Newspaper Page Text
jggzm . KA.iW MffiPfclBsStHsVPPVAlMBMwz? iVfct -y . jvn -'Sj.-)f1 . il. ..,' iKCoconiwr jpxtu. THllMUV. JANUARY 23, 189G. xl , , ia and bills for advertising pay- ulViu- '" given upon application. i. .v. .'is 1" cunts per lluu for Urst In- SClUO" a o cnls per iiuo ior vucu suusu- oU tf The in P" fa U ' .r"w M'N 1 pleased to contribute L i is, iiut all notices ot fi-sllvals, i of societies, suppers, enter- i mention of mairluces, births o mil the regular uunouiieu- iiurjieil fur ut tegular rates. L Pi oi Hi H N Ut i A & 1. Yull Jit r . up : 'I' ll '!" Li lui ' ills. Mi tlie A A. oi ,i.i dav iITY SUNBEAMS. l.uiicr, 30e, tit Collins1. ii me ni.iilo leaf lard at llox ith is smoking Breakfast - week. mi of winter iiuiltTWcar at , n JO mils up. i homo industry by gettiug a meats at Ilu.wvoith's. ni'il, a line of ladies1 capes, 1 1 suits, at II. A. lingers. ii in $5 and Suits from $18 , to older by Greou, the lMis cine nausea, headache, , billiousueis. Sold by all , i'ple, ihu conti actor nud leased Ihu McMillau build t isi of the SUN ollice. t ne No. 1, ot the Central i iiiiond, whieli has bceu in i I' i ail road repair shop at ijue, was brought back Moo- Ml r tOIS I ),l t Rl iii lltll una I tO ot L, Su.i. per ?2. A. ISiomau, tho iiew"ji-oprie-l'.uhii'Kxchaiigu lestaiiraut, hi engaged to fuinl.ili tlio f i the Z. Q Z. ball on tho .fJai.ii.iri SOtli. . .ititin is caused by lactic acid i I ut. Hood's S.irsapaiillii i u this acid and completely i i it-nth cuics ihi'iimatism. J jet mih Hood's. : ns ai e out for a graud ball F n b tho Z. Q. Z., at Uab , . .ii ihiusda) evening Jan. lit iiipinr will bo served in Ikkeis to dauco and sup- Die am i I' in r 'i '(I w r r.i Tl rl tue 1 1. ul ' r ' in ai i an "i ii. Pi. si l I Ch.t to tl I ii ii. l.iiiil I i.xntiis Sweeney, U. S. A., San ii , sas: "Shiloh's Catarrh the lit si medicine. I liaVo I would do mo an' i Kt 00 cents. For salo by .i u's. adiep leligiotis Interest in ,.s of thu town, nud tho ns Ikivo been larger than t time. Thero wero thieo to thu membership of tho a., chin eh last Sabbath. tliilTmau ictiiriied fiom l.i week. Mr. Ilollmaii iveut place several weeks ago to in oculist. Ho was nenily is now able to read and is sight to be fully restored. l'n ul Ui ei seer Minitower has com pleiul U,e side walk on Beaver street Wt.ui Aspen and Railroad nil in . - including a stieet crossing at Hie i i uei of Railroad avenue and lif.lUl iiitt. Pali mis of Ho.xivol Ill's i slu.p ciiu now secure the best ima'sii llagstall without dauger of gitiing thiir feet muddy. If tin i e is an one thing that needs to I e pin ilu il, it is politics, so tho re foiiim sais, and many agree thereto. Rut I unil tells, and as ii blood purifier and .in i corrector Simmons Liver RtV'iia' .i is the best medicine. 'I use it in ptefcieiico to any other." "i in Mr. S. M. Hisoll, of Middlo l'oit, Ohio. And Dr. D. S. Russell "ft in i Hie, Vn.. utites, "It fulfills ill ' u pioniiso for it." Rcpoit comes from Canipe Verde llint nl.ilu hunting on Squaw l'eak a fen dais ago a oung man made a "linn il discovciy which ho located aiiil f .i which ho refused J500 iu cash 'lie in t da. Theru has been some x'ii ii.Ii (,io found In the neighhor IiimhI .r Snuuiv Teak, but the dcvelop miiii iicuk iloiid there has uot been J'J ixicnsiie. The Into striko Is a ice gold oi e. T'ie new 1 1 discovered cliff and cave duelling? which neie Hist reported in 1'it Sin, me all lading a good denl of aticiiiinn. The ruins extend from the Mil- dm lleis mountain to below Ttir "y Links mill other dwellings may W tliji-oieii'd, Thcfo dwellings .can '"' 'sill leached, as they nro located "ml,, summit and side of tho led top ni"iiin mi about ii mile oir thu Turku 'oil's i ml, and twclie miles uortheast ' riag,tafr. ' I' Bod, of Denver, and Grand Rpc ' lei of the Grand Lodge A. O. U. i " . .u ii veil on Thin