Newspaper Page Text
l3ffla- --fct: siifispsiSKaaBHn (' " y 'fAiil..,,iff-'? ST! ' ' H'5-l BraaMA&aEWffSNnr mmwxsmm 21 J V" fjwf:wrm;m 4 Coconiim HVchli) ny- VOL. XIII. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1895. NUMBER 5. ' rarmPJfV r SiiFiiliBKS mu ANY TIME .IS A. GOOD TIME To buy Lumber from us, but now is a little better than usual. We want both Money and Piling Room, and are willing to do anything in reason to get either. ur - Prices - Are - Right. Arizona Lumber and Timber Co. FLfGSTfFF, fRIZONf. r 'V''' r Loo Over t)e Perjee, ar)d xcbo IF THIS ARRESTS Your attention, wo wish ZSx jy '" inform 3011 lliat wo rvCV,' lo everything in tlin " lino of commercial, so ciety and general job work. Wo hare the facilities and mo prepare to do nil si) lei of printing. When yon arc IN A HURRY For a job and say you must have it in an hour, a day 1. I.. !. .... "ijj- ntl with less fuss and more surety than any other establish ment in Arizona. Wo can handle any job from a isiting eard to a drcus poster. A PLEASED CUSTOMER Is tho best advertisement we know of. So bring around your iiiinting and wo will pleao you, both in tho quality of work and price charged. When you call don't forget to subscribe for Tfi& GOGON1NO SUN. S mw wwWM""MMM""My THE BANK HOTEL THE LEADING HOTEL OF NORTHERN AI1Z0.A. Tourists and commercial travelers will find the above named hotel complete in all the modern im provements of the day. The management will spare no pains to cater to the wants of his patrons. BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH. Also Dining Room attached, where nothing but the best the market affords is served to Guests. T J. Coalter, Frop. FLAGSTAFF. ARIZONA. t wV FANCY GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS, CH,AS3. A. Et-Ie((, PC3PfliSTOR. CANDIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY, CIGARS, BOAED OF SUPERVISORS, Olllclnl Report. Office of the Hoard of Supervis ors of the County of Coconino, , TERRITORY OF ARIZONA. FlaO- srAFF, Arizona, October 7, 1895. Hoard met at their olllee on the above date, and them wero present: AC A. Dutt Chairman. 0. II. Srliulz, 1'. R. NellN, members board. J. E. Jones, District Attorney. C. A. Hush. Clerk. The following claims against the county wero approved: 1). H. Pi line, justice's fees,. K. II. Simpson, justice's fees Babbitt Bros., supplies E. M. Ilardcsty, constable fees F. Morrell, sanitary eon slablo . . Flagstaff Commercial Co., supplies , T. A. Hoderiques, Interpret- S 1). J. Hrauucn, professional services P. 0. Cornish, professional services G. W. Haivey, piofcssional services C. F. Hobeits, piofeional sen ices, tailioail fare,. . . E. II. Cress, repairing type writer W. M. Miller, cleik On this day -personally appeared S. B. llibben, representing II. Clement & Co., and icqui sted that final seltlemeiit be made for eoiistrueliug coiutlurti,e. is p-r contract. The boaid being satNfied that contract had been com plied with, with tho exception of the roof.uot being entirely satisf.ietor, Mr. llibben deposited one hundred and lifly dollars ($150) with the cleik with instructions to pay Mich amount as may bo necessary to make the roof satisfactory to the board, and if