Newspaper Page Text
a-tjw. .jv .r,jfflaeasfc g-atiiiftA.... jjtarowBafflyiMiPi- jg..i.rjseiMSBiii rmairrgEff M''fr . 1 As ." .. v 1 , . I 'JKi ucocomncrjJtttt. ui).Y onor.Eii 10, isuj. mi u,nir r tiiki'Uiii.i. , .mil bills foradvertMuK pay- i ill-. Klien upon application, ir. l .cents per Hnu fur Oral In mi, per lino for 1'iich subse- ... lit. l N 1 IllVtl".' .1 Hl.vmi.Hu.v . . .........! In miiiln.i..n T" i ', ,.i . l' ' notlccsof festival-., 101 ,, ' , if societies, suppers, enter- J"S".,I', ,.nl mention of iimrrltiBt"- births "'""!' ,i 'muiid the leisulur announce ,nj ilia"" - ,,. i ..... iit'il li'r in- ni i.... in " till GITY SUNBEAMS. it i'.iiniir.. 0' ,1 'i i ii - icialls sixty wills :il IKo1" ,, I'liiili' AgOOll tWO-lllUMl Jul "" , to w. vi. ttagci num. ' I IB."" -I . il, funis, cream candies. J lll n, ite . ' ! t niaikel price. hit '!'" Riini .m i.irnNu lias inipriiicd tlui i 1 1 f till AtllllKl i ni. i ' .ri"" la In i lui'j"" "'" '"' hi to Sunday ItrV. 1" 1U1 mil celelnato mass til e , , ..,ik ;is usual. J Nialheifoid pays ii big iutcr- I !...- 1. 1 . .11.' I,! nil tlliiiiel u lllilMiig "'3 ini'"'1'"' o,uui "II gents' fill nislllng goods. i 11 iliiii'ini, cashier of tho Ari- , ,1,1, IS ink, liasneeu appointed .1... 1., f !. ,,-..,. ni.i Illl.rlit.t. ill III I'll'iill- 'V """""" .--p. 1 ,i MS li.i-. leeched u line of busi- i l. ..t. . Liiii.iin ..tut I.. mill Ip,.. i, li, ii'.ui in .-.,.. v ...... ......... jumel-. "J In line la all elegant one. A fi'.l "e "f Stetson hats jllat li- angel . J'"' all) nil liliral Lii and color., ami tlio priecs ate InJ t. Kn I' t .MolTelt held simvUl'S at lihi hull ipiiM- null on ltn-siiay nigiit. Ilm r .i";i.ill main ll.l tt-ltu fltrnialiuil Itht- ii ihv uiTasiiiii. I lie Angina CVutial hank savings Idr'Miiiiuiit pai-. fair intuii'Sl ami iloiiU.ienliieiiienl ih-nositol-) to lliosu li n in ' -in ill ainoiints to ilcuosit. 1 In t c isapiotl ilfiuaml for Flagstafl mt.itne tllli Jl-iir. tSllUlilll lU'oa. sii'(iil uteiil.iy ono cai'loail to Kiu"iii.iii. ami aiiuther tarto l'lioenix. Jut ii-eiileil, a ease of lihbeil limler- iin, ?1 ;i) a Milt, until ui'ar uieiu out, i iilitt el iT) ono says when they l'mk ;it thelll. Hogela' is tlio 'ililCO for fill Ul-llill'' "noils. nioniiii'' threu of Thurber'tj M-T si-i-;". left for thu Graml Can" on lo.iiltil uilli uietllbela of till) M. E. iiinfei etae. 'Jhu pally is wpefleil to ntinii tlii livi't'lii'. J-OaT Iii FlagatalT last Momlay afiiinoiiti, a leather pouKutbook, con- Li. ; iC ami lalnablu papers. A lilitial n Maul u ill he paid for its i etui n toiliW ollico (.'li:i A. dieeli gave bond ami tv tuiliul b.itniilai to Me.vieo, wheru ho Ui'iipxnl in mining at Dos ('uhasas, anil hu ixpiTts to mako a pilu of uimie) out of his profession. ThiiA uf tlik Hood's Satsaparilla is the null tint-blood pmilier proini miilli in thu public uyo today. It tines ilUi-.tti-a hen all others fail, ljiiiiuse it inakea pmu blood. Wlni,. i y,n t.;,t? i vai at Car loll's the 011I3 neat and clean rest an '.nil in town Eieryone goes there. 'Hie nuit f.unilv resort. Good .ilteiiliun tn all. Carroll leads. 0. P. Hauling win tip from Oak neek tuUnila'. Mr. Harding sn's lint (unit li.hing is good. Ha also aid that nest ju;lr he would probably i.iiM' I'liough applet on his ranch to "ippll Fl.ig,tair. Ho raised a good man Im-liela this icar and hisoieliaid Isonl) ju,i winning into bearing. li of. James, Al Dolo and Kv. T. I'. Jloffett made thu nseeiil to tho top of Asu-ai. Peak Monday. Tliey took Willi Ihi'in a. small iniiTor, whieli the iMilasa signal by Hashing it in the '"i fioin thu summit of thu ucak. l'n.f. Wasaim Hashed hack signals Iiein the top of the llabbilt building. The iliiictoi s of thu Flagstaff Elccti io l'i;.lit (.'ouip.iii havo made an as'scfs imiit of ;)() per .share upon thu entire eapild Mock of ihu company. Tin ""Mssineiit is pa.iablu as fnllons: $20 l-i slum, payable 011 October 15lh and '" iMiahlo on November 1st. All l1-" i" ids pa.iablu to F. W. SUson tK.iMiierof thu compatiy. N" people suller so much from r'l'siial disabilities as those whose 1'iisiiii.s uipiiics little or no muscular M'liiui,. 