and say the white men have taken It from them by force. Theso 100 dissatisfied Kickapoos havo built a village on a section of fine school land and declare they will not vacate. Gov. Renfrow, of tho territory, has leased nil of the school lands in the Kickapoo county, and in this leased land Is the tract on which the village of the Richer Kickapoos is located. SALOONISTS HEAVILY FINED. Violators of the Monday Closing Law In Kansas City (let Heavy Sentence. Kansas Citv, Mo., Aug. 15. The cases against thirteen saloon men for keeping their saloons open on Sunday in violation of the Sunday closing or der issued by the board of police com missioners, came up or a hearing in the police court this forenoon. Eight were fined 850, one 875 and two were fined 81,000 each. Tho case against Julius Eyman, barkeeper at tho Blos som hotel, on Union avenue, was dis missed. EvAlderman A. P. Foley and his bartender, Philip McCurry, who wero charged with brutally assaulting Offi cer Gallagher Sunday when ho went to the saloon to arrest them for Sun day opening, were cacli fined 500 for - ' the offense, and Foley was given an additional S500 for keeping his saloon open on Sunday. FIVE CHILDREN SHOT. A Shotenn Was Discharged nt a sheriff, but Injured Children Across tho Street. Iowa Citv, la., Auc. 15. John Smith, aiding his brother, Georgo Smith, in an attempt to prevent Sheriff Jones from evicting the latter at Trank Pierce's yesterday, discharged a shot gun at the officer's head. The load simply scorched the sheriff's face, but ' sped across the street and injured Bes sio and Elsie Cupp, Erick and Herbert Zager, and Charles Petrie, all children. Erick Zager and Elsie Cupp were so se riously injured that they may not re cover. The others will doubtless live. Petrie is an orphan, but the parents of tho other children aro prominent peo ple, and threats of lynching wero loud and many. The sheriff nnd his deputy arrested tho brothers and biought them to Iowa City last night, and they aro now lodged in jail. GOLD EXPORTS REPLACED. The Keserve Itemalns Safely Above the Hundred Million Murk. Washinotoy, Aug. 15. Uuited States Treasurer Morgan received a telegram from Assistant Treasurer Jordan at New York stating that the bond syndi cate had deposited 81,058,000 in gold in exchange for legal tenders and I later in tho day another telegram was received stating that 81,150, 000 in gold had been withdrawn for export to Europe. This leaves the gold reserve at the closo of busi ness S102,431,011. This second deposit by tho syndicate confirms the officials in tho belief that it fully intends to see to it that tho 81,000,000 gold reserva is not Invaded. ' Left to tho Courts. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 15. The police muddle in this city, that at one time assumed such a sanguinary shape be tween the two police boards, has final ly been compromised, both sides agree ing to submit tho dispute to tho su preme court Three Men Drowued. Middletox, N. Y., Aug. 15. A triple tragedy occurred at Highland lake, near Eldred, Sullivan county, recently. William Taeterow, brother-in-law of Proprietor Devcnogo of the Mountain house, with W. Pilgrim, tho chef, and tho pastry cook ol tho hotel, -whose name is unknown, were rowing on tho lake with two ,other men. The boat was capsized 'and tho tvyo strangers swam ashore. Tho other three wero left struggling In tho water. They wero unable to reach the shore. All efforts to recovcj tho bodies have proven fruitless. H ' I J ' i l II'! I i I - ! 1 .'. ll;! ; . I i s , r i ui. i '., ii "5 i y fV h rt .&