there is any money left after so li.xing the roof it is to be leturued to II. Clem ents & Co. Mr. iltblien, acting for II. Clement & Co , assured the boaid that they, II. Clement & Co., would see that tho roof was untile entirely s.itisf.ictor to the boaid. Whereupon a liual settlement was made as follows: P.muout in full for couil- houso $2,025 00 Pa) incut in full for extras, com (house 1)75 19 $108 20 32 75 83 00 3G 10 41 00 8 95 2 00 90 00 25 00 10 00 35 00 17 50 73 00 80 00 4 40 4 00 15 00 302 43 487 90 335 00 79 70 110 10 8 00 150 00 3,000 19 And thctcupnu the contract was de dal ed completed and tho boiidsmeir on said contract wcio relieved from all liabilities thereon. The cleik issued claim ceitificates Nos. 185, 187. 188. 189, 190. 191. 192 and 193, dated October 7, 1895. linaul adjourned to October 8, 1895. Approved: A. A. Durrox, Chairman. Attest: C. A.rilUSH, Cleik. 'LAG- f 895. j NEWS DEPOT, , ; , All the Dslicaoios of the Sea3on Fra3h from the Market. You are invited to oall and inspeot my' Stock Office of the Board of-Sufeuvis oits of the County of Coconino, TEltltirOKY of Arizona. F staff, Arizona, October 8, 1895 Hoard met at their ollico on the abovu date mid there were picsent: A. A. Dutton, Chairman. C. H. Srhul., F. R. Nellis, members. J. E. Jones, Distiict Attorney. C. A. Hush. Cleik. Tho lollowiug business was trans acted: '1 ho following claims against tho county wero allowed: J. E. Jones, district attorney $274 05 F. Morrell, constable 20 60 J. F. Michaels, pnblishin.. 4 00 Jos. Johnston, justice of tho peace fees 82 50 F. U. Nellis, expenses to Phoenix 50 00 G. G. Wickson & Co., sup plies 7 20 W. A. Mujllinvor, drnjage... 10 00 Arizona Lumber & Timber Co., lumber 14,' 48 J J. A. Wilson, superintendent. coiistriu-ijnu , b 00, A. A. I)utt.on, 3iiH'rrl(i'.. 1 9,7 40 P. R. Nellis, supervisir .,'., 200 00 C, II, Sehulsi, superx Isor. ... 113 20 T. J. Coalter, meals for jury 49 00 T. J. Roy., supplies 2 80 S. Skes, icpaiis on safe ... 19 00 J. W. Weatbeiford, sup plies 5 95 N. Unss, water for jail 9 00 L. L. Uiii ns, ilia) age 10 00 A. W. Jurdiu, plans for . Williams jail 10 00 N. G. Layton, probate judge salary 107 20 J A Lamport, moving safe. . II A Rogers, curtains, etc. . John Ilmilon, moving safes, W. G. Dickinson, constable . fees J. C. Grim, bulletin board. J. W: Tlmrber, team for' in quest O. Gibson, clerk of court . . . J. T. Hawks, care of indigent sick 651 20 F. C. Hochderirer, feeding pris'iners 238 20 K. H.Cameron, sheriff 2,819 80 W. A. Majflowei, road work 371 22 A, W. Kinsey, road work,. . T. F. Ilolden, road work.. . C. M. Fiitislon, printing.... J. E. Jones, district attorney Hoard adjourned to October 9, 1895 Approved: A. A. Dutton, ' Chairman. Attest: C. A. Bush, Clerk. Office of the Hoakd of Sufekmis-") oits of the County of Coconino. T'EKUITOItY OF AltlZONA. FLAG STAFF, Ai izoua, October 9, 1895. . Hoaul met pursuant to adjournment and there wero present: A. A. Dutton, Chairman. F. K. Nellis, C. 11. Sehulz, members. J. E. Jones, District Attorney. 