'I he lack of exercise causes tin' liur lobeeoniu sluggish and Iho esiilt is constant Consl!iation, luili p",i'i. Hillimisness iind Sick head-'"''e- To pi event lids take Simmons i.iiit ltegul,,,,,,.. it keeps tliu llvor "" and makes one's condition as "'"''I'M table as those who havo much Weitlac. U vi"r" ,'.,. uio'Ul'b Ail" "" Hj-""" , ,,,.,,111011 O.isters at Carroirs. (Ji'tits, go to Hogers for iun Jine shoes. A nico patent leather tlio latest. Thu Flagstnir Kli'elriu Light Coin pany havo all their main liilu wires in position. Hood's pills euro, jaundieu, billions uess, aiek headache, joiislipaliou and all liver ills. Iho Greenlaw Urns., aro busy this I week putting a steam feed in the ICuterpiiao saw mill. For Sale A gentlo saddle or buggy horse. Will drive single or double. Impure at the Sun ollico. Still .1. V. Wealherfoid's clearing sale goes on. It's no adverlNeiueiil, his ctiMouitTs .say, bill into prices Ihe knife gue deep. George HiichdciliVt' left Sunday for Strung Oily, Kaunas. Dining bis ab sotiee F. U. Hneluh'ilVer will actus imirahal of the ton 11. Wanted A position in store or nllieu eilher ui eleik or liookkeeper. Addieas Wallace Lip-ie, 79 West Saula Clara street, San Joe, Cal. Tho various lodges of FlagatalT aliould combine their energies and build a good .substantial hall in which to hold their meetings. Next Sunday thu lirst- quarterly of the now ear will bo held at the M. E. chureli. Uev. G. L. lYiirsini will con duct thu sen ices 011 thai day. Thu board of superi isors finished their labors for Ihe ipiaiter jesleiday. They uoiked haul during ihe session, and atieuded strictly to the business in hand. Shiloh'a cure is sold on u guaiaiitec. It cures incipient consumption. It is tin best cough cure. Only 1 cenl a dose. 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. For salu by W. U. Edwards. The telephone system has been completed and is now in operation. C. linir, thu manager, epecls to add a number of new Mihsciihcr.-, to thu s stein before he leaves for Tucson. Navajo county pas its recorder $1,000 per annum. Last mouth lliejiliiee dais. Kev. Win. Curtis, Aber receipts of thai ollicu uere $!!0. The recoidcr thanks his slaistlnit the ollicc is a salaried one, as the fees would only pay his boaid. "Kid" D ivey met Jack Newton of Los Angeles, in the pii.u liny Tuesday night in Trinidad, Col. "Kid" knocked his opponent out in live rounds. Dovey will tcniain in Trini dad for some lime. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tcnii., says: "hliiloh's Vitalize!1 saved my life. I consider it tho best remedy for a debilitated system I 'ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney troublu it excels. Price 75 cents. For salu by W. U.Ed wai ds. Thu fiirnituru for thu courtroom has been placed in position. It embraces a fine easy chair and finely liuished desk for the judge, and a line desk for thu clerk of thu court. Twelve easy chairs for thu jure, and a couple of hundred chairs for tho use of spec tators. Thu interior of the Su.V ollico lias been enlarged and with thu liberal usu of paper and paint is now the hand somest printing ollico in thu territory. Lockliart & McClure, thu painters and decorators, aru responsible for the im proved appearand! of thu SUN ollicc. The patrons of tlio SUN" tiro invited to call and see lla in our onlargcd olhce. Tho ainioinliiienl by Governor Hughes of C. M. Fuiistoii of Flagstaff as commissioner of immigration, ico Harold V. Hull, deceased, meets with popular appioval throughout thu en tile tenitory, but more particularly in Noitheru Arizona. Mr. Fuustnti is eilitor of the COCONINO SUN, whose brilliant rays havo cast a glow of warmth and welcome and lighted the trails of Arizona for all alike. Mr. Fuustoli is well qunlilicil to fill the position so worthily conferred, and we fi-ul suru Northern Arizona will not uirer through a lack of vigilance on ihe part of thu nuw commissioner. Mining Nuws. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, DR CREAM BAKING POWER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Fresh oysters at Carroll's. George Hagnall ha vceived another invoice of ladies and gents shoes. J. W. Wcalhcrford inuaus busimss on his clearing sahi. For M'hool books, slates, writing tablets,' pens, ink and pencils go to I). J. Itrauiie,ii's Pioneer Drug Store. The Aiizona Lumber & Timber Co. aru putting in a now improved steam leed for their saw The new feed whl double thu out put of thu mill. Karl's Clover Knot, thu great blood purilier, gives freshness and clearness to tho eomplexiou and cures constipa tion: '5 ecnls, 50 cents anil $1. For sale by W. It. Edwards. James U. May, of thu firm of Rcinier & May, wool-growers, was in town Monday. Mr. Maysas that his firm has b"en offered .' cents per pound for their fall wool clip. This same clip sold for 14 cents per pound under a Republican administration. IVof. James has consented to give a leeilile ill the M. 1-2. chinch sumo time next week. The subject of the lecture, which will bo illustrated by the sterc opticon, will lie the Mutpli snake dance ami the Grand Canyon of the Colorado river." The exact date of tho lecluie will be made public when the date is ascertained, which depends upon the time of tho Professor's return from Cataract Canyon. II. II. HoNivoith ami William Frcid lein have formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrying 011 a general tiiiu.'ini business, ami III'! linn name will bu Iloxwoi'th & Fieidleiu. Ibith members of the now firm aro well known and popular young men. Mr. neidlein will havu eeliisivu charge of the liushnp and he is kiioivu as a skilled worker of tin, biass, iron or copper. Thu Sox wishes the nuiv linn prosperity. Seveiil-five dollars to $150 a iiioulh paid to ail one In represent us. Work almoat easy enough for a child to do. Mr. J. W. Nixon, Iloise City, Idaho, made s?241 50 in onu week. Mary liiiah, L)ons, Colo., cleared $72 10 in deen, S. Dak., made $14 the lirst day. No capital or experience necessary. Terms and pamphlets free. Address at once Shepp & Co., 1020 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Trade Obstructed. YcMci day's east-bound passenger train No. 1 due heie at 5:45 p in., uheii four miles this side of Canyon Diablo, was stopped by a lot of stones and ties piled in thu middle of the track. The engineer saw tho obstruc tion in time to stop tho train at a safe distance. Thu conductor reported the matter.from Canyon Diablo. It looks like a ease of attempted train wiecking and Sheriff Cauieion and Deputy Babcock went to Canyon Diablo auJ Angel I last night and ar rested a number of tramps on suspi cion. It is supposed that a number of tramps were made Io get off a freight train at Canyon Diablo and that they wore responsible for thu placing of the limber and stones on the track. A dozen tramps came in from the cast this morning ami weiu arrested by Sheriff Cameron, and it is probable that be may bu able to get thu right ones. Tramps find it adillicult matter to ride 011 the A. & P. trains now a days, ami it is a hard matter for them to get from onu station to another, so vigilant are thu trainmen. Electric I.lghtM. Thu Flagstaff Elecliic Light Com pany intend making Ihe electric light popular with thu people of Flagstaff, ami with that end in view they havu Hindu the following very low rates for lighting private lesidences: One six teen candle-power light they will fur nish for $1.10 per month. Two lights for Cd.CU per month. Three lights for 2. Four for ?2 25. Fiio for $2.50. Six for 2.75. Seven for $ 3. Kigln fm $3.25. Ten for $3 50. Fifteen for $1. Twenty for $5. Willi the low rales niadu by the company thu clejtrio light wi(i probably be placed in every residence in Flag staff. Special ltutcs. Thu races of the Pivscolt Diiving P 11k Association will lake place on October 10, 17 and 1?. 