sdny night of last H,k, and visited Flagstaff Lodge No. 13 Mi Unil has recently organized A 0 U V lodges in Nognlcs anil J-'giess. H left hero Friday for "insloiv nnd thencH to While Oaks, A; Jl . wheiii he will organize, a lodge 'a. u. u. W. Mr. Boyd leporis the '""inieii Imlges Ju Ills iUllSUlctlOU OS pruspmiug tiuely. roust go to N. G. Lnyton went to Willlnms to day. Levi Strauss overalls sixty cents at Rogers1. . Miss Eva Dutton has returned from Los Angeles. For a choice steak or HoxwortlPs. New sign posts am being put iu at thu railroad crossings. Two loads of ore from the Cameron mine, will bo iu to-day. Carpets, mailings and art squares, tiew designs, at II. A. Rogeis. J. F. Michael, editor of thu News, is iu town from Williams to-day. 0Sters, dressed poultry, celery, eratiberiies, fruits, etc., at Collins1. " Prayer meeting iu the. Presb te'rian cliureh this eveuiugat 7:30 oMoek. A-uico Hue of ineu'ii suits ranging in prices from 15 to $10, at H. A. Rogers. For Sale A four-horse power. It is first-class and will be sold eheap. Apply toE. Whipple. There are two school districts in Navajo coiiuty, Show-low, No. 7, and Liudeu, No. 11, without teachers. J. II. Hoskins, Jr., is now vice president ami treasurer of the Columbia Implement and Vehicle Co., of St. Louis. Madnmu Rumor says that Mifs Cliarlollo Cook of Williams, and Dr. Miller thu dentist, will be married next week, Roane Thorpe, tho dentist, returned from Wiuslow Monday, and may Lu f. hi ml iu his office north of Carroll's restaurant. E. R. B:i1ess has leased the old P. J. Br.iutifu building and will move his barber shop to that location the first of Fehuary. E. A. Sliker. F. W. Smith. Chas. Canal! and Frank tiro committe of arraiigfinniits for the Z. Q. Z. ball on Jan. 30lh. Shiloh's Cine, the great cough nnd croup cure, is in grent demand. Pocket size contains tweiil-Gve doses, only 'J5 cuuts. Childum "love it. Sold by druggists. A letter fiom W. II. Can oil an nounced his arrival in Chicago. It is Chicago weather there, "damp, cold and clmidv." Mr. and Mis. Carroll will return in thu spring. Kail's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate, our bowels and make jour head clear as a bell, 'lb cents. 60 ccuts and $1. For sale by W. R. Edwards. Tho Sun is under obligations to J. R. Halsey, of Kingman, for an invita tion to attend the opening of the Chicago Mineral and Mining Board which occurred on the .'1st lust. The Z. Q. Z. ball on January SOth. will bo jhe affair' of thfi season. Good music, line hall for dancing, excellent prompter, allablii attendants in tho cloak roums, aud an elegant supper. On account of the rain and thaw the Urst ofthisweok, A. T. Cornish has discontinued ice cutting at Bellemmit until tlio next freeze. It is estimated that 3,000,000 pounds of ice haro been cut and stored at that placo this season. There will be preaching services in thu Presbyterian church next Sabbath morniiig and evening. All are invited to attend the Sabbath school at 10 . . ... . , i i o CIOCK. i ivo new classes iniiu ut-eii organized, an adult Biblu class aud a uo s intermediate. Regular services fu thcM. E. church, B. M. Danford, pastor, next Sunday, January 26th. .lliemu for morning discussion; "Mysteries in tne uidic, aud the reason for it." Topic for oveniog services; "Possibilities of revelations, or tho Solution of tbo Mysteries." Tlio two discussions forming a series, anu umn oasiu oh Dent. 29:29; pleasu read it. A cordial invitation is extended to them who refuse to accept tho Bible because they do not uudei stand all of it. Bucklen's .nilcaMSulve. The best salvo In tbo world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, cli,llblaihs. corns and nllskiu eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, oi no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by D. J. Bran nen. Flagstaff. Arizona. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, DR ?iuxr CREAM BAKING POWDIR MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Vrre from Ammonia, Alum or ny other adulterant. 40 YBAK3 THB STANDARD A Why the People of the Verde Want the Road. Verde Vnlley Farmer Tells Wliy tlio People of -Hint Section Vunt to Trail e ot FlnustaO". A correspondent of the Journnl .Miner, writing the Upper Verde valley utiderdatu of Jan. 15lh, sas: "What shall vu eatP What shall wediinkP Where withal shall we be cluthed? "Theius tho whole thing in a nut shell! Notwithstanding thu fact that the Bible forbids taking thought of these things, they will keep coming aroutii! nud bothering a body about threu bundled ami sixty-live days out of every ear. I, for one, don't like lb bo troubled with such matters, because they interrupt my flow of thought on morn exalted themes; but once iu n while I lake a spell of wond ering what I shall do when I hale nothing mole to eat, and limv I Minll go to church when I havu nothing more to wear. I havu one of thesu spells now, brought on by leading ilia "Jeiomw Mining Nuns" concern ing the pioposed Fhigstai and Veldt: mad. I should like to lake the non plused In other by thu hand and e. ulain to him in m naturally elegant and forceful manner, why we waul that road, and why we hope and pi ay that it ma be built. Our reason put into the plaiucst English at our com mand, is that thu Jerome merchants havu not doiie.'aud are uot disposed to do the fair tiling by the valley fat nicr.. They have stulled it down (slang, bin nothing else expresses il) ihe fanner for the last ear, that they eould'liaie buy laid down iu Jeroinu for $12.50 and leceiitly it has leaked out thiuiigh iiuo of their oivu number that $15 was the lowest ligiuu at which hay could be shipped to them. I don't like lo look at ciookcd things, and thu moie 1 look at Unit tuo "ciooKlilci" u geis. It is claimed by our faimeis that the) can sell grain on the ranch for a better price than they can get iu Jeiome. Ever thing in the way of produce is cut down iu Jeromo to suit thu fane of thu merchant, and thu f aimer can stand ou one foot and whistle, white they tie up his groceiies aud baud ibem to him at thu samu old high price. Well, you see wo are gelling tired of thai sort of a thing, and we aie looking for a hole lo crawl through, and we think the Flagstaff aud Verde road is the apeituie we seek. "Tho farmer cau haul his produce to Flagstaff orPiescolt, aud cveu if he lias to take Phoenix pik'esfor it, he can get his supplies so much cheap er, that bo will save considerable b it. I huie ueilher hauled hay lo Freseott, nor brought back supplies, but I have talked with tin iiuighbuis who have, and I am told that it pus to do so. Pal ties iu Jeiomu have told me that they can bhlp family supplies fiom Picscolt, pay their own fieight, aud make b the transaction. "M gooducssl e cau'l sit around down heio iu thu valley, and let Jeiome swallow us alive. "It sounds very muguamliuous lo say that Jerome furnishes usiuaikel for all wu raise, but Mini's going to furnish us liauspoitaliou to the poui house? Ibal'a thu question. We've had numbers of things furnished us before now that didn't beuetil us a particle, and if the Veido farmer doesn't scratch his head on both sides ami look sharp, he will be furnished a horn, out of the little end of which he will be atlibuit tociawl. If he is cinched any tighter, ho won't bu able to get his breath financially. "Yes, brother, we aud we waul it badly, and wo kuow wb wu want it too, and if the farmeis. know their oivu iuleicsls it will be uuilt. If we cau'l do auy belter wo cau turn our hay aud grain iuto pork and beef aud take il to Flagstaff iu condensed' shape. But I've said euough. I have a line head of hair, just gray euough lo bo pretty, aud I expect to louse il thu next lime I go to