0. A. Hush, Clerk. Tho following business was trans acted: Stubs of license tax aud poll tax collector were checked and found to bo correct. The county treasurer, A. T. Cornish, submitted his report for the third quai ter 1895, which was checked up and found to be correct. On counting cash in tho hands of tho treasurer, with tho exception of $360 still 011 dispute in Albiiquerquo National Hank, and tho report is approved with I he exception of tho said deposit. (On motion board ordered that in surance 011 tho courthouse to the amount of twelve ($12,000) thousand dollars be procured at once, distributed among the local agents as follows: W. S. Hobiuson, $1,000; John Vories, $4,000; Gosney and BahJiilt $4,000. County school superintendent N. G. Laton, submitted tho following re poi t for tho quarter ending Sept. 30th, 1895, which was approved: County Superintendent's report for quarter ending September 30, 1895: FLAGSTAFF DIST1UCT NO. 1. July 1, by balance, Hy error in lustre poi t July 27, to wt. 117 to Uabbitt Bios., supplies. .$ Sept. 9, to wt. 127, -Flag. Com. Co., freight on furni ture Sept. 29, to wt. 129. Flag. Com. Co., expiess. . . . Sept. 10, to Wt. 130. to Flag. Com. Co Sept. 11. to Wt. 131. Sid. Smith, scrubbing Sept. 14. to Treas urer's commis sion 1893-94... Sept. 14, to Wt. 138, McClure. painting Sept. 23, to Wt. 145, L. L. Burns, freight Sept. 28, to Wt. 140, Flag. Com. Co., work on jard Sept. 30. to bal. . . LEVI STRAUSS & CO? TRAOC UHUe' Mk iH H i i U ' MARK soi COPPER RIVETED CLOTHING EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. fACTORV- SAN FRANCISCO -CALIFORNIA. 1,000 00 160 00 $283 80 60 8 12 420 02 1 00 8 30 10 00 69 04 22 50 3 25 13 50 271 43 $ 555 73 $555 73 FLAGSTAFF piSTUICT UUILDINO FUND. July L by bal.,,. $9,629 90 July 1. Iy urror In last report 20 July!. toWt. 105, J. C. Milllgati, mason $1,200 00 July 1, toWt. 106, J. C. Grim, car penter 1,800 00 July 2, to Wt. 107, J. A. Wilson, superintendent. 50 00 July 17, to Wt. 113, J. A. Wil Aug. 2, to Wt. 120. J. C. Grim, car penter. ... Sept. 9, toWt. 128, A. T. Cornish, mason Sept. 11, to Wt. 132, J. C. Grim, bal. ou contract 2,268 00 Sept. 11, to Wt. 133, M. J. Ken nedy, bal. on contract . . . Sept. 11, to Wt. 135, J. C. Mllli ligan, bal. on contract Sept. 11, to Wt. 136, J. Wilson, bal. due Sept. 14, to Wt. 137, L. L. Bums, hauling Sept. 14, to Wt. 141, A. T. Cor nish, for Wilson Sept. 30, by bal. , Aug. 23, to wt. 124, C. Cox, salary.. 50 00 Sept. 14, to treas urer's com. 1893 and 1891 12 50 Sept. 30, to bal. . . . 94 30 $114 30 $111.30 MOEN AVA DIST1UCT, NO. 7. 1,638 65 1,245 90 100 00 10 00 38 20 10 75 $9,530 10 $9,630 10 WILLIAMS DISTRICT, NO. 2. July 1. to bal $103 22 July 3, toWt. 108, G. U. Young, salary 60 00 July 3, to Wt. 109, F. K. Nellis, janitor 20 00 July 20. to Wt. 114,G.U.Young, salary 50 00 Aug. 7, to Wt. 121, Patli itlge, Ccn. Mar 28 00 Sept. 14, to treas urer's com. 1893 and 1894 04 41 ' Sept. 14. to wt. 139, M. Salz- nian, work 17 60 Sept. 30, to bal. dr. $333 23 BELLEMONT DISTRICT, NO. 3. July 1, by bal.... $380 58 July 23, to wt. 1 16, Ollio Welch. salary $60 00 Aug. 2, towt. 118, A. T. Coruish, supplies 2 10 Aug. 2, to wt. 119, A. T. Cornish, , wood 3 00 Sept. 14, to treas urer's com. 1893 and 1894 10 25 Sept. 30, by bal. . . 