1895. Thu Atlantic & Pacilic. railroad com pany liavu made (lie following round trip rates froiu points on their road for that occasion to AshFotk. Fnuii Williams, 1.35; Uellemont, $2.70; Flagstaff, $3.40; Canyon Diablo, $5.36; Wlnslmvy SuVJO; Holbrook, $8.U0; Suligman, $t.C0; Peach Springs, $3.85; Hack ben y, $5.25; Kingman, , $G.90. Tickefs will be sold 011 October 15, 10,17, 18 and 10. limited going to tlio day of sale. Return until October 20th, 1805. Fresh oysters at Carroll's. HK1SI Reador, did you over take Simmons Liveh Regulator, tho "King of Liver Medicines?" Everybody needs tako a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when tho wasto that should bo carried off remains in tha body and poisons the whole system; That dull, heavy feeling is duo to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion aro all liver diseases. Keep tho liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Livor Reg ulator and you'll get rid of theso trou bles, and givo tono to tho wholo sys tem. For a laxativo Simmons Liver Regulator is better than Pills. It doe3 not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. Evory packngo has the Itcd Z stamp on tho wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. Telephone Numbers. Thu folloiring are the numbers ol the subscribers of thu Flagstaff tele phone s)stcm. To usu thu tcleiihom ring the bell twice, this will call up tin ccutml office; ask to connect you willi ihu number you want. Riui die bell'aud ulicn answer is lradym. can begin talking, when tlnoiigh talk ing bang up ihu receiver in its place. 1. K. K. Klllnuooil, resilience. 2. Arizona Lumber .V fliuburCo., office. a .M.J, Kloiuau, resilience. J. I). M. Kiuiilun, icslUi'iicc. fi. T. A. itlorduii. o.r. ))'. .I.son, resilience. A. T. Cornlsli, boltllng works. P. Hank Hotel. tt. i, II. acliul, resilience. 10. blivriu'sulllcu. 11.- Ur. 1'. U. Loinlsli, icsldencc. U. It. II. tJanicroii, icslileiiee. 1J. I'l.idslHir I' Co , stoic. II. Western Union Tuleiaiili olllee. llios., olllee. Io. II. Ilaliblll, leslilcnce. li.-C.J. Unbuilt, luslik-nee. IS. Uimi. Il.ibuill. lusldonce. 111. Dr. 1). J llrunneii, aloic. SW. A. & 1. It. It. ollico. 21. - J. J. Donahue, store. .'. Arizona Central II. ml;. Si J. II. llosklns. lesidunce. Ui l'lugstair Electric Llj;lit works. 23. l ocomm) u.n uilieu. ai. t'liy I'lro Di'iMittntmt. Si. Cutlln llros., slme. 2i.K. s. Clark, icslilencc. 'JO. Hawks, Ilciincsey, meal market, lit. EnieiMin aeliool. It!. T. (!. Donahue, ieslilence. 31. II. II. lIoMioilli, meat market. III. J. E. Jones. "Democrat" olllee. M.V.. ?. Gosiioy, resilience, 37. T. J. Hoss. residence. 3S. rlzona Lumber & Timber Co., mill. 39. E T. McOonlKle, ix'sldence. 40. J. A. Vail, store. 'l.-Clms.C.inall, olllee. M.-T. .1. lto,s, olllee. .MAIEItlKI). KATIIIJEXS-llASSETT-At thu residence of the brlilo on cpli'int'r 30. 1837. bj 1'roli.itu Juilzu X. IS. Layton. Junius It. Kulliiens lo Mrs. Minerva llassctt. feVKEs-SWITZEU-At the resldonco ofth b IiIu'h pireuts In Iis Anseles. Cal., on October $, I8J1. MUs Ilellu Swllrer of Los Angeles to Mr. Mauley Sykcs of I'lns stalf. Oysters at Carroll's. The Highland Luid and Water Co. has twenty teams at work enlarging tho canal from the head to the first dam. Mesa Free Pres. All Ihe bridge timbers for the Phoe nix, Tempo and Mesa rail load have arrived and the ties are being placed on ihe grade. The laying of rails ha commenced and williiiig the next thiity days the iron horse will he snorting through the streets of Mesa. The two lodges A. O. U. W. ol Tiic-iim are contemplating the erection of a liiiililiug tor lodge purposes. Tlieie lias been no