Jerome. "If any oue else cau'l undei stand why wu waul thu Flagstaff and Verde road let him come down to ihu valley and we'll givu him his dinner aud ex plain the sitmitiou to him if we die iu the attempt. "i'hu cause for discontent does not lie with the farmer. Individually I think that the milling towu aud the valley, could bo mutually buiieticial to each other, but some ladical changes must if 1st bu made. Thu change must be made on this basis: Whatsoever ye would lhat men should do to you, do ye eveu sy to them. What la lair "VMilimwVi' GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse tne system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps It active and healthy, and when the Liver is in good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only te had when the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any f these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER jULATOR. The King of Liver Medl- ijs, and Ecttcr than Pills. a-EVERY PACKAGEtE3S ii tho Z Stamp In red on wrapper J. II. Zcllln & Co., Phlla., Pa. 1 , 1, for one is fair for the other. The mer chant makes big profit on his goods and he should be fair enough to see that (he farmer ought to have all the profit on his piodtice. Instead of this, I he merchant wants all the profit both was. The condition of affairs is bound tobiinga change. We can1! do any woise and we may do better. At any rate our farmers are willing to try it." . . , ii i mm FLAGSTAFF TO CELEBRATE Nest Auuiist Is the Ttmo Sxttled tor the Event. Flagstaff, the pushing little city on the A. & P. liiilrond iu tLe pine woods of Coconino county, has already begun to prepaie for a gorgeous celebration to be given some time, next August. Two or three da s will be devoted to spoils and a park will bu laid out, a bicycle tracu built and every prepara tion made for both the comfort aud amusement of t hosts who visit them. Flagstaff iu August is au ideal place, lery similar lo Phoenix winter time, being 6000 feet above sea level, beau tifully surrounded by many objects of interest. Here it is that thu people go to the homes of the ancient cliff dwellers, where iu tlio ear 1700 a whole city of people wcie massacred in a day, and the habitations left teuantless. Here also people ouilit for the Graud Canyon of tht Colorado, one of nature's greatest wonders, and August is the best season of the year for a visit. It is to be a pai t of the program at tlio close of the festivities iu Flagstaff to orgaulzo a mammoth excuisiou at a cheap rate to visit the Graud Canyon. Phoenix at present is very busy preparing fur tho second ttutiuarmidwintcr carnival to be held hero Febiuary 19, 20, 21 and 22 at which thousands of outside people will be found. It is hoped all the outside cities of Arizona will seed large dele gations and great assurance is given that such will bo the case. Especially for those of the noith this will be a pleasant trip and when August comes around 2,000'Pliocnix people, may be expected ai Flagstaff ns at that season il is warm lieie nnd our people who are great travelers, will enjoy a few dasoftho pure oxhileraling atmos phere of lhat section. Come to Phoe nix during the carnival and this city will return four for one next August. Gazette. A new side walk ou the west side of Beaver street from Railroad to Aspen avenue, is being put down. G. H. Paine, Field Manager of Chas. F. Lumiuis1 illustrated magazine "The Laud of Sunshine," devoted exclusive ly to the iuterests of ."Arizona aud Southern California" the great south west, will visit Flagstaff shortly lo iu troduce the magazine nnd to arrange for an illustrated article on Flagstaff. Mr. Lummis1 reputation as a talented writer, guarantees to our citizens full justice being done to Flagstaff iu the coin urn s of the "Laud' of Sunshiue." The magazine is published iu Los Angeles, Cab, aud Is