305 23 $380 68 $380 58 October 1st district lapsed. Balance transferred to reserve fund. FRISCO DISTRICT, NO. 4. July 1, by bal.... $649 15 July 27, towt. 116, B. Bros., teach er's salary $75 00 Aug. 10, towt. 122, M. Ilackett, teacher's salary 75 00 Sept. 14, to Meas urer's com. 1893 nmuaw 8 81 Sept- 21, to wt. 144, U. W. Bell, teacher's salary . 75' 00 Sept. 30, by bal. . . 415 34 July 1, by bal July 8, to wt. Ill, O. E. Bates, sup plies Aiig. 22, to wt. 123, Ariz. Cen. Bank, supplies.. Aug. 30, to wt. 125, J. B. Mor rison, supplies.. Aug. 30, to wt. 126, J. B. Mor rison, freight.. Sept. 14, to treas urer's com. 1893 aud 1894 Sept. 30, by bal. . . $308 19 8 00 79 25 1 00 5 40 91 213 03 $31)8 19 $308 19 CONTINGENT SCHOOL FUND July 1, to wt. 101, C. M. Fuuston, printing blanks. $6 20 July 2, to wt. 110, N. G. Layton, salary aud post ago 77 20 Sept. 14. to wt. 140. J. W. Bos, examiucr's fees. 10 00 July 19. towt. 142, M. J. liiordau, examiner's fees. 10 00 July 19, to wt. 143, N. G. Layton, examiner's fees. 10 00 "5 $113 70 Respectfully submitted, N. G. Layton. Comity Superintendent. v Claims on account of insurance of the courthouse were allowed as follows: John Vories $120 W. S. Robinson ' 120 Gosuey & Babbitt 120 Claim of A. T. Cornish, treasurer, for jury certificates and cash items for $705 ii7 was approved. Board adjourned. Approved: A. A. Dutton, Chairman. Attest: C. A. Bush. Clerk. ABOUND ARIZONA. $649 15 $649 15 TUBA DISTRICT, NO. 5. July 1, by bal. . . . $307 61 Sept. 14, to treas urer's com. 1893 and 1894 .' $22 76 Sept. 80, by bal. . . 284 85 $307 61 $307 61 FREDONIA DISTRICT, NO. 6. July 1, to bal....,,, $1 80 July by error in JaYt report $20 00 July 22, to wi: 112, C. Cox, salary.. 50 0Q There are 115 pupils enrolled at tho territorial normal school. Last week southern Arizona was visited by heavy rains. In many places along tho Southern Pacific rail road washouts occurred. Tho plans are now about completed for tho new Mormon church at Mesa. It will bo ouo of the finest church buildings in the territory. G. C. Israel, lato of Phoenix and later of Juneau, Alaska, has left tho latter city and his whereabouts now are uuknow n Republican. Tho Graham Bulletin sas: Thrro had not been a faro game iu Globe for more than a year up to last Thursday night, when Floyd Blevius dug up an old lay-out and "opened for tho bo)h" iu Rolling & Rogers saloon. There was a null for that place when tho news spread that the "tiger" had again resumed operations, and tho ivory rattled till a lato hour. Globe will S0911 bo herself again. Tho tiger has returned and tho variety show will bo on hand shortly. The preliminary examination of Ed. Payne, for the murder of Joo Camp bell and Felix Arnez on Turkey Creek, a few weeks ago, was concluded beforo Justice Mooro this morning. Paino was bound over to tho grand jury iu the sum of $2,000, and in failing to secure sureties was remanded to jail. Journal-Miner. 11 li'M- ll.l" ? Jl fsj .! I?1'1 h A t!,! I . ' 1. & ! ff 1 1 )l S J j U ! I ! !i. . 1 I t i'w : t .: i ' i p FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA . . son, building Huo 6A m . . "'t. . . o. . . A!m&2ta&&LteM i-l--4J.jSk'tI: Yfabi$lyi'& U . &. ..'. , ,;v '... .... -.... n quantum. a 'Z j tS.WA nv &, mi i ... . i