definite utider.stand ingnslollie site eras lo Iho charac ter of the building beyond that it will he ornate, coincident and large. Committees" have been appointed by Ariona Lodge No. 1 and Apache No. 8, to complete preliminary work with regal d to it and lo render a report at a joint meeting of the two lodges to lie held soon Mar. Lottie Mapes, tlieC-year-olildaiighloi of John .Mapes, section fotniau for tho N. M. & A. railroad atNogales, fell from a handcar on the 5lh iust. and mashed her head nearly off. The child was going with her father to work, and had hold of her falhei'.s leg. The ear stitiek a slag rock on ihe. i rack, throwing llieni hMhjiff. Two of- tho car passed over the child's head, killing her instantly. Mr. Mapes and uif are almost raving maniacs from I lie shock. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Notice Is lieieby jrlvcn thittlio undersigned have till day formed a co-partnership for thu purpoMi of carryliu on u Ki-nerul tinware business In tho town of fluitstiiir, county of Coconino and Tenllory of Arizona. Tho flriu iiiuuo will bu known as Iloxtvorth & Kreldleln. WILLIAM 1'ltElDL.KIX. 11. 11. iloXWOUTIl. Dated Oct. tith, 1833. HOW PLEASANT It is lo go into a business house where you know your trade is appreciated, and where every legitimate effort is made to please and retain your patronage. While these pleasant relations exists between our house and the buying public, nevertheless, aside from the prompt attention customers receive at our store, we make it a pleasant place for you lo buy, there is ... . winch you can buy cheaper than tn other stores. . ' We want your trade, call in and get our prices, it will cost you nothing but a little time. -t GOODS PROMPTLY DEblVER&D FLAGSTAFF COMMERCIAL COMPANY. Wholesale and Retail Dealers is GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Mutual Deserve Fund Life Associati $18,450,000 Paid in Death Claims by the Mutual Life Associ ation from 1 88 1 to 1894. A NEW SYSTEM The Strongest and Most Progressive of all the Insurance Companies Extant ! Rates Kearly 5o Per Tent Cheaper than in the Old System Companies. TE. S.. GLAFSK:, Accent, SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES! I Tiiriilsli Needles. Oil, Hcltlns, Shuttles, etc.; also nil parts anil pieces for tlilrty- one illlTurent kinds of suwlns machines. Ilclilcs lclii agent for tlio uboie, I ell the World's famous WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, Cash or Installments. Write for prices and particulars. W. H. CLARK, Fiollci-oolc, -A.. T FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. OLDEST BANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Drafts 3old Upot) A11 ForeiCfr) Godrjtries. We haie an Extensive Tatronago and Cor respondence throughout Arizona, nnd Invite your liiiiiklin; Iluslness upon Liberal' and Conservative Terms. B. N. FEEEMAN, President. W. S. ROBINSON, Cashier. R-I-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. SCHOOL SHOES If you've been going about paying fancy pi ices for shoes, taken look in Uaguall's show window. Do a little looking and you'll do a little biiyiugat i3AG:Lsr aii's. Prices to Suit Fathers and Mothers. IMW always something in -our stock . .i AND THE BEST. Yoar VIor)ey's Worth) Is what every man, and child woman wants, whether they have a nickel or a dol lar to spend, and there is just one place in Flagstaff where every one can get the full value of their money, and that place is John Sanderson's. He returns full value in Groceries, Glass or Queensware and a thousand other ar ticles for your money. Remember that your cash will go farther at my store than at any store in Coconino county. B. HOGK, PEALEIl I f Fancy Groceries, Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Fresh Candies. KAILHOAD AVENUE. ! l' Ii ! .: 1 1 S'. ' I t ' fc f, i r ! I -I F .1'.V I j- jAi.jsc s; ". $&??': jl '&$? $$ . ,j. v.-; ' : . - iai- swa