a credit to its editor mid to the people it ripreseuts. strictly pure. n-.2teilili of tho very best qnallty only m-eiiMMItil s iiroparition. consequently l.nglitncti, vermanency nnd durability a-uahi a) bu relied on when using Harrison's "Town and Country" Ready Mixed Paint T bo Ind at your dealer's or of r. IT. MuthC'.is (li-ncral Agent, Lea Angeles, f.!nr pjrrii frre. A 5 ' i IN OUR NEW BARTERS. We have moved into the Kilpatrick Block, and now occupy two storerooms. Our new place of businesses the most prominent in Flagstaff and easily reached from all parts of town, and is therefore convenient to our cus tomers. Our stock has been enlarged and we are able to supply our patrons with anything they may desire in the line of Groceries, Provisions, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and Dry Goods. Come in and see us. We will wait on you promptly and will make you prices that are as low as reliable goods can be sold. GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED FLAGSTAFF COMMERCIAL COMPANY. Wholesale asd Retail Dealers is GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. $18,450,000 Paid in Death Claims by the Mutual Life Associ ation from 1 88 1 to 1894. A NEW SYSTEM AND THE BEST. The Strongest and Moat Progressive of all the Insurance Companies Extant I Rates Kearly 5o Par Tent Cheaper than in the Old System Companies. EX S. CLARK, Ageant, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. OLDEST BANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Draffs Sold Upoi) All Foreign Go(ir;iries. We havo an Extensive Patronage and Cor respondence throughout Arizona, and invite your Banking Business upon Liberal and Conservative Terms. B. HOGK, -PEALEU If- Fancy Groceries, Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Fresh Candies. KAILROAD AVENUE. B, N. FREEMAN, President. W. S. ROBINSON, Cashier. Yoar JVIorey's Worth) . Is what every man, woman and child wants, whether they have a nickel or a dol lar to spend, and there is just one place in Flagstaff where every one can get the fulL value of their money, and that place is John Sanderson's. He returns full value in Groceries, Glass or Queensware' and a thousand other ar ticles for your money. , Remember that your cash will go farther at my store than at any store in Coconino county. THE ADVERTISERS For 1896, H0RNINQ, SUNDAY AND COUUEICIAL (EVEMNB) C.DI1 I0SS. Aggressive Republican Newspapers of the Highest Class. Oommeroial Advertiser. Established 170". Published every even !ng. New York's oldest mid best evening newspaper. 12 pages. Subscription price, tO 00 a year. Morning Advertiser. Published every morning. 8 pages. The foremost lc newspaper In the United States. Clean and fearless. Subscription price, SJ.03 per year. Sunday Advertiser. New York's most popular and original Sunday newspaper. Tho only lc Sunday newspaper In the United States. All the news and special features of surpassing Interest and that will appeal to every phase of h uman nature. It Is the equal of the blgh-priced Sunday papers In every respect. Subscription price, 60c per year I 26c for six months. Tho subscription price of THE MORNING and SUNDAY ADVERTISER together Is fcl.30 a year, tl.hO for six months, and 93c for three months. As Advertising M3dium3 The ADVERTISERS have no superiors. Samples free. Agents wanted everywhere Liberal commissions. Address THE ADVERTISER, 80 lark Koxv, N. Y. FCRRYSi SEEDS. Perfect sents crow rDttvIncroos. Jrtrictsels rarenotiirown ty uUtnc. tcotb rinff (sever left 10 chance In crow! ' Ina- Pern's Seeds. Dralcrf Mil 1 tbcm everywnere. wnn ior FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL i for 1S90. Srlmfol of vslutblo J i Information aoom orai mo o"-i kest . Free or mau.. 0. M. FERRY CO., Detroit. Mien. m ,sii ;j iifr- i 'i ! i i I) 1 1 i !! , &. ,! ' , 'I ! ' i U i 'J i 4 W mm K. liliL i i.